• Show Date: 08/09/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: David Alcorn Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 29/11/2023

Richmond Dog Show Society

Breed: Retriever (Chesapeake Bay)

Chesapeake Bay Retriever

Class 469 VD/B (4 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 928 MAYHEW, Mrs C Sh Ch Arnac Bay Flax

Scores in outline and overall proportions, so correct for the breed all through. Has balance of skull and muzzle with useful length and strength to foreface. Strong neck and topline, well ribbed back and has strength of loin. Well muscled all through and standing on excellent feet and in good thick coat. Handled very well to show off her many lovely attributes. RBB.


Attentive well conditioned bitch who is excellent all through for her years. Liked her head shape and expression. Has well sprung ribs and good depth of body. Well muscled all through and put on a great show on the move with drive from low hocks. Just a shade longer than 1 and it was showing in her topline a little today.

3rd: 929 MAYHEW, Mrs C Sh Ch Arnac Weatherdeck Buoy (Imp USA)

Class 474 PGB (3 Entries) Abs: 0

A bit of a mixture of outlines in this class, but each had various attributes to appraise.

1st: 926 COPPIN, Miss Joanne & DAVIES-JONES, Mr Darren Pixiesrock Queen of Hearts at Elwistone

Found this four year old bitch to score highest in all departments for me in this class which clinched her the win. Appealing head and expression, strong neck and very good in topline. Tail is well set on and hindquarters very well muscled up. Good in ribbing with development of forechest. Presented in good double coat.

2nd: 927 HERRING, Mrs Deborah Claire & HERRING, Mr Thomas Battsrock Sweet Child O Mine

Another who was a decent type all through and close up to the winner with many of the similar remarks applying. Just moving a shade wide for my preference today.

3rd: 934 WATTS, Miss Kirsty Oakleaf Manor Bay of Oakmarsh (Imp) Deu JW

Class 475 OB (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 925 COPPIN, Miss Joanne & DAVIES-JONES, Mr Darren Dallandor Jocasta

This near seven year old bitch really impressed me all through today and put on a great show with her true bright and happy temperament. Scores in head with width of skull and useful length of muzzle with strength. Her amber eyes give an intelligent expression, with obvious willingness to please her handler today. Conformationally sound all through with balance and moderation both fore and aft. Has strength and straightness of limb on the stack and used her balance to best effect on the move producing a clean smooth action on the go around. BB & BoB

2nd: 930 MIDDLETON, Ms Joy & MAYHEW, Mrs C Sh Ch Arnac Bay Hebe WGC EW'22 ShCEx

What a lovely sort, and presented in first class order in both coat and muscle with just the right amount of body. Another one who was working well with her skilled handler today and putting on a great performance in the searing heat. Very nice headpiece with balance of skull to muzzle and delightful expression. Balanced in her construction fore and aft, she moved out so well with good length of stride and positive action.

3rd: 933 WATTS, Miss Kirsty OAKMARSH FREEDOM

David R Alcorn (Lourdace/Comalegy) (Judge)