• Show Date: 04/08/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Charlotte Craig Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 24/10/2023

Paignton & District Fanciers' Association

Breed: Samoyed

Paignton Championship Dog Show 2023


Charlotte Craig (Judge)

Firstly I would like to thank Paignton for the invitation, my efficient stewards and all the exhibitors for their entries, sporting manner and support for every winner. It was so good to see so many at the group competitions supporting each other. Overall the quality of exhibits was good however I want to note two points, firstly I found a few weak pasterns but most importantly mouths, bites are important and should be closely following the breed standard correct “scissor bite”, I was also surprised at the lack of basic dental cleanliness in some which could easily be addressed

Puppy Dog (1 entry)

1st:  Pitcher’ “Rosnorske Royal Aster” 10 months, pleasing head with good eye shape and colour and nice neat ears. Presented well with coat of correct texture, would prefer a little more substance but may come with maturity, Clean front and parallel when viewed head on, good depth of chest, ribs still need to spring, level topline, beautiful well set plumed tail, a little straight in stifle but covered the ground adequately on the move. BPIB

Junior Dog (1 entry/1 absent)

Post Graduate Dog (2 entries/1 absent)

1st: Prout and Prout’ “Jackson Maltayed at Furzeland Imp Poland” 21 months, masculine head starting to mature but would prefer a little more fill under the eyes, well set ears of correct size and placement, decent length of neck leading into good shoulders, enough bone with good front and strong pasterns. Good depth of chest, strong through the loin, correct tail set, would like a little more angulation in rear to compliment his front, well muscled throughout, well presented  with correct coat of good texture. Needs to settle when moving.

Limit Dog (3 entries/1 absent)

1st: Milne’ “Lumistarr This Is How We Do It” 2 year old that I judged as a puppy, maturing nicely, appealing masculine head with correct eye shape and colour, super neat well furred ears, adequate length and nicely arched neck, well muscled in shoulder leading to correct front, good hare feet with feathering. Body well developed and well sprung ribs, firm compact loin, well angled rear balanced with the front, short strong hocks, Super tail with nice plume and carriage. Coat well presented and of good texture and lovely silver tips. Moved out well and covered the ground with ease. RCC

2nd: Turner & Meakin’ “Plyushka Polar Star” 3 year old and finer all through than 1, a “covid puppy” who lacks a little confidence but once he was reassured allowed me to go over him, lovely masculine head pattern with nice smiling expression, good pigmentation, nice neat well furred ears, Longer cast coat which was a little softer in texture. Slightly upright in front, Good depth of chest but not as finished as 1, longer in loin, Huge plumed tail of correct set and carriage, less settled and a little more erratic on the move. If there was a prize for best feet of the day he would have won it, well feathered correct hare feet.

Open Dog (2 entries)

1st: Moody & Haffended’ “Ch Novaskaya Xander Lafay JW” 5 year old, the complete finished package, Super head correct in all departments, masculine and strong but not at all coarse. Coat well presented and of correct texture. Strong through the neck into well laid shoulder, correct amount of balanced bone, super feet. Good depth of chest and well ribbed, strong compact loin and rear angulation matching the front giving him a balanced easy gait. Hocks well let down. Well set tail with good carriage. CC and Best of Breed

2nd: Grainger’ “Samhaven Driftin Through” 3 year old with lots to come, Loved his head, strong & masculine but with a super soft expression, correct eye shape, set and colour. Neat well furred ears. Good reach and arch of neck. Not yet fully mature but would prefer a little more forehand. Decent amount of bone, good depth of chest but ribs not yet fully sprung, longer in back and loin which affected his topline. Plenty of rear angulation. Super presentation although coat has a longer cast. Beautiful plumed tail which was set and carried correctly. Super animated on the stack and on the move but was crabbing a little which made his footfall less precise.

Veteran Dog (3 entries/1 absent)

1st: Green & O’Brien’ “Taronakits Kall Me Kosmic ShCM” 8 year old and in super fit condition with good muscle and firm throughout, Beautiful masculine head with correct eye set, shape and colour. Neat well placed ears showing the true Samoyed expression. A compact dog but everything in proportion. Good parallel front construction, adequate depth of chest with well sprung ribs, strong through the loin and rear closely matching the front which allowed him to stride out with an easy ground covering purposeful gait. Presented well but not quite in full coat but still had a lovely well set plumed tail.

2nd: Young’ “Furzeland Devon Blaze Avec Cocosamel” 8 years old and loves to announce his presence. Super biscuit shaded coat, Good wedged head, correct eye shape and colour, beautiful biscuit tipped ears. More upright than 1 front and rear.  Good depth of body and well sprung ribs, compact loin and firm throughout. Not quite as fluent on the move.

Special Beginners Bitch (1 entry)

1st: Turner & Meakin’ “Plyushka South Star” 3 year old girl and another “covid puppy” lacking somewhat in confidence but much happier than her litter brother. Presented in lovely coat of good texture. Very pretty with a lovely eye, neat ears and super expression, Plenty of bone, chest well developed with a  good spring of rib, correct length of back and loin, good turn of stifle, perhaps a little narrow on the move and not 100% settled. Best Special Beginner.

