• Show Date: 06/07/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Hazel Fitzgibbon Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

East Of England Agricultural Society

Breed: Border Collie

Judge Results: Mrs H Fitzgibbon

East of England Agricultural Society

Thursday, 6 July 2023 (4 day show)

Border Collie

Generated: Tuesday, 11 July 2023 @ 07:09

Breed Results: Border Collie (Day 3)

This was my first time awarding CCs in this breed after judging them for many years. I was delighted with overall quality and very happy to have so many sound and moderate dogs. Some classes were very close. Thank you to the exhibitors for their sportsmanship and good humour in the inclement conditions. My first time at Rutland showground and I hope we get to see more shows there; there are so many good things going for it, not the least the ground drainage. I was so sorry to see Pat Dufty retiring; she has been a stalwart for East of England and she has my eternal gratitude for her faith in me over the years.

1854. Border Collie - Minor Puppy Dog

Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1ST 4098 - Fayken I Am Soul (Mrs S & Mr R K Lee & Green)

 Seven months old and an impressive outline for a baby. Pleasing head with dark pigment and correct dentition. Well angled both ends. Growing on nicely and promising overall proportions. Correct top line especially on the move, with sloping croup and correct tail set. Got to be a future star. Best Puppy.


1855. Border Collie - Puppy Dog

Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1ST 4131 - From Borders Home Joven Noble (Mrs K. Thienpondt) Growing on nicely but a little unbalanced at the moment, looking long and low. Moderate angles both ends. Rear could be firmer going away, but a free mover with ground covering side gait. Very appealing head and expression.


1856. Border Collie - Junior Dog

Entries: 4 Absentees: 0

1ST 4081 - Arrodare Family Tradition JW (Miss C Green)

RDCC Medium sized male. Very strong to go over. Well angulated both ends and good topline. Good tail set. Movement wise he is hard to fault for such a young dog, but it was his balance that attracted me. Either on the move or standing naturally, everything goes in the right place at the right time. Got to have a promising future. RDCC


2ND 4104 - Shemella Moon River (Mr I J & Mrs M J Lewis)

Similar in profile to 1 but a rather more athletically built dog. Pleasing head, eye and ear carriage. Moving out freely but his more narrow build shows on the go away.


3RD 4092 - Piece of Hapiness Mickey (Imp Hun) (Mr R Jaskolski)

1857. Border Collie - Yearling Dog

Entries: 4 Absentees: 3

1ST 4092 - Piece of Hapiness Mickey (Imp Hun) (Mr R Jaskolski)

A rather heavily built dog who does not have the elegance of lines I was looking for. Consequentially, his head is a little broad and coarse for me. Thickly built through the loin. Well prepared and handled.


1858. Border Collie - Novice Dog

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST 4131 - From Borders Home Joven Noble (Mrs K. Thienpondt)

Repeat of Puppy.


2ND 4134 - Fyglia Cherished Dream (Mrs H, Mr C & Miss O Walkden & Turns)

Strong well built three year old who likes to be in charge, giving his young inexperienced handler quite a challenge. Masculine head, Strong through the body and couplings, dark eye. Tail is a little happy and his movement needs work.


1859. Border Collie - Graduate Dog

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST 4092 - Piece of Hapiness Mickey (Imp Hun) (Mr R Jaskolski)



2ND 4134 - Fyglia Cherished Dream (Mrs H, Mr C & Miss O Walkden & Turns)



1860. Border Collie - Post Graduate Dog

Entries: 6 Absentees: 1

1ST 4061 - Pendleway Time Lord (Mrs J C Barratt)

 Nice chap, 2 y/o with prick ears. Well set front and clean shoulder. Good angles and makes the best of them on the move. Well balanced head and soft expression.


2ND 4068 - Janbell Love in The Dark (Mrs Wj Coles)

 Another well built boy. Good outline. Good topline and croup but slightly longer in loin than1. Well set front and sternum. Lovely rib cage and croup with well set tail. Preferred head pattern of 1.


