• Show Date: 02/04/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Janelle Salvestrin Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Yorkshire Golden Retriever Club

Breed: Retriever (Golden)

Firstly, I would like to thank the current and past committee members of the Yorkshire Golden Retriever Club for your invitation to judge at your show. Our initial appointment was for 2020 however due to Covid we were re-scheduled for this year.

Judging Golden Retrievers at a Club Championship show in England was a dream come true for me.

Special thanks to mother and daughter team Patricia Rowark and Deborah Robbins for ensuring we were very well looked after and prepared for our day with all your updates. Also, to my stewards Ian Briggs and John Shaw huge thanks for keeping me on track throughout the day.

I was blown away with the depth of quality of the females shown to me. My day could not have started better with the most super class of Veteran girls I have ever witnessed.

The Open class was also incredibly strong as was the puppy class.

Lastly, to the exhibitors, thank you for an amazing entry and excepting my decisions so graciously.

Janelle Salvestrin – Fantango Australia

VB (18 6)

1 Dunbar Miss L Sh Ch Linirgor Violets Are Blue JW Almost 9-year-old female with textbook construction. Excellent overall balance, short-coupled, feminine chiselled head with a gentle expression. Excellent flow of neck, rock solid topline, standing and on the move. Extremely well-constructed fore and aft with well let down short hocks. She flowed around the ring with wonderful reach and drive. Every time I glanced at her she was standing four square and never stopped wagging her tail. A true credit to her owner for keeping her in such superb condition for her age. BITCH CC and later BEST IN SHOW with full agreement of my co-judge Heather Morrison.

2 Crookes Mrs DS & Jenkinson Mrs RJ Sh Ch Stanroph Still The Same (Imp Esp.) JW Another veteran lady from the top drawer. 10 years young gold female in fabulous condition. Gorgeous balanced head with a kind eye and beautiful expression. Excellent front and rear construction, super topline & tailset, slightly longer cast than no. 1. Challenged her handler with her exuberance.

3 Griggs Mrs J Sh Ch Mulfield Peach Blossom JW

MPB (6 1)

1 May Mrs J Cherrygold Storytellen 8-month-old light gold female. This puppy caught my eye immediately with her beautifully balanced outline. Lovely head, slightly light in eye but acceptable. Excellent construction fore and aft, level topline, fabulous bone and tight cat-like feet. Moved freely with great reach & drive. Loved her exuberance, wish she were mine! She was unfortunate to meet more finished mature pups in her later classes.

2 Rodgers Mrs MJ Ambersun Passione Of Odarla 7-month-old cream puppy. Another high-quality puppy with excellent construction. Beautifully balanced head well-made front and hindquarters. Moved soundly with good reach and drive. Unlucky to meet no.1 today.

3 Mandley Mrs VL Maltqudos Enchanted

PB (17 3)

1 Kelly Ms K & Miss K Fairwinds In Motion With Zenevieva 10-month-old cream puppy in profuse coat. Beautiful balanced head with attentive expression. Very balanced with lovely front construction and well-made quarters, well let down short hocks, super bone, and feet. Stood fore square. Very sound coming and going. Very well handled. Unlucky to meet her equally handsome brother in the Puppy in Show contest.

2 Clarkson Mrs FM Drumkilty Yours Truly Another equally beautiful 10-month-old cream pup who had unfortunately left her clothes at home! Beautiful melting head & expression. Elegant outline, short coupled with plenty of leg. Lengthy neck flowing to correct well-made shoulders and equally correct strong hindquarters. Not quite the strength of topline of no.1, slightly sloping at the croup. Moved well.

3 May Mrs J Cherrygold Storytellen

JB (16 1)

1 Haxton Mrs C Dantassie Dizzie Heights 13-month-old presented in peak condition. My notes say a “neat package”. Beautifully balanced head with a kind eye, very well- constructed throughout, lovely shoulders with equally strong quarters. Moved truly coming and going. Loved her!

2 Harper Miss LA Tullochmohr Shooting Star At Glynerva JW 16-month-old in lovely coat. Balanced head with a beautiful expression. Very balanced short coupled girl, more moderate in angulation front & rear than no. 1. Moved well.

3 List Ms L Haydengold Gossip Girl JW

YB (10 1)

1st Foster Mr B & Mrs C Eau My Gold Vd Corner Brook For Auristela (Imp Nld) JW

22-month-old cream girl. Feminine with a super outline. Gorgeous balanced head with melting expression. Well-constructed and balanced fore and aft, good reach of neck with a super topline & tailset, sound coming and going. Moved with purpose holding her strong topline. Adequate bone for her size.

