• Show Date: 26/05/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Becky Johnson Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Bath Canine Society

Breed: Spaniel (English Springer)

My thanks to the Bath Committee for this invitation and the wonderful hospitality that one always enjoys at this show. As is our expectation now the show ground was prepared to its normal high standards and the ring of good size as always. My stewards Laura and Jackie worked extremely hard and kept the ring running efficiently. Finally thank you to all exhibitors for such a lovely entry - especially on a Friday before the bank holiday weekend.

Veteran Dog

Entries: 4 Absentees: 1

1ST Meonstoke Hawthorn (Mrs K C Taubman): At 10 years old his looks bely his years. Well balanced all through. Head of good shape and chiselled beneath eyes. Corrrect ear set. Clean neck of good length. Well laid shoulder. Good depth of chest and spring of rib. Strong hindquarters with good width of second thigh. Well boned with compact feet. Moved well on a good stride.  

2ND Crackerjanne Court Jester (Mrs C M Woodbridge). Compact and strongly built all through. Stronger in back skull than the winner. Clean neck leading to well laid shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm. Deep chest with well sprung ribcage. Not quite the turn of stifle as the winner. Well boned with good feet. Moved out soundly.

3RD Petronella Jubilee Jester (Miss Charlton)

Minor Puppy Dog

Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1ST Dexbenella It's Only Me (Mr S & Mrs W Walker). Very smart puppy. Well balanced all through. Head of good length with flat cheeks and good chiselling beneath the eyes. Clean neck leading through to very good lay of shoulder and corresponding length and return of upper arm. Chest of good depth. Well ribbed back. Well developed hindquarters with hocks parallel to the ground. Free movement with good forward reach. BPD.

2ND Trixhund Secret Obsession (Mr J Bullock). Another promising youngster who is well balanced all through. Good head shape with correct breadth of skull and clean cheeks. Long neck leading to well laid shoulder and corresponding length of upper arm. Not quite the ribbing of the winner but this will come. Well shaped hindquarters with moderately bent stifles. Good bone and feet. Moved with confidence on a good stride.

3RD Annavah Accomplice (Miss L A & Mrs P J Havard)

Puppy Dog

Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1ST Dexbenella It's Only Me (Mr S & Mrs W Walker). Repeat MPD

Junior Dog

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST Carlyquinn Captain Ross (Miss J A Such). Larger and heavier than I would ideally prefer although he is well balanced all through. Slightly too strong in head. Well laid shoulder and equal length of upper arm. Deep in chest with good spring of rib. Strong hindquarters with good width of second thigh. Moved out soundly with good tail action.  

2ND Russell at Cumani (Imp Ita) (Mrs La & Miss Lv Fugle & Cook). More the size I prefer. Head of good length but slightly strong in back skull. Well laid shoulder with equal length of upper arm. Good depth of chest and spring of rib. Needs to strengthen in hindquarters and I would like to see more bend of stifle. Not as settled on the move as the winner.

Yearling Dog

Entries: 4 Absentees: 0

1ST Dexbenella Double Oh Seven (Mr S & Mrs W Walker). Absolutely loved this young dog. Excellent overall balance and showing correct breed outline. Head of good length with slightly rounded skull, clean cheeks and well chiselled beneath the eyes. Clean neck leading to well laid shoulder and corresponding length and return of upper arm. Deep chest. Well sprung ribcage leading to strong loin and well made hindquarters with good width of second thigh. Excellent bone with compact feet. On the move he was accurate fore and aft and showed good length of stride when viewed in profile. RCC.

2ND Dexbenella Double Trouble at Teignvalley (Mrs C Hill). Litter brother to the winner and many of the same comments apply. Just not quite the return of upper arm and the winner. Well balanced all through with excellent head shape, clean neck and well laid shoulder. Chest of good depth. Well ribbed back. Strong hindquarters with good width of thigh. Moved well on a good stride - not quite the forward reach as his brother.

