• Show Date: 10/12/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Bethan Williams Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 23/01/2024

Ladies Kennel Association

Breed: Retriever (Golden)
Thank you to the committee for inviting me to award CC’s for the first time. I was thrilled to pull the biggest entry of the show. Thank you to my two fabulous stewards, Jean & Joyce who kept my ring going to allow us to finish in plenty of time. I was pleased with the overall standard of dog I judged today, with the puppy classes being full of promise especially MPB. The limit and open classes in both sexes also full of quality dogs which made for some tough decisions. I must also mention the veterans who were present today, they are a real credit to their owners and breeders. Majority of the dogs were clean, well presented and temperaments on the whole were good. A couple of observations I made on the day is that there were quite a few dogs carrying too much weight resulting in being overloaded at the shoulder and affecting front movement. There was also a number of dogs upright in shoulder and some lacking muscle tone. MPD (12,2 abs) 1st: Strobel’s Upside Down Du Bois De La Rayere - Promising 7m mid gold, presenting a balanced outline. Good head with kind expression and correct bite. Clean neck leading onto well laid shoulders. Straight forelegs with plenty of bone, standing on neat feet. Good depth of chest and developing nicely in body. Short coupled. Excellent rear quarters. Level topline and well set tail. Moved soundly. 2nd: Pastusiak’s United Kingdom Du Bois De La Rayere - Litter brother to 1 and very little separating them. Head developing nicely, excellent eye shape with good expression. Strong neck, well laid shoulders. Chest good depth for age and well sprung ribs. Short coupled with well angulated rear. Had a tendency to drop topline when stacked today but pulled it together on the move. Sound mover. 3rd: Thorne’s Pantegparish Duke of York PD (9,3 abs) 1st: Monteverde’s Olvinglay Gan Amhras - 9m pale boy presenting a pleasing outline. Masculine head, good eye and expression with ears of good size and set. Clean, muscular neck leading onto the best of shoulders. Good bone, straight forelegs and good feet. Developing well throughout the body with deep chest. Well sprung rib, short coupled with muscular loin. Well bent stifles with good 2nd thigh. Super mover, straight and true coming and going. Already a real showman. BPIB and put on a faultless performance in the puppy group to be shortlisted. 2nd: Facq’s Terra Di Siena Blowin’in The Wind - 8m slightly longer cast than 1st but still has a pleasing outline. Loved his head and eye, clean neck leading onto well laid shoulders. Deep chest and well sprung rib. Excellent rear quarters with well bent stifle. Level topline and well set tail which he carried well. Needs to strengthen in front but I’m sure that will come with maturity. Super feet and good bone. Moved soundly. 3rd: Vernon’s Graceleigh Legend of Tarzan JD (11, 3 abs) 1st: Loach & Zubair’s Putjade Poldark - Caught my eye as he entered the ring and he didn’t disappoint. Well balanced with the most pleasing outline. Masculine head, excellent kind eye and ears well set. Muscular neck leading onto good shoulders. Plenty of bone and straight forelegs. Well sprung rib, muscular loin and well made rear quarters with hocks well let down. Standing on good neat feet. Level topline. A really super mover. Straight and true coming and going with plenty of reach and drive. One to watch. 2nd: Pratt’s Rosyth Keltic Lord - Another who has a super shape, not the substance of 1st. Masculine head, good eye and ears. Neck clean and muscular leading onto well laid shoulders. Developing nicely through the body and short coupled. Well bent stifles, straight hocks and catlike feet. Moved well. 3rd: Facq’s Terra Di Siena Blowin’in The Wind YD (11, 3 abs) 1st: Harris & Ball’s Wemcrest Out Of This World JW - A super boy who I liked a lot. Well balanced with ample bone. Masculine head, dark eye of good shape and kind expression. Clean neck of good length. Well laid shoulders, straight forelegs and good feet. Deep well sprung rib and short coupled. Well bent stifles with good 2nd thigh. Hocks well let down. Level top line and tail well set and carried well on the move. Straight and true coming and going. 