• Show Date: 27/04/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: David Alcorn Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

West Of England Ladies Kennel Society

Breed: German Shorthaired Pointer

West of England Ladies Kennel Society Championship Show 2023

German Shorthaired Pointers

Thank you to the WELKS Committee for their invitation to judge at their 2023 show. I think I was afforded the best indoor ring I have ever had the pleasure in judging in, which really allowed me to test the movement of all the exhibits. My two stewards were absolutely brilliant and they kept the ring going through the three breeds perfectly all day – I couldn’t have done it without them!

Whilst this is only my second time awarding CC’s to GSP’s I’d just like to make a couple of observations. Across the entry of nearly 70, I found a massive variation and diversity in type – there were all shapes and sizes, heights and lengths, which made for some very challenging decisions in many classes and a lot of compromises had to be made. Handling is an area of concern as there were a great number of dogs who had not been properly lead trained and were fighting their handlers on the lead which completely affected their kinetic balance. It is extremely difficult to assess the movement, particularly the front action, of a dog fighting the lead on the away and back and twisting its whole construction into a very strange shape I must also mention that mouths, temperaments, and muscular condition were all excellent – there were so many fit dogs and none in soft condition, which was great to see.

Veteran Dog (2,0)

1st Place 5231 - Sh Ch Bryburn Bacchus JW ShCM ShCEx (Mr B B & Mrs F V Thurm)

A smashing d to start the day with, this upstanding male is full of quality and type. Excellent head proportions, strong neck, well laid shoulders and solid in topline. He is deep in body, with well spring ribs, short in loin and firm in couplings. Produces a very balanced action going around the ring with economy of reach and drive. He was presented in really fit condition and has an excellent harsh jacket. RDCC & BVIB and pleased to see him shortlisted in the veteran group.

2nd Place 5229 - Brainescroft Tahiti (Mrs L Thomas)

Decent headed male with excellent feet, a strong topline, and presented in excellent muscle tone. Not quite the forward reach of 1 on the go around, this d has excellent drive from the rear and is very sound going away.

Minor Puppy Dog (1)

1st Place 5212 - Keigame Chilli Chocolate (Mr A & Miss S Bull & Roberts)

I was quite impressed by this young liver, who has many breed attributes. He is still understandably immature given his age, but has a lot to like indeed. Good head and eye, strong neck, well laid shoulder, has strength in topline and group. Stands on straight limbs and moves out with accuracy away and back and economy on the go around. One for the future! BPD.

Puppy Dog (4)

1st Place 5212 - Keigame Chilli Chocolate (Mr A & Miss S Bull & Roberts)

2nd Place 5221 - Orchidstar Themisto by Balvenie (Mrs Schoneville)

Shorter in the leg and heavier in the body than 1, this youngster is very sound and honest. Liked his head and expression, scores in shoulder placement and balance of hind angles. Well ribbed back and strong in topline. He moved out well with a sound action away and back.

3rd Place 5216 - Fraulynzway Lightning Bolt (Mrs L & Miss H Russell)

Class 1950. Junior Dog (7)

1st Place 5203 - Tomanipoint Confide in Me (Mr T & Mrs A M Mervyn)

This is a cracking youngster and the silhouette of this dog could be no other breed than GSP, and with such a variation in outlines across the entry it was pleased to find this youngster who fits the standard so well. Smart masculine headpiece, intelligent expression, well set ears. Clean dry neck leads onto a very well laid back shoulder with good length of upper arm. Has depth and length of rib, and a short strong loin. He is short in back and firm in topline, with a well set on tail. Strong in his quarters and balanced in his angulation fore and after. Standing well over his ground, he comes alive on the move. He was understandably cheeky on occasions, as one would expect at this age, and he was particularly impressive on the go around where he produced an economic stride. He is presented in immaculate order, great coat, perfect body condition, and shrouded in a harsh tight jacket. Handler gets the best from him, whilst still allowing him to be a cheeky youngster. Delighted to award him his first CC, one of many I’m sure.

2nd Place 5188 - Winterwell Tubby Tompkin from Nyliram JW (Mrs J Graham)

Smaller shaped male but with many breed attributes and one whose outline couldn’t not be confused for another breed. Smart head, strong well muscled neck and a good angulation of shoulder and upper arm. He is well ribbed back, strong in topline, and has a well set on tail. Needs to settle in movement a little to complete the picture, but has a lot of potential.

