• Show Date: 11/11/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Dennis McLellan Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 16/11/2023

Gundog Breeds Association Of Scotland

Breed: Retriever (Labrador)

Gundog Breeds Association of Scotland. 11th November 2023


I would like to thank The Gundog Breeds Association of Scotland for their invitation to judge this breed which was scheduled at the beginning of the covid lockdown. We got there in the end and it was a pleasure to judge. I was so pleased with my entries on the day with only 5 absentees. Thank you all kindly for your entry/ies. Thank you to Philip and Morag my super and efficient stewards.

All of the dogs had correct bites with no exceptions and also almost every dog had correct coats.

MPB. Entries 10 (Absent 1)

1. Miss L Givan’s Our One And Only. #749 Yellow with the most gorgeous head and lovely dark eye with a sufficient reach of neck for this young puppy. Excelling in front angulation with a good pro sternum to exaggerate this. Straight front legs down to neat feet. Good spring of ribs up to her belly which carries no extra weight. She has a wonderful depth of thigh and very good turn of stifle. The tail set is correct. Moved with a skip in her step easily and properly. Very pleased to award this youngster best puppy bitch.

2. Miss K Jones’s Serengoch’s Knockin Boots. #763 Dark Chocolate, kind head well placed ears, wide enough skull for this youngster and a good length of muzzle. Good lay of shoulder, good line down the front leg with a bend in the pastern. A good depth of chest and a tad more weight than 1. A good turn of stifle and let down hock. Settled into a good flow of movement.

3. Miss L Lewis’s Crammondkirk’s Noodles

PB Entries 5

1. Mrs C Campbell’s Binnaig Buppsala #726 A very smart black with a clean outline. A good balance of muzzle to skull length. A very strong muscular neck, a good fore chest, a very good lay of shoulder, front legs tucked neatly under the body. A good length of body which has a good spring of rib, a very good turn of stifle, excellent tail set. Handled superbly to show off a very good movement in all directions after dismissing floor noises from drain covers which spooked her a little.

2. Mrs P Hibb’s Binnaig Blissfull #758 Sister to 1. A yellow a pleasing feminine head with a kind eye. Well placed ears and a good reach of neck. Excellent lay of shoulder, straight front legs below a good pro sternum. Very good shoulder angles, ribs well sprung, body short coupled. A noticeably good depth of thigh and second thigh, excellent tail set. Presented to me very well and moved equally as well

3. Miss A Gunn’s Exelby Elizabeth

JB Entries 6

1. Mr & Mrs F & H Gilroy’s Claychalk Moneta #748 At first glance I was taken with her pleasing expression. Well placed ear set, strong neck with good reach into well laid shoulders, very good angles in her shoulders, with a good line from the withers down the front leg with tight pasterns. Adequate spring of ribs, up towards a good tuck up. Good thigh and stifle with good let down hocks, when the rear end was extended correctly, she has a very good top line. Tail carriage was held wellon the move and she covered the ground well.

2. Miss C Smith’s Flyenpyg Amy Swinehouse #196 Black with the main difference of 1being a slightly shorter muzzle and a slight angle off the croup towards her tail set. Pleasing head good reach of neck strong on the shoulders and deep in chest. A good lay of shoulder and length of upper arm, straight front legs, a good underline and a tad more weight in the tummy. Good thigh and short hock. Moved very well and with a very good pace without fault.

3. Mr & Mrs S & L O’Brien’s Maxfield Penny Lane

YB Entries 5

1. Mr & Mrs R Pollock’s Pollham Jump For Joy # 789 Yellow who is very strong in the front end. Completely feminine head with good length of muzzle and skull proportions. Clean throat and a nice line from the skull down the neck into the shoulders. Super lay of shoulder and muscular front legs with tight toes. Deep in chest with well sprung ribs. Beautifully short coupled in balance, with an excellent turn of stifle, a lovely deep thigh down to a good length of hock. Her set on of tail is correct, all be it held a couple of inches higher than off her top line. Move very well in the front and the rear and I was very pleased to place her first.

2. Mr, Mrs and Miss RI, P & M Dawson’s Wynfaul Carbon Copy at Beskerby JW #731 Black which is notably bigger in build than 1. Well chiselled out features in the skull with a good stop, deep muzzle, with quite a muscular neck. A good fore chest, Very good angulation on the front with well boned front legs. Deep chest and good rib spring. Not so much thigh depth as first but sufficient. Very good tail set, she moved very well with good reach.