2nd: Pratt’s Rosyth Keltic Lord - 2nd JD 3rd: Henson’s Cinderbank Move It JW ND (10, 6 abs) 1st: Monteverde’s Olvinglay Gan Amhras - 1st PD 2nd: Vernon’s Graceleigh Legend of Tarzan - 3rd in PD and he pulled it together in this class and showed much better. I liked his head which is developing nicely with dark eye and kind expression. Neck of good length onto excellent shoulders. Well sprung ribs and good hindquarters. Excellent top line and tail correctly set. Moved soundly. 3rd: Swaine’s Kallixel Caramel Delight GD (13, 2 abs) 1st: Taylors’s Alibren Aldaniti At Tannadice JW - Presents a pleasing, balanced outline. Masculine head, dark eye of good shape. Clean neck leading onto good shoulders. Well sprung rib and deep chest. Muscular loin and short coupled. Well angulated rear with well bent stifles. Ample bone and catlike feet. Level top line and well set tail which he retained on the move. Moved soundly. In excellent coat and condition. 2nd: Plevin’s Bowshella All Fired Up - Close up to 1st. Super head with no sign of coarseness. Dark eye with kind expression. Good neck but not quite the layback of shoulders as 1st. Plenty of bone and good feet. Well sprung rib, excellent hindquarters. Balanced throughout. Moved well. 3rd: Morriss-Garget & Morriss’s Goldmarker Coming Home to Garvin (ai) JW PGD (4, 1 abs) 1st: Clunie’s Warrentor Bold as Brass JW - He nearly threw the class away today, being exuberant and giving his handler a hard time but managed to pull himself together at the end. Dark gold in good coat and hard condition. Masculine head, dark eye of good shape and set. Clean muscular neck leading onto well laid shoulders. Good through the body with pleasing balanced outline. Well angulated, muscular rear. When he settled he showed his sound movement. 2nd: Williams’s Eveninghill Detroit Red - Close up but slightly longer cast than 1st and today he had a tendency to drop his topline. Fantastic head which is masculine and well balanced. Kind eye and well set ears. Clean neck of good length. Well angulated quarters and well sprung rib. Plenty of bone with well shaped feet. Moved ok but was slightly sluggish today. 3rd: Etherington’s Wildbryher Joie De Vivre of Gemasu MdLD (7, 6 abs) 1st: Williams’s Berrymeade Coeur Blimey at Busheyhall SGWS - Although he stood alone today it doesn’t take anything away from his quality. Presents a pleasing outline, super shape and well balanced. Ample bone and good feet. Masculine head, broad skull with good eye. Muscular neck, well laid shoulders and straight forelegs. Well sprung rib, strong loin and well angulated rear. Excellent top line and well set tail. He’s a super mover, straight and true coming and going with plenty of drive. I really liked this boy. LD (10, 3 abs) 1st: Haxton’s Dantassie Double Take - From the moment I set my eyes on this dog I knew he would be hard to beat, I was over the moon when hands on confirmed what I had first thought. He presents the most pleasing outline showing balance throughout and oozes quality. The best of heads, masculine with no sign of coarseness. Super eye which is dark and he has a gentle expression. Excellent shoulders that are well laid back with corresponding return of upper arm. Well sprung rib, short coupled and the best of hindquarters. Top line and tail set is spot on. Straight and true on the move with plenty of reach and drive. In excellent coat and condition. Pleased to award him the CC, his 1st. 2nd: McShane & Laidlaw-Good’s Fhairmhor Haud Yer Wheesht at Rigerin - Another super dog and a contender for the RCC. Masculine head, super eye and well set ears. Muscular neck of good length. Well laid shoulders, super bone and catlike feet although has a tendency to turn one foot every so slightly. Deep through heart and well sprung ribs, strong loin. Well angulated rear with well-bent stifles, good 2nd thigh. Excellent top line which he maintained on the move. Very sound mover. 