• Show Date: 02/06/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Jane Eyeington Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Southern Counties Canine Association

Breed: Spaniel (English Springer)

Southern Counties Championship Show

English Springer Spaniels

3rd June 2023

Judge – Mrs Jane Eyeington

I would like to thank the officers and committee for the kind invitation to judge at Southern Counties Championship Show. It is always a real honour to judge your own breed. A huge thank you to all the exhibitors for affording me the pleasure of judging your lovely dogs, all were presented to a high standard and lovely quality. To my efficient ring stewards, thank you for keeping me on track and the ring moving forward.

Minor Puppy Dog Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1st Place - Annavah Accomplice (Miss L A & Mrs P J Havard)

Very tidy in his outline, this 8 month old L&W dog cuts a pleasing shape when stood. Showing good overall balance with lots to like. His head is proportionate, eyes a little round and light at present. Good reach of neck, into pleasing depth for his age, ribs are carried well back, and he holds a firm topline both stood and on the move. Stands on well boned limbs and tight feet. Wide in the quarters, which he used to drive around the ring, moving true fore and aft, just needs to gain in confidence to show himself off - BPD

Puppy Dog Entries: 1 Absentees: 1

Junior Dog Entries: 4 Absentees: 0

1st Place - Carlyquinn Captain Ross (Miss J A Such)

Upstanding and sturdy 14 month old L&W dog, built on a slightly larger frame, but this does not detract from his overall balance and proportions, with a good length of leg. Masculine head, good length to the foreface, and slight rounded backskull, eyes of an almond shape and starting to darken. Strong muscular neck, holding a firm topline, well set on tail and carriage. Brisket well let down with a good spring to the ribcage. Liked his hindquarters, wide and strong. Once settled, he is impressive in his profile movement, still needing to tighten a little more in front. Beautifully presented.

2nd Place - Hunterheck Fade to Black (Mr M & Mrs A Le-Clerc)

15 month old B&W dog, he is of a lovely overall size and shape, but needs a little more ringcraft to show him off to advantage, as he was giving his handler a bit of a hard time. His head is well proportioned, would prefer a little more strength to the foreface, lovely kind and inquisitive dark eye. Moderate length of neck, firm topline, good depth and bone. Strong muscular hindquarters. Not easy to assess on the move, but showed lovely drive.

3rd Place - Jagger De Les Tres Llacunes TAF (Mr C & Mrs J Gledhill)

4th Place - Russell at Cumani (Imp Ita) (Mrs La & Miss Lv Fugle & Cook)

Graduate Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1st Place - Carlyquinn Captain Ross (Miss J A Such)

Repeat Junior Dog

2nd Place - Dexbenella Double Trouble at Teignvalley (Mrs C Hill)

Another nice young dog, close up to winner. Loved his zest for life and fun. He is of a nice size and make. Pleasing masculine head, showing the desired chiselling and fluting, eye a fraction lighter but a lovely almond shape. Clean through the neck flowing into a firm well held topline. Chest down to the elbow and standing on well boned limbs. Not quite the width of thigh of winner, but with low set hocks. Moving out with drive and the odd bounce! Beautifully presented.

3rd Place - Dexbenella Final Frontier (Mrs K Allery)

Post Graduate Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1st Place - Beresford Bolt from The Blue (Mrs T E Topliss)

Lovely clean and eye-catching outline to this 2 year old B&W dog, he has a flow from nose to tail, but all in moderation nothing is overdone. He has the most handsome chiselled head, masculine but refined at the same time. Well proportioned with a good length of foreface, dark almond eyes giving a kind and loving expression. Strong muscular neck, super depth and development of forechest. Firm level topline and well set on tail. Well rounded bum, and hindquarters show good width and short hock to heel. Holds his lovely outline on the move, which is true fore and aft, not the sparkle today of the open dog - RDCC

2nd Place - Dexbenella Double Oh Seven (Mr S & Mrs W Walker)

Really liked this young dog, tough decision between 1 & 2. L&W dog coming up 2 years of age and coming together nicely. Loved his zest for life and vitality. Very smart with good body proportions. Kind masculine head, eye starting to darken. Good length of neck, well developed in brisket and forechest. Held his topline both stood and on the move. Not quite the width of thigh of winner, and slightly longer in second thigh, lovely low set hocks and tight well arched feet. Moved with enthusiasm and drive, which at times made his front action a little untidy. Put down is super coat and condition and sympathetically handled to get the best out of him.

