• Show Date: 19/05/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Donna Louise Whincup Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Scottish Kennel Club

Breed: Akita

SKC Friday 19th May 2023


I would like to thank the officers and committee of SKC for the invite to judge this fabulous breed at their Championship show this May. I was truly thrilled by my quality entry. Many thanks also to my very efficient stewards Caroline and Laura who kept the flow of the ring so well. I would also like to thank all who entered their fabulous dogs under me, I truly loved every moment judging your wonderful breed, thank you also for your applause and accepting my placement of the dogs so kindly and for congratulating the winners.

Class 379 puppy dog 1 entry 0 absent

1st & Best puppy Dog McLean Melodor Royal Salute 6 month old stylish youngster. Quality in head, broad forehead with correct stop and furrow. Strong jaw with correct scissor bite. Dark almond eyes, small thick, triangular ears carried forward over eyes. Muscular short neck into moderate lay of shoulder. Would like a little more length to body. Good deep chest. Strong straight well boned forelegs sat on well knuckled feet. Moderate behind. He sported a resilient stride. Tail large, full and carried well over back.

Class 380 Junior Dog 1 entry 1 absent

Class 381 PGD 0 entries

Class 382 Limit Dog 2 entries 0 absent

1st DCC Winner and pushed hard for BOB Banks & Betancor Carasa Hidden Dark De Wolfmont with Snowbeach (Sp Imp) 20 month old, Stallion male in full coat and brilliant colour. Balanced and alert powerful with great bone and substance. Masculine head forming blunt triangles. Good width to muzzle with correct stop and furrow, cheeks full. Dark almond eye, bright and alert. Ears of good shape and thickness carried forward. Short well muscled neck with correct pronounced crest, in to strong shoulders moderately laid back. Strong well boned straight front legs, elbows close to chest, correct incline to front pastern, thick well knuckled feet. Loved his body ratio, deep chest with great depth to brisket, level back with a muscular loin this gave him the strength to hold his topline while on the move. Moderate rear angulations, but sported the most amazing second thigh, this male was seriously fit for function, hock well let down, the driving force behind his vigorous stride. Nothing was overdone on this male. Tail large, full and set high, just balanced him both ends. His handle presented a true example of this breed in fabulous condition. I was thrilled to award him his very first CC but feel the other two will not be too far away. A credit to his breeder and owners.

2nd Hunter & Allen Casakura Aurora Borealis More compact in body than my winner which reflected in his stride pattern for me. Good masculine head, large and in balance with his body. Straight forelegs sat on good feet, would like a little more length in upper arm. Deep brisket and a good tuck up. Topline firm and retained on the move. Enough behind. Tail full and set high. He had a good stride pattern to him but just not the length of stride that my winner had.

Class 383 Open Dog 6 entries 2 absent

1st RDCC Winner Bostock & Sanchez SP/Port/Gib/Ch Ruthdales Born to Be Legend. Top quality large masculine male in excellent coat and condition, vibrant colour and handled to perfection, his clever handler gets the most out of him. He pushed hard for top spot; my winner just had the edge on muscle tone and body condition. Another fabulous male. Masculine head study with strength to muzzle, flat skull with a broad foreface. Ears of good shape and thickness carried well over his dark almond alert eyes. Correct scissor bite with good furrow. Good fill to cheek. Short well crested neck flowing in to moderate shoulders. Well boned forelegs straight sat on well knuckled and padded feet. Elbows close to chest. Firm topline retained on the move. Moderate behind well muscled. Hocks well let down. Tail set high, full and carried well over his back. Moved with purpose and drive. Pushed hard for top spot. Pleased to award him the RDCC.

2nd Willy Ch Jeamara’s Special Delivery for Sensha (Imp Nor) I loved the quality this boy brings to the breed. Balanced all through. Masculine black mask head, with good ear carriage, dark alert almond eye, good width to muzzle and correct scissor bite. Strong well crested neck in to moderate shoulders and front assembly. Strong boned front legs sat on good feet with good incline to front pasterns. Elbows close to well developed forechest. Nice underline. Moderate well muscled rear. Tail set high and carried well over his back. Vigorous and resilient stride to this male. I can see the quality he has given to his fabulous daughter who was my Best Puppy in Breed. A lot to like.

3rd O’Neill Ch Geilsaven Diddley Bo

Res- Hopkins Lsa Sundancer At Travistock (Imp RKF),

Class 384 Veteran Dog 2 entries 1 absent

1st & BV in Breed McLaren Ir Ch Barranod Ballyshannon Boy Ir J Ch. Quality male in tip top condition for his 8 years. Still in good condition, a balanced dog all through. Masculine head, flat skull, a good broadness to foreface. Correct width to muzzle. Large black nose, correct dentition. Almond dark eye, set well. Ear placement correct and of good size. Powerful neck. Moderately angulated both front and rear with good strength in bone. Scored well on movement. Tail set high and carried well over his back. He had a long day but represented his breed well in the veteran group. A credit to his owner.

Class 385 0 entries

Class 386 GCD 0 entries

Class 387 puppy Bitch 3 entries 0 absent.

