• Show Date: 27/10/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Ed Casey Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 10/11/2023

Midland Counties Canine Society

Breed: Weimaraner


Minor Puppy Dog (2, 1abs)

1ST 3505 - Weipowa Double O’seven (Miss C Hill)

6 month old puppy of good colour standing alone here, masculine head developing well, plesing eye shape and colour. Well angulated front, stands on well boned legs and good feet. A bit narrow although and still needing time to develop through the middle, firm in topline, steep in croup, docked tail well set and carried. Moved ok.

Puppy Dog (4, 1abs)

1ST 3492 - Gunalt The Hangover (Miss E Charlish)

Puppy who presents an impressive outline stacked up however he really comes into his own on the move, especially in profile. Masculine head, enough neck, shoulders well positioned, well boned legs and compact well arched feet. Ribbed well back and quite developed in body, doesn't want to carry anymore weight although he is in the firmest of muscletone. Firm in topline and with good tail set and ok carriage. Moves with a long rhythmic stride covering the ground easily.

2ND 3521 - Moon Shadow by Atria Cordis Rivertone (pol Imp) NAF TAF (Mr Phillips)

Different type to the winner and a little finer all through as yet. Appealing head of pleasing shape, pleasing eye colour. Clean though the neck and shoulders although they are a little forward set. Good bone and feet, still needing to develop in chest. Firm topline, ok tail set. Body still needing time to develop. Well muscled quarters which he uses well on the move covering the ground with ease.

3RD 3505 - Weipowa Double O’seven (Miss C Hill)

Junior Dog (3, 0abs)

1ST 3524 - Wallaroo Kynki Bootz (Mrs A R & Mr G Porter-Manning & Porter)

A comfortable winner of this class, masculine dog who projects himself well on the stack. His head is of good proportions, strong neck, shoulders well positioned. Good depth of body and ribbed well back, firm in topline and though the loin, tail a bit high set and carried. Shown in good body condition and muscletone. Moved positively when settled.

2ND 3509 - Wallaroo Romeo (Dr L Jennings)

More compact dog and more moderate in his angulation all through. Still needing to fill in front but has good bone and feet. Deep in body, short in loin, steep in croup and tail a bit high set. Moves well in profile, could be tidier fore and aft.

3RD 3493 - Gunalt Polished at Wystry (Ms M & Mr G Davies & Brown)

Post Graduate Dog (7, 1abs)

1ST 3503 - Pipwell Hay Jude (Mrs J & Mr M & Miss H & Mrs D & Mr G Hesford & Hesford & Campbell & Timmins & Timmins)

Really impressive young dog who projects an excellent outline. Excellent head for proportions and length, eyes of good shape and colour. Clean though the neck, shoulders well positioned, chest well filled, correct amount of bone and standing on the well arched feet. Already deep and well developed in body, firm in topline with correct tailset and carriage. Moves soundly and with an effortless action. Not totally in tune with his handler in the challenge and this cost him, sure to have a great future. 

 2ND 3530 - Silverweis Summer Love (Mr J & Mrs L Thomas)

Of similar size and balance to 1 and another who impresses in profile movement. Masculine head of good proportions, a little thick though the neck, shoulders quite well positioned. Well boned legs and excellent well arched feet. Firm, hard musclular condition, ribbed well back. Firm in topline and carrying himself well on the move.

3RD 3489 - Desjiem Billy Dont Be A Hero JW (Ms A & Mr C Brown & Filby)

Limit Dog (5, 3abs)

1ST 3487 - Cavalmist Cosworth (Mrs J & Mr C Bennett)

Upstanding dog who has good overall balance, masculine head, a little overly deep in flew. More moderate in his front angulation but he has straight well boned legs and well manicured feet. Body of good depth, firm level topline, tail well set and carried. Moved well in profile but could be more positive on the out and back.

2ND 3504 - Parhelis Corrino (Mrs S Heuston)

VHC in the previous class. Smaller dog who is very compact and of good colour, has a pleasing head shape. Moderate in his front angulation, needs more depth in his body. Slopes off in topline.

 Open Dog (7, 1abs)

1ST 3483 - Sh Ch Gunalt Hendricks (Messrs D R & G A Alcorn & Ingram)

Impressive dog who is at his best moving, free and coordinated with an effortless action, moving true fore and aft even in this restrictive ring. Masculine head of good proportions, eyes medium sized with a kind expression. Clean through his long neck, well boned legs and firm well arched feet. Deep in body, ribbed well back and a firm, hard topline that does not falter standing or moving. Hindquarters well muscled, hocks well let down. Presented in the best of muscletone and at one with his handler. CC, BOB & G4.

2ND 3499 - Sh Ch Gunalt Undeniable at Joneva JW (Mr J & Mr P M Evans & Pavey)

My BP & RCC winner when I last judged the breed in 2018 and it was good to see him again at his mature best, pushing the winner all the way. Stacked up he is an imposing dog, well balanced and free from exaggeration. Quality head, strong neck, shoulders well positioned and with well boned legs and excellent feet. Deep in body and ribbed well back, firm and well muscled and presented in excellent order, coat of good colour, will always be in contention. RCC

3RD 3529 - Ch Sireva Emeyefive JW Sgwc (Mrs G Simpson)

Special Beginners Dog

Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1ST 3509 - Wallaroo Romeo (Dr L Jennings)

 As per 2nd in Junior Dog, did not come back to challenge for Best Special Beginner.

