• Show Date: 30/09/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: David A Tilley Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 14/10/2023

Scottish Kennel Club

Breed: French Bulldog
SCOTTISH KENNEL CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW 30 SEPTEMBER 2023 FRENCH BULLDOGS JUDGE DAVID A TILLEY Thank you to all exhibitors who came to the Scottish Kennel Club Championship show on September 30th 2023 to support and accept my judgements in such a sportsmanlike way. The entry was fantastic and in fact topped the Utility Group. Originally scheduled for May 2020 and cancelled due to Covid. The delay did not in any way detract from my experience. The friendly and supportive atmosphere around the ring was tremendous. Both of the Junior classes I thought were the best classes of the day with quality right down the placings. I would like to acknowledge the sterling support from my ring steward Sue Bell, who kept us on track throughout the day, thank you. To my winners, congratulations, to all exhibitors also thank you again for supporting me. I was very pleased with my numbers and the general quality of the exhibits, I would however like to raise a few points that we as breeders and exhibitors should keep in mind. I was very pleased to say that none of the exhibits today showed any breathing stresses. Bone and substance: The french bulldog is a sturdy, compact solid small dog with good bone. I found that only about 50% of dogs presented fitted this description and it is a definite area for breeders to focus on. Bottom jaw and teeth: Mouths in general I thought were poor, whilst there were no teeth showing it is definitely an area I would like to see improvement. There was only one dog who showed some tongue which the handler kept pushing back in. Light eyes: So many dogs today with light eyes, this really detracts from the overall expression. Tails: 70% of dogs presented had no tail or a barely visible tail. Fearlessness: I like to see a dog's relaxed expression and I have mentioned before this is why I asked for dogs to be picked up. Many exhibits were not confident or comfortable on the table and so many dogs held on a tight lead both moving and standing. I prefer to see dogs presented and moved on a loose lead and not held up by a tight lead under their chin. A good dog will always stand themselves and move effortlessly without handler intervention. MPD 5(1a) 1st Morrison’s Xandene Knew You Were Magic. 7 months old fawn with black mask. Substantial puppy for his age, I hope he doesn’t go over. Initial impression was of a sturdy, solid boy with good bone. He has a square head, large and broad but in proportion to his body. Muzzle is broad, deep and set well back, for one so young he has well-developed cheeks. His round dark eyes and well placed and shaped ears presented a pleasing picture. Powerful neck well arched into broad shoulders, nice straight front with compact cat like feet. His body in profile is cobby. With a gentle roach and good tail set, all of the above allowed him to effortlessly cover the ground. BPD 2nd Walton’s Ravendane Popeye. At just 6 months old this brindle puppy has a lot of potential. He has a pleasing square head with a broad muzzle and good dentition. His round, dark eyes combined with his well set and well used ears commanded my attention. With his broad shoulders and straight front looked a picture. In profile, he is at the moment slightly longer, but this may change as he develops. On the move, he looked lovely and just lost out to 1 on maturity. 3rd Westmorland’s Gailbulls Sidney Poitier. PD 2 1st Morgan-Ling’s Castrum Osinium Rule My World (Imp Hrv). 9 months old brindle baby, with a sturdy and compact appearance, he is a handsome boy with a broad square head and strong neck, very appealing features, dark round eyes, well padded cheeks with a broad muzzle and excellent pigmentation. In profile, slightly shorter in back with good tail set and a gentle roach. Moved well both coming and going and in profile presented a pleasing picture, in tune with his handler. 2nd Pearce’s Clangarry Wee Twig. Fawn puppy of nine months. Good size and substance for his age with good bone. Pleasing square head with broad muzzle, padded cheeks and well-placed ears. For me I would prefer darker eyes, slightly longer in body than 1st but still plenty of growing to do, moved collectedly. 3rd Westmorland’s Gailbulls Sidney Poitier JD 8 (2a) 1st Hucker’s Bevanray Terrypendry At just over one year old, a superb double hooded pied. For me, the perfect picture of a French Bulldog. Head on he is stunning, his square head is large and broad, but in proportion to his size. His broad muzzle and muscles of his cheeks are well developed, flat between his ears with a domed forehead. He has just the right amount of wrinkles. His eyes are so dark, and followed me, setting off a picture with his ears, impossible for me to ignore. His body is sturdy and compact with good neck into shoulders, beautiful straight front and cat like feet. He has a gleaming clear white coat. His proportions in profile in my opinion are perfect and on the move he was effortless, distracted by the myriad of debris on the floor, but this gave me the extra cheeky clown like attitude we should see in Frenchies. What a future this boy must have. CC and BOB. 2nd Hutchinson’s Zorro of Shine Treasure for Oschalben (Imp Srb) Another superb clear coated pied at just over 13 months