• Show Date: 04/08/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Diane Stewart-Ritchie Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 24/11/2023

Paignton & District Fanciers' Association

Breed: German Shepherd Dog




Judge: Mrs D Stewart-Ritchie

Class JD 1,0

1st: Reilly’s ENDEARING WARRIOR AT DARMAROR. BD & BOB. Pleasant dog for basic shape and type. He is masculine, not overdone, and was pleasing enough on the go around. Stands on good bone and decent feet. He has enough slope to front pasterns. He is well muscled and is in good coat. Nice in muzzle with good strength in underjaw. Balanced head planes, eye shape good but would prefer a darker eye for ideal. Ears ok. He’s a shade upright in shoulder but has a decent length of upper arm. Enough stop and clean in cheek. Good neckline. Topline of and has good ribbing. Good width across the rear, although still needs some development there. Not so positive today on the away but he went around with enthusiasm and some regularity. Good coat and condition.

Class PGD 1,0
1st: Reilly’s ENDEARING WARRIOR AT DARMAROR. See Junior Report

Class SBB 2,1
1st: Morton’s KINGSFROME END OF AN ERA. RBB. Long coated. Nice proportions, good mover on the around. She stands on good bone and feet, well arched toes of good shape and size, slight slope to front pastern. Straight fronts, good in shoulder, well ribbed. Strong in hindquarter. Presented in good condition. Bit light in eye colour, although of good shape. 


Class JB 2,0
1st: Hill & Hill’s WAKEMATT'S JINZ. Best Bitch. Basic shape ok, although a shade lighter in bone than is my preference. Head pleasant with enough stop and good width over the skull. Good in ribbing, good in shoulder and upper arm. Not enough strength in rear yet - as standing today was rather cow hocked. Not as tidy on the move as I would like.

2nd : Thornton’s ZUBERG STORM. Good spring and depth of ribs. Well off for bone. Good in quarters. Head ok. Ears could be better placed. Has good enough coat. Moved a shade untidily today.

Class PGB 1,0
1st: Morton’s KINGSFROME END OF AN ERA. See SpB Report

Class OB (3 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: Morton’s KINGSFROME END OF AN ERA. See SpB Report

Diane Stewart-Ritchie