2 Dunbar Miss L Linirgor Nine To Five JW Larger girl who also had a super outline when standing. Very pleasing balanced head with lovely expression Well constructed throughout. Strong bone with excellent feet. I preferred my 1st places carriage on the move.

3 Clarkson Mrs FM Drumkilty Venetian Glass

MB (15 0)

1 Haxton Mrs C Dantassie Dizzie Heights

2 Kelly Ms K & Miss K Fairwinds In Motion With Zenevieva

3 Clarkson Mrs FM Drumkilty Yours Truly

NB (17 0)

1 Haxton Mrs C Dantassie Dizzie Heights

2 Kelly Ms K & Miss K Fairwinds In Motion With Zenevieva

3 Clarkson Mrs FM Drumkilty Yours Truly

UGB (8 0)

1 Clarkson Mrs FM Drumkilty Yours Truly

2 Bell Mrs FV & Mr M Hoaaloha Kealoha 15mth old cream girl with a good frame to grow into, would prefer her a little shorter in loin. Well balanced head with good expression. Moved well.

3 Towers Mr D & Mrs S Alibren Majestic Dawn

GB (11 0)

1 Falconer Mrs AE Soneve Simply Special For Siatham JW 2-year-old cream female. Very balanced feminine girl, with a pleasing head and expression, well laid shoulders with correct upper-arm, short coupled, slightly slopes at the croup. Loved her attitude for life. Her effortless ground covering movement won her the class.

2 Price Mrs JM & Mr D Putjade Pumpkin Spice For Sybiton JW 18-month-old dark gold girl, well-constructed and well off for bone. Preferred the upper arm of the winner. Moved well.

3 Bell Mrs FV & Mr M Hoaaloha Ahyoka JW

PGB (5 0)

1 McShane Mrs C Rigerin Respect 4-year-old mature mid gold girl in full bloom. Extremely well made, excellent shoulders, hard level topline, well angulated quarters with short well let down hocks. Compact body with excellent bone & feet. Level mover.

2 Crookes Mrs DS & Jenkinson Mrs RJ Quakerhall Flare By Pandora 2-year-old gold bitch. Another extremely well-made girl, balanced head with lovely eye and expression, super shoulders and topline, slightly longer cast and not in full bloom yet. Moved enthusiastically covering a lot of ground. Very close decision with no. 1 Loved her too.

3 Bufton Mrs L & Riley Mrs SF Phoslas Polly Flinders

MLB (14 3)

1 Savage Miss K Weisford Presumed Innocent (IKC)

2.5-year-old dark gold female. Extremely well made throughout. Excellent forehand construction, good length of neck flowing into her hard level topline, Excellent bone. She floated around the ring with long powerful strides.

2 May Mrs J Cherrygold Storyteller JW

2.5 years old mid gold showy female. Not quite the maturity or finish of no.1. Balanced feminine head, well-constructed fore and aft, slightly sloping topline when standing. Moved soundly.

3 McDonald Miss M Lamancha Question The Truth

LB (11 3)

1 Foster Mr B & Mrs C Mockingjay V D Corner Brook To Auristela (Imp Nld) JW

5-year-old feminine cream girl who won this class due to her overall sound construction and powerful level movement. Pleasing well chiselled head with a sweet expression. Excellent front construction, correct length of neck flowing into a level strong topline. Moved with great drive and attitude.

2 Lane Mr R & Mrs S & Lane-Ridyard Mrs P Kulawand Sky With Diamonds

Another quality cream female with slightly more substance. Well balanced head with a melting expression. Her good length of leg with a compact body gave lovely balance. Not the upper arm of no.1, good hindquarters, and a very good mover.

3 Falconer Mrs AE Contemporary Beguile Again Via Siatham JW

 OB (17 3) Fabulous class, so full of quality making my decisions very difficult.

1 Archibald Mr FP & Mrs E & Miss EL Ir. Sh Ch Abinvale Arrieta (AI)

2.5-year-old cream female. She has a beautifully balanced feminine head with excellent expression. Well angulated fore and aft, good length of neck which flowed nicely into her level topline. Super bone and feet. Loved her overall balance and her effortless movement which ultimately won her this very strong class. Shown in fabulous condition. Res CC, I am sure that her 3rd CC won’t be far off.

2 Rodgers Mrs MJ Sh Ch Rojillair Evening Magic Of Odarla JW Another female from the top drawer. Gorgeous balanced head with a kind melting expression, lengthy neck with a correct lay of shoulder flowing into a perfect topline. Equally good quarters with short, neat hocks. Excellent bone & feet. Moved with lovely carriage & animation. Well presented in full bloom.

3 Braeckman Miss K Glitters Second To None (ATC Bel)

Janelle Salvestrin
