• Show Date: 29/10/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Debbie Harding Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 16/11/2023

Midland Counties Canine Society

Breed: Mastiff

Thank you to the committee for inviting me to Judge at your show, unfortunately this year is the last time Mastiff classes have CC’s on offer, therefore it was a real privilege not only to be invited but to be approved by the Royal Kennel Club to award my first CC’s. Thank you to all exhibitors for a super entry of 42 quality exhibits. It was encouraging to see good entries in both puppy dog and bitch classes. Last but not least, thank you to my stewards for the smooth running of the ring.

Puppy Dog (6 Entries) Abs: 2

1st Mr G Zadeh – Morganlefay Yanomami by Faynad - 11 month old dark brindle of good size in body length and bone, straight front on good tight large neat feet, nice head with a clean eye. Excellent angles all round, level top line which was maintained on the move. Pleased to award him BP today.

2nd Mrs L Graham – Cyberus Zephyr at Odextin - 7 month old fawn with super pigmentation, head developing nicely, plenty of bone, good length of back, good rear angulation and tight feet.

Junior Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 1

1st Mr C Hazelwood – Craiglestone Sir Wilfred - 14 month old dark brindle, clean head with a gentle kind expression, good bite, good rear angulations and tight feet, a bit more length to height would be preferred but he moved soundly and with ease.

Post Graduate Dog – (3 Entries) Abs: 1 - 1st Mr C Hazelwood – Craiglestone Sir Rumpletum – Dark brindle with a clean broad head, nice eye and good bite. Nice rear angulation, good top line, moved soundly and solidly.

2nd Mrs V S Miller – Hallberd Dennis The Menace of Brindaree – Dark brindle of 4 years old with good bone and well bodied, sufficient wrinkle on a broad head but showing a bit of haw, good feet, moved well but not as balanced as first place.

Limit Dog – (4 Entries) Abs: 0

1st Mrs J Chambers – Elljayart The Great Master of Gigantiffz – 19 month old fawn of good size, deep wide chest, broad head with good pigmentation, good bite, well muscled strong neck, good length of body and angulations, nice tight feet, covered the ground with ease carrying a level top line. Pleased to award him the RCC today.

2nd Mrs M Baur – Spencer Percy Brullemail – 2 year old fawn of good size, nice wide head with good pigmentation, good width of chest and body throughout, slightly less rear angulation than first, however, well boned with good feet and black nails. Moved easily keeping a level top line.

Open Dog – (7 Entries) Abs: 2

1st Mr C R Hill – Fragilis Ffawydd – 4 year old dark brindle of substantial size, type and quality. A broad square head with good ear set and dark eye, correct stop. Well let down in chest and with a width I didn’t think I’d get my arms around, muscular neck and shoulder. Stood square on well boned legs with tight correct feet, nice bend of stifle and good rear angulations. Moved with ease, balance and drive, I was pleased to award the DCC and BOB to him today.

2nd Mrs S J Burgoine – Hallberd Finbar – 2 year old dark brindle with a clean broad head, tight dark eye and correct ear set, super dark pigmentation, deep let down chest, good length of body and rear angulations, nice tight feet, moved with ease keeping a level top line.

Veteran Dog – No Entries

Special Beginners Dog – No Entries

Puppy Bitch (7 Entries) Abs: 2

1st Mr & Mrs Clarke – Askuwheteau Elka – 10 month old fawn bitch of good size, nice head, pigmentation and a soft feminine expression. Dark tight eye, good rear angulation with a nice length to her, well boned and neat tight feet, moved well keeping a level top line. One to keep an eye on for the future.

2nd Mrs C & Mr J Crump - Askuwheteau Eva – Light brindle litter Sister to first placed and another nice puppy of good size but slightly lighter in bone than first placed but well bodied. Good head, eye and pigmentation. Moved well keeping a level top line.

Junior Bitch – (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st Mr M A Clark – Hallberd Georgia – 13 month old fawn with a feminine head and good stop and pigmentation, good width of chest and length of body with good rear angulation. She didn’t make it easy for her handler today when moved.

2nd Mr C Hazelwood – Craiglestone Miss Jelly Tot – 14 month old dark brindle with a clean head and good eye, good angulation and top line, good length but slighter in frame than first, moved well with ease.

Post Graduate Bitch – (2 Entries) Abs: 2

Limit Bitch – (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st Mr C R Hill – Fragilis Ffwsia – 4 year old dark brindle of excellent size, broad head, correct dark eye and ear set. Good width of chest and well let down, good length of back and rear angulations. A bit lively on the move but once settled and calm moved with drive and balance.

2nd Mr A & Mrs T Facey – Lionguard Fat Bottomed Girl of Wiggenhall – Rising 4 year old fawn of good quality, good head and kind expression, dark pigmentation, correct dentition, good length of body and well balanced when on the move.

Open Bitch – (Entries 5) Abs: 1

1st Mr B Le Courtois & Mr C King - Fr Ch Peaches and Cream Brullemail – 4 years and 8 month old fawn bitch of excellent size, quality and type, wide head with a good stop and dark eye, good pigmentation, well let down wide chest with a good length of back, stood square with nice rear angulations, tight feet and well bodied. Moved with ease holding a level top line, extremely pleased to award her the bitch CC today.

2nd Miss J M Bowdery – Ch Morganlefay’s Iron Maiden – 5 year old dark brindle, feminine head with good ear set, correct dentition and dark pigmentation and good stop, well boned with a good length of body, chest didn’t have the width of first however well bodied throughout with good rear angulation, strong legs and tight feet, held her top line and moved soundly with ease. Pleased to award the RCC to her today.

Veteran Bitch – (Entries 1) Abs: 0

1st Mr R Allen – Mahoostiff Full Figure – 7 year old fawn bitch stood alone but a good quality mature girl with a pleasing head, going a little grey around the muzzle, however, pigmentation still strong and dark. A good length of body, deep chest, good rear angulation and nice feet, she moved soundly around the ring and with ease. Best Veteran.

Special Beginners Bitch – No Entries

Debbie Harding (Mulaloo)