• Show Date: 14/08/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Anthony Allen Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 23/10/2023

Bournemouth Canine Association

Breed: Spaniel (Welsh Springer)

Bournemouth Canine Association


Judge: Anthony Allen

Welsh Springer Spaniels

My thanks for the exhibitors for entering under me and to my stewards for keeping me on the straight and narrow, on this my first-time awarding CCs in Welsh Springer Spaniels. I had some super dogs to go over and I had to make some tough decisions, I suspect they will change places over the coming year. I was pleased to hear the class winners greeted with applause. I thought there was a lovely atmosphere around the ring. My DCC and Best of Breed was Millard’s - Sh Ch Ferndel High Comand at Rubylea, my RDCC winner was the evergreen Rees - Rhys Henllys at Typica Sh.CM. My BCC winner was Grahams’s Sh Ch Nyliram Telling Tales JW and my RBCC and Best Veteran was Jones - Sh Ch Julita Rumours at Trosley. My Best Puppy went to the very exciting youngster Nyliram The Alibi For Trebettyn and my Best Special Beginner Bennet’s Cerysan Crusader

Class 2011 MPD (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4354 WILLIAMS, Mrs J & WILLIAMS, Mr Thomas Nyliram The Alibi For Trebettyn

I liked this 8 month old chap a lot, I thought him very promising for his age. I like his overall shape and size. I found his head very appealing with a good masculine expression, will hopefully finish well. Loved his clean neck into correctly placed shoulders, with a good return of upper arm. Good width to his front for his age. Legs well boned and super feet. Ribs springing nicely and firm through the loin. Moderate quarters with stifles well bent. Coat super, presented in top class condition. Moved out well with a good action. One for the future in my opinion. Today pleased to award him Best Puppy.

Class 2012 PD (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4354 WILLIAMS, Mrs J & WILLIAMS, Mr Thomas Nyliram The Alibi For Trebettyn

2nd: 4325 CALDWELL, Mrs Ann Pauline & LEVY, Mrs Claire Cerysan Limited Edition

This chap was good on the stack but he wasn’t as good on the move as the winner. Head is masculine with good definition, neck strong and shoulder placement ok, a little short in upper arm. Legs well boned and neat feet. Body well made, good depth to chest for his age, ribs springing well and he has a firm loin. A shade to much covering today. Quarters were well made. Not quite the fluidity on the move of one and I would have liked him a little tidier as he came towards me.

Class 2013 JD (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4325 CALDWELL, Mrs Ann Pauline & LEVY, Mrs Claire Cerysan Limited Edition

Class 2014 YD (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4346 STONE, Mrs Kim & STONE, Mr Colin Kidenoan Mark Time For Merrem JW

Another young boy who appealed. I liked him for size, not over done in anyway. I thought him very typical. He has a good head with chiselling and definition. Super neck into well set shoulders and good angles fore and aft. He has a decent return of upper arm. Needs to drop into his front and ribs needs to spring which he will do with age. Drove off his rear with a good action.

Class 2015 GD (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4317 BENNETT, Mrs T Cerysan Crusader

He has a masculine expression. Neck OK but carrying a shade to much weight over his shoulders today, good front angulation, legs well boned, standing on good feet. He has a good depth to chest. Ribs are well sprung. Quarters are well made with moderately bent stifles. Moved out well with a typical action.

Class 2016 PGD (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4335 JONES, Mrs S D Trosley Tamoshanta

Smart dog who appealed. I liked him for size, not over done in anyway. I thought him very typical. He has a good head with chiselling and definition, masculine in expression, good neck into shoulders and good angles fore and aft and has a decent return of upper arm. Good depth of chest, ribs well sprung and a firm loin. Moderately angled quarters. In super coat and condition. He covered the ground well today.

2nd: 4352 WHITE, Mrs S Mymmsbrook Malbec with Fiergen

Young chap, just coming to his best. He has a pleasing masculine expression enhanced by a good eye. Neck clean, good front angulation, legs well boned and standing on good feet. Good depth to chest, ribs are well sprung. Quarters are well made with moderately bent stifles, tail set on well. Not as fluid on the move today as the winner.

3rd: 4322 BUCKWELL, Mrs W A Killena Ghostrider

Class 2017 LD (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4329 GAYLOR, Miss Cindy Jayne & ROBERTSON, Mr Ian Heniveruce king of Brewers

Smart boy well-made who presents a balanced picture on the stack. Moved well around the ring with a good action, just needed a bit more umph. Head balanced with an appealing expression. Neck strong which led into a decent front assembly, correct lay back of shoulder, stands on neat feet. Ribs well sprung and firm through the loin. Good quarters on him with a correct bend of stifle. Liked him a lot just needs a bit more maturity and I am sure he will have a bright future ahead of him.

2nd: 4330 GOUGH, Miss M C Julita Rukester

Another very smart dog now rising 7 years old. He has a pleasing head and expression, a shade strong in back skull. Good outline but not quite a clean as the winner. Decent front assembly on him, shoulder well placed. Good well boned legs. Ribs well sprung and a firm loin. Quarters well made with a good bend of stifle on him. Moved out well.

3rd: 4316 BENNETT, Mrs T Helgen Romeo The Lover for Flyboron

Class 2018 OD (5 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4339 MILLARD, Mrs Jennifer & MILLARD, Mr Martin Sh Ch Ferndel High Comand at Rubylea

What a smart dog, stood out in the class for outline and type. He has a super headpiece on him, enhanced by chiselling and lovely eye. Clean through the neck which led into correctly placed shoulders and a super front assembly. Correct depth to chest, ribs well sprung and back. Quarters are well made with moderate angulation. Best mover in the entry, he had a good action in profile and accurate fore and aft. In the challenge I thought he just had that balance, elegance, and finish that I was looking for. Pleased to award him the DCC and later BOB.