3RD Ashring's Love Touch for Recondy (Mr N & Mrs B Scotting)

Novice Dog

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST Ashring's Love Touch for Recondy (Mr N & Mrs B Scotting). Strongly built all through. Rather strong in the head and skull for me. Well laid shoulder and return of upper arm. Well ribbed with strong hindquarters. Moved on a good stride.

2ND Clentonian Pitch Perfect (Mr R & Mrs J Reynolds). Well balanced outline. Preferred his head to that of the winner, however the winner had the better forehand construction. I would also like a little more depth of chest. Well ribbed back. Good hindquarters with well muscled thighs. Good bone and feet. Moved steadily.

Graduate Dog

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST Carlyquinn Captain Ross (Miss J A Such) 1st JD

2ND Clentonian Pitch Perfect (Mr R & Mrs J Reynolds) 2nd ND

Post Graduate Dog

Entries: 1 Absentees: 0

1ST Greg De Les Tres Llacunes (imp) (Mr C & Mrs J Gledhill): Compact and strongly built. Head of good length and correct breadth. Clean, slightly arched neck leading to well laid shoulder. I would like a little more angulation of the upper arm. Deep chest. Well sprung ribcage. Well muscled hindquarters with nicely turned stifles. Good bone and feet. Moved out well with good tail action.


Limit Dog

Entries: 4 Absentees: 0

1ST Sandylands Xpress Delivery (Mr E & Mrs E Casey & Jayes): Real stallion male with good balance all round. True head of good length and breadth. Clean cheeks and well chiselled beneath the eyes. Neck slightly arched and of good length flowing seamlessly into well laid shoulder and corresponding length and return of upper arm. Deep chest. Ribcage well sprung and carried well back. Strong loin leading to well muscled hindquarters with good width of second thigh. Hocks squarely placed to the ground. Excellent bone and feet. Movement accurate both fore and aft with good forward extension and drive from behind when viewed in profile. In excellent coat and condition. CC and BOB.

2ND Dexbenella Frilled to Bitz (Mrs Nj Morgans). Well balanced, compact and strongly built. Excels in head with smooth cheeks and well chiselled beneath the eyes. Not quite the forehand construction of the winner. Deep chest. Well ribbed back. Well made hindquarters with good width of second thigh. Good bone and feet. Moved accurately fore and aft. Not quite rear drive of winner.

3RD Pendarlow Peter Pan with Braego (Mr P W Osbourne)

Open Dog

Entries: 3 Absentees: 1

1ST Peasblossom Xanti (Mr & Mrs D Mitchell). Excellent overall balance. Clean head of good length and well chiselled beneath the eyes. Good length of neck leading to well laid shoulder and corresponding length of upper arm. Chest of good depth. Well sprung ribcage. Strong, well muscled hindquarters. Moved out well with good tail action.

2ND Sh Ch Meadowdale Daisydale Lightning Bolt (Mr S & Mrs J Eyeington). Another quality dog. Larger in frame than the winner but still well balanced. Head of good length - a little broader in back skull than the winner. Clean neck leading to well laid shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm. Deep in chest and well ribbed back. Strong well muscled hindquarters. Moved well on good length of stride.


Veteran Bitch

Entries: 4 Absentees: 1

1ST Cobhay Dazzling Azalea (Mrs J & Mrs D & Miss P Williams & Toublic & Toublic). Strongly built all through. Head of good length with clean cheeks. Reasonable length of neck leading to well laid shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm. Chest of good depth and well ribbed back. Well made hindquarters with good width of second thigh. Moved out well with good rear drive. BV

2ND Grosbreuil Abricot Regal (Mrs D West). Slightly taller than winner but still well balanced. Head of good length with slightly rounded skull and clean cheeks. Not quite the forehand construction of the winner. Chest of good depth and well sprung ribcage. Would like a fraction more bend of stifle. Moved soundly.

