• Show Date: 15/09/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Barbara Stamp Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 22/02/2024

Darlington Dog Show Society Ltd

Breed: gundogs

Darlington Championship Show

15 Sept 23

 Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge at your show and thanks to all the exhibitors who entered and came under me and accepted my decisions. I had a lovely time.

 Hungarian Wirehaired Viszlas

I had an excellent entry for a mid- week show and enjoyed judging this lovely breed again. Since I previously judged them, coats have improved tremendously with true wirey textures instead of the fluffy coats I had found previously. I was delighted to find out after I had judged that both my CC winners were made up on the day and most of the exhibitors showed good sportsmanship and appeared to have approved of my decisions.

Veteran Dog (2,1 Abs)

1 Newman’s Ch Zoldmadi Szeles Morganna JW

8 yr old boy of correct size and proportions. Intelligent expression with well-proportioned skull and muzzle, moderate sized eyes and correctly set v shaped ears. Moderate length of neck set on well laid shoulders and correct front with tight elbows, level topline with slightly sloping croup giving a correct tail set. Well sprung ribs with a moderate tuck up. Super muscular hindquarters. Excellent movement and still showing his socks off. Coat in excellent condition, please to award him the RCC

Puppy Dog (5,0 Abs)

1 West’s Junetta Erno

10 Month promising puppy who had a good length of neck and well laid shoulders , moderate hind angulation and a good bend of stifle . Slightly oval feet with strong nails Moved steady for his age.

2 Coxhead’s Brecalde Keen Kes

8 month boy who has a lot of maturing to do. Excellent textured coat and a good length of back , strong hindquarters. Needs more ringcraft needed for him to do well in the future.

3 Rooney’s Fitzrovia Born to be Wild.

 Junior Dog (2, 1 Abs)

1 Moss’s Ewtor Barking at the Moon

 Stood alone but deserved his place. Intelligent expression with tight fitting eyelids and oval shaped eyes with straight long bridge of muzzle. Harsh thick jacket of the correct russet colour, Well laid shoulders and straight front legs ,oval shaped front feet. Well sprung ribs reaching well back with short coupling. Correct tail set and moderate hind angulation Moved with drive . Close contender for top honours, I would more than happy to award him the CC when he matures.

 Post Graduate Dog (2,0Abs)

1 Tasker’s Zoldmali Ezmi (imp Serb)

Another good quality dog that has the quality required for this breed Typical head planes with moderately low set V shaped ears. Muscular neck would have preferred a better lay of shoulder but he has a good depth of chest and short loin, with moderate hind angulation.

2 Harris’s Fitzrovia Take a Chance

 Not quite the substance of 1 but has good proportions and straight front with correctly shaped feet . He has a correct tail set. Coat was thick and wiry.

Limit Dog (5, 2 Abs)

1 Elders’ Enryb Pink Panther

Mature 17 month dog with correct angulation and intelligent expression and moderately broad skull and moderate stop with slightly oval tight rimmed eyes, Medium set ears, correct scissor bite .Well-muscled neck and well laid shoulders , slightly longer in body with a level topline . excellent wiry jacket, Well developed thighs which helped him move out on an easy stride . I believe this win gave him his final point for his junior warrant, well done.’

2 Spillane and Spillane’s Belstarr Kodiak

Heavier set than 1 with a nice head but is topline was not his fortune

3 Harris’s Fitzrovia Take a Chance

Open dog (5,1Abs)

1 Summerfield’s Miadsc Cast A Spell

3 year old boy who has matured beautifully , Russet gold wiry coat , Moderately broad skull with moderate stop., straight bridge with a broad nose. Moderate sized eyes and medium set ears, with rounded v shape. Well-muscled moderate length of neck and a good lay of shoulders with tight elbows Straight front legs and good depth of chest. Ribs well sprung and going well back to a short loin. Level topline and sloping croup to give a correct tail set. Moderate hind angulation with good muscle, well let down hocks Moved on a free flowing stride to take DCC which I believe was his 3rd. Congratulations