1st Best Puppy in Breed and Utility Puppy Group 2 Willy Sensha Sweet but Sassy. Wow Wow Wow was what I wrote as she entered the ring. My find of the day. Sassy by name and Sassy by nature. She looked remarkably familiar, the quality was the same, the breed type, the coat colour and texture, and it was all there. I had awarded her Dam the same award last time judging this fabulous breed. Well credit to her owner and breeder for producing type. Her head study was glorious, feminine all through with great breed qualities, dark almond eye, bright and alert, good back skull and broadness in foreface, correct furrow, muzzle of good width, with correct dentition. Large black nose. Muscular crested neck in to her moderate lay of shoulder with good length in return of upper arm which gives her the reach in movement. Straight front legs with strong bone sat on neat well padded feet. Elbows close to her deep chest. Correct underline, strength in her loin, enabling her to retain her topline on the move. As equally moderate behind with good muscle definition, hocks well let down, and wow what a tail, large and full and used to full advantage. She came alive on the move with her vigorous gait tracking up perfectly. She is every inch a future champion just like her Dam. I watched her perform foot perfect in the group. She took a second but one day she will be topping the group.

2nd Mclean Melodor Burning Love. Another quality puppy with so much to like, this breed truly has a future with these youngsters that are coming through. Longer coated than my winner. Very nice head study on this feminine bitch, good eye colour and shape. Cheeks full, correct ear shape and placement. Good crest to neck, flowing in to moderate shoulders. Topline firm, Legs strong and well off for bone, enough behind, tail set high and full. Good mover and at one with her handler. Litter sister to my best puppy male.

3rd Davies Sensha Big Dreams at Shinzam.

Class 388 Junior Bitch 1 entry 0 absent

1st Hunter, Allen, Cunningham, and Casakura Highland Dream. Once the handler had calmed down then this little lady really started to settle and show. She stood well. Dark faces with good cheek fill Good depth to muzzle with correct scissor bit. Eyes alert, dark and of good shape. Ears carried forward over eye. A little short in neck, Lay of shoulder moderate, would like a little more return to upper arm. Strength in bone to her straight front legs, Feet well knuckled and padded, attention to nail would give the feet a better appearance. Topline strong. Moderate rear, tail set high and carried well over her back. Moved ok.

Class 389 Post Graduate Bitch 3 entries 2 absent

1st Fraser Seishido Zetta. 2 years old dark faced bitch, presented so well and in good coat. Femine face with good furrow, dark almond eye, bright and alert. Muscular neck. Stood on strong straight legs, moderate rear. Tail set high and used to full advantage. Moved ok

Class 390 Limit Bitch 6 entries 2 absent

1st BCC winner & BOB Bostock, Anton & Armstrong, Ruthdales Miss Deville.Top quality bitch handled to within an inch of her life. Well balanced and put together, scores high for breed type with her feminine head, blunt triangular ears thick and set well carried forward over her alert dark almond eyes. Depth in muzzle with good strength to jaw with correct scissor bite. Furrow finishes her face well, cheeks full. Muscular short crested neck in to moderate shoulders, she has the length to upper arm which enables her to reach forward on the move driven too by her equally angulated rear, the driving force behind this girl’s movement. She tracks up so well. Good strength to forelegs with strong bone, feet well padded and knuckled, Tail set well and full, giving her balance all through. A true power pack yet retains femininity. Represented the breed so well in the group, never put a foot wrong. Made me smile though when her handler called her Deville, with being in Dalmatian’s I thought, is she calling me Deville as in Cruela!, obviously not on seeing this girls KC name

2nd O’Neill Geilsaven Toote Sweet, unlucky to meet the class winner who was on fire. Scores well for breed types, she was in good coat, feminine all through with good balance, she just didn’t have the stride pattern of my class winner. Feminine head, Good ear carriage and placement, dark almond eye, Broad foreface, and width to back skull, good crest to neck in to moderate lay of shoulder and correct return of upper arm, Correct underline, strength in loin. Well boned with good feet, Tail set high giving her balance, moved well. A lot to like.

3rd Mclaren Kumatomo, s Galway Girl

Res – Hunter, Allen & Worthing Worthysway Lady in Red

Class 391 Open Bitch 4 entries 2 absent

1st & RBCC O’Neill Ch Geilsaaven Suzie Que. Stands a picture creating a quality outline. In vibrant coat and handled to perfection. 3 years old she was feminine all through. Beautiful head study, dark eye of correct almond shape, full cheeks, correct furrow, and muzzle had depth in strength with correct scissor bite. Ears thick, triangular carried forward. Short muscular well crested neck. Correct front assembly, forelegs straight sat on neat feet, elbows close to chest. Underline flows to moderate angulated rear, tail full giving this bitch balance. A free and easy mover at one with her handler. Pushed hard for the CC, just preferred the body length of my limit winner which gave her the longer stride. A credit to her owner on presentation.

2nd Connor Tazfuji’s Liberion Girl Nearly 4 year old and out of coat, but she was still presented in hard condition, Standing a little back on her front pastern today, which altered her outline and movement. Feminine all through, well bodied, good strength in bone. Tail set high and carried well over her back. Moved ok

Class 392 VB 0entries

Class 393 SBB 0 entries

Class 394 GCB 0 entries

Donna L Whincup (Tamilanda)