• Show Date: 01/10/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Emma Archibald Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 10/06/2024

Scottish Kennel Club

Breed: Retriever (Golden)
SCOTTISH KENNEL CLUB – 01/10/2023 Firstly I would like to thank the officers and committee of The Scottish Kennel Club for the invitation to judge and their hospitality extended at their October show. I thoroughly enjoyed the appointment and thank you to the exhibitors for their entry and accepting my decisions graciously. We are all aware of the topics on the breed health watch and these are areas that as breeders we must continue to bear in mind, but other points I noted on the day, and also of some concern, was the number of incorrect bites and the number of dogs that were carrying their tail excessively high and unfortunately this is now also appearing in a number of bitches. GOLDEN RETRIEVER MPD (5, 2) 1st Vermander Mrs TA WONDERBOY TO SUNSHINE'S VALLEY OF VIPERS PRIDE (ATC IN REQ) Outstanding puppy, so balance for his age with balanced angles. Beautiful soft expression with lovely eye and pigment. Good reach of neck flowing into well placed shoulders and good return of upper arm. Excellent bone and neat feet. Good depth of chest and spring of rib, good width of stifle. Level top line held on the move with correct tail carriage, moving soundly for his age. BPD, BPIB. 2nd McShane Mrs C LINIRGOR TWENTY FOUR SEVEN AT RIGERIN Another beautiful puppy with masculine head but maintaining a soft expression with excellent pigment. Straight front and good bone. Good depth of chest and level top line with correct tail set although carried slightly high on the move. Good width of stile and presented in excellent coat, just needs time to settle on the move. 3rd Burns Mrs P GLENRIOCH CAPTAIN BURNS PD (8, 3) 1st Vermander Mrs TA WONDERBOY TO SUNSHINE'S VALLEY OF VIPERS PRIDE (ATC IN REQ) 2nd Greig Mrs G STEVAL AGLOW WITH CRANNGARY Mid gold boy with masculine head, lovely dark eye and pigment. Good reach of neck and depth of chest, well placed shoulders and moderate return of upper arm. Level top line held on the move with correct tail carriage. Good width of stifle . Moved with drive from well muscles rear. Close decision, just preferred the overall balance of 1. 3rd McShane Mrs C LINIRGOR TWENTY FOUR SEVEN AT RIGERIN JD (5, 0) 1st Greig Mrs G STEVAL AGLOW WITH CRANNGARY 2nd O'Neill Mrs L STRATHLON ISLAND LAD Soft head and with beautiful expression and dark pigment. Moderate reach of neck. Good bone and neat feet. Good depth of chest and spring of rib. Level top ling with balanced angles both fore and aft. Tail set correct but carries high on the move. Covered ground well, presented in hard condition, moved well. 3rd Warden Mrs AR HOLINBRAE ZOOM TIME AT GLENTOCHTY YD (2, 1) 1st Law Mrs E SANDTI BACK OF THE NET Soft head and expression with good reach of neck . Good reach of neck leading into well placed shoulders. Good bone but would prefer stronger pasterns. Good depth of chest and spring of rib with level top line. Good width of stifle, correct tail set and carriage. Covered ground with ease and very attentive to handler at all times. UGD (1, 0) 1st Munro Mrs C LINIRGOR WALK THE LINE OF GLENBUIE Masculine head with excellent pigment but maintaining a soft expression. Good bone and neat cat like feet. Balanced angles front and back. Level top line with correct tail set but carried slightly high on the move. Moderate width of stifle, presented in excellent coat and condition. Moved soundly and steadily. BSPB and SB Gundog Group 1. GD (6, 0) 1st Baxter Miss BM & Riley Mr NP BERMARY CAPTAIN HASTINGS JW Caught my eye when he entered the ring. Masculine dog of good size with excellent pigment and lovely soft dark eye. Good reach of neck leading into well placed shoulders and good return of upper arm. Good depth of chest and spring of rib. Good bone and neat feet. Level top line held on the move and short coupled. Good width of stifle, moved well. Overall very balanced. 2nd Garget Ms F & Morriss Mr P GOLDMARKER COMING HOME TO GARVIN (AI) JW Lovely head and expression. Good reach of neck, well placed shoulders and moderate return of upper arm. Good depth of chest, lovely bone and perfect neat cat like feet. Level top line held on the move with correct tail set and carriage. Moved well just carrying a little too much weight today. 