• Show Date: 06/08/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: David Alcorn Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 03/10/2023

National Gundog Association

Breed: Hungarian Wire Haired Vizsla

National Gundog Association Championship Show

Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla

Thank you to the member clubs of NGA for nominating me for this lovely appointment. It is always a pleasure to judge Hungarian Wires and my decisions appear to be accepted well by those present; thank you for affording me a lovely entry. There appears to still be quite a variation within the breed in terms of size – some being rather small and weedy and others being extremely large. Whilst the standard does allow for a slightly variation - within “proportion”- I would guess that some dogs were well over 26” and some bitches over 24”. Something to watch! The other aspect I’d like to make comment on is shoulders, which are required to be “well laid”. There were a number whose shoulders were completely incorrect, being far too upright and resulting in short necks, sharp junctions at the withers, and restricted front action. Please bear in mind the importance of a good front for the dog as a whole, and watch out for shoulder placement when considering breeding plans. The dogs present were in good order, fit and well muscled, and had good temperaments which is always a pleasure to judge. Whilst I realise I am not a breed specialist, I hope my comments are taken in the positive manner they are intended.

Class 173. Junior Dog

Entries: 6 Absentees: 0

1st Place 477 - Ewtor Barking at The Moon (Mrs A E Moss)

A good one to start the day! Smart outline on this young d who has moderation all through and is medium sized. Excellent headpiece, which is balanced, in proportion, and well furnished. Stands well over his ground and has excellent shoulders giving rise to his strong neck and flowing smoothly into his solid topline. A sound an accurate mover away and back, he covers plenty of ground going around at a steady, even, balanced pace. RDCC.

2nd Place 488 - Belatarr Kodiak (Mr D & Mrs J Spillane)

Taller than 1 and not the length of upper arm which showed in his front action going around. This young d has an excellent topline and was presented in great coat and condition. Liked his head proportions and expression, with good furnishings. Sound in hind action going away.

3rd Place 484 - Zenzoes Romeo with Oakberrow (Mrs Z & Mr S Sauro & Gray)

Class 174. Special Beginners Dog

Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1st Place 491 - Zoltarous Wasabi for Dhalascar (Mrs K Swann)

Raw 12 month old with a lot of developing to do - with maturity the picture will be improved. Decent headed with strength and length of muzzle. A little straight in angles fore and aft, but produced sound footfall on the away and back. Rather proud of his tail at the moment.

Class 175. Novice Dog

Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1st Place 484 - Zenzoes Romeo with Oakberrow (Mrs Z & Mr S Sauro & Gray)

Up to size young d, with appealing proportions, good type, and excellent bone and substance. Masculine headed he has a kindly expression, and a great character! Well angled front and rear which produced a sound action on the go around. Very well muscled throughout, clearly afforded plenty of exercise. In good coat.

Class 176. Graduate Dog

Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1st Place 489 - Farnfield Pickpocket for Brightmeadow (Mr J & Mrs M B Stephens)

On the larger side and with rather a soft pale coat. Has a good eye shape and colour and large nose. Stands on straight limbs and in good muscle tone. Not moving at his best behind today.

Class 177. Post Graduate Dog

Entries: 2 Absentees: 1

1st Place 470 - Enryb Pink Panther (J Elders)

Quite well grown chap with stronger head, masculine all through. Stands well over his ground and in superb body and muscular condition. Liked his lay of shoulder, strength in topline and strong quarters. Stands on excellent feet. Needs time to settle into his frame on the move, which will come with age.

Class 178. Limit Dog

Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1st Place 490 - Miadsc Cast A Spell (Mrs R D Summerfield)

Medium sized male with decent balance of skull to muzzle. Rather upright in shoulder which affects his neck length standing, and front action on the move. Well ribbed back with firm topline and thick tail. A bit narrow all through when moving. Stands on good feet, and has a harsh coat.

Class 179. Open Dog

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1st Place 465 - Ch Enryb Simply Red (Mrs J Byrne)

Top quality male of correct medium size, good substance, and balance throughout. Scores in head which is entirely typical – masculine but not to excess. Excellent lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. This dog is well ribbed back and strong in loin with well set on tail. Has moderation in hind angles and nothing to excess. Owing to his excellent balance of construction he has superb static and kinetic balance and maintains his outline at all times. Presented to the minute in excellent coat and such rock hard condition. A superb representation of the breed standard. DCC & BoB.