old. This boy pushed my winner very hard and in the challenge was in serious consideration for the RCC. He is sturdy, solid and has excellent bone, overall he cannot be faulted. Large, square and broad head completely in proportion to his size, well padded muzzle and cheeks, good size and shape of ears top off a picture for me. Slightly larger body than 1st but overall he is balanced, he has broad ribs with a gentle roach and good rear angulation. Moved very well in all directions. Lovely boy. 3rd Young’s Carkennar Jamie Dodger PGD 6 1st Morrison’s All That’s Magic. Black masked fawn dog with a square head, well padded cheeks and muzzle with a well defined stop, plenty of cushion to upper lips. Eyes nose and ear proportions and placement are textbook standard and he was attentive at all times to his handler. He has a lovely deep chest with nice straight front, good feet and nails. In profile, he has a gentle roach with good tail set and tuck up. He moved collectedly and won this class on his overall type. 2nd Foley & Livesay’s Leyenda Fangorn Mr Murdoch. Larger brindle boy with plenty of bone. I felt everything was in proportion for this dog. Just overall I felt he was well up to size. Good head with lovely expressive dark eyes, plenty of padding to cheeks and muzzle. Well used ears. Strong neck on broad shoulders with straight forequarters, good feet with dark nails. In profile deep at the brisket with good tuckup and rear angulation. Moved well. 3rd Korennaja’s Onnis Of My Sweet Moments (Imp Hun) LD 9 1st McGroarty’s Cane Guardiano Daedalus Ardhub (Imp Gr) Dark brindle boy who stood out in this class. A stallion of a dog. He has the most beautiful head and outline, dark expressive eyes, great pigment. In profile, he is typical French Bulldog standard, deep chest, good tuck up, gentle roach and good rear angulation, all of this allowed him to move effortlessly around the ring. Unfortunate to meet my BOB today, but I was honoured to award him the RCC. 2nd Morrison’s Rozeldogue Knew It Was You Xandene. Brindle boy who is lighter in construction than 1st. Lovely head and expression, broad muzzle and wide set correct eye placement with well used ears, would have preferred darker eyes. Good shoulders, straight front with good feet. In profile he has a gentle roach and good tail set. Moved well. 3rd Brunton’s Hanway If You Believe. OD 7 (1a) 1st Bonsall & Odendaal’s Muggshotts Whiz Bang Wilbur. This dark brindle boy was in hard condition. He has a cobby body and classic head with broad muzzle, his nose, dark eyes and ears were all in proportion. Lovely pigment. Would prefer a stronger front, not on his toes today. Good profile with muscular rear quarters. Moved well. 2nd Cole’s Xandene Black Magic at Myntie. Lighter brindle boy with classic head, nice dark eyes, good ear placement used well, nice straight front with cat like feet and black nails. In profile, deep chest with gentle roach and good tail set, good rear angulation. Moved well. 3rd Timms & Henderson’s Ir Ch Olijah Total Knockout JW OSW VD 1 1st Hogan’s Ch Xentique Pandamonium for Baclaudi JW ShCM Stood alone in veteran today, but an ambassador for the breed, he has had plenty written about him in the past and has already left his legacy. Substantial pied boy with excellent bone. Everything I like in a Frenchie and at 8 and a half years young I hope he continues to impress and entertain everyone for many years, BVD. SBD 5 1st (see 2nd in JD) 2nd Young’s Carkennar Jammie Dodger. Fawn boy of 13 months old who moved well. He has a lovely black mask with good pigment/nails. He has dark eyes and well used ears, strong body with a broad chest, gentle roach, good tail set and muscular rear quarters. Could carry more weight. 3rd Ellis’ Braylah Cover Me With Glitterkiss. GCD No entries. MPB 6 (2a) 1st Weir’s Bonisle Forever Grateful. This 7 month old brindle girl is compact yet has a powerful cobby body, she has a sweet head, alert dark eyes and well set and used ears, a broad in proportion muzzle with a good upsweep of jaw. In profile an arched neck into broad shoulders with a straight front. Would prefer darker nails. Good spring of rib for one so young, perfect proportions in profile with good rear angulation. Moved collectedly. 2nd Walton’s Ravendane Olive Oil. 8 month old darker brindle girl who is slightly longer cast than 1st. Super cute expression with beautiful dark penetrating eyes, good shape and size of ears. Nice straight front with deep chest and cat like feet and lovely dark nails. Good tuck up and rear angulation. Moved well. 3rd Morton’s Xoneuna One Republic. PB 4 (1a) 1st Korennaja’s Wildax Rowendale Christmas Pudding. Beautiful 9 month old brindle girl, very advanced for her age, classic head with piercing dark eyes, broad muzzle with lovely lower jaw. Looking face on she has perfect symmetry with lip placement, nose, wide set eyes topped with alert well used ears. Arched neck on strong shoulders, straight front and beautiful feet, in profile, a picture with a gentle roach and good tail set. Moved very well. In the challenge for best puppy she moved to perfection. BP. 2nd Bonsall’s Muggshotts Pillow Talk. A very feminine 10 month old with a lovely clear pied body, smaller in frame than 1st. Good proportions to her head, but a lot of development still to come I’m sure. Lighter in body than 1st, but all in proportion, deep chest good tuck up and tail set. Moved well. 3rd Harrison’s Wildax