3RD 4071 - Lucky for You Wesley JW (Imp Hun) (Miss A Domotori)

1861. Border Collie - Mid Limit Dog

Entries: 5 Absentees: 0

1ST 4067 - Goytre Chance to Reflect (Mr G C & Mrs J Chance)

 Scored here on overall balance on the move, showing his angles fore and aft working well. Very well coated. Hard loin and well developed over first and second thigh. Very hard muscular condition.


2ND 4107 - Tambuzi Stryke of Fate (Mrs H Murfet)

Loved this dog standing. Great profile and overall proportions, good topline and croup. Can tend to be a little narrow on the up and back, but profile gait is good and ground covering. Pleasing head and expression. Well handled.


3RD 4112 - Simmovon Shockwave at Tambuzi JW (Dr A & Mr P & Mrs Y Oliver & Simmons & Simmons)

1862. Border Collie - Limit Dog

Entries: 5 Absentees: 0

1ST 4076 - Laceway Don't Stop Me Now (Miss H Fawcett)

Good sized dog with excellent balance and overall condition. Good croup and tail set. Moving out freely.


2ND 4089 - Moshanta May Contain Nuts JW ShCEx OSW (Mrs P A Hartfield)

Such a lovely overall picture on the stand, a smart dog. Not as precise on the up and down as my winner in the class, but conditions today were very damp and a number of exhibitors correctly erred on the side of caution. Preferred the leg length of 1.


3RD 4120 - Kirkwind Starship Trooper over Soundtraxs (Mrs M Simmons)

1863. Border Collie - Open Dog

Entries: 7 Absentees: 0

1ST 4086 - Sh Ch Fayken Truth or Dare with Arrodare JW (Mr R K & Miss J Green & Ratcliffe) DCC and BOB

Medium sized boy with everything correct and no exaggeration. Beautifully balanced from his clean head with well placed eyes and ears together with the expression that says ‘I am being good, but only for the time being’ to his beautiful legs and feet. Well set elbows and good length of rib cage with hard short loin. Not over coated today, but quality cannot be denied. DCC, BOB and delighted to hear his Pastoral Group 4 under top all rounder Jill Peak.


2ND 4125 - Int. Sh./ Nl/bel./ro & Lux Ch From Borders Home Anakin Skywalker (Mrs J J, Miss S C & Mr I Smit-Siraal, Smit & Wiltshire)

Well this chap wins in the ‘Coat’ department, lots of it and very well prepared. Under it is a good dog, beautifully built with many qualities. Well boned without being coarse and moving out with style. Not quite the balance of 1 for me today, but still a quality male.


3RD 4111 - Sh Ch Tambuzi Stryka Blow JW (Dr A J Oliver)

1864. Border Collie - Veteran Dog

You have excellent Veterans in this breed.

Entries: 5 Absentees: 1

1ST 4137 - Goytre Smokin Gun (Ms A Walters)

Lovely profile, so sound and such a balanced dog. Correct head positioning on side gait. Good top line and shoulder and moving out freely.


2ND 4114 - Sh Ch Caleykiz Smoke On The Water (Mr C S & Mrs S L Portman)

Prick eared blue with excellent reach of neck, topline and croup. Moderate in bone and angles, but again fabulous static and moving balance. Really not a lot between the first two for overall quality.


3RD 4090 - Laceway Especially for You (Mrs K Hayward)

1865. Border Collie - Special Beginners Dog

Entries: 5 Absentees: 1

1ST 4069 - Foxbarton Royal Prince (Miss J A Cox)

Something about this dog appealed to me, the colouring is a little unusual nowadays but something about his said ‘old fashioned’. As I am not a huge follower of the breed, I don’t know where it comes from. Certainly not the fineness we associate with the breed nowadays but a sound dog with a lot to like.


2ND 4068 - Janbell Love in The Dark (Mrs Wj Coles)



3RD 4071 - Lucky for You Wesley JW (Imp Hun) (Miss A Domotori)

1866. Border Collie - Minor Puppy Bitch

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST 4083 - Fayken I Am Desire (Mr R K & Miss J Green & Ratcliffe)

Very pretty youngster with good outline. Well shaped head with sweet expression. Well set, clean shoulder. Moving out freely. Very promising.