2ND 3504 - Parhelis Corrino (Mrs S Heuston)

As per 2nd in Limit Dog.

3RD 3533 - Prodigy of Jacob (Miss G Willetts)

Minor Puppy Bitch (3, 0abs)

1ST 3513 - Kalimor Tinker (Mrs T Morris)

Shapely puppy, appealing head and eye, liked her expression. Clean through the neck and front, shoulders well positioned, correct amount of bone and has excellent feet. Has good depth of body and is ribbed well back. Standing a little bum high but understandable at this age, the most forward in this class. Moved soundly out and back and covers the ground with a steady pace in profile. Shown in excellent muscletone and body condition.

2ND 3485 - Weipowa Severine (Miss A Balch)

Raw 6 month old puppy with a good outline. Feminine head, pleasing expression, enough neck, pleasing forehand, well boned legs and excellent feet. Body developing well, firm topline, docked tail well set and carried. Composed and moving with good carriage, should have a good future.

3RD 3507 - Theondale Margot (Mrs T A Hostler)

Puppy Bitch (2, 1abs)

1ST 3513 - Kalimor Tinker (Mrs T Morris)

As previous class.

 Junior Bitch (3, 0abs)

1ST 3510 - Gunalt Curtain Call JW (Miss R & Mr P Longbottom & Milby) 

Medium sized bitch with a good outline. Feminine head of good length and balance, clean through the neck neck, shoulders well positioned, correct amount of bone, excellent feet. Firm level topline, tail well set and carried, ribbed well back. Strong well muscled quarters and hocks well let down which she used to advantage moving.

2ND 3513 - Kalimor Tinker (Mrs T Morris)

As previous class.

3RD 3518 - Gunalt Deluxe (Mrs C A & Mr D W Pearce & Gilbert)

Post Graduate Bitch (7, 3abs)

1ST 3523 - Sabsky Svratka JW (S Pilatova)

Up to size bitch of very good colour. Liked her head shape and eye colour. Long neck, well developed front, strong well boned legs and excellent feet. Deep in body, ribbed well back, maintained her level topline standing and moving. Covers the ground well in profile, a touch wide coming on.

2ND 3514 - Kalimor Dottie JW (Mrs T & Mrs D Morris & Randall)

Medium sized bitch, more compact in body than the winner. Appealing head of correct proportions, enough neck, shoulders quite well positioned. Deep and well developed in body. Presented in excellent body and muscletone. Moves well in profile but a little narrow coming and going.

3RD 3495 - Kalimor Summa Love JW (Mrs D Dobbs)

Limit Bitch (6, 0abs)

1ST 3502 - Pipwell Penny Lane (Mrs J & Mr M & Miss H Hesford & Campbell)

Feminine bitch, only 19 months old but difficult to overlook. Pleasing head of good length, eyes of good shape and colour and the most kind expression. Quite long neck, pleasing forehand, shoulders well laid back, correct amount of bone, well arched feet. Toned body of good depth, ribbed well back and firm though the loin. firm topline which doesn't falter standing or moving. Exemplary muscletone and conditioning, moves effortlessly on a long stride covering the ground with ease. CC

2ND 3531 - Gunalt Elderflower at Greyfurs JW (Ms G Tierney)

Another lovely bitch who pushed hard. Head of pleasing balance, typical expression. Striking profile, long neck, shoulders well placed and the right amount of bone with excellent feet. Correct depth of body, ribbed well back and holding a firm topline. Tail carried a little highly. Moved very positively fore and aft and really covered the ground well on a long stride.

3RD 3494 - Wystry One Mint Julep (Ms M & Mr G Davies & Brown)

Open Bitch (8, 1abs)

1ST 3528 - Sh Ch Minstergate Carnival JW (Mrs C Rodgers)

Free moving bitch who moves out on a long positive stride with excellent carriage. Standing she is balanced and a good colour. Feminine head with a kind expression and pleasing eye shape and colour. Neck of good length, shoulders well positioned, straight well boned forelegs. Level topline, body of correct proportions and ribbed well back. Well muscled quarters she used to advantage on the move. RCC

2ND 3520 - Sh Ch Farnfield Goddess from Rivertone (Mr Phillips)

Another quality bitch who presents a typical outline when stacked. Head of pleasing length and balance, quite long in neck and shoulders well positioned. She has the correct amount of bone and compact feet. Good depth of body, has well developed ribs and a level topline. Well muscled quarters, hocks well let down. Moves soundly fore and aft and covers the ground well in profile.

3RD 3512 - Kalimor Gem (Mrs T Morris)

Special Beginners Bitch (3, 2abs)

1ST 3525 - Phoebe Du Tango Des Neiges Eternelles avec Whitecross (Imp Fra) (Mr T & Mrs G C Read

Longhaired bitch who is compact in outline. Head of good proportions, balanced in her angulation. She has good bone, still needing to fill out a little in body. Shown in good body condition and muscletone. BSB.