• Show Date: 23/09/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Frank Borg Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 21/10/2023

Belfast Dog Show Society

Breed: Stake Classes, Any Variety Classes, Veteran Groups & BVIS

Belfast Dog Show Society - 2023

It is always nice to return to Belfast for this most enjoyable and friendly run show. Secretary Jackie Stubbs, Andrea and their team always put up a great show, and their hospitality is top notch as always. The atmosphere at this show is always welcoming, and I always look forward to a fantastic weekend at this show. Special thanks to my stewards during the two days for their assistance.

Kennel Club Breeders Competition – A.V Hound Breeders.

1.. Mrs J, Miss R, & Miss C Cumberland – Mumysami (Min Smooth Dachshunds) very well-handled group of 3, moved in uniformity.

Kennel Club Breeders Competition – A.V Terrier Breeders.

1. Mr Cw and Mrs Cl Satherley – Silkcroftk (SCWT) so much alike, very well handled and moved correctly and in unison. stood alone in this class but that didn’t detract from their quality. Each was a worthy breed representative, typy and sound. Performed well and shown in good condition.

Kennel Club Breeders Competition – A.V Utility Breeders.

1. Kathleen Moloney – MoneenFoxhill (Miniature Schnauzers) all of similar stamp. Worthy breed representatives and well turned out. Working well together they moved soundly and complimented each other.

Kennel Club Breeders Competition – A.V Working Breeders.

1. Michael Murphy – Micona – (Hovawarts) lovely group of Hovawarts all shown in sparkling clean condition, all so sound who any breeder should feel justly proud of, all shown in sparkling clean condition and behaving to full advantage

Kennel Club Breeders Competition – A.V Pastoral Breeders.

1. Toni Saunders – Regerastace – (Komondors) This team impressed for overall type and all presented well balanced outlines, moved well on the go around with good carriage, pleased in head type, carried good bone and had correct coats. Although there was no competition, the handlers put every effort into presenting their charges to the best of their abilities.

Birdbrook Veteran Stakes – A.V. Hound/Terrier/Gundog Veteran

1. Mr C W & Mrs C L Satherley - SCWT, Ch Silkcroft Sky Full of Stars ShCM Ir J Ch oozes breed type and still as sound as a bell, having a typical head, correct bite and strong jaws, strong square muzzle and dark medium eye. Good neck set on nice laid back shoulders. Good front with nice deep chest, spring of rib and short loin. Well-muscled and made hind quarters. Moved and covered ground soundly and presented in lovely coat and condition. Was later told by the owner I’ve gave the same bitch BPIS at Exeter in 2016!.

2 Miss J P & Mr R Maclaine & Dickson’s Weimaraner, Greyspirit Purdue JW ShCM ShCEx VW Cjw17 Cw22 A well-constructed dog of substantial build. Nice head & expression, lovely well let down chest, great topline, well made throughout. A workman-like dog who was unlucky that met the winner in this class, but could swap places with her anytime! Powered round the ring & well presented by his young handler.

3 Evenmint Autumnal Leaves at Harmarjoy (Golden Retriever)

Birdbrook Veteran Stakes – A.V. Util/Toy/Wor/Pastoral Veteran

1. Mrs S A & Miss S Neath-Duggan & Baker (Dalmatian) Ch Buffrey Incognito by Dalleaf JW, Still in lovely condition with good muscle tone. Lovely clean neck and shoulders. Good depth of chest. Lovely spotting. Kind expression. Good forehand with lovely bone and good feet. Strong, well angulated and nicely muscled hindquarters. Has a true powerful action with true easy movement.

2. Mrs B & Mrs C Cope & Kemp (Bearded Collie) Ch Scalbeck Sophistication at Menander, Pleased for type but not quite the attitude of the winner today. Lovely head with correct eye shape & colour, correct chest and front, good legs and feet. Firm loin and defined hindquarters. Harsh dry coat. Moved steady.

3. Kiltondale Spring Blossom (Bearded Collie).

Eikon Exhibition Centre Special Yearling Stakes – A.V. Hound/Terrier/Gundog

1. Mrs G & Mr L G & Mrs J Black & Black & Mckinlay, Asharaa Stars in Your Eyes at Gileeja JW, Rhodesian Ridgeback with a lovely outline, Still has some maturing to do but I liked the size and type. Decent head with correct expression, good clean neck blending nice into the well made shoulders, Lovely front with good fill. Firm in topline and strong in loin, good muscle tone combined with low parallel hocks propelling drive from behind.

