• Show Date: 01/06/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Diane Stewart-Ritchie Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Southern Counties Canine Association

Breed: Basset Hound


1ST JUNE 2023



Minor Puppy Dog

Entries: 1, 0.  1st: Turner: DEVONHOUND MIRACLE OF LOVE. Quality puppy whom I liked a lot. Correct bone, feet, topline and tail set. Lovely head and eye. Really nice front assembly. Developing well in quarters. Strong in bone with good feet. Nice development in chest with good ground clearance. So sound on the move. Interesting to note he is the son of my RCC winner and the same type is very evident in him.

Puppy Dog

Entries: 1, 0.  1st : Cooper: HOUNDSBAY VITO ANDOLINI. This young man was certainly enjoying his day and took it all in his stride. His ribs are well sprung and far back. He is very good in hindquarter. Short from hock to heel. A shade steep in shoulder and has good eye colour. 

Junior Dog

Entries: 4,1.  1st Woodworth: ARMARDIO AGAINST THE WIND. B.P.I.B./B.J.I.B. Quality head piece with very nice eye colour and shape. Correct length and placement of ear, fine in texture. Moderate neck into shoulder line which was excellent with equal length of upper arm. Good in prosternum. Excellent topline and tail set and very good in underline. He has a fit and purposeful look about him. He moved well in all areas. Delighted to award him Best Puppy In Breed and Best Junior In Breed.

2nd Barbrooke: CLANWILLOW GOLDEN ARROW. Tidy enough hound with pleasant head and good ear set. Good enough in upper arm although a little steep in shoulder. Good bone and feet. Good length and shape of rib and excellent quarters. Moved okay.


Graduate Dog

Entries: 3, 1.  1st Mrs K J Bates: DIHEATH PYJAMA AT KARAMES. Tri of nice proportions and not overdone. Pleasing head piece with good eye shape, colour and expression. Big nose. Balanced head. Good bone and feet. Very nice proportions all through. Excellent width through the quarters with good first and second thigh and enough bend of stifle. Put down in good condition with a nice lustre on his coat. Moved well.

2nd Mrs J A Lesiakowski ROMANBAY RAGING INFERNO. Head planes very good, nicely balanced and almost parallel. Full protruding nose with good eye colour. Arched neck, with well-defined prosternum and good fill in front. A bit tight at elbow. Good length of rib and rather long in rear pastern. Well off for bone. Good in topline. Not so strong in rear or the moderation there that I prefer. Moved okay on the around.

Post Graduate Dog

Entries: 2, 0.  1st Ms M Rodgers: SWITHERLAND SORREL. Typey hound of good substance who was put down in the best of condition. He is strong, fit and powerful but without any coarseness. Appealing head with correct eye shape and well-placed long ears. Arched neck, strong and muscular. Well laid shoulder with corresponding upper arm. Good bone and feet, well knuckled and full in pad. Correct at elbow. Well sprung ribs, muscular loin. Good ground clearance. Excellent hindquarter. He is full in muscle and is good in width and length of pelvis. He excels on the move and carries his topline and tail well as he goes. Happy to award him the RCC. 

2nd Mrs S B & Mr K R Jones: CLANWILLOW BACK TO THE FUTURE. This smart hound has lots to like and is put down in the best of order. His coat condition is spot on and he is strong and full in muscle. Pleasing head with good finish to foreface. Correct ear set and length. Arched neck, level topline and good tail set. Nicely angled fore and aft and another with good ribbing. Enough ground clearance. Moves out well but not the drive of 1st today.

Limit Dog

Entries: 5, 0.  1st Mrs K & Ms C Freudenreich: LOCKOLEA ROCKET MAN. Very nice type. Substantial without excess. Good head planes and excellent shape throughout. Super shoulder and upper arm. Long ribs to short loin. Strong wide and powerful in hindquarter. Stands on quality bone with good feet. Good topline and underline and correct tail carriage on the move. Also very nice through the pelvis area. To be hyper critical just a shade lighter in eye than is my preference but he is a quality hound, lacking exaggeration. Fit and powerful and moves well out back and around.

2nd Mr A & Mrs J Grimshaw: MALRICH HEY JUDE. Tri dog who has good strength throughout. Pleasant head with good expression. Good ear set, length and placement. Long ribs, well sprung. Good shoulder and upper arm. Strong through the rear end, full and powerful from behind. Not overdone and of a nice type. Moved well.