2 Byrne’s Ch Enryb Simply Red

Worthy champion who is producing top quality offspring. Built on larger lines than 1 but still retaining the correct proportions. Handsome head with a medium sized oval eyes. Strong muscled neck and good lay of shoulder and level topline. Well sprung ribs with a short couped loin. Moderate hind angulation with well let down hocks , slightly slack in his front pastern today which affected his movement

3 Spillane and Spillane Belstaff Jupiter

Puppy bitch (2,1Abs)

1 Bendikas’ and Bendikas’ Holsan Wild Ginger

Just 6 months old but looks quite promising. Pretty face of correct proportions, beard is just developing, good length of back which was level. Straight forelegs and moderate angulation Moved steadily for a baby to take BP.

Junior Bitch (3,1 Abs)

1 Ashton and Ashton’s Kutyahaus Ilka Rising Sun

17 Months with correct length/height ratio. Topline level with slightly sloping croup giving correct tail set. Ribs need to spring but reach well back to give short coupling moderate hind angulation and oval front feet . Moved steadily to beat another nice girl.

2 Hunt’s Kutyahaus Szulo Angyais

Also 17 months old but not as mature as 1. Good wiry jacket with a good depth of chest with moderate hind angulation. Not as steady on the move as 1

Post Graduate Bitch (8,1Abs)

1 Loynd’s Enryb Tickled Pink JW

Just out of junior and she has matured into a beautiful bitch. I liked her when she was a puppy and Gave her a group placing when I judged her. Intelligent expression, moderately broad skull which is slightly rounded. Moderate stop and medium sized slightly round eyes . Medium set long ears with rounded V shape. Moderate length of neck and clean throated. Well laid shoulders, close elbows . Straight forlegs with upright pasterns. Good fore chest and well sprung ribs with body reaching to elbows. Moderate tuck up muscular hindquarters and well let down hocks, front feet slightly oval with strong nails lovely tail set and moderate angulation throughout. Moved out on a long ground covering stride. Close fitting wiry jacket of russet colour. Pleased to award her The CC which has made her up. I’m not surprised that she has been made up to so young and is truly deserved BOB

2 Cooper’s Hazean Donetsk to Deifstock (Ikc) JW

Another good quality bitch who did not show herself off as well as 1 . Foreface is a bit short of beard, but it will come. Slightly rounded head with well set ears. Good lay of shoulder and level topline and moderate hind angulation. Straight forelegs but pasterns were a bit slack

3 Hunt’s Lanspar Kivalo

Limit Bitch (4,2Abs)

1 Edminson’s Kisdon Goldhill

3 yr old with good facial furnishings moderate stop and medium sized ears, strong moderate neck with well laid shoulders and straight front , well sprung ribs and level topline, slightly sloping croup giving correct tail set . Moderate angulation throughout with firm arched toes. Harsh wiry jacket. Moved out with a ground covering stride with good hind movement. See she is a daughter of a bitch that I made up last time I judged and am sure she will follow in her footsteps RCC

2 Nokes’s Trebus Tanselle at Goldpaw

Sired by my RDCC winner and she has a lot of his qualities, lacks some facial furnishings but the body coat was ok. Strong neck and good fore chest, hind angulation was moderate and she moved out well

Open Bitch (6,1 Abs)

1 Upton’s Sh Ch Tragus Honey Bee

6 yr old bitch who I awarded best puppy last time. She has matured into a lovely bitch and deserves her show champion title, moderately sized and has a good outline. Good depth of chest with ribs reaching well back, Correct length/height ratio, short coupled with good hind angulation. Strong contender for top honours but had to give way to the younger bitches today.

2 Summerfield‘s Miadsc Eternal Flame

Mother of my DCC winner and same attributes apply. little short on jacket but still has a wiry texture Good length of back and moving as one with handler.

3 Elders’Sh CH Enryb Skye Blue

 Completed a trio of lovely bitches.

Thanks to the exhibitors for bringing them under me

 Large Munsterlanders

Veteran Dog (2,0 Abs)

1 Days Raycris Constantin at Alfriston

10 year old who looks good for his age, broad slightly rounded skull and ears set high with long hairs reaching past tips. Strong muscular neck and wide chest, straight forelegs , firm back and short coupling. Broad hips and moderate angulation with well let down hocks. Long dense coat with good feathering on legs and tail . Free moving with no sign of stiffness.

