• Show Date: 26/08/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Bridgette Bodle Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 03/11/2023

London & Provincial Collie Club

Breed: Collie (Smooth)

London and Provincial Collie Club 26/08/2023

Smooth Collies

I was so looking forward to this appointment as this breed has really stolen my heart and I was not disappointed either with the size of the entry or the quality. No general observations to make other than the standard calls for moderate bone which I know can be interpreted as one wishes but there were one or two who appeared to lack any bone at all and unfortunately I did penalise them accordingly.

VD (3,1abs, 1 WD) Unfortunately the other dog initially present in the class had to withdraw as he was very slightly unsound, disappointing for me as I have admired him for some time now but hopefully I will get another opportunity to judge him in the future 1 and RDCC Lustys Can Gr Ch Cardross Red Dirt Road To Blamorder (IMP) such a handsome sable boy whose condition and movement belies his age, excellent wedge head with well set tipped ears, strong underjaw and tight lips, neck is of good length and flows into well laid shoulders, chest is deep and elbows neat, topline firm and hindquarters well muscled with strong well let down hocks, he is effortless yet a power house on the move covering the ground with a good length of stride . He is altogether well proportioned but there is just too much of him for me, however for overall construction, movement and soundness he deserved the RDCC today.

PD (3) 1 and BPD, BPIB Seagers Blamorder Magic Maker With Freejack. Beautiful 10 mth sable and son of my VD winner, he is of good size without being overdone and has a certain presence about him, masculine wedge head which although still needs to break is possibly just a fraction long in muzzle which was well rounded with a good bite and black nose, lovely clean neck with slight arch, forelegs are straight and strong with moderate bone and chest deep enough for age, body is well ribbed, a tad flat in topline although sometimes he does stand a little high on the rump, hocks are strong and stifles well bent and he covers the ground effortlessly with a good length of stride. He needs to tighten in elbow somewhat but this should come as he matures. . A promising prospect for the future. 2 Sewell Wynele Strike It Rich To Lewarne tri dog who I also liked a lot, slightly smaller than the winner but well made with a handsome head, oblique eye and well set ears, firmer in topline than 1 and with slight rise over the loin, body developing well with a good spring of rib and muscled quarters, very sound and quite together for his age, a close decision but I just preferred the length of stride if the winner today 3 Rogers and Carvallos Blamorder Mischief Maker

JD (4,1) 1 Blamorder Magic Maker With Freejack 2 Warrens Coldelee Jupiter Rises With Blamorder tri boy, good wedge head and keen intelligent expression, strong slightly arched neck, body has good height to length ratios and a reasonable spring of rib, I found him just a little short in upper arm therefore restricting him a touch in front and, like the winner he also needs to tighten up. 3 Blamorder Mischief Maker

GD (4,1) 1 Blamorder Magic Maker with Freejack 2 Blamorder Mischief Maker sable boy and litter brother to the winner. Whilst not the bone or development of the winner he is pleasing enough in shape and is nicely angulated in the rear, head needs to mature on but he has a reasonable eye shape and well set ears, on the move he was far more settled in this class and gave glimpses of sound driving movement. A little more ringcraft and some solid command from his handler and these two could have a lot of fun together 3 Bemelmans Moseliqa Proudfoot

PG (0)

LD (4) 1 Martins Shandlmain Blu Chief a strongly built 4yr Merle, solid to go over and one I have judged several times before, he was my RBD last year and has improved even more since then, handled with the minimal of fuss this boy really comes into his own on the move and had the strongest hindquarters of the class, handsome all male head with correctly tipped ears used to enhance his expression and strong neck into an ample lay of shoulder, he stands on moderately boned forelegs and neat elbows, excellent depth of chest and strong firm topline to good croup and moderate hind angulation, sound and accurate movement put him just ahead of 2 who I also really liked, 2 Wensleys Constella Hazy Cosmic Jive JW slightly smaller in stature than the winner and presented in fit condition, he has a masculine head and lively expression, not the bone or substance of the winner but sufficient for his size, strong muscular neck and enough front angulation, good forechest and depth of chest, he stands on straight forelegs and padded feet, I’ve watched him in the ring many times but today I thought he was a little short in stride which cost him the class today. 3 Seagers Blamorder Scaleforce With Freejack I should mention this boy as I thought he had so much to like, a big strong lad with a cracking head and good substance but not overdone. Unfortunately his keenness meant his movement was difficult to assess at times which put him down the line.