3. Miss C Smith’s Flyenpyg Amy Swinehouse

NB Entries 3

1. Mr Mrs & Miss A, M & M Brown’s Ramsayville Raspberry #719 Took a little time to relax and on doing so presented a lovely outline. A pleasing balanced head with correct eye colour. Excellent lay of shoulder, straight legs, a deep chest which follows to a good tucked up and clean tidy underline at the tummy. A level topline muscled through the loin. Strong in the rear quarters with well let down of hock. Her movement was correct forward and rear with head held up in profile.

2. Miss K Jones’s Serengoch’s Knockin Boots #763 2nd in MPB

3. Miss A and Mrs V Johnson & Bruce’s Artingstall Teazledown Charismatic

GB Entries 7 (Absent 1)

1. Mrs L McGillivray’s Antonine She’s Like The Wind (A.I.) #776 Very pretty yellow with much exuberance. Melting expression with expressive kind eyes, nicely balanced skull with femininity. Very good reach of neck onto a good and level topline with short coupling. Excellent lay of shoulder and straight legs with a bend in pastern. Very good spring of ribs with muscular body. Deep thigh excellent stifle bend and good second thigh. Very good tail set. Needed a couple of attempts with movement presentation by the runner but assessed her and seen to be good in reach and drive.

2. Mr & Mrs P & K Burns’s Bonnieburns Brown Eyed Girl #723 Black with correct balance in skull and a good, pronounced stop, well placed ears and a good reach of neck. Lay of shoulder is very good with a good fore chest, elbows tucked in onto straight legs with a bend in her pasterns not a minus point but need to be a little tighter. Very good depth of chest with strong spring of ribs, excellent shape in the underline accentuating her level topline and good tail set. A lesser thigh than 1 however more drive in the rear. She moved well showing good reach and drive with a clockwork pace.

3. Mrs S Parker’s Bruadarach Baile Eilidh

PGB Entries 6 (Absent 1)

1. Mrs Z & Mr B Gajda-Meissner and Meissner’s Saorsa Thalassa #741 Black very good in silhouette of outline. Clean feminine head with a good ear placement, good stop, and lovely eye colour. Very good reach of neck with muscle here as well as down the front. Well placed front legs off a good lay of shoulder. Good depth of chest down to the elbow and a muscled brisket. Not overly sprung ribs, good strong and wide over the loin, no extra weight in the tummy. Beautiful bend of stifle and showing off a good depth of thigh finished off with a correct well covered tail. Moved with excellence in this class and was a pleasure to see in profile.

2. Mr P McCrory’s Baileydale Bubbles #772 Yellow, a bit stronger in build than 1, pleasing pretty head well balance alert eyes and well-placed ears, clean and good reach of neck. Front angles a little more open than 1, good strong front legs and neat tight toes. Tidy over the shoulders and a spring of ribs which is good. More of a level underline than needed. Presented with excellence and moved with good drive from the rear.

3. Mr R Lennox’s Wilenmory Diamond Dreams

MLB Entries 5 (Absent 1)

1. Mr M Douglas’s Rocheby Sunflowers at Baltarram #733 Yellow Very good outline, pretty feminine head with a good reach of muzzle and wide enough skull. Clean throat and a good reach of neck. Good placement of lay of shoulder down to legs. Tucked in elbow, strong muscle on the shoulder and a good level topline. Super underline showing off good ribs with spring. Short coupled to a good rear with a good turn of stifle and muscled rump. Correct tail set. Moved perfectly well in front and rear with flowing action.

2. Mrs L Tooth’s Ludalor Loquacious #803 Yellow which is longer cast than 1, pretty expression with dark eyes, good stop and ears well placed. Clean reach of neck onto the body with well placed shoulders, good chest and tight across the brisket. Well boned front legs, super spring of ribs and showing a good clean underline up to the tummy. Level topline, with a correctly set and well covered tail, excellent turn of stifle which propelled her with ease using little effort to do so.

3. Mrs L McGillivray’s Anntonine Sweet Dreams (A.I.)

LB Entries 6

1. Mr & Mrs F & H Gilroy’s Claychalk Costa Taka #747 Chocolate presented very well, completely feminine head, dark pigment with a good shape and defined stop. Very clean under the throat and a clean sweep of neck before the shoulder. Very good muscles in the front holding an excellent lay of shoulder, her chest comes to the elbow, which is correct, front legs placed perfectly, excellent barrelled ribs and musculation over the shoulder. A tad of extra weight in the tummy but not fat, a really good turn of stifle. Tail set is correct and held out level on the move. Moved lightly around the ring and I was pleased to have this as first place.