2. Miss K Rimmer (PRT) Plunkett Woody at Kylini, Tidy youngster, Nice for size and very typical. Pleasing head, ample neck, clean through ribs, with good length. Ample angulation, with tidy rear. Moved steadily in profile.

3. Star Dancer at Templecarrig Jun Ch

Eikon Exhibition Centre Special Yearling Stakes – A.V. Util/Toy/Wor/Pastoral (Sorry I have no data on this regarding owner’s names, these are missing on Fossedata’s results page).

1. Samoyed with a gorgeous typical head with neat ears, correct eye shape, sufficient breadth of skull and good dark pigment conveying both strength and softness of expression. Neck with good arch and lovely front and rear angulation with sufficient sufficient bone. Correct harsh coat, good tailset. Well presented. Moved with drive maintaining his level topline, very sound.

2. Lhasa Apso. Pretty head and expression with lovely dark, oval eyes. Well arched neck, good forehand and very sturdy, well ribbed body. On the move she is so typical with a sound jaunty action. Has lots of quality and is one to watch for the future.


1. Mawali New Kid On The Block (Ms C & Dr D Vescan) Basenji 8 months dog having the most beautiful head & exquisite eye. Superb neck, shoulder, front & feet, good depth of chest, spring of rib & compact loin, good turn of stifle & well let down hocks. Presented a lovely picture & moved out well with a free flowing stride. (BD BP)

2. Bahaticca’s Texas Hold ‘em at Dobri Cwp23 (Ms C Trasler) 9 month old Basenji, preferred head, loin and topline of 1.

A.V.N.S.C HOUND – Junior

1. Rockn Heart’s Too Cute at Minforst (Imp Usa) Cpw23 Ir Jun Ch (Mrs B, Mr A Mrs S Bethell & Roden). 12 month old Cirneco Dell Etna with a typical femminine head, nice body shape standing, pity it wasn’t handled to her best, Res BB.

A.V.N.S.C HOUND – Open Bitch

1. Multi Ch Vaskurs Moni Maker Qiwidotter (Mr T & Mrs S Torres) (Pharaoh) Simply cannot find the correct words to define this bitch, just saying she was stunning wouldn’t be doing her justice! Gorgeous well chiselled, long & lean head with with parallel planes, correct large and mobile ears, She has a beautiful crested neck with correct throat line, proud head carriage, super shoulder & return of upper arm giving her good fill in front, not a common sight in recent times sadly. Superb front with good bone, well knuckled feet & good spring to pastern, good depth of chest, well ribbed back to strong loin. Correct, moderate tuck-up. Excellent quarters with well muscled thighs & correct tailset and tail carriage. So sound out & back with an effortless ground covering stride in profile. Shown in tip top condition, expertly handled, she was alert at all times, just could not take my eyes off her and her presence in the ring demands the top spot. A pleasure to go over, top drawer stuff, an easy BOB win for her here today, and a pleasure to see her top the Hound Group later in the day!

2. Gorgona De Entresaltos (Ms C & Dr D Vescan), Ibizan Hound, decent head, needs to strengthen and straighten it’s front and hind quarters, hence it’s not so good movement.


1. Kan Trace Emit Remmus NAF (Dr K Bond), this young Lagotto Romagnolo is very promising, having a typical head with correct eye shape & colour, correct neck length, good shoulder angulations, straight forearms with good shape of bone, lovely straight feet with tight toes and well arched, sturdy and robust square body, good bend of stifle with good hocks, correct texture of coat, free movement with plenty of drive. (Best Dog, BP)

2. Eald Stone Calf with Heaphen (H Arrell) (Res BD) – gorgeous 12 month old Sussex Spaniel, so correct in every department and one that I would not blink an eye to swap places with the winner of this class today, so strongly built, lovely typical & balanced head, boasting a wide skull and correct head curves and proportions, lovely expression, strong slightly arched neck, deep chest, well-boned and muscled forequarters, well ribbed, strong hindquarters with well padded feet, true fore and aft movement with a distinct roll.

