- Show Date: 25/03/2023
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Elizabeth Fisher Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Scottish Breeds Canine Club
The committee of Scottish Breeds Canine Club should be very proud of all your hard work in producing such a professional show. I received the most warm, welcoming Scottish hospitality, you are all lovely people, thank you for your judging appointment, I will always have fond memories of my time with you.
Sincere appreciation to my very experienced Stewards, Hazel Leggart and Andrea Murray-Walker who did a fantastic job of keeping the ring running perfectly with kindness and humour.
My grateful thanks to the exhibitors who gave me the privilege of assessing their beautifully prepared Goldens, excellent dentition, correctly shaped eyes and tight cat-like feet across all the entrants, a credit to the breed. I was delighted by my huge entry in both quality/quantity, spoilt for choice and splitting hairs in many classes. Thank you for accepting my decisions with good grace, the atmosphere around the ring was positive and friendly. My final line-up gave me the greatest pleasure, the final top honours decided by the Referee, Mr G A Hill. To those that made a long journey to Scotland to exhibit under me, my humble gratitude to you.
Minor Puppy Bitch - Entries: 7 Absentees: 0
A class of really lovely puppies. Unfortunately, 3 had a bad experience at the Open Show in the other hall earlier that day, consequently, not happy being assessed standing but all moved really well. Hopefully, they will quickly recover from their unfortunate earlier experience.
1 Pratt’s Rosyth Kind of Magic
Very pretty 7 m.o. baby wearing a glamorous gold coat. Balanced pretty head. Correct length of neck into level topline. Good spring of rib with plenty of depth and substance for age. Moved with style, carriage and co-ordination. Won on overall balance.
2 Hill’s Sandaula Forest of Dreams
A promising youngster with time on her side. Soft, gentle expression. Clean neck. Well-proportioned front and rear assembly, short coupled and strong topline. A free and easy movement. Cream coat with gold tinge just on the change.
3 McCormack’s Flyngalee Busy Boo
Puppy Bitch - Entries: 9 Absentee: 1
Strong class of puppies, hair-splitting between the first three and can change places on another day.
1 Neilson’s Tweedspey Toppsecret avec Ponfeigh (Imp Fra)
Very attentive mid gold young lady with a gleaming coat and happy wagging tail. Well-muscled condition, presenting size and substance without losing femininity. Excellent front angulation placing front legs well under with elbows neatly tucked in, deep in chest and strong loin. Moved out strong with balance, style and holding her dead level topline.
2 Wood’s Strathlon Shirli Valentine
Pleasing in profile with shapely clean lines, everything flowing into place. Balanced in angulation as well as length to height. Sound, positive and purposeful on the move. Slight gold tinge to her beautifully conditioned cream coat. Handled to perfection.
3 Clarkson’s Drumkilty Yours Truly
Junior Bitch - Entries: 16 Absentees: 2
1 List’s Haydengold Gossip Girl, JW (Best Junior in Breed)
Attractive head and expression. Strong in shoulder, well placed with good length of upper arm, equal strength in excellent width of thigh presenting a well-balanced bitch, strong topline held on the move. Free-standing natural pose. Happy, confident and very well presented cream bitch.
2 Harvey’s Shebelta Sweet Charlotte
Impressive girl who pushed the winner close. Presented an impressive outline with evident forechest, good lay of shoulders into a firm topline. Correct angles both front and rear, super head with kind expression and black pigment. Cream coat groomed to perfection. One to watch.
3 Haxton’s Dantassie Dizzie Heights
Yearling Bitch - Entries: 19 Absentees: 3
Super quality class with such depth of quality and some high-quality bitches went unplaced.
1 Dunbar’s Linirgor Nine to Five JW
Strong ring presence shouting ‘look at me’ which could not be ignored. Level topline and strength in hind quarters giving drive as she glides around the ring. Prettiest of heads with good neck into well laid shoulders and excellent front angulation. Overall substance and balance not overdone in any way. Cream coat groomed to perfection.
2 Maddion’s Jaymardy Sweet Caroline JW
A pretty cream coated lady who just flows over her clean neck and shoulders. Super angles front and rear, her confirmation is sound with good firm muscle to ensure her profile movement maintains style and balance. Standing looks the part in profile and just as impressive close up.
3 Foster’s My Gold V D Corner Brook for Auristela (Imp Nld) JW
Novice Bitch - Entries: 19 Absentees: 5
1 Harvey’s Shebelta Sweet Charlotte
2 Wood’s Strathlon Shirli Valentine
3 Haxton’s Dantassie Dizzie Heights
Graduate Bitch - Entries: 11 Absentees: 2
1 Bell’s Hoaaloha Ahyoka
Appealing head, black pigment, strong neck. Balanced outline made up of correct proportion front and rear angles, depth of chest, short coupling and strong topline. A free and easy movement. Cream coat coming back into it’s own. Happy wagging tail and enjoying her day in the ring.