3RD Calvdale Rag Nymph (Mrs S & Mr G J Gibson)

Minor Puppy Bitch

Entries: 4 Absentees: 0

1ST Annavah Aquarius (Miss L A & Mrs P J Havard). Well balanced all through. Good head shape with clean cheeks and well placed ears. Good length of neck leading to well laid shoulder. Would like a fraction more length in upper arm. Depth of chest correct for age and well ribbed back. Well made hindquarters with nicely turned stifles. Moved accurately and with confidence.

2ND Gleadsbury Destiny Belle (Mrs C A House). I really liked this puppy but she was determined not to play ball today! Head of correct shape and not overdone in any way. Long, slightly arched neck leading to well laid shoulder and equal length and return of upper arm. Chest of correct depth and well ribbed back. Scores in hindquarters with hocks set parallel to the ground. On the move she was determined that pacing was the right thing to do! However when she did move properly she did it well but paid the price for her misdemeanours today!  

3RD Tiroen Typically Braego (kcj) (Mr P W Osbourne)

Puppy Bitch

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST Melverly Iridescent (Mr R J Smith). I liked this puppy very much indeed. Beautifully balanced all through. Super head with clean cheeks and correct breadth of skull. Long, slightly arched neck leading through to well laid shoulder and corresponding length and return of upper arm. Chest of good depth with well sprung ribcage. Well made hindquarters with good width of second thigh. Hocks strong and squarely set to the floor. Excellent bone and feet. Everything of a piece and nothing exaggerated. Sound mover with good tail action. BP

2ND Melverly Betsy Trottwood with Coastalglows (Mrs J L Harris): Very raw and not really co-operating with her handler. Good overall balance. Pleasing head - would like a little more length in muzzle. Reasonable lay of shoulder. Enough depth of chest and well ribbed back. Well made hindquarters. Movement difficult to assess as she really wasn’t co-operating with her handler.

Junior Bitch

Entries: 6 Absentees: 0

1ST Daenerys Moondancer to Cherishym (Mr P & Mrs Y Richardson & Terry-Richardson). Well balanced all through with no exaggerations. Head of correct length and breadth with clean cheeks and ears set on level with the eyes. Clean neck leading to well laid shoulder and corresponding length of upper arm. Well ribbed back. Strongly made hindquarters with good width of second thigh. Moved out well on a good stride.

2ND Melverly Vignette (Mr R J Smith). Compact and strongly made - slightly heavier all through than the winner. Head well shaped with clean cheeks and slightly rounded skull. Deep chest with well sprung rib cage. Strong topline and well made hindquarters with hocks set parallel to the ground. Moved out well with drive.

3RD Peasblossom Aura at Felltops (Mr N J & Mrs S L Joyce)

Yearling Bitch

Entries: 3 Absentees: 0

1ST Dexbenella Double Vision (Mr S & Mrs W Walker). If the owner/breeder of this bitch ever wants to re-home her then please may I have first refusal! I just absolutely loved her. She has such presence, but such style and also dignity. Beautifully balanced all through. Her head is true to type with slightly rounded skull, well placed ears, flat cheeks and well chiselled beneath the eyes. Neck slightly arched and of good length. This then flows into a well laid shoulder with correct length and return of upper arm. Chest of good depth with ribcage well sprung. Topline held standing and on the move. Strong hindquarters with well turned stifles and good width of second thigh. Hocks parallel to the ground. In excellent coat and condition. Moved accurately fore and aft with good forward reach and rear drive when viewed in profile. Although her best is undoubtedly yet to come I had no hesitation in awarding her the BCC. I am sure more will follow. In the challenge for BOB she had to give way to the more mature dog.

2ND Saturnii Cartoon’s Be My My Valentine at Bumblecorn (Imp Ita) (Mrs L & Mr P Stevens). Little longer cast than the winner and therefore not the overall balance. Head of a good shape and length. Clean neck. Little upright in shoulder and not quite the return of upper arm as the winner. Chest of good length and well ribbed back. Well made hindquarters. Good bone and feet. Moved out well on a good stride.

