• Show Date: 26/08/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Donna Crow Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 24/09/2023

Driffield Championship Dog Show

Breed: Chinese Crested

Thank you to the society for inviting me to award my first set of CCs and to my stewards for efficient running of the excellent sized ring. Im very grateful for my entry and the gracious way my decisions were taken. It was nice to see that temperaments and mouths have improved although I would have liked to have seen cleaner teeth in many exhibits. I was pleased to see more hare feet present and a good representation of correct veil coated powderpuffs and moderately furnished hairless. Type remains mixed in the breed with my biggest concern being heads, many of which were too heavy, too broad in backskull and lacked refinement throughout. Its important we remember this breed should be elegant and graceful and do not allow heaviness or coarseness to creep in.

VD (3/1A) 1st Oliver’s Ynchrenoo Boayl Fahrane At Sareldian 8 Year Old of nice size and type. Balanced outline with good topline, tailset and skin. Good head with nice ears, just would prefer a little less backskull. Lively and attentive to his handler and moved with purpose once settled. 2nd Ousbey’s Foresti’s Jamaican Fizz 7 year old, heavier type than 1 and not appreciating the morning chill. Nice length to body, although carrying a little too much weight. Head ok with ears well set and good eye. Good length to stride on the move.

PD (6/2A) 1st Farquharson’s, Shanshal Man Of Steel immaculately presented 11 month old powderpuff who is well up to size. Nice length and balance to body, with correctly set tail which he carries beautifully. Head a little heavy right now, but ears well set and used. Sound steady mover, but could have a bit more reach in front. Nice puppy just needs to mature in body which he will with time. 2nd Panayiotis’ Ynchreenoo Masquerade 10 month old of nice type and size if a little heavily furnished. Moderately angulated front and rear, with good length to body and correct tailset. Head ok, with nice eye & super earset. Moved soundly, just needs to gain confidence. 3rd Larina-Sekreta’s, Nocturne Gambitas By Lavieest (Imp LTU)

JD (5/1A) 1st Dunlop’s, Ch Habiba What’s Your Pleasure 16 month old who won on breed type. Lovely refined head with good chiselling although ears could be better. Well angulated front and rear with well let down hocks giving him good drive from behind on the move. Nice length and balance to body and nice overall size. Topline ok but drops off at the croup. Expressive mover who needs to settle but did enough today to warrant the RCC. 2nd Farquharson’s, Shanshal Man Of Steel – winner of PD 3rd Peppett’s, Way To Go Heybett

SBD (2/2A)

PGD (6/2A) 1st Oliver’s, Ynchreenoo Masterpiece At Sarelidan 3½ year old nicely furnished and of nice type. Head ok, but super shape eye that is ultra dark and expressive. Nice size and in good condition with good muscle tone. Moved well once settled, but losing topline a little. 2nd Brookes’ Karamouche Kiss This At Zetamaz 16th month old powderpuff of nice size with coat coming on well. Pretty head into nice length neck and ok shoulders. Needs to mature in body and would like more length. Super outgoing temperament and moved with purpose, just would prefer more reach in front. 3rd Simm’s Ben-Ezhar Forever And A Day

LD (5/0A) 1st Moyes’ & Hunter’s Breylis Strictly Fab U’Lous Up to size powderpuff who you have to get your hands on to appreciate. Excellent front with well laid shoulder and nice well matched rear. Good length to body which is well balanced and conditioned. Chiselled head, but a little heavy overall still, ears well set. Moved steadily and soundly in all directions. 2nd Farquharson’s, Shanshal Prince of Arabia JW, faultlessly presented powderpuff. Well chiselled and balanced head, with correct ears he used well. Good firm body with strong loin and good topline which he held well at all times. Accurate mover but would prefer more reach and drive. 3rd Oliver’s , Ynchreenoo Masterpiece At Sarelidan

OD (4/1A) 1sy Moyes’ & Hunter’s Joyways I’m A Star At Bryelis (Imp FIN) Striking 3 year old red boy who has an air of arrogance which catches the eye. Masculine, well balanced head & good reach of neck. Excellent topline and good tailset with nicely rounded rump. Well angulated front and rear although would prefer more forechest. Body is well balanced, of nice length and in firm condition. Moves well in all directions and handled to his advantage. DCC 2nd Parker’s Ynchrenoo Black Magic At Khatira nearing 4 year old well schooled powderpuff of nice size. Good topline held well on the move but a little proud of his tail. Coat rather broken at present. His head is balanced but heavy in backskull. Moderate throughout he comes into his own in profile on the move where he powers round with good reach and drive. 3rd Piper’s Be My Dog’s Topsail Cody Of Zanjero JW (Imp DEU)

GCD (2/0) 1st Farquharson’s, Shanshal Prince of Arabia JW 2nd in LD 2nd Parker’s Doonbeg Carbon Copy At Khatira JW 2 year old black with good bone. Elegant head although ears could be better. Good upper arm and depth to chest but would prefer less length to leg and more balance to body. Moved ok.