3rd Place - Dexbenella Final Frontier (Mrs K Allery)

Limit Dog Entries: 5 Absentees: 2

1st Place - Cherishym Dofida (Mr P & Mrs Y Richardson & Terry-Richardson)

Compact and stylish 3 year old B&W dog. Beautifully presented but at times giving his handler a bit of a hard time. Liked his sturdy and unexaggerated outline when stood. He has the desired strength but also a hint of masculine elegance. He has an appealing head, balanced in its proportions, with the fluting and chiselling, lovely dark almond shaped eye to give a gentle expression. Well developed through the body and a short strong loin. He has harmonious angulation fore and aft, with nothing overdone. Moving out cleaning, not quite the reach and drive of the main winners, but I am sure his time will come.

2nd Place - Dexbenella Frilled to Bitz (Mrs Nj Morgans)

Close up to winner, lovely 3 year old L&W dog. Thought him just right for size and balance, showing a compact outline with strength and masculinity, but also having a racy quality to him. Handsome chiselled head of the correct proportions, nicely squared flews, gentle almond shaped eye. Good length of neck flowing into a firm well held topline. Brisket down to the elbow, and ribcage well sprung, short firm loin. Muscular hindquarters, with a good sweep of stifle and wide thighs. Put down in lovely coat and condition. Not quite as tidy in his movement today as winner

3rd Place - Trimere Time Tracker (Mr N & Mrs S Gray)

Open Dog Entries: 4 Absentees: 0

1st Place - Sh Ch Beresford Lockdown (Mrs T E Topliss)

Most impressive outline to this L&W dog, who is coming up 3 years of age. He has a lovely flow to his outline. Showing good balance and stands fore square. Nothing is overdone on him, and he is very proportionate. Pleasing proportions to his head, lovely dark almond shaped eye, nice amount of work, clean in the flew, all giving a gentle expression. Neck of good length flowing into a firm well held topline. Nicely sprung ribcage and standing on well boned legs and tight feet. Strong wide quarters, which he put to good use on the move, stormed around the ring with reach and drive. Beautifully presented in full bloom. Delighted to award him the DCC & BOS.

2nd Place - Peasblossom Xanti (Mr & Mrs D Mitchell)

Eye catching outline to this 4 year old B&W dog. He is of a nice size and has lovely body proportions. Masculine but not overdone, compact but with a hint elegance. Well balanced head piece, lovely dark eye giving a melting expression, his low set ears frame his face. Good length of neck flowing seamlessly into a firm level topline to a well set on tail. Ribcage well developed and carried well back. Moderate hindquarters, not quite the width of thigh of winner. Didn’t seem to be on his ‘A’ game today on the move which was a shame. Beautifully presented in gleaming jacket

3rd Place - Daenerys Blood of The Dragon (Miss L & Mr L Ainsley & Nicklin

4th Place - Cherishym Draconis (Mr P & Mrs Y Richardson & Terry-Richardson)

Special Beginners Dog Entries: 0 Absentees: 0

Veteran Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1st Place - Seaspring Becalmed (Ms T M Dunsdon)

Unexaggerated symmetry on this 9 year old B&W bitch, who wears her years well. She presents such a lovely compact outline on the stack, sturdy with substance and oh so feminine. Her head is most appealing, well balanced, gently rounded backskull, the correct amount of chiselling and fluting, nicely squared flews, and dark almond shaped eyes giving a soulful and loving expression. Well developed through the body, with a good ribcage, ribs are carried well back, good fill in of forechest. Wide quarters with a nice sweep of stifle. Shown in lovely coat and condition. Moving freely on a loose lead. BV – Delighted she was shortlisted in the veteran group.

2nd Place - Grosbreuil Abricot Regal (Mrs D West)

7 year old LWT bitch, slightly longer cast than the winner, but still well balanced and looking in super coat and condition. She has a really pretty head, with a good length to the foreface, showing the correct chiselling and fluting and dark almond eye, all to give a sweet and gentle expression. Good length of neck, holding a firm topline, with good depth and moderate bone. Not quite the hindquarters of the winner. Beautifully presented. Not quite as tidy behind as 1st but showing to move freely in profile.

Good Citizen Dog Scheme Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1st Place - Dexbenella Final Frontier (Mrs K Allery)

3 year old L&W dog, in a couple of classes previously, now settling down and moving out much better. Compact and sturdy in his outline. A little heavier in the head, but still gives a pleasing expression. Strong and muscular neck, firm topline to a well set on tail. Moderate in his angulation, with well boned limbs. Good depth to the ribcage, and short firm loin. Moving out much more tidily and with drive. Well presented.

2nd Place - Trimere Timeless with Kassan (Mrs A Crouch)

Close decision between these two. Liked the outline of this 5 year old L&W bitch, she has enough substance but has a refined elegance to her. She is moderate all through. Lovey head piece, well proportioned, good depth to the flew, well shaped kind eye. Good length of neck, firm topline, chest is well let down. Put down in lovely condition. Today not as clean in her movement as winner

Special Beginners Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1st Place - Crackerjanne Cassiopeia (Mrs V K Pattison)

Happy and outgoing, 2 year old dark saddled B&W bitch. Very feminine bitch of moderation. She has such a lovely expression. Clean cut skull, good depth and width to the foreface, lovely dark eye. Neck of good length cleanly flowing into her firm topline. Chest reaching to the elbow, and good development of forechest. Moderate hindquarters. She has a free-flowing side gait, a tad close behind, at one with her handler. Well presented – Best SB, delighted to see her shortlisted in the SB Group – well done.

