• Show Date: 25/08/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Cath Moffat Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 22/09/2023

Driffield Championship Dog Show

Breed: Belgian Shepherd Dog (Tervueren)
JD 3(1) 1. Maclellan’s Debruix Clicquot Prelude** Smart male of 16 months, dark eye and lovely expressive head, balanced skull, alert ears, good neck and front assembly, good forechest and depth, lovely make and shape standing and moving, sound in top-line, well muscled and fit, liked his angulation, light and free on the move. 2. Elliott/Brown/Godfrey’s Sezanne Afire Love. 15 months, preferred the more masculine head of 1, ears well set with dark eye, good muzzle and balanced skull, could have a shade more bone and not as good in shoulder as winner, moved ok. PGD 1(0) 1. Hall’s Shai Du Pre De La Sommerau at Vonandraste (imp FRA). 2 years old, determined not to use his ears, masculine head and expression with good proportions, strong neck and straight front, little steep in shoulder for me, sound in top-line and angulation but untidy ‘coming to’, showed some easy movement in profile, presented in good coat and well muscled condition. OD 2(0) 1. Maclellan’s Ch. Debruix Black Rooster** Male of nearly 4 years, lovely outline standing and moving, very masculine head, good ears and balanced skull, lovely dark eye, straight front, good neck and shoulder, nicely angulated front and rear, good depth of chest and well ribbed back, short, strong loin, moved out well in profile with a light footed easy gait, BD & BOB. 2. Arkley’s Domburg On My Mind. Another nice male of 4 years with a lovely confident temperament, masculine and alert expression with dark eye, good forechest, strong neck with correct front assembly, good depth and well ribbed back, sound in top-line and he was well muscled and fit, to be picky, found him a shade too long in outline, he moved out well with a free action and was presented in immaculate coat, RBD. JB 2(1) 1. Lester/Smith’s Domburg Because It’s Me. Very promising young bitch of 16 months, immaculately presented and in lovely fit condition, very feminine expressive head with dark eye, she used her ears well, balanced skull, good neck and well set shoulder, straight front with good bone and feet, she moved out with a purposeful, easy, free moving gait, BB. CATH MOFFAT