• Show Date: 09/07/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Derfel Owen Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

East Of England Agricultural Society

Breed: Miniature Pinscher

It’s always a pleasure to judge Miniature Pinchers, the overall quality is usually good and the breed didn’t disappoint today, coupled with good sportsmanship from the exhibitors, it makes for a very pleasurable experience. I did find quite a few dogs with topline dipping behind the should and/or rising over the loin when moving which badly affects the overall outline of this lovely breed, also a few low set tails; something to look out for. Having said that, I did find that overall that the dogs were in good health, and excellent condition, the owners clearly showing commitment to excercising their dogs and keep them on top form.

MPD 1 Danton Double Take (Mr A Scourfield) - Well balanced overall with nice head and eyes. Strong neck leading to well laid shoulder and straigh back line. Moved well, with reasonable lift in front. Ears set too low.

PD 1 Vickstock He's Here Again (Miss V J Chapman). Well balanced, sturdy and elegant, fearless and sound on the move. Narrow skull with strong muzzle. High set and well carried ears. Square in outline with strong level and sloping topline. BPIB 2 Alcum Sweeny Tod (Mrs R Mitchell). Nicely balanced and full of character. Nice head with dark eyes and well set ears. High set tail. Prefered the topline of the winner.

JD 1 Ch Hawksflight Hot Pursuit JW (Ms T & Miss J Watkins & Bugden). What a stunner this dog is and I think he gets better with age. Well balanced, sturdy, compact, elegant and short coupled is what the standard calls for and he fits the bill. He has a lovely head with correctly shaped and dark eyes, carries his high set ears fully erect at all times. His topline is strong, straight and slopes gently to his well muscled hindquarters. He moved soundly with strong drive from hindquarters and a good action in front. CC & BOB.

GD 1 Pincio Twist and Shout (Mr D & Mrs S Santoriello). Very nice front and rear action on this dog, overall he is well balanced and soundly constructed, nice head with correct oval shaped eyes. When stood, his topline is good. 2 Glenbrows Well I Never (Mr T D & Mrs H L Harrison). Very badly behaved on the table, but he settled enough for me to get my hands on him. Well set ears, moved with drive and enthusiasm.

PGD 1 Pincio Twist and Shout (Mr D & Mrs S Santoriello). 2 Jaegerson Hendrix (Miss S & Miss J James & Cherry). Balanced overall with good square outline and full of self-possessed confidence. Strong neck leading to well laid shoulders.

LD 1 Pinicio Red Rebellion JW (Mr D & Mrs S Santoriello). Well balanced and compact, sounds, well constructed and square, he has a straight back line when stood and high set tail, his hackney action is excellent with good drive to propel him forward. 2 Alcum Mr Who (Mrs R Mitchell). Well built and spirited, nice head with good length and not overdeveloped. High set ears and strong neck. Square in outline. 3 Gold Digger at Tubize (Mr D R & Mrs H A Smith)

OD 1 Charpin Ottomatic JW (Mis C Westerman). What a showman, so balanced and packing in plenty into a compact body. He has a classic head with dark and oval eyes, high set ears and a strong, graceful neck. Square and well constructed, his topline is correct, straight and sloping toward a high set tail and well angulated hindquarters. RDCC. 2 Ch Hamilton Arrow at Tubize (Mr D & Mrs H Smith). Super sound and balanced, moves with drive and reasonable lift in front, liked his head and correctly shaped, dark eyes. 3 Kaypin Voulex Vous (Miss K Reddington & Ms J Harrison).

VD 1 Ch Trenson Flummadiddle ShCM (Ms JD Harrison & Miss K Reddington). Well balanced and showing his socks off. Full of character, he moved soundly and with good drive. Square and correct for size.

PB 1 Vickstock Wow Aneeva (Mr JJ & Mrs WT Urwin). Square, nicely built with appealing head, dark eyes and high set ears. Moved well.

JB 1 Hawkflight Hotta Than Hell (Miss J Bugden & Mr I Preddy). Elegant and full of life, really liked her clean head and oval, dark eye. She is well constructed overall and moves well with reasonable lift and good drive from hindquarters. Straight back when stood. 2 Kaypin Hey Diddle Diddle (Miss K Reddington & Ms J Harrison). Nice head with dark eyes and high set, erect ears. Square shape with well muscled hindquarters, thought she overstretched a bit when stood. 3 Aquepins Jessica Fletcher (Mrs T Billington).

GB 1 Aquepins Phryne Fisher (Mrs T Billington). Compact and strong bitch with good hackney action, narrow skull, dark and oval shaped eyes, high set ears, strong neck and level back, high set tail.

PGB 1 Pinicio Pirouette (Mr S & Mrs K French). Balanced overall and elegant, moved very well and sound coming and going. Straight back with correct slope to her high set tail, well angulated hindquarters. 2 Rajendra Fairy Cake at Mandolais (Miss D Whetter). Compact and square, good length to her head, dark and oval eyes, well muscled hindquarters with good sweep of stifle but she tends to stand a little too exaggerated behind.

LB 1 Danton Strike a Pose (Mr A Scourfield). Well balanced and short coupled, correct square outline with strong and straight back and a high set tail. Moved well with good lift in front. 2 Jaegerson Takes the Biscuit (Miss S James & Miss J Cherry). Square, strong and slightly arched neck, good front and well developed hindquarters, moved well, high set tail. 3 Diamoneo Indian Wishes (Miss Hind).

OB really fabulous class of quality bitches 1 Ch Gelkerah’s Antonia to Krieger JW. Super eye-catching bitch. When stood, she has a classic outline, square and strong with straight and sloping back, well developed hindquarters. She has nice head with oval eyes and high set ears. BCC. 2 Ch Jaegerson Cracks the Code (Ms S James). Another with an excellent outline, strong and square body, straight back with slight slope to high set tail and well angulated hindquarters that she used well to drive herself forward. 3 Dimogen River Witch (Mr & Mrs DM Gentle)

VB 1 Ch Tubize Manhattan by Pinicio JW ShCM. Has matured very well, a strong and balanced bitch. Her movement coming and going was super clean and probably the best on the day, though I’d prefer more lift. She has a great outline, square with a straight back and well developed hindquarters. Lovely head, dark eyes and well set ears. Strong neck, leading to well laid shoulders. RBCC & BVIB

Derfel Owen