3rd: Lane & Lane-Ridyard’s Kulawand Skywalker OD (10, 2 abs) Fantastic class which was full of quality and I was not surprised to see later on that 1st to 5th are all champions. 1st: Dunbar’s Sh Ch Linirgor Tomich JW - Heading this quality class was this 7y old in first class condition. He presents the best of shapes, balanced and short coupled. Masculine head, clean muscular neck of good length. Well laid shoulders, tight fitting elbows. Super bone, straight forelegs and the best of feet. Well sprung rib, muscular loin and well bent stifle with good 2nd thigh. Hocks well let down. Level top line and tail set correctly which he retained on the move. Positive movement with plenty of drive. A real quality male. RCC 2nd: Pastusiak’s Sh Ch Prince Charming Qdore Of Labgold - Gave 1st a fair tussle, having to split hairs I found him a touch long for my ideal. Masculine head, super eye and well set ears. Clean neck of good length, excellent forequarters with well laid shoulders. Ample bone and catlike feet. Well sprung rib. Well angulated rear. Good top line and tail set. Super mover, showing reach and drive with straight and true action. 3rd: Layland’s Sh Ch Applecote Hearts Desire VD (8, 4 abs) 1st: Monteverde’s Int Ch It Ch UK Sh Ch Olvinglay Visionaire - Well made 7y old who could out move some of the youngsters. He is so well made and caught my eye with his balanced outline. Masculine head and good eye, well set ears of good shape. Clean neck leading onto well laid shoulders with excellent return of upper arm. Super bone and excellent feet. Well sprung rib, deep through heart and strong loin. Well angulated rear. Super top line and tail set. Super mover. 2nd: Towers & Henderson’s Ch Alibren Galileo to Westervane JW SGWS - Was unlucky to meet 1st who was on top form today. Slightly longer cast than 1st. Masculine head, broad skull but with no sign of coarseness. Neck clean and of good length. Well laid shoulders, deep chest and well sprung rib. Well bent stifles and good 2nd thigh. Level top line and well set tail. Moved soundly with good reach and drive. 3rd: Jürs’s Stanroph Super Hero GCD (6) 1st: Taylor’s Alibren Aldaniti At Tannadice JW - 1st GD 2nd: O’Gorman’s Berrymeade Billy Summers (A.I.) JW - This young lad was totally full of beans and made his handler work. Head developing nicely, super eye and well set ears. Clean neck which is muscular, good layback of shoulder maturing nicely through his body. Short coupled with super hind-quarters, well bent stifles. Level topline and well set tail. When he pulls it together he shows sound positive movement. 3rd: Riley’s Wylloh Lost in Translation JW MPB (23, 6 abs) Full of promising puppies and I wish I had more placings with deserving puppies having to go unplaced. 1st: Pichard’s Ultrachic by Night du Ruisseau de la Groseille - Ultra feminine dark gold. Beautiful head with good proportions. Kind eye and well set ears. Clean neck leading onto super shoulders which were well laid back. Developing nicely throughout. Well sprung rib, muscular loin leading onto well angulated hind quarters. Ample bone and catlike feet. Straight and true for and aft, driving from the rear. 2nd: List’s Haydengold Moment in Time - Close up and I later found out my BCC & BOB is her dam. Feminine head, dark eye and gentle expression. Clean neck, well laid shoulders. Not quite the depth in chest as 1st at the moment but that will come with maturity. Well bent stifles, hocks well let down. Level topline and good tail set. Plenty of bone and good feet. Moved soundly. 3rd: Smyth’s Kadaka Krumpet PB (19, 6 abs) 1st: Harper’s Tullochmohr Ray of Sunshine at Glynerva - Another super puppy who is beautifully balanced and feminine throughout. Sweet head with gentle expression. Muscular neck of good length leading onto well laid shoulders. Well boned with catlike feet. Ribs well sprung and short coupled. Well made hindquarters with well bent stifles. Hocks straight and well let down. The best of toplines and tail sets. Moved soundly. In excellent coat and condition. 