2 McGregor and McGregor‘s Sh CH Ekkolander Snowstorm

7 yrs. old but not the substance of 1. Lovely head of correct proportions, strong arched neck , topline level deep in chest with straight forelegs . Moderately rounded tight feet moves well.

Puppy dog ( 1 ,0Abs)

1 Day’s Tarkanya Rita’s Rheinheart at Alfriston

10 month who ticks all the right credentials to do well in the future. Good lay of shoulder, straight front , chest needs to deepen , ribs reach well back into short loins , correct length/height ratio , good tail feathering .Moved steady for age . Think when he’s mature, he will trouble the best of them. BP and RCC

Junior dog (1,0 Abs)

1 McGregor and Mcgregor ‘s Raycris Flame of Glory

14 Month who has a lovely outline. Handsome head with medium sized dark eyes, broad ears and strong muscular neck and well laid shoulders, deep chest with ribs well sprung . Moderate tuck up, lovely tight well knuckled feet, good turn of stifle and well let down hocks . Long striding gait, another one which should excel when mature.

Post Graduate Dog (1,0Abs)

1 Webb’s Albadhu Counting Stars

Handsome young dog with broad skull and slightly rounded between high set ears. Bit short in muzzle but of good depth. Strong neck with a wide chest and prominent sternum. Short back and strong coupled with broad hips and well let down hocks. Requires a little more feathering

Limit dog (1.0 Abs)

1 Jenks Albadhu Hidden Potential

Mature boy of correct proportions. Strong neck but was a bit heavy on the shoulders today. Front legs straight and well sprung ribs giving a firm topline and short coupled loin. Broad hips and muscular. Long flat coat, moved on a springy gait.

Open dog ( 4,0 abs)

1 Logie and Braidwood’s SHCH Albadhu Walk on the Wildside

3 yr. old boy who has matured into an excellent specimen of the breed, Head well proportioned with wide soft nostrils, slightly rounded lips, medium sized ears with long feathering. Strong slightly arched neck with shoulders well laid back and strong back and short coupling. Correct length /height ratio. Broad hips and muscular hindquarters, well let down hocks. Tight medium rounded feet with arched padded toes and strong nails/.Tail set in line with the croup and well feathered. Moved freely on a flowing springy stride to take CC and BOB. Well deserved.

2 Logie and Braidwood’s Albadhu wish upon a Star JW

another nice dog from this kennel. Good front and lay of shoulder Ribs well sprung and strong back Not quite the angulation of 1. He has a well-set tail of good feathering. Sure these 2 will change places often but not his turn today.

3 Powell and Murrells Sh Ch Crumpsbrook Woodrush

 Veteran Bitch (4 ,0 Abs)

1 Logie and Braidwood’s Sh Ch Cindy vom Hundsfield at Albadhu (imp Deu)

Last time I judged I gave this bitch Best puppy All these years later she has reached the potential I saw in her as a raw baby. Now 8 years old and showing no signs of ageing. Lovely feminine head of correct proportions with a moderate stop. Strong, slightly arched neck flowing down on to well laid shoulders, deep well sprung ribs and moderate tuck up . Straight front legs and moderate hind angulation. Broad hips with well-muscled thighs and well-turned stifles. And tight feet. Well set on tail. Moved out on a driving free stride. She has produced many of her qualities in her offspring BCC and BV

2 Ogle and Butler’s Ursel Ahler Each at Raycris

Another 8yr old that was larger framed than 1 . Very flashy with a good topline and broad hips. straight front and moderate hind angulation Moved out freely.

3 Robins and Robins Sh Ch Destanli Jedda’s Diamond

 Completed a lovely class of veterans.

Puppy bitch (1,0 abs)

1 Robin’s Tarkana Ritas Ruby with Destanli

11 months old flashy black and white bitch. With firm back, long ears , moderate length of neck and tuck up with moderate hind angulation . Tail set off line of back moved a bit erratically which would be due to her age enjoying her day out which a puppy should do.