OD (2) 1 and DCC Cowlings Blamorder Opulence At Himinnsaga A nicely balanced and well proportioned 4 yr Merle presented in excellent coat and condition, blunt wedge head with slight stop and rounded muzzle, eyes just a little round but still display an intelligent look, correctly set ears, alert and used to advantage, excellent front with straight moderately boned forelegs and strong pasterns, broad well muscled rump and a well bent stifles, gaiting out smoothly and easily with a good length of stride, I understand this boy has recently gained his title, congratulations ! Denton’s Rylance Moonshine Over Brackenhaye a handsome 5 yr Merle with good bone

 and strongly made all through, handsome blunt wedge head and well set ears, excellent front legs and feet, deep chest with well sprung ribs and elbows placed well under, firm topline held on the move. A little heavier all through than the winner and just lacking his dignified outline .

VB (5,1) What a fabulous class of veterans this was 1 and BV Lustys CH Blamorder Ice Cream Dream 7 yr blue merle with a beautiful wedge head, appealing expression and well set ears although I would have liked them a little more tipped, shoulders are well laid and elbows tidy, she has a good bend of stifle and strong straight hocks and moved out smoothly covering the group with ease, I liked her size and proportions and there is nothing overdone about her hence my BVIB today. 2 Cowlings Koczkodan Serenity an attractive tri girl and another one who is well proportioned and a nice size, she has a lovely neck and topline but I would like to see a little more hind angulation, but despite that she moved out well with a good length of stride 3 Meachams Blamorder Curly Wurly Girly at Zellamere

PB (1) Holmes and Lustys Blamorder Makers Mark, a very attractive and feminine sable, litter brother to the BP. Today giving her handler a hard time both stacked and in the move but she has lots to like, well proportioned head with oblique eye and high set ears, excellent neck and forequarters, rather unsettled on the stack which made her lose her topline a little. Once she settled she went forward well but I know she can show herself off much better than she did today.

JB (1 abs)

GB (3,2) 1 Caulfields Constella Vega Luminosa just shy of 2 this girl has much to like but the first thing that struck me was the beautiful sheen to her coat,! her blunt wedge head is well proportioned and she has a lovely dark eye, forelegs are straight and strong and she holds a firm topline, shapely hindquarters and a good bend of stifle, she moves well in profile but could still tighten up a little in front

PGB (3,1) 1 Blamorder Tango For two Tri girl of 4 years, attractive head and expression although eyes could be a fraction darker, slightly arched neck with enough lay of shoulder, good depth of chest and moderate tuck up, a little shorter in body than 2 but better for bone and when settled she was more together and forward on the move however I would have liked a little more hind angulation and definition at the hock 2 Caulfields Blamorder Marvellousness I liked this tri girl in profile and she has a well proportioned head with a lovely dark eye, good length of neck flowing into a good lay of shoulder, straight forelegs and sufficient forechest, she scores over the winner in hind angulation and stands on strong straight hocks but not really going forward on the move today.

LB (6) 1 Howard’s Shandlmains Sofistikate this tri girl presents a clean and balanced picture on the stack, has the prettiest of heads which was nicely proportioned although her eyes could be a shade darker, neat well tipped ears with a strong clean neck flowing into an ample lay of shoulder, she stands true in front on strong pasterns and well padded feet, good depth of chest and a firm topline, she impressed me on the move particularly on the away where she showed good parallel movement and strength from the hock 2 Lustys Blamorder Dwell on Dreams tri girl, of medium size but proportionate and balanced, head is slightly broader in skull than the winner but she has well placed eye and a sweet but intelligent expression, strong neck and a good lay of shoulder, she is well angulated fore and aft and goes forward smoothly with a good length of stride, today I just preferred the hind action of the winner 3 Russell’s Koczkodan Midnight Sun JW

OB (7,2) A cracking class of top quality girls 1 And BCC BOB and RBIS Lustys Blamorder The Hustler Ultra feminine girl and dignified Merle who commands attention, she is very well proportioned with a moderate amount of bone, beautiful wedge head with oblique eye and clean neck although maybe just a fraction long but it just adds to her elegance, well made ribcage and shapely underline with excellent angles front and rear and maintaining an almost perfect topline with slight rise over the loin when stacked and on the move, strong hocks allowed her to move with an effortless flowing gait and good rear drive 2 and RBCC Dentons CH Brackenhaye Heart and Soul I loved this tri girl as soon as she walked in, she has such a beautifully proportioned head with high set tipped ears and oblique eye exuding an intelligent but kind expression, she is quite strongly built yet retains femininity. Neck is elegant and slightly arched meeting cleanly at the shoulder, Her forelegs are straight and strong and placed well under her body, ribs are well sprung and topline firm and rises slightly over the loin, hindquarters strong and well angulated and everything flows on her without exaggeration. She certainly picked her time to misbehave on the move or she might have won this class however the handler got on top of her eventually and she moved out soundly with good drive retaining her shape and I was pleased to award her the RCC today 3 Blamorder Do Quite Nicely.

Bridgette Bodle