• Show Date: 24/09/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Gavin Robertson Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 29/09/2023

Belfast Dog Show Society

Breed: German Spitz (Klein)
German Spitz Klein PG 1)Montblanc Sky Dweller (Mrs S & Mrs A Mcmurray & Fulton) Balanced with moderate angles,triangular ears, flat skull with slight stop,level back, moderate tuck up, high set tail, low hocks, free brisk mover., in full coat OB 1)Montblanc Daytona (Mrs S & Mrs A Mcmurray & Fulton) Detailed wedge shaped head with small erect ears, slight stop. A little loose in front, level back with strong rear, parallel hocks. High set tail, compact body, nice type shown in full coat and lovely condition.BOB