• Show Date: 17/06/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Anthony Allen Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Border Union Agricultural Society

Breed: Gundog Group

Border Union 2023

Gundog Group

Judge Anthony Allen

I would like to thank the officers and committee of Border Union Championship Dog Show for giving me the privilege of judging my first Gundog Group, at what has been a favourite show of mine for many years. The setting is picturesque, and I had a superb ring which enabled me to assess movement easily. At the end of a long hot day, some of the exhibits were feeling the heat.

I was very pleased with my shortlist, there were also several who were very good examples of their breed who just were not on form today. My shortlist included the Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla, Irish Red and White Setter, Pointer, Retriever (Golden) and Weimaraner.

Group – 1st Place

Sh Ch Oktumi Opalescence, Breed: Spaniel (Cocker) (Dr P G & Mr M K Collin & Wildman)

For top spot I chose the most beautiful Cocker Spaniel. She is so well balanced, her head is well made and her expression just melts you when you look into those beautiful eyes. Her neck flows into her well placed shoulders, she has the right amount of depth of forechest, and her ribs are well sprung. She has super quarters which are well rounded, stifles well bent and a tail that never stops wagging, the epitome of a merry Cocker. She was presented to perfection. She moved round the ring with that typical bustling action and gave 100% all the time. I had no hesitation in making her my winner and was absolutely thrilled to watch Gavin Robertson make her Best in Show the next day. A class act, many congratulations.

Group - 2nd Place

Sh Ch Feldkirk Dior of Kazval, Breed: Retriever (Flat Coated) (K Anderson)

In runner up spot was the gorgeous Flat Coated Retriever. She is so well made and just flowed around the ring. Medium sized, not over done in any way. Feminine in head and with a kind expression. I found her balanced throughout. Clean through the neck which led into well-placed shoulders and a good return of upper arm. Stands on well boned legs and neat feet. Good depth to her chest, well ribbed up, leading into a firm short loin. Quarters developing well, stifles moderately bent, and hocks well let down and tail straight of her back. She came alive on the move and had really super profile action with excellent footfall on the up and down. Coat in excellent condition. I could not deny her the runner up spot.

Group - 3rd Place

Sh Ch Bessalone Peaky Blinders, Breed: Italian Spinone (Mrs S, Miss S & Miss I Knowles & Glen)

In third place was this young Italian Spinone. I thought he was a really typical example of the breed, so full of type. His head is masculine, lean and he has a kind eye. Powerful neck into well laid back shoulders. Stands on strong well bone legs. Chest deep and ribs are well sprung. In super coat and condition. Powerful, muscular hind quarters which he used to drive round the ring showcasing his free gait. A super dog now, the best is yet to come.

Group - 4th Place

Sh Ch Eald Dances with Wolves among Nyliram JW ShCEx OSW, Breed: Spaniel (Sussex) (Mr T Graham)

A dog I have judged a couple of times in his career and every time he comes back, he gets better and better. Super rich golden liver colour with gold tips. He has that classic Sussex head piece with a masculine expression. Neck is good, strong into sloping shoulders. Well-made front assembly. Stands on well boned legs and good round feet. Super depth to chest and to his ribs, body well developed. Well assembled rear, great bone. Won this place on his movement, true fore and aft and plenty of drive, with a roll.