3rd Place 5221 - Orchidstar Themisto by Balvenie (Mrs Schoneville)

Class 1952. Post Graduate Dog (1)

1st Place 5192 - Ceilloch Russian (Mrs D & Mr S Hill)

Masculine headed with good eye shape, if a shade lighter than I’d prefer. This d was a particularly good mover going around where he maintained his outline very well and held his strong topline at all times. Nails at a bit long, but he is presented in excellent condition otherwise.

Class 1953. Limit Dog (5,2)

1st Place 5179 - Barleyarch Hoopla at Forestpoint (Mr P & Mrs L E Collins)

Very GSP in outline, which clined him the win in this class. Has a good head of balanced proportions, and clean dry neck. Short and compact in the body, this d is well balanced fore and aft with particularly moderate angles which is pleasing to see. Presented in extremely fit order, and went around the ring so well.

2nd Place 5205 - Allezweck Toccoa at Krimshar (Mr C & Mrs S D Mewse)

Larger sort and rather different in outline to 1, this d has a masculine head and good expression if a little round in eye. His balanced construction means he moves out on a neat even stride and produces accuracy of footfall away and back.

3rd Place 5209 - Seasham The Groover (Mrs S, Mr K & Miss S Peebles & Hammond)

Class 1954. Open Dog (7,1)

1st Place 5198 - Sh Ch Elfrindew Endrick to Valger (Mr J R & Mrs V Mann)

Well grown strongly made d of substance and with many great breed points. Lovely headpiece with grand expression from his well shaped and set dark eyes. Has a lovely lay of shoulder giving rise to his strong neck. Straight limbed and standing on great feet. Well angled behind and presented in first class muscular order. Felt he was a little held back in the challenge on the go around, which cost him top honours today, but a very credible title holder indeed and a worthy winner of this good class today.

2nd Place 5222 - Sh Ch Orchidstar Bolts of Speed (Mrs Z M Sielski).

Quality masculine d of good breed type. Liked his expression, but a shade wide in skull for me. Scores in shoulder placement which gives him a smooth junction of neck to topline, which he holds well both standing and moving. Scores in balance of hind angles with well let down hock. Strong positive mover.

3rd Place 5185 - Sh Ch Quintana Diamond Dust at Friarsbelle JW (Mr B Dymond)

Class 1955. Veteran Bitch (1)

1st Place 5172 - Kavacanne Pina Colada of Patterscourt (Mrs & Miss Attwood & Turner)

This young lady was very happy with herself and thoroughly enjoying being a show dog! Pretty headed with balance of angles fore and after and good ribbing in between. Moved out with a positive action and some gusto to take BVB.

Class 1956. Minor Puppy Bitch (2)

1st Place 5169 - Keigame Hearts Desire of Sparkenhoe (ai) (Mrs L Angus)

Feminine shapely youngster with lots to like. Has many good qualities from her well balanced typical head through her soundly constructed body to her well set on tail. Well bodied and looks to be growing on nicely, she was presented in great order and standing on good feet. Moved out very well with a confident steady action.

2nd Place 5210 - Newtonbriar Pure Biss (Mr N & Ms W Powell & Tarrant)

Taller and longer shape of a b, who doesn’t have the head of the winner. Has a strong topline and short loin which she held well both standing and in motion. In very good skin and condition.

Class 1957. Puppy Bitch (5)

1st Place 5174 - Magregor Howl to The Moon (Mrs R Barnett)

This pairing of dog and handler are each quietly unassuming, however this young b has bags of quality and so much type with a lot to like. Very pretty feminine head of balance but with strength. Excellent in her construction she has a strong clean neck, well laid shoulder and good length and angle of upper arm. She is ribbing up well, is short and strong in loin, and her hindquarters are balanced and moderately angled. Nothing is to excess and everything is just as it should be for her age. I found so much to like about her, she was pulled in to the final 4 to be considered for the CC. BPB & BPIB.

2nd Place 5181 - Magregor Seventh Moon over Ballyheige (Mrs J Court)

I had written that 1 & 2 were quite similar and now with the names on the page I can see why! Lots to like about this young b however she isn’t quite so forward in her development as her sister is at this stage. This b has a lovely harsh coat and is another who moved out very well on the day.

