• Show Date: 28/04/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Gavin Robertson Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 05/11/2023

West Of England Ladies Kennel Society

Breed: Tibetan Spaniel

Tibetan Spaniel - Judge: Mr Gavin Robertson

Dog Challenge Certificate 4932 - Xaramae Image (Imp Fin) (Mr A & Mr L Moran & Prouve)

Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate 4927 - Balgay Dru Ma (Ms A Mcdonald)

Bitch Challenge Certificate 4908 - Ch Malia Pumpkin Pie by Susu JW (Miss C L Cooper)

Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate 4944 - Tibbiestars Tutti Frutti (Miss H Smith)

Best of Breed 4932 - Xaramae Image (Imp Fin) (Mr A & Mr L Moran & Prouve)

Best Puppy 4944 - Tibbiestars Tutti Frutti (Miss H Smith)

Best Veteran 4922 - Tuyet Lhamu Cepla (Mr & Mrs N Horton)

Judge: Mr Gavin Robertson

Class 1844. Veteran Dog

Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1st Place 4900 - Ch Malia The Next Verse by Starlance JW ShCM VW (Mrs P J Bevis)

Fantastic for 10yrs, balanced masculine head, ears fairly high, slight dome to skull,blunt muzzle, moderate neck, level back with high set tail,brisk mover, in great condition 

Class 1845. Minor Puppy Dog

Entries: 3 Absentees: 1

1st Place 4902 - Clydum Field of Dreams (Mr I & Mr D Blackshaw & Roberts)

nicely balanced puppy, good skull, ears set well, expressive oval eyes set well apart, well made front with good feet, nice shape, moderate rear, nice type, has good foot placement and will continue to improve, full of life.

2nd Place 4917 - Talocan Heart of Eternity (Miss D Gilling)

raw baby who isn't overly confident. Skull is a little rounded for ideal, eyes dark and forward facing,, need to come up on leg, level topline,needs to strengthen in rear, needs time 

Class 1846. Puppy Dog

Entries: 3 Absentees: 1

1st Place 4903 - Souska Dance with You (Mr I & Mr D Blackshaw & Roberts)

Masculine head,skull a bit rounded and prefer higher ear set, has good chin and width in muzzle, ok front and feet, needs to drop in his rear, parallel hocks,. High set tail , still in fluffy puppy coat stage,positive mover.

2nd Place 4917 - Talocan Heart of Eternity (Miss D Gilling)

Class 1847. Junior Dog

Entries: 5 Absentees: 0

1st Place 4932 - Xaramae Image (Imp Fin) (Mr A & Mr L Moran & Prouve)

quality dog with excellent proportions in body and leg, balanced head and skull with ears set fairly high,expressive eyes forward facing, clean outline, well made front, strong neck, excellent hare feet, well ribbed with firm topline and high set tail , ideally like more width in rear quarters but like his type, not over coated and is a typey positive mover with good footfall. 

2nd Place 4935 - Susu Rewrite The Stars (Miss E K O'connor)

Another nicely proportioned dog, balanced head piece,dark oval eyes. blunt muzzle, Moderate neck,preferred front on winner, ok topline, high set tail, moderate stifle with parallel hock, nice mover in profile.

3rd Place 4926 - Oldcharm Peaky Love for Alandobel (Mr A & Miss A Keepence & Keyte)

Reserve (4th Place) 4953 - Susu Parti in The Stars (Mrs R & Mr P Thompson)

Very Highly Commended (5th Place) 4914 - Oldcharm Save My Love (Mrs E Emery)

Class 1848. Yearling Dog

Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1st Place 4942 - Balgay Dbang Cha Yin (Mrs Kea Smeardon)

A well proportioned dog with correct leg length to him, prefer better front construction, has width to his muzzle with good chin, free from wrinkle, ears well set,ribs extend well back with muscled loin, high set tail, needs to tighten in front

2nd Place 4949 - Marlyoak Heartbreaker (Miss O & Mr S James & Howells)

lower stationed dog than 1, outgoing temperament , slightly domed skull, eyes well set, has depth to his chest, moderate bone, neat feet, a little untidy on the move.

