• Show Date: 06/07/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: gillian marley Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

East Of England Agricultural Society

Breed: Lhasa Apso

East of England Championship Show – Lhasa Apso

Many thanks to all the exhibitors for giving me a lovely entry to judge at the last England of England Championship Show. A few things that stood out to me since my last appointment - heads and eye shape have deteriorated and many had over exaggerated rear movement. Quite a few of the exhibits were too thin for me. Exhibitors were sporting to each other which is nice to see.

Minor Puppy Dog

Entries: 3 Absentees: 1

1ST Vonstry What A Stunner (Mrs V J Harris) – A very playful 8 month old dark gold with black shading boy giving his handler a hard time. He is correct for size,balanced outline, correct head proportions, enough neck, just the right amount of body weight, coat well presented, moved well when behaving. BPD

2ND Lhotse Inside Trader (Miss N Mccracken) – 81/2 month old sable and white. A bit on the large size for me. Pleasing head and expression with good pigmentation. Plenty of bone and substance, correct tailset, moved true both ways, abundance of coat that was well presented.

 Puppy Dog

Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1ST Skylax Dare to Believe (Mrs M Adam-Slomkowski) – 11 month old dark gold and white, correct size, pleasing head proportions with correct eye placement, just the right amount of neck, level topline, high tailset, moved out well, coat coming nicely.

2ND Risondock Ace I Could Keep (Mr K & Mrs S Cleaver) – 9 mth old gold and white, not as balanced in outline as my class winner. Head proportions ok, good body weight, not the free flowing movement I was looking for, coat very glamorous.

 3RD Nadarley Majestic Murphy (Mrs E Forsyth)

Junior Dog

Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1ST Zanamop Jubilee Earl for Lhasenna (Mrs J Seal) – 14 month old dark gold with black shading, Correct head proportions with good medium stop, dark eyes, good mouth, strong neck, flowing into good front assembly, good deep chest, correct topline and high tail set, well-muscled rear, steady movement both ways.

 2ND Chanceinn’s Psychosis (Mr A D Horne) – 12 month old dark gold with black shading. Preferred the head qualities of my class winner, compact body, good ribbing, high tailset, well developed rear, moved ok, coat developing nicely.,

 3RD Timazinti's Oliver (Mrs J & Ms S Scarll & Sykes)

Yearling Dog

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST Kutani Hamilton JW (Mrs V A & Mrs W A Clutterbuck & Cain) – 22 month old black boy maturing nicely, correct size and shape, good head and neck carriage, well off for bone and carrying the correct amount of weight, well arched neck, flowing into well laid shoulders, correct topline, high well feathered tail, moved the best in the class.

 2ND Crystal Eye's Wam Bam Boom at Khumbila (Imp Dk) JW (Miss R Revillas Rodriguez) – 18 month old black and white, this is another pleasing exhibit just a bit too exaggerated on the move for me. Head proportions ok, dark eyes, long neck, correct topline, coat very glamorous and was well presented.

 Graduate Dog

Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1ST Chanceinn’s Bad Habits (Mr A D Horne) – 18 month old black and white. Correct for size, balanced, coat maturing nicely. Balanced head proportions, correct muzzle length, good front assembly, well off for body, correct tail set, well developed rear, correct movement.

 2ND Gallerio Ill Take You Dancin for Denzka JW (Ms K & Mr D Considine) – 2 year old gold, not the balanced head of my class winner, dark eyes and black nose, for me needs more body weight, coat of good quality and well-presented moved ok.

 3RD Raushanara Blue Sky over Saksfifth (Mrs A J & Mr D A Hayes)

Post Graduate Dog

Entries: 4 Absentees: 0

1ST Phareal Heartbreaker Into Burnsett (Mr C & Mrs L Chesterfield) – 21/2 year old pale gold boy, correct size, pleasing head proportions, good mouth, black nose, well arched neck, good front assembly, well ribbed, high tail set. Well-muscled rear, coat coming nicely and well presented, moved well.

 2ND Corrolls Easy Rider (Ms J Hazelhurst) – A very naughtly 2 year old pale gold boy who was full of himself. Not the head qualities of my class winner, but had dark well-placed eyes, neck length ok, well off for body weight, slightly long in loin, moved ok when settled.

3RD Aintshe Permission to Fly from Mytilene JW (Mrs T Gillman)

Limit Dog

Entries: 4 Absentees: 0

1ST Sinyul Imagined (Mrs P Torrance) – 2 year old black and white who was compact and balanced. Head with good length of muzzle, correct skull shape, good depth of chest with correct shoulder placement, good ribs, correct topline and tailset and just the right amount of body weight, true movement both ways.