A.V.N.S.C Gundog – Open Bitch

1. Arcticbreeze Hopscotch to Floreydown (Miss W Heller) loved this Lagotto, so balanced and sound, gorgeous head, correct ear shape and size, good neck and excellent shoulder, angulations, straight, sturdy front with ample bone, excellent body shape with straight topline and wide loins and correct tuck up. Powerful hindquarters which propelled this dog with plenty of drive. (BOB)

A.V.N.S.C Utility – Open Dog

1. Ir Ch King Jeppetto An Ch 18 Jr Ch Cw19 An Ch 22 Rl1ex (Mrs D Kavanagh) (Std Schnauzer) Liked his head, with good eye and ears, was a bit heavy on the neck today, front was good with close elbows and strong bone, correct topline but a little heavy in the loin area, well built & muscled hindquarters, correct coat texture, moved well. (BOB)

Gundog Veteran Group

1 Greyspirit Purdue JW ShCM ShCEx VW Cjw17 Cw22, Breed: Weimaraner (Miss J P & Mr R Maclaine & Dickson) A well-constructed dog of substantial build. Nice head & expression, lovely well let down chest, great topline, well made throughout. A workman-like dog that could work all day long! Powered round the ring & well presented by his young handler. No hesitation to award this lovely specimen Best Veteran in Show.

2 Wraxhill Baton Rouge, Breed: Spaniel (American Cocker) (M J & S B G Marsh) well proportioned head with an appealing expression. Ample neck, Good body very short coupled just enough width at rear. Nice happy mover.

3. Gwendariff Lily The Pink, Breed: Irish Setter (Miss L Bougen)

4. Gostwyck Morse Code, Breed: Retriever (Labrador) (Mrs K Eakin)

Hound Veteran Group

1. Ir Ch Clonallan Just Beginning avec Erylan ShCM Irvetch VW, (Basset Griffon Vendeen (Petit) (Mr R, Mrs G & Miss E Foote & Mcaulay) pleasing head & expression,. good neck, pleasing front & feet, good keel & quarters. Shown in good jacket & moved out well.

2. Sanbona African Soul Daaci at Suhuba (Imp Deu), Breed: Rhodesian Ridgeback (Mr G P & Mrs V J Henshall) Close contender to win here, so sound and balanced, loved her head and angulations, just didn’t use her tail much today.

3. Charjaghan Hortensia, Breed: Afghan Hound (Mr C Teggart)

4. Ch Danluke Lord of The Dance JW, Breed: Whippet (Mrs H Johnston)

Terrier Veteran Group

1. Liroda Midnight Kiss at Evingbriar, Breed: Scottish Terrier (Miss A Broome) This girl was shown in really good hard muscular condition, showing boldness and courage. Her head is attractive with the correct intelligent expression, strong dentition. Strong neck, good shoulder angulations with correct front. Well balanced throughout and presents a lovely outline. Good rib, topline and tailset, Harsh, well presented jacket. Powerful hind quarters. Smooth and free movement fore and aft.

2. Ir Ch Kylini Mona Lisa JW, Breed: Parson Russell Terrier (Miss K Rimmer) Smart typical bitch, still in fabulous condition and jacket. Pleasing through a very typical head, good front and well angled rear. Moved well in every direction.

3. Ch Marlablue in A Twirl ShCM VW, Breed: Manchester Terrier (Miss B R Cawley)

4. Eblanahalls Aye Right, Breed: Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier (Mrs L N Lui)

Utility Veteran Group

1. Timazinti’s Peppermint at Frenchlands JW ShCM ShCEx, Breed: Lhasa Apso (Mr E J, Mrs E J & Miss L Schuckardt) A striking, beautifully presented dog, lovely head carriage, good forehand, excellent body and rib, free moving with a typical jaunty action. Very good coat quality.

 (Res BVIS)

2. Ch Buffrey Hanky Panky by Dalleaf JW, Breed: Dalmatian (Mrs S A & Miss S Neath-Duggan & Baker) quality black & white evenly spotted dog, loved his masculine head with good planes and proportions, dark oval eye, perfect scissor bite, lovely long neck that leads to well laid shoulders, excellent front with good bone and round compact feet, good spring of rib, correct topline leading to a lovely tapering tail, so sound fore and aft, a powerhouse on the move, pressed hard for the top spot. Very well handled and presented. In superb condition.