3rd Bolton Mr RC & Mrs J MEGARVEY STILL GAME FOR SHIRESMILL JW PGD (7, 0) 1st Oakes Ms D DRUMKILTY VANADIUM JW A dog I have admired from the side of the ring. Beautiful head and lovely dark eye maintaining a soft expression. Excellent reach of neck flowing into well placed shoulders and good return of upper arm. Good bone, depth of chest and spring of rib. Correct length of leg and excellent strong top line. Correct tail set but carried slightly high on the move. Moved soundly and steadily in the class and won for his overall balance. Unfortunately he lost his sparkle in the challenge which cost him. 2nd Towers Mrs S & Henderson Mrs M & Bolano Mr JA GREY GOOSE NOVEMBER RAIN (IMP SPN) Smaller boy but very balanced overall. Beautiful head with excellent pigment. Good bone and neat feet. Well angulated front and good width of stifle. Level top line held on the move. Presented in excellent coat condition, moved well just carrying a little too much weight over shoulders for me today. 3rd Salter Mr G RATHCLOON SAFE AND SOUND LD (14, 2) 1st Towers Mrs S & Henderson Mrs M ALIBREN BAKER'S BOY Beautiful soft head and expression with excellent pigment and kind eye. Good bone and neat feet. Well placed shoulders and good return of upper ar. Good depth of chest, spring of rib and level top line held on the move. Good width of stifle and well muscled which he used to his advantage on the move to win this class. 2nd McGeoch Mrs AL NEDLEZAH LOCHLEA Very close decision to 1 and a dog I have often admired, many of the same attributes just lacked the overall finish of 1 today. Soft head and expression. Excellent bone and neat feet. Balanced angles both front and back. Level top line held on the move with correct tail set and carriage. Good width of stifle, moved steadily. 3rd Clarkson Mrs FM DRUMKILTY QUEST FOR STARDOM (RE IMP) OD (4, 0) 1st Dunbar Miss L SH CH LINIRGOR TOMICH JW Masculine dog with the softest of expressions and excellent pigment. Excellent reach of neck and well placed shoulders and good return of upper arm. Good bone and neat feet, good depth of chest and spring of rib with short couplings. Good width of stifle, well muscled and presented, covered ground with ease. RCC. 2nd Racic Ms M & Weber Ms A SLO SH CH GLAMOUR SHINE BESTSELLER WRITER (ATC HRV) Gentle head and expression. Good reach of neck with balanced angles at both front and back. Good depth of chest with strong top line and short coupled. Good width of stifle, moved well but not in his best coat today. 3rd Lewandrowski Mrs H MULTI CH UNIQUE SELECTION BRADLEY (ATC DEU) VD (4, 0) 1st Towers Mrs S & Henderson Mrs M CH ALIBREN GALILEO TO WESTERVANE JW SGWC One I have judged and liked before but today he could not be denied top honours. Masculine head with the softest of expression and excellent pigment. Excellent reach of neck flowing into well placed shoulders and good return of upper arm. Well sprung ribs, with perfect top line which he held on the move with correct tail carriage. Short strong loins with good width of stifle which he used to cover the ground efficiently. Lovely cat like feet and correct length of leg to body proportions. Presented in immaculate coat and condition. Delighted to award him the CC. 2nd Loverock Mrs MC & Waldron-Smith Mrs L LOVISSA SPACE DUST ShCM Another fabulous veteran. Masculine head but maintaining a soft expression. Good reach of neck with moderate return of upper arm. Good depth of chest and tight elbows. Good spring of rib, excellent top line which is strong and held on the move and correct tail carriage. Well muscled rear which he used to his advantage on the move. Presented in profuse mid gold coat. 3rd Finnie Mr C & Mrs J THISTLEYHILL COUNTRY CHIEL SBD (6, 0) 1st Munro Mrs C LINIRGOR WALK THE LINE OF GLENBUIE 2nd Law Mrs E SANDTI BACK OF THE NET 3rd Salter Mr G RATHCLOON SAFE AND SOUND GCD (1, 0) 1st Warden Mrs AR NOBLEMOON TAK THE HIGH ROAD TO GLENTOCHTY Masculine dog with lovely head and expression. Good reach of neck with straight front and good depth of chest. Level top line held on the move. Good width of stifle. Moved well and presented in excellent coat and condition. MPB (11, 1) 1st Harper Miss LA TULLOCHMOHR RAY OF SUNSHINE AT GLYNERVA Beaitiful soft head and expression. Mature for her age but presenting a very balanced picture. Good reach of neck with well placed shoulders and good return of upper arm. Good bone and neat feet. Level top line with good width of stifle . Correct tail set and carriage. Moved