3rd Place 4914 - Oldcharm Save My Love (Mrs E Emery)

Class 1849. Post Graduate Dog

Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1st Place 4956 - Amcross Pandit (Mrs O & Mr M J Watkins)

mixed class for type, winner has a lovely head piece, well set ears,lovely expressive bright eyes, has width and depth of chin, prefer a better front, level back with good ribbing,high set tail, correct moderate amount of coat,nice shape and type.

2nd Place 4950 - Gianni Its Eli (Mr L & Mrs A Steed)

slightly heavier lower stationed dog, has good width to muzzle, ears a little low set,neat hare feet,prefer better front, ok back but drops in croup. In full coat, 

3rd Place 4949 - Marlyoak Heartbreaker (Miss O & Mr S James & Howells)

Class 1850. Limit Dog

Entries: 4 Absentees: 1

1st Place 4952 - Susu Prince Charming ShCEx (Miss O Thompson)

Masculine but not overdone dog, has a balanced head with good ears and expressive forward facing oval eyes,strong well set neck with good front, level back with high set tail.nice mover, ideally like a fraction more leg.

2nd Place 4912 - Tsarong Phurbu (Mrs M J Davies)

masculine dog, eyes well set, blunt muzzle with good depth and width. Ears well set, good feet, prefer longer ribs and better croup. Steady mover but ideally like more leg.

3rd Place 4919 - Balgay Shab Tra (Mr & Mrs C Hall)

Class 1851. Open Dog

Entries: 5 Absentees: 0

1st Place 4927 - Balgay Dru Ma (Ms A Mcdonald)

very mixed class. Strong masculine head, defined stop with blunt muzzle, ears set well, excellent proportions, moderate balanced angles front and rear, ok feet, high set tail, free brisk mover

2nd Place 4901 - Skyvana Empty Dreams of Starlance ShCEx (Mrs P J Bevis)

Pleasing head with high set ears, slight stop. Prefer more leg for ideal. Firm topline.prefer neater front, profile movement is good.

3rd Place 4951 - Gianni Its Gollant (Mr L & Mrs A Steed)

Reserve (4th Place) 4918 - Balgay Kitang Po (Mr & Mrs C Hall)

Very Highly Commended (5th Place) 4956 - Amcross Pandit (Mrs O & Mr M J Watkins)

Class 1852. Veteran Bitch

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1st Place 4922 - Tuyet Lhamu Cepla (Mr & Mrs N Horton)

fem bitch, balanced skull, dark eye with good ear set, well made throughout, level back with good tail set. Sound mover, in nice condition 

2nd Place 4940 - Ch Souska Devotion VW (Mrs J Rice)

lower stationed than 1 , blunt muzzle , ears well set, prefer more length of neck, neat hare feet, level topline with deep chest and well sprung ribs, brisk mover, preferred shape on winner 

Class 1853. Minor Puppy Bitch

Entries: 2 Absentees: 1

1st Place 4941 - Malia Miss Dior (Mrs L Short)

typey puppy bitch, lovely head and expression , excellent ear set, still needs to come up on leg a little, excellent hare feet, well made body, high set tail likes her in profile on the move, strong rear with low set hocks

Class 1854. Puppy Bitch

Entries: 5 Absentees: 0

1st Place 4944 - Tibbiestars Tutti Frutti (Miss H Smith)

3 lovely pups, really nice shape, super head and expression , needs to tighten in front, firm topline,good tailset and proportions, super type and balance all through, holds her shape on the move, lots to like and will continue to improve with maturity.

2nd Place 4955 - Tamrae Parti with The Stars (Miss S R M & Mr I Thomson & Prentice)

detailed head with lovely dark eye and expression, excellent hare feet, longer cast than 1 built holds her topline and tailset, brisk mover holding her topline,different type to 1 but still has quality

3rd Place 4938 - Ricox I Love My Mini Me (Mrs J Rice)

Reserve (4th Place) 4920 - Tibbiestars Trinity (Mr M & Mrs A Havercroft)

Very Highly Commended (5th Place) 4915 - Ricox Dance with My Father (Mrs E Emery)

Class 1855. Junior Bitch

Entries: 4 Absentees: 1

1st Place 4923 - Amcross Kutisha (Miss M C Hourihane)

lovely shape and type, detailed head with ears high set, well made front with neat elbows, moderate bone,hare feet. Moderate rear with strength,high set tail, not over coated, positive straight mover.