2 Purdie’s Dunnybrae Tickety Boo
Mid gold bitch in good coat and condition. Pleasing head set onto strong neck. Eyecatching outline with all angles in correct proportion, correct layback and good width of thigh, level topline. Moved well with a steady, even stride.
3 Paterson’s Timeless Dreams in Summer of Sunshine's Valley (Imp Bel)
Post Graduate Bitch - Entries: 8 Absentees: 1
1 Foreman’s Ambersun Heart of Gold, RBCC
Feminine head with good neck into well laid shoulders. Well angulated fore and aft, depth and spring with correct body length and strong hindquarters, stood four-square. Shown in first rate condition and gleaming gold full coat. Excellent length of stride, sound and steady. Happy, wagging tail, total attention on her handler. CC’s are waiting around the corner for this lovely bitch. Had no hesitation in awarding RBCC today.
2. Crookes & Jenkinson’s Quakerhall Flare by Pandora
Lovely quality compact mid gold bitch in full well conditioned coat. Standing balanced with good bone and substance within her frame. Strong neck flows into correct topline. On the move showed soundness of construction.
3 McDonald’s Lamancha Question The Truth
Mid Limit Bitch - Entries: 7 Absentees: 1
1 Bell’s Hoaaloha Moana JW
Very substantial young lady wearing a cream, gold tinged, full coat. Front assembly well put together with correct length of upper arm, good depth of chest, Strong rear angulation. Free and easy movement maintaining topline.
2 Palmer & White’s Linirgor Perfect Symphony of Cairnglen
Another high quality, elegant girl, wearing a beautifully groomed mid-gold coat. Pretty head, strong neck, strong level topline. Very sound gait with flowing reach and drive. For today, just preferred the front angulation of 1, but could change places on another day.
3 Trafford’s Wynrita Misti Daze at Astleyfold
Limit Bitch - Entries: 17 Absentees: 5
Very strong class of excellent bitches
1 Russell-Bond’s Rosinante Morwenna, BCC, BOS
Everything to like about this beautifully balanced bitch, draped in full cream coat. In profile she is stunning with loveliest of heads, good reach of neck into well laid shoulders and absolute level topline. Her front is true with correct bone, well sprung ribs with good depth of brisket. Excellent angulation at front and rear with well-defined turn of stifle with good width. She has plenty of muscle and shown in good hard condition. Moving so true both ways with a free reach and drive action in profile. She gave a very good account of herself, shown to perfection. Her supporters were just as delighted as I was for her to be awarded the BCC. After judging was advised that this is her third CC, she certainly deserves her Show Champion title.
2 Nelson’s Cadwst Eternal Flame
Compact mid-gold bitch, balanced head, sweet expression on clean reach of neck. Strong topline supporting good depth of chest, short coupled. Correct width of thigh. Sound on the move covering the ground well. A pleasure to go over.
3 Lane & Lane-Ridyard’s Kulawand Sky with Diamonds
Open Bitch - Entries: 6 Absentees: 1
1 Archibald’s Ir Sh Ch Abinvale Arrieta (ai)
Another high quality young lady with a lovely head and outline, good reach of neck into well placed shoulders and correct upper arm, plenty of forechest, strong bone, well ribbed. Excelled in rear angulation, moved with balanced reach and drive. Presented in glorious, well-conditioned full cream coat. Pushed hard for the top honours.
2 Rodgers’ Sh Ch Rojillair Evening Magic of Odarla JW
Beautifully presented cream, mature bitch. Soft, kind expression. Correct length of neck, layback of shoulder, well angled rear quarters. On the move, a good gait with strong hind action keeping her level topline.
3 Wood’s Monchique Mrs Brown JW
Veteran Bitch - Entries: 8 Absentees: 1
1 Crookes & Jenkinson’s Sh Ch Stanroph Still The Same (Imp Esp) JW
Striking balanced head onto good neck with well laid-back shoulders leading into a lovely front assembly. Correctly angulated all through with good depth of chest supporting a level topline. Gold coat turned out in beautiful condition, moved with purpose and drive. A pleasure to go over this charming girl.
2 Burrow’s Dilworthey Princess Lottie
Another eye-catching mature cream lady. Full of quality, super outline clothed in full cream coat groomed to perfection. Well balanced with particularly pleasing proportions. Moved around the ring with a sure footed, even gait, a pleasure to watch.
3 Clarkson’s Ch Drumkilty Hibernia JW
Special Beginners Bitch - Entries: 6 Absentees: 2
1 Brown’s Sansue Love Note at Louellabrook
Refined cream bitch made with clean lines and a balanced outline. Gentlest of expressions, jet black pigment. Good reach of neck into well placed shoulders, level strong topline. Moved freely, long striding with style and purpose.
2 Bell’s Hoaaloha Kealoha
Graceful cream youngster, in between coats. Well proportioned, balanced, construction good throughout, level topline maintained on the move, well-muscled with excellent width of thigh.
3 Mcalpine’s Drumkilty Mairead
Elizabeth S Fisher