Open Dog

Entries: 7, 1.  1st Mrs L A & Miss K Blevins: BLEVWIL KENNY DEWITT CEN JW CEN W. Blanket tri dog . It is no secret that this young man hails from my own country. It is my responsibility to judge all dogs without fear or favour ensuring fair play and equal in assessment neither penalising nor favouring just because an exhibit is known to me. In this particular instance this dog really had to impress in order to come away with the top awards, and he did. I’m glad you brought him for my assessment. I rate him! I have admired him in competition previously, thinking him to be a smart hound of very nice type who is totally moderate and I could easily imagine him fulfilling his duty on the land. My assessment today found him to be, particularly fit, abundant in musculature and without exaggeration. He is typey with good strength throughout. He has the very best of shoulder and complimentary upper arm. Prominent breast bone. He sits in well through his whole front assembly with the best of bone and feet. True in front and unimpeded at elbow. His ribcage has depth, spring and goes way back. His correct front enables easy reach for the ground in front as he is propelled forward by his strong powerful rear. Excellent topline and set on of tail with perfect carriage and use throughout his performance. He has a very nice head. Good enough head planes. Long ears, set correctly and plenty of under jaw. Very nice, large teeth. He comes together beautifully on the move. Sound as a pound out and back and efficient and powerful on the around. He pleased my eye immensely going around, in fact induced a smile. There is an athleticism about him yet retaining masculinity and substance. Never cumbersome, but efficiency in his whole look. I liked everything about him and was delighted to award him the CC today. Yes, he’s young but I’m sure there’s plenty to come. Good luck for the future.

2nd Mr P Freer: CH SWITHERLAND BLUEBERRY PIE. Different in type but all male and a quality boy who is also a good mover. Excels in bone and topline and tail set. His constructional qualities are plain to see. He is very well put together and another with the best of topline and tail set. He is a good performer and goes well with his handler. He has some style about him. Really lovely head and eye with correct proportions. Excellent shoulder line and very nice return of upper arm and fore-chest. So well ribbed back. Well developed, muscular hindquarters with great strength and power. Full and rounded . I liked him very much on the move. A worthy Champion.


Special Beginners Dog

Entries: 2, 0.  1st :Mr A & Mrs J Grimshaw - MALRICH HEY JUDE : See Limit Report

2nd Mrs S Cooper - HOUNDSBAY VITO ANDOLINI : See Puppy Report

Minor Puppy Bitch

Entries: 3,1.  1st Mrs C J Turner: DEVONHOUND WHO'S THAT GIRL. Another who is sired by the RCC winner. Litter sister to the Minor Puppy Dog and has the same stamp. Most delightful head. Excellent topline and tail set. Good in proportion all through. Balanced front and rear and with excellent angles throughout. Very nice length and spring of rib. Beautiful feet and good bone. Moved with some attitude. Such an exciting prospect. Best Puppy Bitch.

2nd Mr Archer: ROAMANBAY RED HOT PEPA SAUCE. Tri girl. Stands on good bone and feet. Correct ears. Good head proportions, although head planes not as parallel as I would like. Would prefer a shade longer in ribcage. Nice and well developed in hindquarter. Good width over first and second thigh. 

Puppy Bitch

Entries: 1, 0.  1st Miss Y C Pearson. ARMARDIO CANDLE IN THE WIND.Pretty head and eye which is well proportioned. Super front assembly. Excellent bone and feet. Pronounced prosternum. Long ribs to short loin. Cracking hindquarters, rounded and full and without exaggeration. Liked her rump very much. Super quality youngster. Moved well.

Junior Bitch

Entries: 3, 1

Two quality girls competing today. I liked both very much and both have many good breed attributes.

1st Ms E Cudlip: HARVIDENE SAPPHIRE. Pleasant head with good balance, correct ear set and length. She has a nice arch to her neck leading into a strong, well developed shoulder and good in upper arm. Nice ribbing and very nice in hindquarter. This girl put on a fine performance to head this class.

2nd Miss Y C Pearson. ARMARDIO WIND OF CHANGE. Quality girl of a very nice type. She has a very nice head and eye. Is well constructed throughout and surely has some potential. Today not as settled on the move. Just needs to steady up in order to trouble the rest.

Graduate Bitch

Entries: 3, 0.  1st Mrs L Barbrooke: LAGNIAPPE TIME TO SHINE. Nice bitch with good head and dark eye. Really lovely expression. She is pleasing all round. Substantial. Very nice in ribbing. Good bone and feet. Good width on first and second thigh and she has a really nice attitude on the move.