Puppy Bitch (1 entry)

1st: Humphrey’ “Rosnorske Royal Lotus” 10 months and litter sister to the puppy dog, Very pretty with lots still to come with maturity. Feminine with correct eye, ears and bite, perhaps a little light in bone but has a lot of maturing to do. Good front assembly, body still to develop fully, would prefer a little more angulation in the rear, beautiful plumed tail carried correctly. Not as precise and tended to sidewind on the move but at her age can be expected.

Junior Bitch (2 entries)

1st: Mann’ “Silbertips and all that Jazz” just 12 month and maturing nicely with lots to like. Super coat of correct texture and presented beautifully, Pretty head and expression with correct eye shape and colour, nice parallel front. Ribs well sprung and strong loin. A touch longer in back. Balanced angulation front and rear, super feet and feathering, correct tailset and beautiful plume. Covered the ground well.

2nd: McGreade’ “Taronakits It’s Kaboo for Frostia” 12 months and a smaller girl but everything in proportion. To be hyper critical I would prefer a little more leg length, super feminine expression with super eye colour and wedge head. Neat ears. Coat of good texture and presented well. Body nicely developed and well angulated front and back. Super tails and covered the ground easily.

Post Graduate Bitch (4 entries)

1st: Young’ “Cocosamel Camélia JW” 2 years and presented a lovely balanced picture, in super body condition and could clearly do a days work. Nice head pattern and super expression, excellent length of neck, correct front construction, good depth of chest and firm through the body and loin. Excellent feet and feathering, rear angulation closely matching the front meaning she covered the ground effortlessly and with balance. Correct tail set with a lovely plume.

2nd: Moody & Haffenden’ “Taronakits It’s Kayanova JW” 18 months with lots of maturing to do, very pretty with correct eyes and lovely neat well furred ears. Parallel front with nice strong pasterns. Good depth of chest and correct length of back and firm loin. Nicely turned stifle and well let down at the hock. Super coat of correct texture. Covered the ground well and moved with precision but I just preferred the length of leg on 1.

3rd: Prout’ “Frostie Fluff at Furzeland”

Limit Bitch (3 entries)

1st: Gwynne’ “Rosnorske Royal Amethyst JW” Almost 23 months girl who presented a beautiful overall picture of balance and type. Super feminine head and expression, correct eye shape, set and colour. Excellent neat well furred ears, nice reach of neck, Nice balance of bone and substance, body well developed with good depth of chest and firm through the loin. Front and rear angulation correct and moderate allowing a fluent easy action on the move. Coat presented to perfection with a beautiful plush plumed tail. CC  and Best Opposite Sex

2nd: Milne’ “Lumistarr Love Me For Life” 3 years and very similar comments apply, Feminine, pretty and correct in all head departments, good depth of chest and muscular throughout, moved at the correct speed has a super ground covering action, excellent coat and tail, she pushed the winner hard but I just preferred the extra substance of 1.

3rd: Turner & Meakin’ “Plyushka Gypsy Lunar Star”

Open Bitch (5 entries/1 absent) The hardest class of the day and had to split hairs.

1st: Brandenberg & Smith’ “CH Taronakits it’s Karman JW” 6 year old with a beautiful wedge head with super expression, correct eye set, shape and colour, super neat well furred ears, good neck but has a tendency to lose it on the stand, well angulated shoulders with a parallel front, Body well developed with good deep chest and well sprung ribs. Strong loin. Excellent rear with lovely turn of stifle and well let down hocks. Coat is perfection, Super tail set and beautiful plume. Won this class on her super movement but lost out in the challenge by standing too close to her handler and losing her overall shape.

2nd: Collinson’ “CH Nikara Secret Love by Norjack JW” 5 years and turned out to perfection. Good wedge shaped head, eye shape and set is perfect however I would prefer a shade darker colour. Lovely arched neck leading into correct shoulder and front construction, good depth of chest and well sprung ribs, loin muscular and firm, correct turn of stifle, super tail with lovely plume, correct shaped feet with excellent feathering, excellent side gait but moving a little closer behind.

3rd: McGreade’ “CH Nikara Neverending Dream for Frostia”

Veteran Bitch (1 entry)

1st: Pritchard Hill & Hall’ “CH Right One for Mezen Yoshi and Us Imp SVK” 10 years and certainly not showing her age. Never put a foot wrong, Feminine head with super expression, lovely neat well furred ears, eye shape set and colour are superb. Excellent reach and arch of neck, correct shoulder and parallel front, Ribs well sprung and good deep chest, firm loin, rear angulation balanced with the front and strong firm hocks which she used to advantage. Well presented and in super coat of good texture, precise and purposeful on the move, RCC, Best Veteran in Breed and later went on to win the Pastoral Veteran Group, sadly she was unable to stay or return for Best Veteran in Show due to work commitments.