2ND 4088 - Crantzfold Hera at Moshanta (Mrs P A Hartfield)

Not quite so far on as 1. However, growing on well for size. Shoulder could be better laid back. When she bodies up and grows up could be a prospect. Happy disposition and not fazed by the inclement weather or the circumstances.


1867. Border Collie - Puppy Bitch

Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1ST 4126 - From Borders Home Jardìn De Rosas (Mrs J J, Miss S C & Mr I Smit-Siraal, Smit & Wiltshire)

 1 and 2 are litter sisters with many of the same qualities. I preferred the overall balance of 1. Nicely grown on, well coated and beautifully prepared. Moving out with ease and showing a balanced side gait.


2ND 4116 - From Borders Home Juntos Siempre (Imp Nld) (Miss Tm & Miss Sc Ruston & Smit)

Looking a little high in the rear today and not the moving balance of 1 Still a quality puppy.


3RD 4088 - Crantzfold Hera at Moshanta (Mrs P A Hartfield)

1868. Border Collie - Junior Bitch

Entries: 6 Absentees: 1

1ST 4103 - Shemella Misty Morning (Mr I J & Mrs M J Lewis)

 Lovely outline. Enough leg length on her and she uses them well on the move. Good topline and croup. Pleasing feminine head. Well developed rib cage and good coupling.


2ND 4080 - Arrodare Why I Believe (Mrs G & Miss J Gorley & Ratcliffe)

 Very elegant outline but I preferred proportions of winner. Good head, reach of neck and top line. Rounded croup. Moving out with ease


3RD 4108 - Shemella April Showers (Mrs L J Neil)

1869. Border Collie - Yearling Bitch

Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1ST 4097 - Calareto All My Loving JW (Miss S Lea)

 Lovely profile and balance. Feminine head with well set ears, Good reach of neck and clean shoulder with good topline and coupling. Scores on the move, so free and easy, but precise and balanced, covering ground impressively. Best Spec Beg and what a great show she continued to have.


2ND 4062 - Sianworth Rustic Love (Mrs V Berry)

Rather squarer in profile than the class winner. Tail tends to be a little gay. But there is still so much to like. Side gait is balanced and foot fall precise.


3RD 4108 - Shemella April Showers (Mrs L J Neil)

1870. Border Collie - Novice Bitch

Entries: 4 Absentees: 1

1ST 4126 - From Borders Home Jardìn De Rosas (Mrs J J, Miss S C & Mr I Smit-Siraal, Smit & Wiltshire)



2ND 4062 - Sianworth Rustic Love (Mrs V Berry)



3RD 4088 - Crantzfold Hera at Moshanta (Mrs P A Hartfield)

1871. Border Collie - Graduate Bitch

Entries: 5 Absentees: 0

1ST 4115 - Laceway Dream of Albion (Mr C S & Mrs S L Portman)

 Excellent head and reach of neck on this girl. Moving and static balance are good . Topline can tend to look untidy but side gait won this class.


2ND 4124 - From Borders Home Egyetlen Csillag (Mrs J.j. & Miss S.c. & Mr I. & Mr D.h.m Smit-Siraal & Smit & Wiltshire & Deteren)

Smaller than 1 and not quite the profile balance I was looking for today. A free mover with a lot of quality, today she was feeling a little thick across the loin.


3RD 4133 - Fyglia Mei Titania (Miss Turns)

1872. Border Collie - Post Graduate Bitch

Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1ST 4109 - Shemella Evening Sunshine (Mrs L J Neil)

A good honest sort of girl who is absolutely sound. Scored in this class on side gait with great balance. Good topline and croup standing. Good feminine outlook with good expression.


2ND 4127 - Tobermoray Driving Ms Daisy (Mrs A R Spencer)

Another with a good profile on the stand. Good bone, feet and pasterns. Not quite the shoulder placement of 1 which shows on side gait. Free mover.


