• Show Date: 11/10/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: David McCubbin Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 26/11/2023

Gundog Society Of Wales

Breed: Retriever (Golden)

Gundog Society of Wales

11th October 2023

Thank you to the Officers and Committee for giving me my first CC appointment at this well run show organised by a friendly and professional group of people, a huge thank you must go to my ring steward Mr Colin Edwards who single handedly not only kept the ring running smoothly but also managed to find the time to photograph my class placings for me. Thank you to all the exhibitors for giving me such a high quality, well presented selection of dogs to judge, I was pleased with all my class winners and more than happy with my final line up, to see my Best dog and my Best Puppy dog, with the agreement of my Co Judge Michelle Taylor, become Best Of Breed and Best Puppy In Breed was a great honour for me. The quality of the dogs was of a very high standard, however, there were a couple of concerns for me with both short, steep upper arms being present in some dogs and tail carriage being excessively high not only on the move but also when stood.

Minor Puppy Dog (6,0a)

1 – Vernon, Mr M P & Mrs D J; Graceleigh Legend Of Tarzan.

Mid gold dog with gentle head and expression, dark eye and pigment, good reach of neck into well laid shoulder and balanced return of upper arm,straight legs with tight feet, well sprung rib, well bent stifle and good let down of hock, moved with good drive at rear and extension in front.

2 – Angel, Ms B; Linirgor Seven Up at Millanza.

Pale, heavier set type than 1, masculine head with dark eye and pigment, reachy neck that was well laid into balanced front assembly, good spring and depth to rib, slightly longer cast than 1, well bent stifle with good let down of hock, stood on tight feet, moved with good rear drive.

3 – Lees, Mr P G & Mrs J M; Calacarey Follows The Sun to Denmarella

Puppy Dog (8,1a)

1 – Loach & Zubair, Mrs S A & Mrs S; Putjade Poldark.

Darker coated dog with balanced outline and level top line and tailset, balanced head with dark eye and pigment, moderate reach of neck that led into well placed shoulders with balanced return of upper arm, excellent forechest, deep well sprung ribs and short coupled, well bent stifle and well let down hock, stood on straight legs with tight feet, moved with strong rear drive and good reach in front giving a balanced ground covering movement. Best Puppy Dog and Best Puppy In Breed with the agreement of my Co Judge.

2 – McDonald, Miss M; Lamancha Time Traveller.

Dark coated dog of rangier type than 1, presented in gleaming coat, masculine head with dark eye, good reach of neck that led to well laid back shoulder, good legs and feet, moderate spring to rib, slightly longer in body than 1, good bend to stifle, moved with level topline and strong rear drive.

3 – Rounce & Tye, Miss E & Mr A; Berrymeade Winter Love

Junior Dog (9, 1a)

1 – Wright; Mr J & Mrs C; Palton Platino.

Mid gold masculine dog with level top line and tail set, pleasing head with gentle expression, good reach of neck and balanced front angulation with good forechest, well sprung rib with elbows tightly in to them, straight legs with tight feet, short coupled with moderately bent stifle and well let down hock, moved with good reach and drive holding his top line and tail level on the move.

2 – Hurrell, Mr & Mrs A; Klassical Legacy from Double Gold among Gillansgold (Imp. Ned)

Mid gold compact dog with slightly stronger head than 1 although still gentle enough, moderate length, strong neck that led into well angulated shoulders and balanced return of upper arm placing front legs well under him, level top line, good depth to moderately sprung rib carried back to short coupling, good bend to stifle and good let down of hock, good front reach but not quite the rear drive of 1 when moving.

3 – McDonald, Miss M; Lamancha Take A Chance

Yearling Dog (11,1a)

1 – Lockley, Miss C I; Steval Whathappenedwas.

Compact mid gold dog with balanced outline presented in good coat, masculine, balanced head with dark pigment, good reach of neck that was well placed into shoulder of good layback, equal length of upper gave a balanced front assembly that placed his front legs well under him, Good forechest, well sprung rib of good depth, he stood on well boned straight legs with catlike feet, short coupled with strong thigh, well bent stifle and good let down to hock, he moved with good front extension and rear drive covering the ground with ease.

2 – Wright, Mr J & Mrs C; Palton Platino

3 – Murray, Mrs K; Shebelta Sweet Talkin’ Guy

Maiden Dog (4,2a)

1 – Scanlon, Mrs S; Meadow Haven Rudolph.

