• Show Date: 15/07/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Jayne Holligan Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 09/08/2023

National Working & Pastoral Breeds Society

Breed: Lancashire Heeler

NWPBS 15/07/23

Firstly thank you to NWPBS for giving me my first CC appointment in Lancashire Heelers.

Thank you to all those that entered and battled the weather it was very much appreciated, and I really enjoyed judging all your dogs.

Just a few observations it is SO important that our breed maintain its breed type and although differing kennel styles evolve within a breed, Breed type should be maintained. In one of my classes today it was more like an any variety class and was difficult to find what I was looking for. There were one or two bites that were incorrect and this needs to be monitored. Some tail carriages were tight and almost curled this detracts from the typical heeler outline and needs to be addressed by breeders.

Puppy Dog (4,1abs)

1.Felstead’s Foveaux Kings Troop what a smart 10 mth puppy, beautifully schooled, lovely outline which won him the class , great foxy expression, correct bite, appealed for his head type, good reach of neck into well laid shoulders, good ribs, level top line, lovely tail set and carriage, well angled rear, super brisk mover.

2, Thomas, Skipest Winter Blues, what a cracker he is! Today he was giving his handler a hard time but by the end of the day they were getting it together which we all know with our first show dog takes time as both parties are still learning. He is a well-made dog, with lovely substance, dark eyes, well set ears and correct head ratios, well put together fore and aft if anything would like his tail carriage to be better, he moved well enough at times for me to see his sound movement he has a bright future when they become a team.

3. Hughes Poolheywood Barney

Junior Dog (2)

1. Thomas Skipest Winter Blues, much improved teamwork in this class and show cased his soundness and movement to win the class

2. Warner’s Daisy Bog Bean for Srenscem, 12 mths , smaller style dog, presented well , good head and correct set ears, rich tan markings, level top line, needs to grow in confidence, moved ok.

Post Grad Dog (0 entries)

Limit Dog (5)

1,Felstead’s Lankeela You go Boss at Foveaux JW, 18mth Liver and Tan boy, such a clean outline and so well balanced, his head is so typical of a heeler showing correct ,head planes, alert ears, correct bite, well laid shoulders, good pasterns and beautiful feet, good ribs and couplings, strong top line, well off for bone, well let down hocks that show in his smart brisk movement, very pleased to award him RCC, just needs the maturity to finish the picture.

2.Whitemans Madincrowd Edred, different style of dog to 1, but many of the same comments apply, Lovely head type, with dark eye and correct ears, good bite, foxy expression, rich tan markings, level top line , clean coming and going just preferred the tail carriage of 1.

3.Dawes Leyeside Mr Pinhaw at Daweslean

Open Dog (3)

1. Grant-Parkes Ch Parabar Mohican’s Medlar, Loved the overall breed type of this dog, his body proportions were spot on, good bone and colour, head beautiful balanced, with dark eye, well set ears, muzzle to skull ratios are good, moderate neck into well laid shoulders, nice pasterns and feet, excellent spring of rib into firm couplings, muscular hindquarters with well let down hocks, well set and carried tail, good coat texture, he moved cleanly down and back and when he changed handlers he was fabulous on his side gait very pleased to award him CC and BOB lovely dog.

2. Swann’s Ch Taigwynion Johnnys Boy at swanndale , well made dog with plenty of bone, rich markings, his head is a little coarse for me and would prefer it to be more foxy in expression, has a good dark eye, firm jaw and correct bite, moderate neck, into well laid shoulders, good feet, excellent spring of rib, couplings a little longer than I would like, well muscled rear , moved ok , just preferred the overall body proportions of 1.

3. Dawes Leyeside Mister Wilds at Dawslean

Veteran Dog/bitch (4)

Lovely class of veteran’s congratulations to all the owners for keeping them all in such great condition.

1. Gordon’s Ch Foxthyme Eleanor with Troutop, 10 yr. bitch who I have admired from the ringside, her breed type is excellent, her outline is undeniably heeler! she has the sweetest of heads with great overall balance, she moved out well today and still held that beautiful top line at 10 years old, she was the style I was looking for today pleased to award her the class. Best Veteran in Breed.