3rd Place 5194 - Goosepoint Zsazsa Gabor (Mrs E Hinchliff)

Class 1958. Junior Bitch (3)

1st Place 5204 - Tomanipoint Wild Rose (Mr T & Mrs A M Mervyn)

Eye catching young b who presents a typical GSP outline and stood away in this class. Sweet head of balance but with strength. Scores in shoulder layback and length, and angle of upper arm. Well bodied up, she has well spring ribs extending well back which give her strength in topline stacked and in motion. Excellent shapely quarters with lot hocks. Presented in first class order and clearly afforded a very active existence, she was a pleasure to go over and considered for top honours today.

2nd Place 5215 - Fraulynzway Hayley’s Comet (Mrs L & Miss H Russell).

Larger b from a different mould to 1, and I hope she has done all her growing. A little unsettled to the job today, but did enough to let me see she could move out with soundness of footfall.

3rd Place 5230 - Kavacanne What A Waffle at Brainescroft (Mrs L Thomas)

Class 1959. Yearling Bitch (7,0)

1st Place 5200 - Sperant Chocolate Cosmos JW (Miss L E Merritt)

Had the most typical outline in this class for me, as she is short and compact. A bit round in eye, she presented a neat and balanced picture on the stack with nothing to excess. As expected, she used her construction to advantage on the move to produce a sound and economic stride.

2nd Place 5218 - Dappledele Aurelia Rose (Mr A & Mrs J Rutherford)

Larger more strongly made sort, but with lots to like. Presented in lovely condition. Scores particularly in her front assembly however she didn’t want to give it her all on the move today unfortunately.

3rd Place 5183 - Cushatlaw Athena JW (Mrs P Cox)

Class 1960. Post Graduate Bitch (8,1)

1st Place 5173 - Taftazini Laura Byding of Patterscourt (Mrs & Miss Attwood & Turner)

Headed up this very mixed class where there was a real variation of shapes and sizes. This b presented the most typical outline for me, being short and compact with moderation of angles at both ends. Liked her head and expression. She holds her topline well standing and moving. Really gives it her all on the go around and covers the ground with such drive.

2nd Place 5178 - Puddledub Pilis at Venatur (Ms P A E Brudenell-Pryke)

Longer cast than 1 and not the length of upper arm. Has a very decent head, and scores in body and ribbing. Strong in topline and loin, she has a well set on tail. Maintains her outline quite well on the move and presented in first class condition.

3rd Place 5199 - Aytee Nualla (Mr A & Mrs K Mcculloch)

Class 1961. Limit Bitch (8)

1st Place 5214 - Barleyarch Shindig with Kavacanne (Mr A P Rose)

This is a super b with so many breed qualities and for me is a true GSP in her outline. Super clean cut head with well set and shaped eyes of good colour. Has a well muscled arched neck, leading to closely fitting well laid shoulders and a useful return of upper arm. Liked her length of depth of rib, strength in topline, and depth in couplings. Has plenty width behind and slight slope to group, with a well set on tail. Whilst her qualities were immediately evident on the stack, this b has to be moved to be really appreciated. Has great power and energy on the go around and the ring on the day was to her great advantage as it allowed her to demonstrate her typical lithe movement with plenty of reach and drive from each end. Went up a gear in the challenge to take the BCC and later claimed BoB, putting on a smashing performance in the group ring in the evening.

2nd Place 5193 - Goosepoint Gambler (Mrs E Hinchliff)

Another of super type, no doubting the breed when you look at this bitches outline. Smart headpiece with all the essentials. Her construction is excellent all through and she has balance at each end yet nothing to excess and everything in moderation. She is in the fittest of condition, not an ounce of fat, and her coat is crisp and excellent. Going around she really covers the ground with ease and has such accuracy of footfall away and back. RBCC.

3rd Place 5186 - Allezweck Edessa (Mr G H & Mrs D R Gatliffe)

Class 1962. Open Bitch (8,1)

1st Place 5217 - Sh Ch Cushatlaw Charisma of Dappledele (Mr A & Mrs J Rutherford)

2nd Place 5232 - Sh Ch Dappledele First Date at Bryburn (Mr B B & Mrs F V Thurm)

Another class with a lot of variation in shapes and sizes, but 1 & 2 looked to be cut from similar cloth and from reading the catalogue I can see why! Each present a lovely clean outline, with balance of construction throughout and lovely breed type. Each are superbly fit, and gave a good account of themselves on the move as they can both move across and back with a steady action and accuracy of footfall. With very little different between the two of them, I just preferred the head of Charisma, in a hair splitting decision.

3rd Place 5189 - Barleyarch Pakora (Mrs S Harris)

David R. Alcorn – Lourdace/Comalegy (Judge)