3. Ch/ir/cro/int Ch Takaira Texan Town An Ch 16 17 Cw17 Gw17, Breed: Boston Terrier (Miss P Hamilton)

4. Susu Princess Spice Parti JW W17, Breed: Tibetan Spaniel (Miss C L & Miss E R Cooper & O’brien)

Pastoral Veteran Group

1 Ch Scalbeck Sophistication at Menander, Breed: Bearded Collie (Mrs B & Mrs C Cope & Kemp) Loved this bitch’s impressive outline and correct type with clean lines, very sound and beautiful construction. Feminine and classy, correct in all departments. true positive mover.

2- Ch Rannerdale Queen O'the North JW, Breed: Shetland Sheepdog (Miss C J Stafford) Lovely specimen still in good coat and condition, gorgeous femminine head with a very sweet expression, well tipped ears and flat skull, lovely eye and well filled foreface, good underjaw, lovely neck and very good shoulder angulation, nice straight front with good bone, level topline and nice sweep over loin, low set tail of correct length and well let down hocks. Moved round with minimum effort.

3-Ch Tiganlea Tinkerbell at Revdvicki, Breed: Collie (Rough) (Rev V E Burrows)

4-Ir Ch/cib Ch Allmark Naughty But Nice Jun Ch Cjw15 Golden Winner16 Cw18, Breed: Australian Shepherd (Miss T & Mr A & Mrs L Douglas)

Working Veteran Group

1. Ice Gangsta’s Ball of Fyre for Chayo JW ShCM, Breed: Alaskan Malamute (Miss S & Mr M Burnside) Very powerful dog, built to get the job done. Liked his head, correct ear size and placemen and muzzle length, strong neck, well laid shoulders with excellent front having good bone size and shape, excelent feet. Strong & powerful body with well-muscled loins, good tail-carriage, correct coat texture, powerful hind quarters which propelled the dog round the ring like a train.

2. Ch Winuwuk Scouting for Girls at Lorrosa, Breed: Boxer (Mrs L A Fay-Smith) Liked this male, well put together with a lovely well balanced head, dark expressive eyes that were nicely pigmented and correctly placed, short wide deep muzzle, good mouth and chin, Good front assembly with correct bone and feet, deep chest and nicely muscled body in top condition. Level topline and nice sprng of rib. Good rear quarters which gave an good driving action on the move. showed beautifully and appeared to enjoy his day out. Pressed hard for the top spot and I wouldn’t hesitate to swop places with the winner any day.

3. Ch/ir Ch/int Ch Garsak Sir Bradley Wiggins for Zudane Jun Ch, Breed: Great Dane (Mr D & Mrs M Brady)

4. Ch The Nightshift`s Hotmail at Joybull (Imp Ned), Breed: Bullmastiff (Mrs S J Roberts)

Toy Veteran Group

1. Sharlarna Eagle Eye at Glendyke ShCM, Breed: Lowchen (Little Lion Dog) (Miss J L Mcfarlane) Typical head having a short broad skull and strong muzzle. Large round eyes are dark and full of fun, long ears and strong jaw containing scissor bite, Short well-proportioned body stands square with good spring of rib, retains its level topline in transit, excellent rear, small neat feet. Free parallel movement.

2. Ir/int Ch Assisi Tsaritsa at Rozenyas An Ch17 Cw18 Cjw16 Cen W Vet Ch Jun Ch, Breed: Miniature Pinscher (Mrs A Moore) Loved her elegant outline which she showed off best when she stood, eyes never leaving her handler and tail wagging constantly. Very nice to go over with good coat and excellent muscle tone. She moved out with enthusiasm, displaying a hackney movement typical of the breed.

3. Tyssul Special Mr Fudge, Breed: Chihuahua (Long Coat) (Mr A & Mrs P Lewis)

4. Myojo Morgan at Glendyke ShCM VW, Breed: Japanese Chin (Miss J L Mcfarlane)

Frank Borg (Framod)
