• Show Date: 30/09/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Bill Blair Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 09/10/2023

Scottish Kennel Club

Breed: German Shepherd Dog

Scottish Kennel Club

 30 September 2023

German Shepherd Dogs

It was an honour to be asked to judge GSDs at SKC and I enjoyed my day with a group of excellent dogs present. Many thanks to my two stewards who both did a terrific job on the day. In general, temperaments were excellent, top lines were good as was front and rear angulation. Hock strength, general conditioning, as appropriate for an endurance trotting dog, and grooming need more attention in a few exhibits.

Post Graduate Dog (6,0)

1/ Rogerson & Gourlay’s Finleric Lugo at Siskiva

Impressive young male of 21 months of correct size and proportions with excellent temperament. Dark mask and eyes contribute to his very alert expression. Correct neck carriage flowing through the withers to a straight back and correctly angled, though slightly short, croup. Front angulation is correct. Rear angulation and power are adequate. However, he moved well with an efficient and balanced gait which should improve further with maturity. Very well handled which got the best out of him once he settled in the smallish ring. An excellent young dog who has great potential.

Also, Best Dog and Best Opposite Sex

2/ Mooney’s Draycore Kenneth

Another impressive young male of 27 months with excellent pigmentation. Correct size and proportions. Very strong masculine head. Neck carriage and topline are correct though croup is slightly steep. Excellent front and rear angulation. Sound out and back. He took time to settle into his balanced gait. Tail is slightly crooked on the move but otherwise he maintains his excellent construction. An outgoing young dog who needs more training to capitalise on his undoubted potential.

Open Dog (2,1)

1/ Towning’s Zandamor Dax

A powerful, long coat male aged 5 with excellent pigmentation. Strong masculine head, correct top line and, overall, a very strong, correctly sized and proportioned dog. This translated into a powerful gait. Top line is correct. Front angulation was correct. Correct coming towards. Rear angulation slightly overdone which reflects in hocks, but this did not impact his gait. Settled very quickly into a powerful rhythm which helped his performance. Another dog which could do even better with harder conditioning.

Also, Reserve Best Dog

Special Beginners Dog (3,0)

1/ Brown’s Rochelle Hawk Warrior

Large, light coloured dog aged 2.5 years of powerful construction and very strong bone. Very good temperament. Masculine head but mask is too light in colour. Back is straight but croup is steep. Very good rear angulation. Very sound both coming and going. Very well handled and won the class on balanced movement.

2/ Smeaton’s Lorgyle Arran

Large, powerful mature long coat dog aged 4 years. Excellent pigmentation. Very masculine head with dark mask and eyes. Straight topline and croup is correct. OK coming but hocks slightly weak going. Unfortunately, needed more attitude on the day and lacked drive on the gait. Good rapport with handler but would benefit from more training.

Junior Bitch (2,0)

1/ McGrath & Boyd’s Mascani Shandor

Top size young bitch aged 17 months. Proportions are correct. Feminine head with lightish mask but good alert expression. Topline and croup both correct and good rear angulation. Moved correctly out and back and with a powerful gait. Feet need attention. A very promising young female who should do well as she matures further.

Also, Reserve Best Bitch

2/ Carrier’s Tonyfre Leah at Sylcarr

Very boisterous and vocal youngster of 15 months. Large, strongly constructed female. Front was slightly steep and hocks need to strengthen which hopefully will come with maturity. Gaited well when she eventually settled. Another dog which would benefit from more training.

Post Graduate Bitch (3/1)

1/ McGrath & Boyd’s Mascani Denva

Large, but correctly proportioned, female aged 2.5 years. Very good pigmentation. Strong, but feminine head with dark mask and excellent expression. Very well constructed with correct neck set, topline and croup. Very good front and rear angulation. Feet need attention. Sound both coming and going. Moved with drive, but with efficient movement. An excellent example of the breed with nothing overdone. A young dog with great potential which could be realised with further improvement in overall conditioning.

Also Best Bitch and Best of Breed.

2/ O’Neill’s Kidaforce Corin of Dunningwell

Three year old bitch with eye catching pigmentation. I would prefer a stronger mask and darker eye though. Correct size and proportions. Very feminine head. Back was straight but croup is steep. Tail is long. OK coming towards, but hocks need to strengthen. Gaited OK once settled but needs more drive.

Open Bitch (3,1)

1/ Cave’s Casiann Ate

Very alert strong female aged 2.5 years. Excellent expression and feminine head with dark mask and eyes. Topline and croup both correct as are front and rear angulation. Hocks need to strengthen but she moved well on the gait. Presented today a little overweight. An unexaggerated dog which could do better with improved conditioning.

2/ Caldwell’s Ylanris Yaloma with Xety

 5 year old correctly sized bitch which stands on fine bone. Good pigmentation. Head is somewhat small but with dark mask and eye which give a pleasing expression. More substance would suit this mature female. Topline and croup are both OK but hocks need to strengthen. Movement needs more drive and power.

Special Beginners Bitch (1,0)

Cave’s Casiann Ate

As above

Also, Best Special Beginner

Bill Blair