• Show Date: 06/07/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Evan Ryan Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

East Of England Agricultural Society

Breed: Skye Terrier

Skye Terrier - East of England 2023

Junior Dog

Entries: 1    Absentees: 0

1ST) Riskerytree Dave's Allan (Mr D Herbert) very nice young cream dog, with his coat just beginning to clear, at 13 months this is to be expected. Some strength to his head, but it could be stronger still. He has enough fringing for age & uses his ears well. Enough neck, firm topline & neat underline. Accurate on the move, but he could drive a touch more from the rear. A useful prospect, well handled & presented. 

711. Open Dog

Entries: 1    Absentees: 0

1ST) Rhoderns Haggis at Marjayn (Miss M Bailey), eyecatching dog as he is such a beautiful cream, with good points. His head had strength & power, but it is not course. Excellent neck & good forehand, one of the best fronts of the day & he is well muscled throughout. Firm, level topline & good length to his body. Coat of good texture & there is plenty of it, presented in first class condition by an expert of the breed. True & powerful on the move, with good carriage & plenty of style. Capable of a days work & could go all day. BD & BOB. 

714. Puppy Bitch

Entries: 4    Absentees: 1

1ST) Coriend The Adjudicator by Partisky (Mr S P Whincup) a promising young puppy with a lot going for her. Feminine head, with strength; and good ear set. Enough neck and firm enough in topline, but she still has time. Well constructed generally, but she is a touch short & can still firm up behind to advantage. Carries herself well in profile & has quality. 

2ND) Coriend Let's Do Justice (Miss E Holt) litter sister to the winner and shared many of her attributes. On first inspection I thought she may well be the winner, but she does not have the substance of the winner, even for a bitch, but she has time. She too carries herself well & is a touch better behind than the winner, but she does not move so well or as free in profile. A useful prospect, very well presented. 

3RD) Silverbriar Imogen of Petitpaws (Miss V Cox)

715. Junior Bitch

Entries: 1    Absentees: 0

1ST) - Riskerytree The Magpie (Mr D Herbert) I loved this black bitch who was litter sister to RBD, and she I think, is better than him. Classically beautiful, her black coat serves only to enhance her correct outline & shape on the move. Excellent head and eye, good ears but they could carry more fringing, really nice in front & is a good bitch to go over. On the move she is free & easy, and sound up and back. With a little more exposure this is one who could go far, considered her for BB but in the final run off the polished performance of the Open Bitch pipped her to the post. RBB.  

716. Post Graduate Bitch

Entries: 2    Absentees: 0

1ST) Brakemill Midsummer Dream JW (Mrs J A Curtis) silver bitch who is generally finer than I would prefer, enough head but she could have more strength to it. Firm in front & her forelegs are well made. She holds her topline standing, but can lose it at times on the move. When she gets going she presents a good picture & her coat was a good texture, one of the best textured today. Pretended and handled excellently.  

2ND) Rhoderns Helena (Miss A Heale) cream bitch, litter sister to Best Dog & shared many of his attributes. Had she put in any sort of performance today she would have been well up in my mind, as to go over she is as Classic as she is beautiful. Not a lot to change about her & I loved the strength to her head. On the move she did as she pleased, and for the most part packed it in! Sound when she went, but the performance was not enough to beat the winner. She will have better days, I am sure. 

717. Limit Bitch

Entries: 2    Absentees: 1

1ST) Kilfinan Seren Gail at Sunabil (Ms M T Roberts), I liked this bitch a lot, as she screams ‘Skye’. A rustic sort of bitch and a most useful type. Her head is good, and her ears are well set. She is in good nick and is good to go over, keeping her topline both standing and moving. Another who had an excellently textured coat, but her tail is carried just a tad too high for my preference. 

718. Open Bitch

Entries: 1    Absentees: 0

1ST) Ch Verumamicus Aurora of Brakemill JW (Mrs J A Curtis) cream bitch, and one I have judged before. Now in full maturity, she presents a good picture standing and moving. Her head is good, and it does have strength where so many fail. Firm in topline, but she can be a tad lazy with it at times. On the move today she went with ease and freedom, and carried her tail well. Her coat was a touch soft but it was presented in A1 order. I did consider the JB against her, but she did not yet have the finish. BB. Against the dog she didn’t quite have the ‘fizz’ I like to see, so BOS.  

720. Special Beginners Bitch

Entries: 2    Absentees: 0

1ST) Madaza Star (Mrs F Whitelam) smart young bitch with a great attitude. Her colour can still clear, as it is not sure quite what it wants to be yet! Her head and expression are good, could do with a touch more bone all through, but she is sound on the move & is admirable for temperament and zest. Lots to like & she will do well for her sporting owner on this form. BSB.  

 2ND) Rhoderns Helena (Miss A Heale)

  Repeat of PGB.