2nd: Pichard’s Ultrachic by Night du Ruisseau de la Groseille - 1st in MPB 3rd: List’s Haydengold Moment in Time JB (8, 3 abs) 1st: Clunie’s Warrentor Nohkalikai - I judged this youngster in a puppy stakes class earlier in the year, I liked her then and with some maturity I was pleased that my opinion hasn’t changed. Feminine head with kind expression, dark eye and correct bite. Clean neck leading onto well laid shoulders. Plenty of bone with cat like feet. Ribs well sprung, still needs to body up but that will come. Short coupled and well angulated hindquarters with well bent stifles. In fit, hard condition. Moved soundly with plenty of drive. 2nd: Walker & Roberts’s Lamancha Trust Your Heart With Gloi - Dark gold in fantastic condition. Preferred head of 1st but still feminine with good proportions and dark well set eyes. Clean, muscular neck of good length. Well laid shoulders, short coupled with well angulated hindquarters. Super bone and feet. When I was doing the write up she really pulled herself together. Sound mover, straight and true with reach and drive. 3rd: Pratt’s Rosyth Kind of Magic YB (12, 4 abs) 1st: Chan’s Wemcrest Sound Of Music - She is so well made that she could not be denied the class. Feminine head, super eye and well set ears. Neck of good length which is clean and muscular. Well laid shoulders with straight forelegs, plenty of bone and good feet. Well sprung ribs and muscular loin. Short coupled, good hind quarters with well bent stifles with good 2nd thigh. Moved soundly maintaining her level topline. 2nd: Pichard’s The Future is Gold du Ruisseau de la Groseille - Another super girl with lots to like but she seemed a little unsettled in the venue today, although she settled as the class went on. Presents a pleasing outline which is well balanced. Beautiful head, good eye and clean neck of good length, leading onto a well made front. Well sprung ribs and super rear quarters. Ample bone and excellent feet. Straight and true coming and going. 3rd: Walker & Roberts’s Lamancha Trust Your Heart With Gloi NB (12, 3 abs) 1st: Pichard’s The Future is Gold du Ruisseau de la Groseille - 2nd YB 2nd: Gayler’s Carolake X’Marks The Spot JW - 15m who lost out on maturity here. On the smaller side. Feminine head, super eye and good dentition. Clean neck of good length leading onto shoulders with good layback. Developing nicely throughout with well bent stifles and hocks well let down. Excellent topline and tail set. Sound mover coming and going. 3rd: Hazelton’s Cailloch Rowie GB (16, 2 abs) 1st: O’Gorman’s Berrymeade Love Her Madly - Heading a quality class. I loved her outline, she is so well balanced with everything in the right place. Feminine head, dark eye with kind expression. Clean neck leading onto the best of shoulders. Ample bone and tight cat like feet. Well sprung ribs, muscular loin and short coupled. Well bent stifles. In fantastic condition and well turned out. Her topline and tail set is spot on. Moving with plenty of drive, true coming and going. 2nd: Hazelton’s Amilone Moonbeam Over Cailloch - Presents a super shape and well balanced throughout. Not the head of 1st but still feminine with a good eye. Clean, muscular neck which is of good length. Good shoulders which are well laid back. Well sprung ribs, short coupled and well made rear quarters. When she settled she showed her sound, positive movement. 3rd: Clunie’s Warrentor Nohkalikai PGB (7, 3 abs) 1st: Ives’s Balsamina Bellini JW - Ultra feminine, beautiful head with super eye. Good neck leading onto the best of shoulders. Deep well sprung rib, short coupled with good rear angulation with well bent stifles and good 2nd thigh. Her overall balance and angulation won her this class. Moved soundly. 2nd: Smith’s Goldmarker Luminess (AI) - Close up and another who is ultra feminine. Super head, kind eye and correct dentition. Neck of good length leading onto well laid shoulders, well sprung ribs and short coupled. For me she has slightly too much rear angulation. Super topline and tail set. Moved soundly. 