VB (5/1Aa) A lovely class of veterans all a credit to their owners 1st Moyes’ & Hunter’s Bryelis Private Dancer JW ShCM 7 year old powderpuff of nice type with correct veil coat. Good size and well balanced angulation fore and aft. Nice head although would benefit from less backskull. Good neck and topline and well conditioned body – just would prefer slightly less loin. Well set tail which she used well once going and moved with good reach and drive. BV 2nd Wilsons’ Habiba Chasing Rainbows 9 year old of super type with excellent head, ear and expression. Well angulated front with excellent well let down hocks in the rear. Moved OK but a little reticent today. 3rd Botterill’s Pariansoez Ta Ta For Now

PB (3/0) 1st Dixon’s Jean Dark Carolina Rose Avec Debrita (Imp SWE) Feminine 11 month old that was nicely furnished. Clean head with correct shape dark eye and nice ears. Moderate, balanced angulation with good bone. Well condition body with good ribbing but would prefer a touch more loin. Moved well in profile with good reach, just a touch close behind on the up and back. BP 2nd Eaton’s Chesnutcres Sun Set River For Elmstace another 11 month old of nice size and type, being fine boned and graceful. Clean head with good ears, sufficient neck and nicely balanced body. Ok on the move just needs more confidence. 3rd Botterills’ Runa Queen Malverne Of Muddiwax (Imp CZE)

JB (4/1A) 1st Laws’ Karamouche Parti Frock 16 month old powderpuff who was presented to perfection and in good coat. Nice head, size and overall shape with nice length to neck and good balance of front and rear. Well let down hocks giving her good drive on the move, just would prefer more fluidity and extension to her reach. 2nd Todd-McCoids’ Maniko Von Shinbashi At Rubyanlo (Imp DEU) Very feminine one year old of lovely size. Lovely head, clean, well chiselled with a lovely soft expression. Ok neck into good shoulders. Level topline held well on the move, just needs to mature in body which will come. 3rd Eaton’s Chesnutcres Sun Set River For Elmstace

SBB (1/1A)

PGB (4/0A) 1st Moyes’ Hunter & Shaws’ Bryelis Picture Perfect 3 year old powderpuff with lovely correct veil coat. Balanced head but rather heavy in backskull and eye a little round. Ok neck into decent shoulder, level topline with well set tail. Well muscled strong rear, which propelled her round the ring moving with good drive and excellent reach which won her the class. 2nd Laws’ Karamouche Parti Frock 1st JB 3rd Gravell-Barnes’ Princess Of The Bride Juna Dogs (Imp POL)

LB (5/1A) 1st Eaton’s Chesnutcres Miss Fammie At Elmstace Lovely size 2½ year old feminine powderpuff with super correct veil coat and excellent breed type. Pretty head, clean and well chiselled, with good balance. Good angulation front and rear with correct rib to loin proportions and overall length. Level topline and correct tail held well on the move. Moved soundly and elegantly in all directions and pleased to award her RCC. 2nd Lane’s Konishiki Aurora another of nice size and femineity, this 20 month has a lovely arched neck into good shoulder, with nice balance to correct length body. Rear is a tad overangulated but she has nice chest and depth to brisket. Moved well in profile just needs to settle and focus on the job at hand. 3rd Panayiotis’ Ynchreenoo Kesmadyn Shee

OB (3/1A) 1st Dunlop’s Ch Habiba Hold My Purse much has been said about this 3 year old and once you get your hands on her you can appreciate why. Textbook head piece, clean, well chiselled and perfectly balanced with super eye and dazzling expression. Beautiful arched neck into well laid shoulders with overall super front assembly. Correct length and balance to body, with spirit level topline and correctly set and held tail. Comes into her own on the move where she powers round with superb reach and drive and an air of arrogance and grace which demands attention and makes it hard to take the eye away from. A breathtaking bitch who I was delighted to award CC & BOB to and see her go on to take BIS. 2nd 1st Chesnutcres Miss Fammie At Elmstace 1st in LB

GCB (1/0A) 1st Lane’s Transylvania Sasima At Konishiki JW (Imp POL) Nice bitch who was balanced throughout. Feminine head with nice chiselling and expression. Well assembled front with good forechest and shoulder. Moved soundly in all directions with good reach and drive. Just needs to carry less weight and im sure she will have a bright future.

Donna Crow (Casacavallo)