Mid gold dog with pleasing head, well pigmented with dark eye, moderate reach of neck, well laid back shoulder but slightly steep in upper arm, straight legs, well ribbed body, good bend to rear stifle with good let down of hock, moved well.

2 – Golder, Mrs S C & Mr G S; Wild Kisses with Summeramba of Sunshines Valley.

Paler coated dog who was giving his handler a bit of a hard time today, balanced pleasant head , good reach of neck, good shoulder layback, well boned straight legs and tight feet, moderately sprung rib, well bent stifle, very unsettled on the move.

Novice Dog (5,1a)

1 - Hurrell, Mr & Mrs A; Klassical Legacy from Double Gold among Gillansgold (Imp. Ned)

2 - McDonald, Miss M; Lamancha Time Traveller.

3 - Angel, Ms B; Linirgor Seven Up at Millanza.

Undergraduate Dog (8,3a)

1 - Wright, Mr J & Mrs C; Palton Platino.

2 – Plevin, Miss S M; Bowshella All Fired Up.

Dark coated dog with level top line and tail set, well balanced masculine head with dark eye and pigment, long, strong neck, balanced front construction, moderately well boned legs with catlike feet, reasonably well sprung rib carried back to short coupling, good bend to stifle, moved with good reach and drive.

Graduate Dog (7,2a)

1 – Beck, Mrs S; Simon Basset De Ria Vela for Beinangus JW (Imp Esp).

Well balanced mid gold dog with gentle head and expression, good depth to muzzle and balance to head, strong neck of adequate length, good forechest and excellent lay back and length to shoulder with balanced return of upper arm placing his front legs well under him, ribs well sprung and deep with short coupling, good bend to stifle and well let down hock, level topline and tail set both stood and on the move, covered the ground well with reaching front action and strong drive behind.

2 – Taylor, Mr J M & Mrs B M; Alibren Aldaniti at Tannadice.

Mid gold dog in good coat and condition, balanced head with good depth, good length of neck and layback of shoulder, straight well boned front legs, well sprung rib and short coupled, good bend and strength to stifle with well let down hock, moved with good reach and drive.

3 – Millington, Mrs; Golmas Guard Of Honour at Jarabees.

Post Graduate Dog (10,2a)

1 – Haines, Mr D; Leighsham Tullamore.

Lighter framed type of dog shown in gleaming dark coat, classical golden head with good balance and dark eye and pigment, good reach to neck and balance to front angles, straight front legs, well ribbed with good depth, level topline and strong loin, good rear angulation, level tail held while covering the ground with an easy balanced action.

2 – Carter, Mrs S, Mst E & A & Mr J; Kadaka Kauldrun.

Mid gold, well balanced masculine type of dog that has a head of good length and depth, dark pigment, long strong neck with good forechest, correct layback to shoulder and balanced return of upper arm, straight front legs with tight feet all round, good spring and depth to ribs, short coupled with strong loin, well bent stifle with good let down of hock, moved with strong rear drive.

3 – Kipps, Mr G & Mrs L; Wheatcroft Rainbow.

Mid Limit Dog (5,0a)

1 – Layland, Mr M L & Mrs T & Miss L A; Applecote Hearts Desire

This dog looked outstanding right from my first look at him and certainly did not disappoint when I went over him, in fact he actually gave me goose bumps!, presented in gleaming darker golden coat and in great condition he worked really well with his handler, beautiful overall balance to his outline, classical type of head with balance and depth without any coarseness, dark eye and good pigment, good length to neck and strong forechest, correct layback and angle to shoulder with balanced length and return of upper arm, straight front legs and tight feet all round, deep and well sprung ribs that are carried back to a short coupling and strong loin, strong thigh with good bend to stifle and correct let down of hock, level topline and tail held while moving with very good rear driving action and good reach in front combining to give a balanced ground covering action. I was delighted to award this boy the CC and later, in agreement with my Co Judge, the BOB as he fulfilled my understanding of the standard so well.

2 – Williams, K J; Berrymeade Coeur Blimey at Busheyhall SGWC

Compact, well balanced mid gold dog with pleasant head and expression having dark eye and pigment, good length to neck that led into adequately well laid shoulder with good return of upper arm, well boned straight front legs and stood on good feet, well sprung deep ribs with short coupling, balanced strong rear angulation, moved with strong drive at rear and wagged his tail all the way round.