3rd: Ledger’s Jasrolyn Flirting Armani MdLB (8, 2 abs) 1st: List’s Haydengold Time To Remember - I fell totally head over heels for this super girl. She caught my eye as she came in and she did not disappoint. She presents the most beautifully balanced outline. Feminine throughout, beautiful head with dark eye and well set ears. Clean neck of good length. The best of shoulders which are well laid back. Ample bone, straight forelegs and good feet. Well sprung ribs, muscular loin and short coupled. Fantastic hind quarters, well bent stifles and hocks well let down. Excellent topline and tail set. When she moves she confirmed everything I felt hands on. Moving with plenty of reach and drive, straight and true fore and aft. When she came back into the challenge she pulled out all the stops and could not be denied the CC, her 1st and ultimately BOB. 2nd: Chan’s Lovissa Hello Dolly of Wemcrest - Another quality b just not quite the movement of 1st. Balanced bitch who is well made throughout. Feminine head, super eye. Neck is clean and of good length. Well laid shoulders, well sprung ribs and short coupled. Well bent stifles. Good bone and decent feet, Straight coming and going just not quite the reach and drive of 1st who was on top form today. 3rd: Harper’s Tullochmohr Shooting Star At Glynerva JW LB (16, 6 abs) What a class, very little separating them. 1st: Falconer’s Contemporary Beguile Again via Siatham JW - Heading this super class was this dark gold b who is well balanced. Feminine head with a super eye. Clean neck leading onto the best of shoulders, super front with plenty of bone and catlike feet. Well sprung ribs, short coupled and in super condition. Well bent stifles and good 2nd thigh. Level topline and tail well set. Sound mover. She was a serious contender in the challenge. 2nd: May’s Cherrygold Storyteller JW - I really liked this b but she was a little unsettled on the move today. Gorgeous head with super eye and expression. Super front, straight with good feet and well boned. Well laid shoulders. Well sprung rib and muscular loin. Well angulated rear. Still has some maturing to do. True coming and going, maintaining her level topline. 3rd: Lane & Lane-Ridyard’s Kulawand Sky With Diamonds OB (14, 2 abs) 1st: Monteverde’s Swiss Ch Olvinglay Wax Lyrical - Ultra feminine with a fantastic outline. Beautiful head and a super eye. Clean neck of good length leading on the best of shoulders. Well sprung ribs, short coupled and hind quarters are well angulated with good 2nd thigh and hocks well let down. Turned out to perfection, in tip-top condition and handled to advantage. Sound mover with plenty of reach and drive. RCC 2nd: Strobel’s Pearly Irresistible Dust du Bois de la Rayere - Heavier throughout than 1st but still maintains her femininity. Super head, dark eye and kind expression. Clean, muscular neck leading onto well laid shoulders. Ample bone and good feet. Excellent hindquarters with no exaggeration. Short coupled. Moved straight and true with drive. Unlucky to meet 1st. 3rd: Zecchin’s Olvinglay Faloria VB (6, 2 abs) 1st: Ives’s Sh Ch Trewater Busy Lizzie at Balsamina - Feminine throughout and beautifully balanced. Feminine head, dark eye of good shape and set. Clean, muscular neck leading onto well laid shoulders. Super body, short coupled with well sprung ribs. Well angulated rear with good muscle tone. Super sound on the move. I was not surprised to discover that she is the dam of the PGB winner as they are out of the same mould. BVIB 2nd: Crookes & Jenkinson’s Quakerhall Victory Jubilee - Well balanced bitch of good size and plenty of bone. Feminine head, dark eye and clean neck. Shoulders well laid back. Straight forelegs, well sprung ribs and short coupled. Good hindquarters with well bent stifles. She wanted to do everything at 100mph today, but when she did settle she showed her sound movement. 3rd: Hill & Smith’s Sh Ch Megarvey Once Upon A Time JW GCB (3, 1 WD) 1st: Clunie’s Warrentor Nohkalikai - 1st JB 2nd: Booth’s Rocamoka Wind Dreamer at Alihelnix - She left her clothes at home today. Feminine head with dark eye. Clean neck of good length. Not quite the shoulders of 1. Well sprung ribs, short-coupled. Well made rear with well bent stifles. Moved well. Judge: Bethan Williams (Trebettyn)