steadily and soundly for her age. BPB. 2nd Loverock Mrs MC & Waldron-Smith Mrs L LOVISSA COSMIC GIRL Very promising girl who took my eye as she entered the ring. Just right for her age. Excellent head and expression with lovely dark eye and pigment. Good reach of neck with well placed shoulders and good return of upper arm. Level top line held on the move with good spring of rib. Good width of stifle, just needs time to settle on the move. 3rd Vermander Mrs TA WILD ROMANCE OF SUNSHINE'S VALLEY (ATC IN REQ) PB (9, 2) 1st Loverock Mrs MC & Waldron-Smith Mrs L LOVISSA COSMIC GIRL 2nd Gadeyne Ms N WAY TO YOUR HEART OF VIPERS PRIDE (ATC In Req) Very pretty girl with lovely expression and dark pigment. Good bone and neat feet. Deep body with well sprung ribs, short coupled and level top line held on the move with correct tail set but carried slightly high on the move. Well muscled covering could with ease. 3rd Lochhead Mr P & Mrs C KAYLATON HEIDI WEISS JB (9, 2) 1st Clarkson Mrs FM DRUMKILTY YOURS TRULY JW Elegant girl with feminine head and expression. Excellent reach of neck with well placed shoulders and good return of upper arm. Good depth of chest and spring of rib. Level top line held on the move, covering ground well. Presented in immaculate coat and condition. 2nd O'Neill Mrs L STRATHLON APRIL BONNIE LASS Pretty head and excellent pigment. Good reach of neck with well placed shoulders and moderate return of upper arm. Strong level top line held on the move, short coupled. Good width of stifle presented in excellent coat and condition. Covered the ground with ease. 3rd McCormack Miss S FLYNGALEE BUSY BOO YB (6, 3) Two beautiful girls headed this class and both I have admired on previous occasions, it really was splitting hairs and placings could change on another day. 1st Haxton Mrs C DANTASSIE DIZZIE HEIGHTS What can I say but my star of the day, all I could think every time I looked at her was how balance and elegant she is. From head to tail everything is in the right place and in the right proportions. Prettiest of heads with excellent pigment and lovely dark eye. Excellent reach of neck flowing into well placed shoulders with good return of upper arm. Good depth of chest, good bone and neat cat like feet. Strong level top line which never faltered on the move. Short coupled and good width of stifle. Correct tail set and carried perfectly. Used her well muscled rear quarters to cover the ground with ease. Presented in lovely coat and condition. Could not be denied top honours as she constantly drew my attention. Delighted to award her the BCC and BOB. 2nd Harper Miss LA TULLOCHMOHR SHOOTING STAR AT GLYNERVA JW Many of the attributes of my winner also apply to this bitch and unfortunate to meet number 1 today. Lovely soft head and expression with good reach of neck, well placed shoulders and moderate return of upper arm. Good depth of chest and spring of rib. Level top line held on the move where she covered the ground with reach and drive. Today lost out as carrying a little too much weight. 3rd Loverock Mrs M & Waldron-Smith Mrs L & Zubair Mrs SM THORNYWAIT STARSTRUCK WITH LOVISSA JW UGB (7, 4) 1st McCormack Miss S FLYNGALEE BUSY BOO Larger framed girl overall but lovely soft head and expression and excellent pigment. Good reach of neck, good depth of chest and neat feet. Level top line, short coupled with a good width of stifle. Moved well covering ground with ease. 2nd Saunderson Miss RM MOLOKO IZIPIZI AT CROBEAG Pretty head and expression with lovely dark kind eye. Good reach of neck with well placed shoulders and good return of upper arm. Level top line with correct tail set and carriage . Good width of stifle, well muscled, moved with reach and drive. 3rd Foreman Mr G & Mrs T AMBERSUN ALL OF MY HEART GB (14, 6) 1st Maddison Mrs J JAYMARDY SWEET CAROLINE JW Elegant girl who caught my eye as she entered the ring. Pretty soft head and expression, with good reach of neck leading into well placed shoulders and good return of upper arm. Good bone and neat feet. Short coupled with level top line and correct tail set. Good width of stifle and well muscled, moved at one with handler covering the ground with ease. 2nd Hill Miss P & Smith Mr D MEGARVEY DÉJÀ VU JW Slightly heavier set girl but maintaining a feminine expression. Excellent reach of neck with well placed shoulders and good return of upper arm. Deep chest and well sprung rib. Level top line held on the move with correct tail set. Would just have preferred more enthusiasm on the move. 3rd McNeish Mr M & Miss M DRUMKILTY TOODLE PIP JW PGB (11, 3) 1st Clarkson Mrs FM DRUMKILTY VENETIAN GLASS Another elegant balanced girl from this kennel. Feminine head and expression with excellent pigment and dark eye. Well placed shoulders with good return of upper arm. Level top line held on the move, short coupled and good width of stifle. Presented in excellent coat and condition, covered the ground with reach and drive. 