3RD 4073 - Tazaeos High Society (Mr M G & Mrs B E Edmonds)

1873. Border Collie - Mid Limit Bitch

Entries: 5 Absentees: 0

1ST 4106 - Shemella Shepherds Delight (Mr I J & Mrs M J Lewis)

Blue of a pattern I like very much, not overdone in any direction. Excellent neck, shoulder and topline. Good profile standing and just what I wanted in side gait. Her day will come.


2ND 4075 - Tobermoray Heaven Sent for Flintrix (Mrs S Farris)

Bigger frame than 1 but still in size. Well placed shoulder with steady topline and rounded croup. Not very fluid on the move, but still a quality girl.


3RD 4063 - Bordercot Fantastic Rhythm (Mrs R Brady)

1874. Border Collie - Limit Bitch

Entries: 8 Absentees: 3

1ST 4136 - Goytre Red Rose (Ms A Walters) RBCC

This is the sort of bitch who will stand four square given the opportunity, Doesn’t need over handling. Lovely profile and absolutely sound. Moving out, she has a clear purpose in mind and it shows! Not an automaton, she is quite happy to give her handler a hard time but at the end of the day, the quality cannot be denied. RBCC


2ND 4087 - Kanamaren Take These Pearls (Mr M & Mrs A Greening)

Not the easiest of show girls, but her many qualitiesand flawless side gait drew me to her. She has good angles, body and coupling and they were used to advantage. A pretty girl and another one to watch.


3RD 4118 - Nashdom Strawberry Fields (Dr Shahmatova)

1875. Border Collie - Open Bitch

Entries: 7 Absentees: 0

1ST 4110 - Sh Ch Tambuzi Girlz On Fire JW (Dr A J Oliver) BCC

I wrote a shopping list of things I liked about this lady, but I think the harmonious way she is constructed, her calm but feminine outlook and her ease of movement are what drew me to her. Perhaps not in the best of coat, but frankly she had enough. Coat can affect out line but it doesn’t affect structure. She has fabulous balance and moved out with an ease that is breath taking. BCC


2ND 4084 - Sh Ch Fayken I Am Love JW (Mr R K & Miss J Green & Ratcliffe)

Another with absolute quality, beautifully built and a head that is text book perfect. Moving out with a ground covering and fabulously balanced side gait. Just preferred the rear drive of the winner on the day but the ground conditions meant everyone was watching their footing!


3RD 4079 - Laceway Rock The Boat (Miss H Fawcett)

1876. Border Collie - Veteran Bitch

Entries: 7 Absentees: 1

1ST 4135 - Sh Ch Goytre Daddy's Saucie Girl JW (Ms A Walters) VB and BV

Another with absolute quality, despite her age. She is well constructed, well muscled and at the correct weight. She moved out with such huge ease and covered ground like a youngster. Not surprised to hear she was Pastoral Veteran Group 4, she ate up that big ring.


2ND 4077 - Sh Ch Laceway Echo Falls JW (Miss H Fawcett)

Superb condition on this quality girl, not an ounce of extra weight and enjoying the ring. I preferred the head pattern of 1 on the day, but there was not much in it!


3RD 4102 - Shemella Drifting Snow (Mr I J & Mrs M J Lewis)

1877. Border Collie - Special Beginners Bitch

Entries: 4 Absentees: 0

1ST 4097 - Calareto All My Loving JW (Miss S Lea) Best Spec Beg, Pastoral Spec Beg and Best Spec Beg in Show

This young lady had a day to remember. Congratulations on going ‘all the way’ You represented your breed with professionalism and class.


2ND 4108 - Shemella April Showers (Mrs L J Neil)

Good for so many things, this girl was unfortunate to meet 1 who was on form. Good for size, profile, tail set, croup. A lot to like, but needs to be a bit more schooled on the move.


3RD 4093 - Rollingbones Kaela (Mr R Jaskolski)

Judge Hazel Fitzgibbon. 13.7.2023