• Show Date: 15/07/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Cathy Proctor Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 09/08/2023

National Working & Pastoral Breeds Society

Breed: Finnish Lapphund

Puppy Dog (3 Entries, 0 Absentees)

1st Miss G L Small – Ansalfrose Weikko (BPIB)

Eye catching 8 month wolf sable puppy with striking markings. Correct head and set ears giving a beautiful expression. Good angulation leading to good movement for a young puppy. In profuse well fitting coat giving pleasing outline. Well presented. I shall watch his future with interest.

2nd Mr M & Mrs J Treasure – Pavoskas Galaksitti

Another lovely puppy. 10 months, wolf sable. Sweet expression. Smaller type than 1, but correct angulation. Slightly narrow front at present. However he moved well and was well presented.

3rd Miss E Daly – Tabanyaruu Borealis Boo

Junior Dog (2 Entries, 0 Absentees)

1st Mr M & Mrs J Treasure – Pavoskas Galaksitti

as per 2nd puppy dog.

2nd Miss E Daly – Tabanyaruu Borealis Boo

11 month tri. Correct head and placement of ears. Eyes on the large side affecting his expression. Moved well although rather noisy.

Post Graduate Dog (5 Entries, 1 Absentee)

1st Mrs S & Mr R Moore – Morval Soturi

2 year old black dog with white markings. Head of correct proportions with well set ears. Excellent conformation with well let down hocks and well set shoulders. In good coat. Moved very well, attentive to handler and very well presented.

2nd Mrs S Critchlow & Mrs V & Mr J Francis-Christie – Pavoskas Forest JW

2 year old wolf sable. Ears well placed on correct head, giving the desired expression. Good angulation giving good movement

3rd Mrs N J Allison – Lahetyaby Keskylon Kuu by Oberitz

Res Mrs K L & Mr T K Bright – Alkantara Talvi Myrsky

Limit Dog (5 Entries, 1 Absentee)

1st Miss K L Anderson – Limishka Valnamoinen

2 year old wolf sable dog. Good head with correct ear placement giving the desired sweet expression. Moderate stop and blunt muzzle. Good angulation enabling him to move with drive. In good coat and well presented.

2nd Mrs C, Mr N & Miss S Samuel – Oberitz Buoremus

Good conformation with correct angulation of hocks and well set shoulders. Well muscled. Good movement.

3rd Miss S Sisley-Smith – Tabanyaruu Qtamo Onni

4th Mrs N J Allison – Oberitz Kaamoksen Ruhtinas JW

Open Dog (4 Entries, 0 Absentees)

1st Mr E & Mrs T Forsey – Ch Arianrhod Black Sun Aeon at Muzoku (CC)

I previously judged this dog some years ago and wasn’t disappointed this time. He has matured into a stunning dog with a friendly expression. Head of correct width with clearly defined stop and well set ears. Strong medium length neck into well set shoulders. Well muscled in fore and rear quarters enabling powerful, effortless movement. He looked as if he could keep moving all day. Correctly set tail. Profuse harsh coat. I was very pleased to award him the DCC and BOB. Delighted to see him win 3rd in the group.

2 nd Mr S & Mrs E Short - Ch Glenchess Gregory (RCC)

This dog is a real favourite of mine, just lost out to his son today. He is a beautiful dog with a melting, friendly expression. Head of correct width with clearly defined stop and well set ears. Strong medium length neck into well set shoulders. Well muscled in fore and rear quarters enabling effortless movement. Well arched feet. Correctly set tail. Unfortunately he is in the process of casting his coat at present. RCC.

3rd Mr A, Mrs C & Miss M Wollard – Ch Infindigo Lintu Miika

Veteran Dog (3 Entries, 0 Absentees)

1st Mr S Jackson - Ch Lecibsin Ukas to Elbereth (BVIB)

8 year old tri. Correct head and eyes giving a lovely kind expression. Teeth nice and clean. Correct conformation with well let down hocks and well set shoulders. Well muscled giving good movement.

2nd Mr S J & Mrs S Cooper & Mrs S Critchlow – Ch Pavoskas Aly Arttu JW, ShCM, Sh C Ex

Another lovely 8 year old in great condition. Well presented. Good conformation and moved well. Preferred the expression of 1.

3rd Mrs C, Mr N & Miss S Samuel – Oberitz Upponalle

Special Beginners Dog or Bitch (3 Entries, 1 Absentee)

1st Miss K L Ellis & Mr M Crosby – Tabanyaruu Borealis Bliz

11 month bitch. A bit straight in hock at present, but still a youngster. Moved well.