2. Whiteman’s Ch Madincrowd Bathsheba JW, 9 ½ another girl who is a worthy champion, she oozes breed type, lovely foxy expression that this kennel produces well, nice body proportions level top line which she held on the move, very little to choose between these two just preferred the style of 1.

3. Fairest’s Ch Henson Fairest lad

Special Beginner Dog/Bitch (4)

1.Thomas Skipest Winter Blues

2.Hughes Poolheywood Barney, 3rd in puppy dog, nice puppy, who is a bigger type and needs time to fill his frame, good head, moderate neck, coat of good texture, level top line and moves out well, just a little longer cast than I would like.

3.Gwilliam-Winter Twizzlefoot Henrietta

Puppy Bitch (3)

First two were both beautiful bitches and had to nit-pick to separate them

1.Fairest Skipest summer breeze, 10 mths, black and tan , I love this girls attitude to life ! , she is alert and lively . she has a well-balanced head with a foxy expression well used ears dark eye and correct bite, strong moderate neck into well laid shoulders, good coat texture, good bone and lovely tight feet, well sprung ribs, strong powerful rear, lively brisk movement would like a better tail carriage to complete the picture but her Joi de Vivre gives her that look at me attitude which won her Best Puppy in Breed.

2 Felstead’s Foveaux Queens Gambit litter sister to the puppy dog winner, she is so pretty, beautiful head , correct bite good bone and feet, level top line good rear angulation , correct tail set and carriage, splitting hairs I just preferred the body length to height ratio of 1.

3.Hancocks & Bailey Selestar Lemon Drizzle

Junior Bitch (6)

In this class was a girl that wasn’t happy to be gone over, I want to say to that owner, please persevere with her, heelers are not an easy breed when they’ve had a scare, but she will get there with more work, she allowed me to run my hand over her, but not quite a full examination on the table and she moved well when asked. Keep going!

1. Felstead’s Foveaux Queens Gambit

2. Grant-Parkes Parabar Palanca 16 mths stylish young girl, Good head, correct bite, good bone and nice feet with good thumbprints, level top line , nicely put together rear moved well, but needs to be more enthusiastic about showing.

3. 3.Warner’s Srenscrem Edreds Edwyna

Post Grad Bitch (5)

1.Forbes Madincrowd Martha 2 ½ yr., she won this class on her balance and maturity, good head with nice foxy expression, correct bite, moderate neck into good front, level top line and good body proportions, well-muscled rear moved out well, just a little heavy on the day.

2.Cutler’s Lankeela Frosty Knickers, this girl won her place on her movement, good head proportions, nice eye, her ears are not her forte but show lift so are correct, nicely boned, good feet and pasterns, good weather resistant coat, good spring of rib and well-muscled rear, moved out cleanly down and back, brisk on the side gait

3.Bradfords Simonsville Edina *

Limit Bitch (2, 1abs)

1. Syrett’s Ganseblume Memphis Belle , 3yrs, black and tan, I first saw this girl just after lockdown she had been a ;lockdown puppy and wasn’t very confident, what a difference time and hard work make ! Today she was a confident showgirl!

She has good head proportions, well set ears, dark almond eyes, correct bite, moderate neck into well laid shoulders, good bone with tight feet and lovely thumb prints, good weather resistant coat, nice front assembly, level top line, good tail set and carriage, well-muscled rear and in good hard condition. She is super on the move brisk lively movement down and back and around very pleased to award her RCC, just preferred the finished maturity of the open bitch in the challenge but her time will come.

Open Bitch (5)

1. Jones Ch Madincrowd Mercy Chant 5½ yr. black and tan, this was what I was looking for , she has great breed type, correct head proportions with a foxy expression, dark almond eyes, good ears, correct bite, good weather resistant coat, strong neck into well laid shoulders, great fore chest and well sprung ribs, level top line , good rear ,if I were to be critical would like a better turn of stifle, but she moved out briskly down and back and around, she commands the ring when she’s there pleased to award her CC and BOS

2. Swanns Taigwynion the Special one at Swanndale, smaller and lighter made bitch, with a correct head , nice almond eye, correct bite well used ears, she is well made with good shoulders, level top line and good tail carriage, moved ok , would like her tan to be richer.

3. Felstead’s Ch Selestar Salix Lutea with Foveaux

Judge Jayne Holligan ( Applefire)