2ND Longsdales Wonderful World (Mr G & Mr D Pearce & Francis) – 18 month old gold who has a balanced outline both standing and on the move. He has good head proportions, dark well placed eyes, black nose, correct front assembly just the right amount of bone, lovely arched neck, level topline and high tailset, moved well, would prefer more body weight.

 3RD Kelankin Ghost Ryder with Charjilliam (Mrs S & Miss K Crook & Kindness)

Open Dog

Entries: 8 Absentees: 2

1ST Ch Khinjan Valentino with Orcavoe (Mr L J Connett) – This male I feel is an outstanding exhibit. He is well balanced and sturdy, he has the best of head proportions, correct muzzle length, correct stop, dark eyes and black nose. He has a strong well arched neck with excellent front assembly, correct bone, ribs of good length with level topline, strong loin, high set tail. He has well developed hindquarters with good angulation. He is in excellent body condition. His movement is a pleasure to watch, he just flows around the ring. His coat is fabulous and immaculately presented. Thrilled to award him Dog CC and BOB.

2ND Ch Shenedene Secret Agent (Miss M D Hall) - This is another gold boy who is a worthy Champion. He is balanced in outline, pleasing head proportions with straight foreface and good pigmentation, well placed ears, neck nicely arched, good front assembly, correct amount of bone. He has good ribbing and topline with high set tail. He has a well-developed rear and good muscle tone. He moved well, coat again was immaculately presented. Pleased to award him RDCC.

3RD Ch Bellellen Double Ducie JW (Mrs S Saunders)

Veteran Dog

Entries: 4 Absentees: 1

1ST Ch Bellellen Double Ducie JW (Mrs S Saunders) – 7 year old grey boy, he was 3rd in a very strong Open Dog class. He is balanced and the correct size. He keeps his outline both standing and on the move. His head is well proportioned, his neck is correct and his overall body construction is good. He has the correct amount of body weight. He moved well. BV

2ND Timazinti's Peppermint at Frenchlands JW ShCM ShCEx (Mr E J, Mrs E J & Miss L Schuckardt) – This 8 year old gold and white boy is another pleasing exhibit in good overall condition. He has correct head proportions with dark eyes and a black nose. Correct arched neck, good topline. Moved well. I just preferred the overall outline of my class winner.

3RD Archirondel Nasa at Saksfifth (Mrs A J & Mr D A Hayes)

Special Beginners Dog

Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1ST Zanamop Jubilee Earl for Lhasenna (Mrs J Seal) – As per Junior Dog. BSB

2ND Kentwone Derek Jewel by Skylax (Mrs M Adam-Slomkowski) – 2 year old gold boy who today just needs more finish in coat. He has a typical head and expression, good body proportions and is a sound mover both ways.

 3RD Vonstry Mister Sunshine (Mrs V J Harris)

Minor Puppy Bitch

Entries: 9 Absentees: 1

1ST Shenedene Kiss My Pix Sell with Charjilliam NAF TAF (Mrs S & Miss Md Crook & Hall) - What a lovely class of Minor Puppy Bitches this was. My winner was a 7 month old gold who performed well on the day. She has good head proportions, delightful expression, good pigmentation is correct in neck and front assembly, correct body weight. Moved true both ways. Coat correct for age and well presented.

2ND Alamiks Force of Nature Into Swandown (Mr P Moorby) – A very naughty gold and white girl who was very headstrong with her handler, but I liked her. She is feminine, well proportioned in head and has good body condition for one so young. When she settled, she had true movement both ways. Coat maturing nicely.

3RD Autumnspell Heaven Sent (Mrs A G O'doherty)

Puppy Bitch

Entries: 8 Absentees: 1

1ST 521 - Shenedene Copy and Paste (Miss M D Hall) – Liked this shaded gold puppy very much. She has a balanced outline and is the correct size. She has correct head proportions and delightful expression. She has a well arched neck and flows into well placed shoulders, correct bone and substance, Holds her topline both standing and on the move. She has lovely movement both coming and going. Coat maturing nicely. Will watch her progress with interest. BPB, BP and PG2.

2ND Mytilene Pumpkin Spice (Mrs T Gillman) – This is another quality puppy – black and white. Again correct for size, and in good overall body condition, good head proportions and correct mouth, moved well. Her coat was presented to perfection. Just preferred the overall outline of my class winner.

3RD Muirfauld Fairy Tale (Mrs G R Hinshelwood)

Junior Bitch

Entries: 5 Absentees: 1

1ST Timazinti's Kimora (Mrs J & Ms S Scarll & Sykes) – 16 month old girl, feminine and well balanced. She has a well proportioned head with good pigmentation and correct mouth. She is maturing nicely in all departments and has the correct substance and bone. Her coat is coming along nicely. Moved well.

