• Show Date: 01/07/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Claire Sharp Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Windsor Dog Show Society

Breed: Italian Spinone

The Italian Spinone is probably best known for it’s unique outline and I am concerned that there is currently a trend for dogs that are shorter than square with sloping toplines.  If you made a silhouette of such dogs, they would be unrecognisable as spinoni.  These dogs can’t physically fit their legs underneath them when they move and they have to over reach or side wind which isn’t efficient at all in a dog bred to do a day’s work.  I am happy to report that none of my principle winners fit this description and they were in the minority here today.  The breed is currently in crisis, we are losing type, bone and substance – we’ve even got hare feet creeping in.  At some shows, you look at a class and it’s like “any variety spinone”, some don’t even resemble the breed they purport to be as they’re so fine and leggy. Indiscriminate breeding is clearly impacting on the show ring.  My decision to withhold in a class was not one I made lightly but as it states in the Kennel Club’s code of best practice, the decision of Championship show judges will ultimately affect the future development of a breed. No judges should be rewarding dogs that lack merit. On a more positive note, I found what I was looking for in every other class and it was such an honour to judge my own breed at one of the UK’s most prestigious championship shows.  I thank Windsor for the invitation to do so, particularly the late Irene Terry who was so supportive of me.  Thank you to all who came along with your beautiful dogs and for accepting my decisions with good grace.   It was truly lovely to hear so much applause from the ringside. Special thanks to my stewards Mick Brind and Robyn Burnett who kept things running smoothly.

Class 1654 VD/B (5 Entries) Abs: 0

1st & Best Veteran: 3793 GRIFFIN, Mrs Sally & GRIFFIN, Mr Stuart & GRIFFIN, It Sh Ch Sanjika Mayoka

Won this class on movement.  She covered the ground accurately and with drive. Divergent head planes, eyes of good colour, she is nicely constructed all through and has good bone and feet.  Coat of good texture and thick skin. Very well muscled.

2nd: 3798 JONES, Mrs T Sh Ch Inca Volata Am Charluben

In the initial line up, I thought this girl might be my winner but today, she couldn’t match my winner for movement.  She is a lovely type with a pleasing head and is in tip top condition.

3rd: 3800 LITTLEMORE, Miss C Sh Ch Aurelia the Explorer of Krismoor JW


Class 1656 PD (1 Entries) Abs: 0


Class 1657 JD (2 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 3790 FORDHAM, Mr G & FORDHAM, Miss C Lucoru Blow a Fuse at Cloudnine

A very handsome boy with the most beautiful head and expression.  Short neck, well laid shoulders, correct topline and good depth and width to him.  Excellent bone and feet.  His coat is lovely and harsh and he was stripped to perfection.  He needs a bit more strength in his back end to finish the picture and he’d benefit from being moved a little faster but nonetheless, this is a quality boy and I look forward to seeing how he matures.

Class 1658 YD NO ENTRIES

Class 1659 PGD (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 3803 ROBINSON, Mrs G Gradevole Strufolli

Skull and muzzle of equal length and headplanes divergent.  Strong neck, decent front, good bone and feet, correct topline and enough angulation behind.  One of the best brown roan coats I’ve ever felt and it’s not too dark either.  Moved well.  Considered him for higher honours.

2nd: 3774 ALLMAN, Miss Ellie Macarica Debonair

This is a very nicely made boy but his attributes are being hidden by far too much coat.  He needs a really good strip.  He has a nice head with divergence but it’s all being covered up!  His eyes are of good colour, he is well constructed and he has excellent bone and feet.  While too profuse, his coat is of good texture.  He is an exuberant boy but once settled, he demonstrated sound movement.

Class 1660 LD (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st & DCC: 3794 HODGSON, Mrs Lenore Olives daydream believer

Really liked this 3 yr old. He has divergent head planes, a lovely expression, large spongy nose, good ears and strong neck. He is robust, well constructed both in front and rear and with decent depth and width.  Correct topline and underline and good width of second thigh.  He has super bone and feet, an excellent coat and he moved soundly and accurately.  

Class 1661 OD (6 Entries) Abs: 1

1st & RDCC: 3801 LITTLEMORE, Miss C Sh Ch Inostricani Bell Ragazzo via Krismoor JW

A top drawer spinone.  My notes say “every inch a male” and he demonstrates masculinity without any coarseness. He has a lovely head, he is well made all through and is stripped to perfection.  Today, carrying just a shade too much weight and it’s landing over his shoulders but he is such a lovely type and moved so accurately, he had to take this class and later the RDCC.

2nd: 3792 GRIFFIN, Mrs Sally & GRIFFIN, Mr Stuart & GRIFFIN, Sh Ch Wolf del Subasio at Sanjika (Imp It.)

Another quality spinone and it’s lovely to see a brown roan of such good colour.  He has a good topline and underline and stands on the best of bone and feet. This is a dog who excels in profile movement demonstrating an effortless ground covering action, just a little wide in front coming towards.  Very well muscled and coat of excellent texture.