2nd Place 487 - Belatarr Jupiter (Mr D & Mrs J Spillane)

Larger frame than the winner and just a bit much overall for my preference, but that said this d has good strength and substance throughout. Strong masculine head with useful length and depth. Presents balanced picture when moving as he uses himself to good advantage.

Class 182. Puppy Bitch

Entries: 3 Absentees: 2

1st Place 478 - Morganna Anais Anais (Ms R J Newman)

Very much the baby but with lots of appeal and a good foundation in construction for the future. Very well muscled throughout and coat is developing nicely. Pretty head, maturing well, with good eyes and ears. Good lay of shoulder but could do with a touch more upper arm length. Needs time to firm up on the move obviously, but should be a good prospect.

Class 183. Junior Bitch

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1st Place 473 - Enryb Lily The Pink (Mr L L Lewis)

Scores in head shape and balance with feminine expression but retaining strength and substance. Usefully constructed at both ends, this young b has a very well laid shoulder and good length of upper arm. Well ribbed back already, and maturing nicely in loin and couplings. Well angled behind with development of first and second thighs. Handled really nicely to allow her to enjoy her time in the ring and settle to the job.

2nd Place 482 - Herlinga Hextilda (Mrs T Rickman)

Not quite the head of 1 but another useful sort with good construction all through. Has a well developed forechest and good lay of shoulder. Has strength and soundness in limb both fore and aft and was presented in very fit order.

Class 186. Graduate Bitch

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1st Place 474 - Enryb Tickled Pink JW (Ms E Loynd)

Excellent type and correct construction throughout. Feminine yet with substance, balanced yet without excess. Lovely to go over as all the parts fit together into a clean tidy outline which appealed hugely. Excellent shoulder placement, strength in topline, balance in quarters and strength in croup. Clearly afforded a good life as she is spot on for body and extremely well muscled. Her overall fitness showed in her balanced economic movement. Pleased to award this youngster the CC today.

2nd Place 473 - Enryb Lily The Pink (Mr L L Lewis)

Class 188. Limit Bitch

Entries: 5 Absentees: 3

1st Place 475 - Redrafi Little Governor (Miss A Mir)

Feminine headed b of good balance all through. Has substance and femininity. Scores in head and expression with balance of head proportions. Good lay of shoulder and strong topline, with well angled and muscled quarters. Paler coloured b but with decent coat. Lacking body condition.

2nd Place 464 - Aldozovolgyi-Drotos Csermely at Enryb JW (Imp Hun) (Mrs J Byrne)

Very nicely headed b with appealing expression from her kind eyes, and useful length to muzzle. Liked her shape stacked up, however she didn’t move as well as 1. In great coat and superb condition.

Class 189. Open Bitch

Entries: 6 Absentees: 0

This was a very mixed class indeed with a big variety of sizes and styles present.

1st Place 479 - Sh Ch Morganna Anise (Ms R J Newman)

Nicely shaped, moderately angled, medium sized b of good proportions and type. A sound mover away and back as one would expect from her moderate sound construction throughout. Has strength in limbs and is firm in pasterns with good feet. Excellent coat. RCC.

2nd Place 471 - Sh Ch Enryb Skye Blue (J Elders)

Another good one from this kennel, clever breeder. Lovely head shape on this b, and excellent balance of construction all through. Really uses herself to best advantage on the move and is extremely sound away and back and covers plenty of ground on the go around. One I think highly of, but there’s just a bit too much of her for my preference.

3rd Place 476 - Enryb Scarlett O'hara at Ewtor (Mrs A E Moss)

Class 190. Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1st Place 468 - Hazean Donetsk to Deifstock (IKC) JW (Mr W & Mrs S Cooper)

Well balanced head on this b, with a good expression and clean well coloured eyes. Stacked up she presented a good outline with plenty of forechest however wasn’t together on the move today and quite erratic in action when coming and going.

David R. Alcorn (Lourdace/Comalegy) (Judge)