2nd Place - Petranella Perfick Bliss (Mrs M Proctor)

Beautifully presented and handled 2 year old L&W bitch, with much to admire. Today felt she didn’t quite have the overall balance of winner, that said, it was very close up as she moved lovely and at one with her handler. Pretty head, kind almond eye. Strong neck, deep in brisket and well sprung ribs. Stands on well boned limbs and neat feet. Just lending to be a little soft in her topline at times. Pleasing hindquarters which she put to good use on the move.

3rd Place - Seaspring Windcatcher at Chipewyan (Mrs P Strover)

Minor Puppy Bitch Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1st Place - Annavah Aquarius (Miss L A & Mrs P J Havard)

Smart and well balanced 8 month old L&W bitch, giving a pleasing outline on the stack. Liked her head shape, as it shows good proportions, gentle rounding to the backskull, nicely chiselled, low set ears and kind almond eye shape. Clean through the neck, with enough depth for her age, ribs carried well back, holding a firm topline. Moderate in her angulation fore and aft, with low set hocks. A pleasure to watch her move, true in all directions, showing her happy demeanour.

2nd Place - Tiroen Typically Braego (Mr P Osbourne)

8 month old LWT bitch, of a different stamp to winner, having a slightly larger frame, and at present she has a little more range to her outline, that said she is all in proportion and should finish well. Today preferring the head of winner, but her head piece is balanced and in proportion. Lovely reach of neck flowing into a firm well held topline, good depth to the brisket and showing a good spring to the ribcage. Hindquarters with a good sweep of stifle. Another who is clean and accurate on the move.

Puppy Bitch Entries: 2 Absentees: 1

1st Place - Melverly Iridescent (Mr R J Smith)

Just loved this 10 month old LWT bitch, she has so much appeal when stood. Her outline is compact and sturdy but retaining her elegance with good body proportions. Her head has the desired proportions, nicely squared muzzle but needing to finish, eye is a good almond shape and starting to darken. Lovely clean neck smoothly running into her well held topline. Super depth and spring to the ribcage for her age, with a short strong loin. She stands on well boned limbs and tight feet. Moving out well from her corresponding angulation fore and aft to show reach and drive. I am sure she will have a very bright future – BP

Junior Bitch Entries: 8 Absentees: 1

1st Place - Melverly Vignette (Mr R J Smith)

Another cracking young bitch from this kennel, 13 month old L&W bitch, who has a lovely outline to give a shapely silhouette. She is compact with lovely substance, and everything is in proportion. Nicely moulded head piece, with the desired work to it, and kind toning eye. Clean neck of good length with the slight arch, flowing into a firm topline. She has lovely depth and spring to the ribcage and short coupled and strong in quarters. A free mover

2nd Place - Peasblossom Aura at Felltops (Mr N J & Mrs S L Joyce)

Liked the overall shape and stamp of this well balanced L&W bitch, who is coming up 15 months of age. She has substance and elegance in a neat package. Well proportioned head, with good depth to the flew and nicely chiselled, eye of a good shape, just needing to darken a little more. She has a lovely flow from nose to tail, with a firm topline and good depth. Her hindquarters are a little longer in second thigh. Moving out with good drive, today not as clean behind as winner. Well handled and presented

3rd Place - Petranella Tipping The Wink (Ms C P Savell)

4th Place - Daenerys Moondancer to Cherishym (Mr P & Mrs Y Richardson & Terry-Richardson)

5th Place - Carlyquinn Morwenna (Mrs H & Mr L Cokell & Nicklin)

Graduate Bitch Entries: 7 Absentees: 0

1st Place - Dexbenella Double Take (Mr S & Mrs W Walker)

Loved the overall shape and size of this 22 month old L&W bitch, a real eye catcher with super body lines. She has the desired body proportions and ratio, with good bone and substance yet elegant and feminine. Pleasing head, eye toning with coat, good length of neck, harmonious angulation fore and aft. Moved with reach and drive, but was a little untidy front and back today. Put down in super coat and condition.

2nd Place - Seaspring Winds of Change (Ms T M Dunsdon)

Very feminine LWT bitch who is coming up 2 years of age, who excelled on the move. She has a compact and sturdy outline, but with the desired slight racy quality. Lovely balance to her head, just the right amount of strength and depth with a kind almond shaped eye. Good length of neck flowing into a firm level topline, she falls away a fraction at the croup. Chest is well let down with strong hindquarters. She has a pleasing ground covering action and true in all directions.