3rd: 3779 BOVIO, Mrs Karen Inostricani masai at ilsolo

Class 1662 GCD/B (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 3789 DEWAR, Miss Sherril & ALLUM, Mrs R Sh Ch Inostricani Palmina Del Macarica JW Sh.CM

8 year old girl who was a pleasure to judge.  Beautiful head, a little front heavy but she’s a super type.  Correct topline, good tailset and carriage, well angulated rear and she was presented in lovely condition.  Moved soundly and happily.


Class 1664 PB (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st & BP: 3806 SANDY, Mr M Inostricani Sky's The Limit at Milisimo

A pretty girl.  Her head planes are divergent and she has good ears.  Looks at you with a human expression, intelligence and definitely a touch of sass!  She is a nice shape. I’d  prefer just a touch more bone and rounder feet. Super coat and thick skin.  Well angulated rear.  Moved soundly.

Class 1665 JB (3 Entries) Abs: 1

Two very different types here.

1st: 3778 ANDERSON, Mrs J & MAYNE, Miss L Annilann Temptress del Michiamo

A feminine girl with head of correct proportions.  She has nice tight fitting eyelids, I’d just like her eyes a touch darker to soften her expression.  She has a good front with plenty of upperarm, her topline and underline is correct and she has enough bone.  Her coat is of good texture and she was presented here in good order.  She moves well.

2nd: 3780 BOVIO, Mrs Karen Ilsolo river island

Initially thought this girl would be my winner as she’s just my type.  I love her orange colouring and she’s beautifully put together with good bone and feet.  She was just moving a little wide behind today.

Class 1666 YB (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 3782 BOYES-WESTON, Mrs C Inostricani Athena

I absolutely loved the shape and make of this brown roan bitch.  She is quality.  The best of heads with the most beautiful expression.  She is well made front and rear with the correct topline and underline.  Good bone and feet. She was just so lethargic on the move today which was such a shame as I think if she’d had a bit more sparkle, she might have gone further.

Class 1667 PGB (5 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 3791 GRIFFIN, Mrs Sally & GRIFFIN, Mr Stuart & GRIFFIN, Sanjika Jakira

Won this class on movement.  She has that effortless, easy gait which comes from having super construction.  She does need a good strip but she is so very correct all through and like all the dogs from this kennel, has excellent muscle tone.

2nd: 3799 KRUGLOW, Ms Philippa Amberellie Rosanna

A pretty bitch of good breed type.  She is balanced and correct.  Initially I thought she was going to win this class but she doesn’t have the return of upperarm of my winner and it showed on the move.  She has thick skin, a harsh coat and is presented beautifully.  Well angulated rear.

3rd: 3777 ANDERSON, Mrs J & MAYNE, Miss L Sosteli Songbird Del Michiamo

Class 1668 LB (4 Entries) Abs: 0

1st & RCC: 3787 DAVIES, Mrs Barbara & DAVIES, Mr Mark Valeska vd Turfhoeve am Cartrefyspin (imp NLD)

This bitch is just my type.  I have admired her ever since she came into the country whilst feeling a tad envious that she’s not mine.  She has a good head with divergent head planes, if I was being picky I’d leave a little more furnishings on her to soften her expression.  I love her orange roan, she has excellent skin and coat.  She is nicely constructed and has super bone and feet.  Unfortunately, her handler couldn’t move her today and while she was sound enough, she was more focused on where her mum was.  Such a shame as I’d happily have awarded her the CC.

2nd: 3783 COLDWELL, Mrs L A Lucoru Summer Breeze

A pretty girl who is the correct shade of brown roan.  She has a lovely head with skull and muzzle of equal length and divergent head planes.  She excels in front assembly and it was that length of upperarm which got her so high up in this class as she moves so beautifully. Good topline and underline, correct oval bone I’d just like a bit more of it. Decent feet.  Thick skin, good coat texture and she was nicely presented.

3rd: 3795 JAMES, Mrs Karen Inostricani Fianna


Class 1669 OB (3 Entries) Abs: 1

1st, BCC & BOB: 3797 JONES, Mrs T Sh Ch Inostricani Mima Am Charluben

What a beautiful bitch this is.  She exudes breed type.  She has a lovely head of correct proportions and divergence.  Lovely expression.  Short, strong neck into well laid shoulders and good return of upperarm.  Her topline is correct and she has a strong, well angulated rear.  She has super bone and feet.  Thick skin, excellent coat and she was presented in tip top condition.  Today, she just didn’t put a foot wrong and she thoroughly deserved to take the top spot.

2nd: 3776 ALLUM, Mrs R J Macarica FAIR And Square JW

Another quality bitch.  She has a beautiful head and expression.  She is well made in front and her topline and underline are correct.  Good bone and feet.  Enough angulation behind.  She does need a good strip as today, she didn’t have the clean outline of my winner.  Her skin is nice and thick and her coat is of excellent texture, just too much of it!   Moved well.