2ND Deelayne Jennifer Joy (Mrs M V Lewis) – Another very nice gold bitch who is ideal for size and feminine. She has a pleasing head and just the right amount of neck. Quality coat immaculately presented. Just preferred the overall body weight and condition of my class winner.

3RD Lhasenna Poso Priya (Mrs J Seal)

Yearling Bitch

Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1ST Kutani Black Opal at Frenchlands JW (Mr E J, Mrs E J & Miss L Schuckardt) – This is a quality black bitch, not glamorous but needs hands on examination to appreciate her. She is the correct shape and size. Has quality head proportions, correct mouth, correct eye shape and placement. She is well constructed throughout with the correct amount of body weight. She moved the best in the class to win her placing easily.

 2ND Corrolls Classique (Ms J Hazelhurst) – Another black who overall is correctly constructed throughout, she has the correct amount of bone and body and good ribbing. Not the compact outline of my class winner that I was looking for. Coat well presented.

3RD Crystal Eye's Whole Shebang at Khumbila (Imp Dk) (Miss R Revillas Rodriguez)

Graduate Bitch

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST Littondale Lyrabelle (Mr D J & Mrs J Lock) – 2 year old cream is a taller exhibit than I normally would go for but won this class on her sound movement both ways. She is the correct shape and has good head proportions, she has good angles both front and rear and is in good overall body condition. Coat well presented.

2ND Khinjan Copacabana to Toynbee (Mr D & Mrs K Thompson) – Gold and white, I preferred the overall size and shape of this exhibit over one however, on the move she did not perform and had to give way to my class winner. She is well constructed throughout and feminine. She has a well-proportioned head and correct body proportions. Coat coming nicely.

Post Graduate Bitch

Entries: 3 Absentees: 1

1ST Khinjan Waltzing Matilda to Lisimo (Mrs T & Mr A Wiehe) – This gold girl won this class on her overall size and balanced outline. Her head proportions are ok and has a lovely arched neck and level topline with a high tail set. She has good front movement but her rear is too exaggerated for me. Lovely quality coat.

2ND Muirfauld Photo Finish JW (Mrs G R Hinshelwood) – This black and white was not the size and shape I was looking for today. Her head qualities are ok but on the heavy side in both bone and substance, she moved well and her coat is coming on nicely and is well presented.

Limit Bitch

Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1ST Khinjan Gabriella at Littondale (Mr D J & Mrs J Lock) – This pale gold bitch is of the correct make I shape I was looking for today. As soon as I put my hands on her I liked her, everything just fits. Her head proportions are correct, good eye placement, correct length of muzzle, good mouth, just the right amount of bone, correct front assembly, well arched neck flowing into well placed shoulders, well ribbed back, correct topline and high well-furnished tail.. She is in excellent body condition with the correct amount of body weight.. Her quality coat was well presented and her movement correct. Very pleased to award her BCC and was told afterwards that my top winners with siblings.

 2ND Elmichapel Walk in My Shoes at Frenchlands JW (Mr E J, Mrs E J & Miss L Schuckardt) – 4 year old gold bitch is another good exhibit who is the correct size and shape. Her head is correct with typical expression. She is well constructed throughout and has a well presented quality coat. She moved well today.

 3RD Corroll’s to Hot to Handle (Mr L J Connett)

Open Bitch

Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1ST Ch Shenedene Miss World JW (Miss M D Hall) -This 9 year old bitch is in excellent condition for age. I have previously judged her and awarded her top honours. She is lovely example of the breed and gets better with age. She moved around the ring superbly covering the ground. She had to give way to the Limit class winner today but can still trouble the best. RCC.

 2ND Kutani Enigma (Mrs D K Chambers) – This is another quality bitch who was the correct make and shape I was looking for today. Ideal for size and well made throughout. She was just out moved by my class winner.

3RD Ch Kutani Showoff (Mrs V A & Mrs W A Clutterbuck & Cain)

235. Lhasa Apso - Veteran Bitch

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST Ch Marnbri Tiger Lily under Autumnspell JW (Mrs A G O'doherty) – 7 year old gold and white girl who won this class on her overall balance and shape. Correct head qualities, well constructed with a good quality coat. Good front movement but exaggerated rear.

2ND Ch Sinyul Let There Be Love (Mrs P Torrance) – 8 year old black and white who is well constructed throughout and has a pleasing head and expression. She moved well both ways and has a quality well presented coat. Just preferred the overall shape and balace of my class winner.

Special Beginners Bitch

Entries: 2 Absentees: 1

1ST Lhasenna Poso Priya (Mrs J Seal) – 15 month dark gold girl who was 3rd in Junior Bitch. She well constructed throughout and her coat is maturing nicely. She moved well both ways.

 Judge – Gillian Marley