Rowendale Ho Ho Ho at Honeydukes. JB 7 1st Bryant’s Archness The Dramallama. At 15 months this brindle girl has so much promise. I could list her attributes but it would just be like writing out the standard. A top drawer female who I’m sure will go on to take her crown. She was at one with her handler and so alert and attentive, on the move sympathetically handled to look the perfect picture. I would say one of the best mouths I saw today. In the female challenge there was competition from several older females, but she never put a foot wrong. BCC and BOS. 2nd Wildman & Davis’ Wildax Rowendale Meatball Molly. This 15-month-old brindle pushed the class winner hard, it was the closest decision of the day, a darker brindle with very good pigment. Heavier set than 1st but also in perfect proportions, loveliest of heads with piercing dark eyes, she challenged me to look elsewhere. Again, listing her attributes would be like writing out the standard. Her frame is powerful, her gleaming coat in super condition. Pleased to award her the RBCC. I was told afterwards that I had awarded her grandmother BP and BOB some 11 years ago and that my BP winner today was Molly’s sister from a repeat mating. Two females who will go on to take their crowns I am sure. 3rd Timms & Henderson’s Budbulls Maximum Impact for Olijah (Imp Srb) PGB 12 (2a) 1st Foley’s Leyenda Masquerade. Brindle girl of very good proportions, she has a beautiful head with pleasing symmetry. Good teeth and under jaw. Dark eyes and well padded cheeks with nicely shaped and placed ears. Showing an arched neck into correct shoulders with a straight front and good feet. In profile good proportions to the body with a deep chest and correct loin, hammy quarters with good angulation and gentle roach. 2nd Thornton’s Zimblistic Ice Lady. Fawn girl with pleasing body shape, expressive eyes and ears, complimenting a lovely head, strong shoulders and straight forelegs. In profile, deep chest and gentle roach, good rear angulation. 3rd Dempster’s Leyenda Caramel Queen at Scotiaiq LB 11(1a) 1st Chambers’ Senorio De Carthago Miss Topette of Luvum (Imp Esp) This dark brindle girl is out of the top drawer. Beautiful head with pleasing properties, well padded cheeks, correct jaw, and good teeth. She has piercing dark eyes and well placed ears, her arched neck flows into good shoulders with straight front and cat like feet, lovely dark nails. She has a deep chest with sufficient tuck up, a gentle roach and good tail set. Being picky I would prefer more rear angulation, however she moved collectedly. 2nd Smith’s Pushpa French Shangri La Bellicose (Imp). Another close decision with first. Another quality brindle, slightly larger than 1st overall. Classic head and proportions to muzzle and stop, good width of eyes which were dark and focused on her handler. Good ears in shape and placement and used well. Strong shoulders and straight forelegs with again, excellent feet, deep chest, plenty of tuck up, good rear quarters, with plenty of angulation, a gentle roach, and good tail set. Moved well. 3rd Stidwell’s Beaufrogz Let Me Blow Ya Mind. OB 8 (1a) 1st Hogan’s Ch Ashstaff Secret Whisper For Baclaudi JW. Very compact dark brindle with a pleasing head with lovely dark eyes and good ear placement. Nice arched neck with good shoulders and straight forelegs. In profile smaller framed but in proportion with good tailset. I would have preferred more substance overall. 2nd Hepworth’s Anessabull She’s Mirabel. Compact pied girl with cobby body, good bone and plenty of substance. Pleasing head with dark eyes and good ears. Arched neck onto strong shoulders, in profile looks a picture with gentle roach, good tailset and rear angulation, her coat was beautiful and she moved collectedly. 3rd Stidwell’s Beaufrogz Let Me Blow Ya Mind. VB 4 Lovely class of veteran ladies enjoying their day. 1st Roach’s Roalice Mini Mouse Sh CM. 9 year old darker fawn young lady who defies her age. She is totally balanced in profile and moved to perfection, she has a strong head yet undeniably feminine, a broad skull with well padded cheeks and good well set ears. She has lovely round dark eyes with a well defined stop, a broad jaw and good teeth. A strong but arched neck onto good shoulders and straight front. In profile a gentle roach with good tail and rear angulation. BV 2nd Maxwell’s Ch Eastonite Maxwell’s News JW Sh CM. Another beautiful fawn young lady heavier built than 1st. Light fawn with beautiful black mask, good muzzle with well padded cheeks, round dark eyes and well placed and used ears. Stronger in neck and shoulders than 1st but with straight front and lovely feet. In profile, deep chest with ample tuck up, gentle roach and correct tail set, good rear, all of which allowed her to move collectedly around the ring. 3rd Lowe’s Braylah Tempest Storm. SBB 7 1st Candiotes Oakpride Lucky Lady at Jabulile. Very smart clear coated fawn girl with a lovely black mask. Lovely expression with dark eyes and very feminine head. Good teeth and jaw placement. Compact body in good proportions, gentle roach and good tailset with good rear angulation. Moved well. 2nd see PGB 3rd Leyenda Caramel Queen at Scotialq GCB 2 1st see above SBB 2nd Morton’s Xoneuna One Republic. Compact fawn puppy with a lovely black mask and beautiful clear coat. Feminine head with nice dark eyes and good pigmentation, good neck, feminine body with more development to come, moved well for a baby.