3rd Place - Spuffing Prosecco (Mrs J Weyman)

4th Place - Crackerjanne Cassiopeia (Mrs V K Pattison)

5th Place - Kingheath Kushida at Cassapple (Mr P S & Mrs M A Wilson)

Post Graduate Bitch Entries: 7 Absentees: 2

1st Place - Dexbenella Double Vision (Mr S & Mrs W Walker)

Litter sister to Graduate winner, and very similar in many respects, perhaps a little more forward in her development at present. When stood she presents a beautiful silhouette, shapely and functional, with an air of quality. Appealing head, of good proportions and balance, with a gentle expression. Strong neck of good length, well balanced front angulation, good depth, forechest and spring to the ribcage, with a short strong loin. Liked her hammy hindquarters and nicely rounded bum. Excellent side gait, a little untidy behind today. Beautifully presented and well handled.

2nd Place - Trimere Turn Back Time JW (Mrs J I Kibby)

A classy 2 year old LWT bitch who presents a shapely outline when stacked. Of a different stamp to winner, as she is a little more racy with a good length of leg. Pleasing head proportions, and kind eye. Good length of neck with a slight arch, flowing smoothly into a firm topline and well set on tail. Chest is down to the elbow, but not quite the forechest of winner. Nicely angulated hindquarters with low set hock. Positive and true on the move

3rd Place - Dexbenella Frivolity (Mrs C Simmons)

4th Place - Peasblossom Tupelo Honey with Teignvalley (Mrs C Hill)

5th Place - Kingsheath Mayday at Seaspring (Ms T M Dunsdon)

Limit Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 1

1st Place - Peasblossom Zoya (Mr & Mrs D Mitchell)

Darkly marked BWT bitch who shows such shapely elegance when stood, but she has also has the desired amount of substance all through. She has the most feminine of heads, well proportioned, showing good width and depth to the foreface, flew nicely squared, backskull slightly rounded, and those dark almond eyes giving a melting expression. Clean neck of good length flowing into a firm topline. She has lovely depth to the brisket with ribs carried well back, with a short strong loin. She has unexaggerated symmetry. Loved her hammy hindquarters, wide and strong with low set hocks. She moves out purposefully, with drive from the rear, not quite the showmanship of the open bitch. Beautifully presented and in tip top condition - RBCC

2nd Place - Trimere Time Fly’s (Miss S J Corbett)

This 2 year old L&W bitch has a lovely outline when stood, shapely with a nice flow to her. Most feminine of heads, just the right amount of depth and width, with plenty of work in it. Reachy neck, flowing into a firm topline, enough depth to the brisket . Today just preferred the width of thigh and well rounded bum of the winner. Beautifully presented and sympathetically handled. Free and positive on the move

3rd Place - Meltarose Madeleine at Meonstoke (Mrs K C Taubman)

Open Bitch Entries: 7 Absentees: 1

1st Place - Sh Ch Trimere Tickle Me Fancy (Mr S, Mrs M, Mrs E & Miss G Wildsmith & Brown)

So very smart and stylish this beautiful quality 7 year old, who belies her years, showed her socks off today to take the top spot. Loved her for her size, substance and she is oh so feminine. When stood shows super balance and body ratios. She has the most appealing head, almond shaped eye, the right amount of chiselling and the desired fluting, with her low set ears framing her face. Well developed through the body, with a good spring to the ribcage, and firm topline. Standing on well boned limbs and neat feet. Strong hindquarters, with a nice bend of stifle and good width of thigh. Immaculate presentation, and in first class coat and condition. She has such a rapport with her handler, she never stops showing. Positive and true on the move with a ground covering action. Delighted to award her BCC & BOB, she then goes onto win the Gundog Group in super company, looking an absolute picture. Many congratulations

2nd Place - Daenerys Winds of Winter (Miss L & Mr L Ainsley & Nicklin)

This 6 year old L&W bitch looked super in profile when stood. She has a lovely flow, compact, and elegant with substance whilst having a racy quality to her. Delightful head shape, finely chiselled with an almond shaped eye. Good reach of neck, lovely firm solid topline when stood. She is well developed through the body, with a good ribcage and depth. Liked her wide quarters and low set hocks. Put down in super coat and in full bloom. On the move showed her happy and outgoing nature, but had a tendency to roll through the middle which also threw her hind action out a fraction, this unfortunately cost her higher awards, shame I thought she was lovely.

3rd Place - Sh Ch Beresford Night Class (Mrs T E Topliss)

4th Place - Carlyquinn Kisses of Fire JW (Mrs H Cokell)

5th Place - Dk/se Ch Siegars A Beautiful Mind (Mr K B & Mr M S & Mrs T Madsen & Jensen & Brix)