Junior bitch (1,0 Abs)

1 Logie and Braidwood’s Albadhu Final Encounter

Daughter of my BCC, shows a lot of promise, . Correct head proportions and intelligent slightly rounded eyes. Moderate length of neck and well laid shoulders, firm back and broad hips . Moderate hind angulation. her feathering is yet to come.

Post Grad bitch (1,0 Abs)

1 Powell and Murrell’s Tureagh Crystal Cider

 Flashy Black and white with a blaze on her foreface Soft silky coat and well sprung ribs, good depth of chest . Would prefer a little more hind angulation.

Limit Bitch (3,0 abs)

1 Reader’s Toberworrey Peacekeeper at Kalimna

2 yr old of with a feminine dark head, strong sloping neck and well laid shoulders. Straight forelegs with moderately round feet, Rib cage well sprung leading to moderate tuck up. Wide hips and sloping croup. Feathering good on legs and tail, moved out on a free springy gait.

2 Putnam’s Asterpoint Faraday at Ebormist

 Feminine bitch who does not quite have the qualities and substance as 1. Liked her topline and tail set. Moved ok.

3 Bisset’ s Albadhu Written in the Stars

Open bitch (5,0 abs)

1 Wilkin’s Sh Ch Quilesta Simply Exquisite

Exquisite bitch with feminine head , correct high set ears and long fringing. Slightly arched neck and prominent sternum, good depth of brisket . moderate tuck up and wide hips with good muscle tone. , well let down hocks with well knuckled feet. Correct tail set which tapered to the end . Moderate feathering , moved out on a springy flowing stride

2 Kitchen and Kitchen’s Crumpsbrook Rather Regal von Elkemutt

Dark headed bitch with a feminine expression, slightly domed head with a strong neck. Not quite the lay of shoulder as 1 , good depth of body and brisket with a moderate tuck up , short coupling . Well feathered features, would prefer a little more bend of stifle

3 Ward’s Braccpoint Song of the Wind for Gamiorien

German Long-haired Pointers

Small entry but so full of quality

 Veteran dog/bitch (2,0 Abs)

1Thompson’s Multi Champion Sarscottah Arris

 ( This dog has so many titles I have shortened it. !) I have judged this lovely dog before and gave him BOB at an open show. . Just love this boy as he oozes quality in abundance. And gets better with age. Noble head with muzzle and skull of equal length. Well chiselled cheeks, deep flow and strong jaws. Broad high set ears and moderate length of neck flowing onto well sloping shoulders., well feathered forelegs and well-developed sternum. Deep ribcage, firm strong back with well-muscled long croup and well bent stifles. Good feathering on tail, sleek close lying coat, moved with drive BV and BOB

2 McMinn’s Ir Ch Lux Ch Int Ch Sarscottah Ava Mit Tallis

8 yr old liver roan bitch who doesn’t have the substance as the dog but still a very nice specimen. Liked her feminine expression .and correct shape Moderate all round with good feathering.

 Puppy Bitch (0,Abs)

1Thomson’s Sarscottah Eclipse

Sired by my BOB and looks very promising liver and white roan with pleasing head planes and well laid shoulders. Firm back. Moved well for a youngster. BP

Open Bitch (2,0Abs)

1 McMinn’s Lux Ch Uptown Girl Hela Van de Botertrakker to Tallis (imp Bel)

Solid liver bitch of correct proportions, beautiful feminine head with a kind eye and gentle expression, well set ears ,strong neck with sloping shoulders. Straight forelegs and well sprung ribs Well arched feet. Slightly sloping croup giving a correct tail set. Gleaming silky coat with correct feathering. Moved with drive and unlucky to meet the dog for BOB. BB

2 Multi Champion Sarscottah Charizma

6yr liver girl which is another example of the breed. Liked her expression, good depth of chest and strong level topline. Tight feet, also with good feathering.

 Hope I get a larger entry next time as with this quality the breed needs to flourish.

 Barbara Stamp