2nd Hill Miss P & Smith Mr D MEGARVEY CLEMENTINE JW Soft, pretty head and expression with dark pigment. Good reach of neck with balanced angles both front and back. Good bone and neat feet. Good depth of chest and spring of rib. Level top line held on the move with correct tail set. Moved well. 3rd Dunbar Miss L LINIRGOR NINE TO FIVE JW LB (13, 1) A class where I was totally spoilt for choice and many who went unplaced could easily challenge on another day. 1st May Mrs J CHERRYGOLD STORYTELLER JW Another girl out of the top drawer who pressed hard today for top honours. Most pleasing of heads with gentle expression. Good reach of neck leading into well placed shoulders and good return of upper arm. Good depth of chest and spring of rib. Level top line held on the move. Good width of stifle and well muscled which she used on the move as she covered the ground with ease. Presented in the most beautiful profuse mid gold coat. Unlucky to meet the winner of yearling but delighted to award her the Res CC. 2nd Anderson Mrs L LINCHAEL LIVIA JW Another girl I have often admired who presents a very balanced picture overall. Feminine head and expression with good reach of neck and well placed shoulders and moderate return of upper arm. Good depth of chest with a level top line held on the move. Good width of stifle and well muscled, steadily covering the ground with ease. Just not in the full bloom of 1 today. 3rd Crookes Mrs DS & Jenkinson Mrs RJ QUAKERHALL VICTORY JUBILEE JW OB (8, 1) 1st Vermander Mrs N & Adam Mrs T AMILONE LEGEND OF THE STONE Feminine girl with soft expression. Good length of leg and correct body proportions. Well placed shoulders with moderate return of upper arm. Good depth of chest and level top line which she held on the move. Short coupled with good width of stifle. Presented in excellent coat and condition moved effortlessly around the ring. 2nd O'Neill Mrs L SH CH LINIRGOR MISTY MORNINGS AT STRATHLON JW Beautiful mid gold girl with pretty head and expression with lovely dark pigment. Well placed shoulders and good return of upper arm. Good depth of chest with good bone and neat feet. Level top line which she held on the move. Good width of stifle presented in hard condition which she used to cover the ground with ease. 3rd Crookes Mrs DS & Jenkinson Mrs RJ SH CH QUAKERHALL FLARE BY PANDORA VB (7, 1) 1st Dunbar Miss L SH CH LINIRGOR VIOLETS ARE BLUE JW An absolutely fabulous veteran. Feminine head and expression. So balanced throughout and correct body proportions. Lovely reach of neck with well placed shoulders and good return of upper arm. Level top line held on the move with correct tail set and carriage. Good width of stifle. Presented in excellent coat and condition and well muscled for her age. Just lost out on top awards today to the movement of the younger girls. BVIB and Gundog Veteran Group 4. 2nd Crookes Mrs DS & Jenkinson Mrs RJ SH CH STANROPH STILL THE SAME (IMP ESP) JW I cannot believe that this girl is 10.5 years. In excellent condition for her age with soft head and expression. Clean reach of neck with well placed shoulders and good return of upper arm. Good depth of chest and level top line held on the moved. Good width of stifle and could show some of the youngsters how to move. 3rd Williamson Mr SD & Mrs TY THORNYWAIT ATOMIC BETTY FOR SANDTI SBB (8, 5) 1st McNeish Mr M & Miss M AMBERSUN DROPS OF JUPITER Mid gold bitch with a feminine head and expression. Good reach of neck and balanced angles both front and back. Good depth of chest and spring of rib. Level top line held on the move. Good width of stifle, moved well presented in good coat. 2nd Bradley Mrs M CEILCAESAR BEN AVON Larger framed girl but balanced overall. Feminine head and expression with good reach of neck and level top line. Good width of stifle, presented in good coat and moved well. 3rd Robertson Miss K & Campbell Miss S LINIRGOR CUDDLE IN