3RD Carlyquinn Morwenna (Mrs H & Mr L Cokell & Nicklin)

Novice Bitch

Entries: 2 Absentees: 0

1ST Melverly Vignette (Mr R J Smith). 2nd JB

2ND Melverly Betsy Trottwood with Coastalglows (Mrs J L Harris). 2nd NB


Graduate Bitch

Entries: 6 Absentees: 0

1ST Kingheath Kushida at Cassapple (Mr P S & Mrs M A Wilson). Excellent overall balance. Clean head with good chiselling beneath the eyes. Well laid shoulder. Chest of good depth. Well sprung ribcage. Could have a little more turn of stifle. Excellent bone and feet. Moved accurately more and aft with good forward reach when viewed in profile.  

2ND Dexbenella Double Take (Mr S & Mrs W Walker). Another very pleasing bitch. Not quite the leg length of the winner. Excellent head with flat cheeks and well chiselled beneath the eyes. Well laid shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm. Good spring and length of rib cage. Scores in her hindquarters with good width of second thigh. Moved out well on good stride.

3RD Trimere Taylor Maid at Pinhays JW (Mrs J I Kibby)

Post Graduate Bitch

Entries: 4 Absentees: 0

1ST Trimere Turn Back Time JW (Mrs J I Kibby). Well balanced all through. Head well proportioned with slightly rounded skull, clean cheeks and good length of muzzle. Correct length of neck which is slightly arched leading to a well laid shoulder. I would like a fraction more length of upper arm. Deep chest and good spring and length of ribcage. Scores in hindquarters with well turned stifles and good width of second thigh. Moved out well with good length of stride.  

2ND Alhambian Amy Winehouse (Mr M & Mrs K Keely). Not quite the overall balance of the winner. Head of good length and ears well set. Well laid shoulder and length and return of upper arm. Chest of good depth and well ribbed back. Little long hip to hock which detracted from her outline. Free moving with good tail action.

3RD Peasblossom Tupelo Honey with Teignvalley (Mrs C Hill)

Limit Bitch

Entries: 5 Absentees: 1

1ST Trimere Time Flys (Miss S J Corbett). Good overall balance. Pleasing head of good length with ears set level with eyes. Clean, slightly arched neck leading to excellent lay back of shoulder and corresponding length of upper arm. Chest of good depth although I would like a little more spring of rib. Well made hindquarters with good width of second thigh. In excellent coat and condition. Moved out well with good rear drive.  

2ND Meltarose Madeleine at Meonstoke (Mrs K C Taubman). Well balanced all through. Head of good length and breadth with ears set level with the eyes. Well laid shoulder with corresponding length of upper arm. Deep chest with well sprung ribcage. Little long hip to hock and hocks could be better set. Good forward reach on the move.   

3RD Peasblossom Zoya (Mr & Mrs D Mitchell)

Open Bitch

Entries: 6 Absentees: 0

1ST Sh Ch Sandylands Send The Roses (Mr E & Mrs E Casey & Jayes). Top quality bitch whom I liked very much indeed. Excellent overall balance. Head of good length and breadth with clean cheeks and well chiselled beneath the eyes. Clean neck leading to well laid shoulder and corresponding length and return of upper arm. Chest of good depth with well sprung ribcage of correct length leading to strong loin and well made hindquarters with good width of second thigh. Super driving movement maintaining her outline at all times. RCC.  

 2ND Sh Ch Trimere Tickle Me Fancy (Mr S, Mrs M, Mrs E & Miss G Wildsmith & Brown). Another quality bitch. Very well balanced. Clean head with good chiselling beneath the eyes. Well laid shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm. Deep chest and well sprung ribcage. Well made hindquarters with hocks set square to the ground. Moved well - not quite the drive of the winner.

3RD Dk/se Ch Siegars A Beautiful Mind (Mr K B & Mr M S & Mrs T Madsen & Jensen & Brix)

Becky A Johnson