2. Mrs Z & Mr B Gajda-Meissner and Meissner’s Saorsa Polar Star #740 Yellow which is much larger in build, pleasing head dark eyes with a lighter nose, good depth and reach of muzzle, very strong in the neck, evident pro sternum, and a wide enough brisket. Long lay of shoulder, straight legs with tight toes. Well sprung ribs with a little extra weight covering these as well as over the shoulder. A good turn of stifle with enough length of both joints in balance, but just needed to extend more in the rear on the day. Exactly the same tail set off the croup as 1. Moved very well with the handler who shows her to perfection.

3. Mr & Mrs W & M Gardner’s Rewari Black Emerger

OB Entries 5 (Absent 1)

1. Mrs L Harvey Major’s JUN Ch Hit Of Hit Choice For Vita Solare at Linjor (IMP UKR) JU Ch RU JUN Ch UKR #755 Yellow with all around quality to view. Beautiful pleasing expression with good all-around balance in her skull, dark eyes, good set on of ears, Clean neck down through the throat and a good shaped front of ribcage and width of chest. Perfect angles in the shoulders with front legs placed exactly where they should be. Deep chest with well sprung ribs, without extra weight over the body or back. Nice line following the ribs up to the tummy, wonderful turn of stifle with deep thigh and a good second thigh, short let down hocks. Tail set straight off the top line. Feet placed in a perfect four square. Her coat is in tip top condition. Moved extremely well showing off a good reach and drive, looked a picture in profile. I was extremely pleased to award this bitch the CC, only losing out on the BOB on the referee’s decision.

2. M Percival’s Wynfaul Dancing Flame JW #787 Another yellow with such a pretty head. Muzzle and skull length are in good proportion with a visible defined stop. A lovely flowing line from the top of the skull down the neck and along a very level topline, clean neck of good reach set into her very good shoulder angulation. Her forearm and straight legs are well boned onto tight neat toes. A good spring of ribs which is not exaggerated flowing back to her tuck up. Wider loin than 1 but perfectly adequate and balanced with her, Another deep thigh which is well clothed, the whole rear quarter is well muscled. Her tail set follows exactly off her top line. Moved with absolute excellence showing off a superb reach and balance in profile movement with the drive. Very happy to be able to call this bitch back in, and was very pleased to award her with RCC.

3. Mr & Mrs W & M Garner’s Rewari Emilly

VB Entries 2

1. Mr & Mrs A & S Drummond’s Pollham Marley at Drumonagh #735 Yellow of 8 years old. Very clean outline of quite substantial build. Good reach of muzzle with not too much depth, correct length, and width of skull. Broad in neck and deep in chest. Very good lay of shoulder and maintains strength in pasterns. Not carrying weight over the back or loin and certainly no extra weight in the tummy. Sufficient depth of thigh with a good turn of stifle and let down hocks, A good coat which is not as exaggerated as 2. Moved happily and with the drive of a far younger version of herself.

2. Mr R Lennox’s Sh Ch Wilenmory Collabro JW #765 Yellow almost 9 years old. Cast the same as first. Good length of muzzle and wider in skull, and shorter in neck. An excellent fore chest and very good lay of shoulder. Depth of chest is exactly where it should be, down to the elbow. Good solid spring of ribs and like 1 no extra weight in the tummy. Good rear quarters and let down of hock. Her coat for me was a little stronger from the middle to back but a very good double coat. Tail set is also spot on. Showed in first class manner and not putting a foot wrong exhibiting a lovely picture in profile.

SBB Entries 8 (Absent 2)

1. Mr & Mrs K & N Terry Downs’s Ellukine So It Begins #801 Placed VHC in GB. Balanced skull and dark eyes with a good pigment. Solid reach of neck. Good lay of shoulder, well boned front legs. Strong coat from neck to loin a double coat is visible. Deep chest with an extra visible underline of motherhood. Good bend in the stifle and well let down hocks. Tail set is very good. Moved the best in this class.

2. Mrs J Cameron’s Bowstones Waltzing Matilda #725 Dark yellow shorter coupled than 1st. Feminine head with smaller proportions but balanced. Adequate reach of neck, long in lay of shoulder and slightly shorter in upper arm. Front legs straight and depth of chest was again adequate. Spring of rib is very good and a level topline with a strong muscular loin leading to her rump which has a good depth of thigh and very good turn of stifle. Perfect set on of tail. Moved equally as well as 1 with perhaps more elegance covering the ground.

3. Mrs K Bryson’s Karudah Make A Wish

Judge. Dennis N McLellan