2nd Miss E Daly – Tabanyaruu Borealis Boo – as per 2nd Junior dog

Dog CC: Mr E & Mrs T Forsey – Ch Arianrhod Black Sun Aeon at Muzoku

Reserve Dog CC: Mr S & Mrs E Short - Ch Glenchess Gregory

Best Puppy Dog: Ansalfrose Weikko

Best Veteran Dog: Ch Lecibsin Ukas to Elbereth

Puppy Bitch (4 Entries, 0 Absentees)

1st Mr E & Mrs T Forsey – Happy Lapp Rosy at Muzoku

Sweet 9 month old wolf sable. Correct head with well set ears and correct sized eyes giving a pleasing expression. Correct angulation and moved well. Very well presented.

2nd Mr S & Mrs A Stanley – Ansalfrose Wivi – Slightly smaller than 1 but similar type and same comments apply.

3rd Mrs S Critchlow & Mr M Rudd – Pavoskas Hiili Helmi

4th Miss K L Ellis & Mr M Crosby – Tabanyaruu Borealis Bliz

Junior Bitch (2 Entries, 0 Absentees)

1st Mrs S Critchlow & Mr M Rudd – Pavoskas Hiili Helmi smaller type black tri 10 month bitch. Head of correct proportions with well set ears. In good coat. Moved well.

2nd Miss K L Ellis & Mr M Crosby – Tabanyaruu Borealis Bliz as per 1st SBD/B

Post Graduate Bitch (4 Entries, 1 Absentee)

1st Mrs N J Allison – Oberitz Pilvilinna

20 month wolf sable of smaller type. Correct angulation leading to good movement. Sweet expression.

2nd Miss S, Mr A & Mrs R Sisley-Smith – Tabanyaruu Wihta Kuu Lapsi

Cream bitch. Close between 1 and 2. Lovely expression. Good conformation. Moved well and well presented.

3rd Mrs S Critchlow Mrs A & Mr G Sheridan – Pavoskas Eloisa Evie

Limit Bitch (6 Entries, (0 Absentees)

1st Mr S Jackson – Elbereth Huurrehuntu JW

Lovely shape which was showed off to good advantage on the stand. Good angulation and lay of shoulder leading to effortless movement. Sweet expression. In good coat and well presented.

2nd Miss K L Anderson & Mrs S Nardone – Limishka Kareitar JW

Another lovely bitch, I just preferred the expression of 1. Correct angulation with well let down hocks. Ears well set. Well presented and moved effortlessly.

3rd Mr S & Mrs A Stanley – Ansalfrose Jojanna

Res Mrs K L & Mr T K Bright – Glenchess Satakieli of Alkantara

Open Bitch (4 Entries, 0 Absentees)

1st Mrs S & Mr R Moore – Ch Morval Salainen Haave JW

I have admired this bitch from the ringside for some time and was not disappointed on going over her. Beautiful bitch with a very sweet expression. Head of correct width with defined stop which on first impression appears deep, but isn’t. Well set ears. Moderately strong neck into well laid shoulders. Correct length of body and well let down hocks. Her excellent conformation is reflected in her effortless movement. In good coat and well presented. Very pleased to award her BCC.

2nd Mrs T Lloyd - Arianrhod Hallatar

Litter sister to DCC and similar comments apply. Lovely bitch who unfortunately looked as if she would rather be elsewhere! Sweet expression with well set eyes of correct size. Head of correct width with clearly defined stop and well set ears of correct size. Strong medium length neck into well set shoulders. A bit heavy at present which is impacting on her front movement, but good angulation and well arched feet enabling her to move with drive.

3rd Mrs S Critchlow & Mr V & Mrs J Francis-Christie - Ch Pavoskas Cancan

4th Mrs S Graystone – Ch Morval Heilna Keiju

Veteran Bitch (3 Entries, 1 Absentee)

1st Mrs J & Mr M Treasure - Infindigo Riemu Emmi ShCM VW Sh C Ex (RBCC)

Sweet 11 year old wolf sable bitch. Very sweet expression, gleaming clean teeth. Correct head with blunt muzzle and well set ears. Good depth and width of chest.Very well presented and at one with her handler. Moved very well. RBCC.

2nd Mr S & Mrs A Stanley – Glenchess Nuilkka at Ansalfrose

Another 11 year old lady in good condition for her age. I preferred the eye and expression of 1. Moved OK.

Bitch CC: Mr and Mrs Moore - Ch Morval Salainen Haave JW

Reserve Bitch CC: Mrs J & Mr M Treasure - Infindigo Riemu Emmi ShCM VW 

Best Puppy : Miss G L Small - Ansalfrose Weikko

Best Veteran : Mr S Jackson - Ch Lecibsin Ukasa to Elbereth