2nd Mrs S B & Mr K R Jones: CLANWILLOW FUTURE DREAMS. Very nice to go over. This girl is put down in the best of condition. Her coat is clean and with good texture and she is fit and hard in muscle. Pleasing in front assembly. Long ribs and good quarters. Just not using her tail today as I would like. 


Post Graduate Bitch

Entries: 4,1.  1st Mrs L A Saunders: BECKSHOUNDS LUMINARA JW. Really liked this one and certainly was vying for top honours today. She is a beautiful bitch who carries all the essentials in construction and type. Her head planes are super both in proportion and parallel. Good eye shape, protruding nose and correct ear set. Her shoulders are superb matched by an equally well constructed forehand. She fits into herself well. True in front nicely encasing her ribcage but without interruption. Good bone, knuckled and padded feet. Long ribs. Short in loin and really super quarters. Level topline correct sabre like tail. She is a sound mover and can certainly trouble the best just needed a slight shade more showmanship on this occasion.

2nd Mr Archer: ROAMANBAY REBELLIOUS FLAME. Different style than winner. This red bitch has a lovely eye and expression. Good enough through the stop. Correct ear set and leathers. Good in forehand. Good bone and feet and solid and strong in hindquarter. She is well muscled and I liked the length and width of her pelvis. Good tail set on. Moved well.

3rd Miss D & Miss J Melbourne & Murray: DIHEATH RTWO JUTWO 

Limit Bitch

Entries: 6, 0.  1st Mrs K & Ms C Freudenreich: LOCKOLEA CIRCLE OF LIFE. Litter sister to my Limit dog winner. She has a very appealing head piece with the best of head planes, parallel and of good balance. Correct eye colour and good ear set, length and shape. Good front assembly. She is more compact than I normally go for but she is balanced within herself. Level topline and good tail set. She comes together really well on the move. She is fit and strong and put on a fine performance.

2nd Mrs L A & Miss K Blevins: BLEVWIL IVANA TWINKLE. Smart girl with the best of toplines. Rock solid and strong. She has the very best of construction. She has much appeal throughout and has plenty type. I liked her make and shape and her footfalls were good. 


Open Bitch

Entries: 9, 2.  1st: Ms M & Mrs S Rodgers & The Late Danel: SWITHERLAND CUSTARD CREAM FOR BAZBOURNE TAF. Such a quality girl, classic with much to like. Her head is so appealing with the correct eye colour, shape and expression. Her head is balanced, domed skull with correct stop and good in foreface. Big nose and well-placed ears, correctly set, long and fine in texture. Arched, muscular neck leading into a cracking front assembly. The very best of shoulders. She sits into herself so well there. Prominent in breast bone. She fills the hand well but also without excess. Good clearance and super in rib. Strong and muscular through the loin area with the best of back ends. She is rounded and full from behind. I loved her length and width across the pelvis area. Solid and strong in topline and tail set. She stands on good bone and strong, knuckled, padded feet. She is a picture on the stack but my, when she moves the whole package comes together beautifully. She moves with power and precision, long and low reach in front maintaining her topline at all times. She is fit and put down in the best of order. She has a stamp and air of quality about her and I was delighted to award her CC & BOB today and see her short listed in a very strong Hound Group. 

2nd: Mrs L A & Miss K Blevins: CH/IR CH BLEVWIL ZENN CEN W. On checking the catalogue I see she has the same sire as the Dog CC winner and he is obviously a very pre-potent sire because so many of the male’s attributes I found in her. She is typey without exaggeration. Has cracking construction all through. She is solid and strong in topline, plenty ground clearance and excellent in underline and has a desirable long lean head with good proportions although a shade off parallel. I liked her protruding nose, large with open nostrils. Moderate and muscular neck. She has the very best of front assembly. Good in prosternum and equal in length of scapula to humerus. Her elbows fit tightly around her rib cage with no impediment. Quality bone and the best of feet. I particularly loved the length of her ribs and short loin. Her hindquarters are full and muscular, nicely rounded and with good width over first and second thigh. Short from hock to heel and super when viewed from the rear. Sound, honest and true on the move. She’s another good one. Liked her very much but today just pipped to the top spot by another classy girl. RCC


Judge: Diane Stewart-Ritchie