3 - Beck, Mrs S; Simon Basset De Ria Vela for Beinangus JW (Imp Esp).

Limit Dog (10,4a)

1 – Towers & Henderson, Mrs S & Mrs M; Alibren Baker’s Boy.

Pale coated well balanced masculine type of dog who presents a super outline, good strength to head that is not overdone in any way with a dark eye and pigment, good reach to strong neck, well balanced, correct front angulation, well boned straight front legs and good feet all round, good spring to rib and depth to chest, level top line and tailset with good bend to stifle and let down of hock, moved with ground covering action and strong drive off rear.

2 – Lane & Lane-Ridyard, Mr & Mrs R S & Mrs P; Kulawand Skywalker.

Pale coated masculine dog presenting a balanced level topped outline when stood, gentle head of good depth with dark eye and pigment, good length to neck, balanced front angulation with strong boned straight front legs and tight feet all round, good ribbing and short coupling, well bent stifle with good let down, moved with good front reach and drive behind, close up for the class here but I preferred the head of 1.

3 – Wright, Mr J & Mrs C; Palton Pavarotti.

Open Dog (7,1a)

1 – Pastusiak, Mrs; Sh Ch/Int/Nl/Dk/Pl Ch Prince Charming Qdore of Labgold Jww18

Lovely balanced outline to this happy, mid gold coated dog who was working well with his handler, balanced head with gentle expression, dark eye and pigment, strong muscular neck that led into well laid shoulder with balanced length and return of upper arm, straight legs with good bone and tight feet all round, well sprung deep ribs that were carried back to a short coupling, level top line and tailset, well bent stifle and well let down hock that were used to advantage as he flowed round the ring with great front reach and very strong rear drive, the picture on the move was completed by his outgoing nature and constantly wagging tail, he pushed hard for the top honour, however on the day I preferred the overall type of my CC winner but was delighted to award him the Res CC.

2 – McDonald, Miss M; Sh Ch Lamancha Magical Moments JW.

Pale coated compact dog who was presented in beautiful coat and condition and also worked beautifully with his handler, masculine head with the darkest of pigment and dark eye and pleasing expression, long strong neck that led into well laid back shoulder with equal length return of upper arm, well boned straight front legs with tight feet all round, good depth and spring to ribs good length of coupling, well bent stifle and let down of hock, well muscled overall, moved with good reach in front and rear drive, close up for the class but was just edged out by the exceptional movement of the class winner.

3 – Kipps, Mr G & Mrs L; Sh Ch Cadwst Flash Flame to Wheatcroft

Veteran Dog (6,3a)

1 – Towers & Henderson, Mrs S & Mrs M; Alibren Galileo to Westervane JW SGWC.

Sprightly seven year old pale dog with balanced profile, pleasant masculine head with gentle expression, good length of with strong muscle, well aid back shoulder and good return of upper arm,, well boned throughout, well sprung rib and short coupling, well bent stifle and good let down of hock, level top line and tailset that were held while he moved with good rear drive and front action.

2 – Wright, Mr J & Mrs C; Palton Panetela.

Darker coated ten year old with good outline when stood, gentle head with pleasing expression, good length of neck and balanced front angulation, slightly longer cast than class winner with good depth and spring to rib, well bent stifle, moved round the ring with good reach and drive.

3 – Webb, Mrs S J; Fletlanders Billy Flynn at Hectson.

Special Beginners Dog (8,1a)

1 – Hurrel, Mr & Mrs A; Kadaka Kaos at Gillansgold.

Darker coated dog shown in profuse coat, nicely balanced outline, good head with dark pigment and good balance, strong neck of good length, good layback of shoulder and equal return of upper arm, moderately sprung rib of good depth, well bent rear stifle, moved happily with good rear drive

2 – Rounce & Tye; Miss E & Mr A; Berrymeade Winter Love.

Mid gold dog with gentle masculine head, good reach of neck into balanced front assembly, moderate bone throughout and moderately sprung rib, Short coupled, level top line and tailset, moderate bend to rear stifle with good let down of hock, moved with good reach and drive when co operating with handler.

3 – Ward, Mrs L J; Mitchnel He Who Laughs Last.

David McCubbin
