• Show Date: 02/12/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: carol durrant Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 05/12/2023

British Gordon Setter Club

Breed: Gordon Setter

British Gordon Setter Club Championship show

 special awards 02/12/2023

judge Terri Durrant Glenturret

I should like to extend my sincere thanks to the Officers and Committee for inviting me to judge at this show. It was a very enjoyable day, and I very much appreciated the opportunity and the support from the exhibitors on this appointment to assess some lovely dogs.

Many thanks to my 2 stewards operating ring during my appointment for their efficient running of my ring

Junior dog/ bitch 3 (A1) Both these two dogs just need time to mature in body and mind

1st Pallini Krisada not in Kansas 15 month old male Well balanced, just lacking the bone and muscle at this stage. Head needs time to mature but has correct proportions and the classic Gordon dark eye and kind expression. Well angulated front and rear ok, with level topline and correct tail run off, moved well holding his topline and once settled striding out and enjoying himself. Needs time,

2nd Beddall Dwensantinis Dora 16 month old bitch was a bit twitchy going over at first but settle down once we starting going over her A finer build than 1st but nevertheless a good forechest and brisket. Good neck and shoulders and nicely shaped body with good angulation carrier her topline beautifully into a nice tail set on the movement move with drive.

Post Graduate dog/bitch 5 (A1)

1st Sandford Hernwood Luna’s gin have just this bitch before as puppy the write up the same feminine head with dark eyes strong muzzle good reach of neck good front and body developing nicely since the last time I saw her good bone and feet good tan markings nice low set ears top line just flowed off into a good tail set well-presented and moved well

 2nd Sheilds Amscot Brief Encounter 3 handsome

male in lovely condition, nice tight feet. Good broad head with correct eye shape and markings. Good tan markings. Well angulated front and rear deep chest and straight front with good bone good top line and tail set in good coat condition move well.

 3rd Tsruhana TanteLille

in lovely condition, nice tight feet. Nice head with correct eye shape and markings.

Open dog/bitch 10(A3) this was a very strong class to choose from putting my judging head an going over the breed stander in my head narrow it down to what I thought was near the stander.

1st and 2nd I like a lot will change. Places on different day and different judges

1st Bryant Kilnrae Hallmark JW Liked his size and overall shape, although good spring of rib and width to body. Good front and hind angulation, level topline and correct tail set. A good Gordon head shape with defined stop, low set ears and dark eyes. Would prefer clearer tan on front legs. Moved the best in this class. I found out he won his 3 rcc on the day to well done

2nd Sanford SH CH Hernwood Luna Eclipe JW fit for function at her age of 8 years old well muscle up pleasing head dark eyes soft expression good well developed in front with deep brisket good tan markings good reach of neck leading into laid back shoulders good level top line moderate length in body balanced and correct size with a clean outline good hindquarters strong that give her the drive on the move beautifully

3rd Halliday Yennadon Barra JW SGWC built for his working ability Strongly built male of good head proportions, open nostrils, nice eye, and kind expression. Strong, lean neck flowing into nice shoulders. Straight front of good flat bone. Good depth of ribcage, well sprung and ribbed well back. Strong and firm loin, hind quarters well-muscled and firm, hocks straight and strong. Coat of coal black in good condition, excellent tan, pencilling on toes. Moved with purpose covering the ground with drive.