2nd Place 4916 - Princess Mulan Ilharess of Talocan (Imp Pol) (Miss D Gilling)

another nice bitch , slightly domed skull,ears fairly high set, dark oval eyes and rims,liked her shape also, just preferred front on winner.

3rd Place 4915 - Ricox Dance with My Father (Mrs E Emery)

Class 1856. Yearling Bitch

Entries: 4 Absentees: 1

1st Place 4916 - Princess Mulan Ilharess of Talocan (Imp Pol) (Miss D Gilling)

2nd Place 4904 - Souska Sight for Sore Eyes (Mr I & Mr D Blackshaw & Roberts)

feminine bitch, very nicely put together but for me i would prefer more leg length, a little overcoated, firm topline with depth in chest and good ribbing, high set tail , brisk mover, super attitude 

3rd Place 4906 - Rosanley Rowena at Tibama (Mrs C J Borrett)

Class 1857. Post Graduate Bitch

Entries: 6 Absentees: 0

1st Place 4954 - Crockerne Love to Talk with Tamrae (Miss S R M & Mr I Thomson & Prentice)

detailed feminine head, bright expressive eye,ears well set, blunt muzzle with good chin, feminine throughout, ok leg leg length,level back, high set tail, strong rear with good hocks.

2nd Place 4909 - Bruesown Jonsai (Miss B E M Croucher)

nicely proportioned but bigger frame than 1, feminine head piece, slight stop moderate domed skull with good muzzle and chin, free from wrinkle, eyes set well apart, good bone and feet, prefer front on winner,level back, positive brisk mover

3rd Place 4905 - Rosanley Harmonia with Tibama (Mrs C J Borrett)

Reserve (4th Place) 4937 - Parloueve Back to Black of Ricox JW (Mrs J Rice)

Very Highly Commended (5th Place) 4943 - Linsdown Klarice (Mrs Kea Smeardon)

Class 1858. Limit Bitch

Entries: 8 Absentees: 2

1st Place 4925 - Bruesown Kyi Mo at Amcross (Miss M C Hourihane)

lovely shape, type and balance, feminine and well made throughout ,not over coated , fem detailed head, clean neck, good topline and tailset. 

2nd Place 4930 - Castafiore Riddhima (Mr A & Mr L Moran & Prouve

liked her head and expression, prefer more leg length for ideal. Brisk mover, holds her back with high set tail. Just preferred type on winner 

3rd Place 4910 - Bruesown Kaishvi (Miss B E M Croucher)

Reserve (4th Place) 4911 - Tsarong Maezi Mae (Mrs M J Davies)

Very Highly Commended (5th Place) 4921 - Parvati Bedigebu (Mr & Mrs N Horton)

Class 1859. Open Bitch

Entries: 6 Absentees: 3

1st Place 4908 - Ch Malia Pumpkin Pie by Susu JW (Miss C L Cooper)

has good proportions to her, dark well placed eyes, slightly domed skull.ears could be higher set, well made front,moderate bone,well sprung ribs,high set tail, strong rear with parallel hocks,active quick mover with good foot placement,not overcoated, in firm condition,she is a showgirl and at one with her handler,

2nd Place 4931 - Ch Kri Kris Glory to Daisy Dream (Imp Dnk) (Mr A & Mr L Moran & Prouve)

has a nice shape to her but heavier coated than the winner, balanced skull,eye could be darker, a well made front with neat elbows, right amount of bone, holds topline on the move, moderate rear, richly plumed high set tail, brisk mover, shown in muscular condition.

3rd Place 4957 - Amcross Parti Puzzle (Mrs O & Mr M J Watkins)