2nd: 4342 REES, Mrs Janice & REES, Mr Alan Hudolus Rhys Henllys at Typica Sh.CM

What a smart dog eight-year-old, he moved and looked like a youngster. He has a super headpiece on him, enhanced by chiselling and lovely eyes, one of the best heads and expressions I saw all day, real typical Welshie. Clean through the neck which led into correctly placed shoulders and a decent front assembly. Enough depth to chest, ribs well sprung and back. Quarters are well made with moderate angulation. Moved out well with a good action in profile and fore and aft. A cracking dog from any angle, real credit to his owner, delighted to award him the RCC today. Pleased to be told that he has recently taken his title which in my opinion is richly deserved.

3rd: 4353 WILLIAMS, Mrs J & WILLIAMS, Mr Thomas Sh Ch Isfryn Spot the Difference Trebettyn

Class 2019 VD (4 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 4353 WILLIAMS, Mrs J & WILLIAMS, Mr Thomas Sh Ch Isfryn Spot The Difference Trebettyn

Smart seven year old, very impressive on the stack. He presents a clean balanced outline. His head is masculine, well-proportioned and appealing. Strong through the neck into a well assembled front. Good depth to his chest, ribs well sprung and firm through the loin. Super quarters with stifles well bent and hocks well let down. Smart on the move with a good action. Held his shape well. Liked him a lot.

2nd: 4338 MCDOWELL, Mrs Marion & CALDWELL, Mrs Ann Bowdonia Only the Brave for Cerysan

An old favourite of mine who has done well under me before, now eight and a half. He has a lovely head on him, balanced and without exaggeration, enhanced by a good eye shape. Strong neck leading into well-placed shoulders, good depth to him and ribs well sprung. Strong quarters which were well muscled. Good on the move with a clean action just not quite as fluid as the winner.

3rd: 4319 BLACKFORD, Mrs Sandra AMBLELIGHT Galatea

Class 2020 SBD/B (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4317 BENNETT, Mrs T Cerysan Crusader (Repeat)

Class 2021 MPB (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4332 GRAHAM, Mr Tom & GRAHAM, Mrs Jane Nyliram The Witness

Nice type of bitch developing in the right direction. Very pretty in head, neck in to shoulders good and a decent return of upper arm. Good well boned legs and neat feet. Body growing in proportion and quarters well angulated. Needs to firm up in topline which she will do as she matures. I thought her more balanced than her sister today. Best Puppy Bitch.

2nd: 4334 GRAHAM, Mrs Jane Nyliram The Suspect

Another good one here, litter sister to the winner. Pleasing headpiece but not quite the work of her sister at the moment. Neck good into a decent front assembly, shoulders well set. Ribs and loin developing as they should, quarters well made. She has a good overall shape. Good action on the move. I expect these two will change place a lot over the coming months.

Class 2022 PB (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4334 GRAHAM, Mrs Jane Nyliram the Suspect (Repeat)

Class 2023 JB (3 Entries) Abs: 2

1st: 4340 MILLARD, Mrs Jennifer & MILLARD, Mr Martin Ferndel Water Lily at Rubylea (AI)

This young lady took my attention as she entered the ring. She has the most superb outline, totally feminine and not a hint of coarseness. I liked her head, overall shape good with a kind eye to give a beautiful expression. Neck clean into a well assembled front with a good lay back of shoulder. Stands on good legs and neat feet. Body developing nicely, good length and overall proportion. Quarters are developing as they should, stifles are moderately bent. Scored in movement with a fluid action and a super side gate. Still needs some finish to complete the picture but in my humble opinion I think she may have a bright future ahead of her.

Class 2024 YB (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4340 MILLARD, Mrs Jennifer & MILLARD, Mr Martin Ferndel Water Lily at Rubylea (AI) (Repeat)

2nd: 4320 BLACKFORD, Mrs Sandra Amblelight Adhara

Another who I thought was very promising. I liked her overall shape, balanced and not overdone in any way. She has a decent front assembly, chest starting to drop as it should. Body of good proportion and quarters developing well. Movement was ok but needed a little more enthusiasm but had a fluid action. Preferred the winners outline on the stack today.

Class 2025 GB (2 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 4337 LOCKIE, Mrs Julia Benoveor Truly to Gwirgariad

I liked this bitch for size and shape, feminine with substance. Pleasing head piece of good proportions. Good neck into shoulder, enough bone and good feet. Well ribbed back with a slight rise over the loin. Well bent stifle and width to thigh. Moved ok covering the ground well when she got into a stride.

Class 2026 PGB (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4326 FERGUSON, Mrs B M Julita Raindance at Teaselwood

Another very nice type of bitch who had style about her. Three years old, she is coming in to her prime. Her head is feminine with a pleasing expression, clean neck into well-placed shoulders and a good return of upper arm. Stands on well boned legs, good depth to chest. Ribs well sprung and a firm loin. Quarters well made. Fluid on the move, moved out steadily fore and aft.

Class 2027 LB (6 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 4333 GRAHAM, Mrs Jane Nyliram the Moth Catcher JW

Well-made girl with a lot to like about her, good balance and proportion. In this class she excelled on the move with a ground covering action. Pleasing expression with a dark eye. Strong in neck, she has excellent angles fore and aft. Enough depth about her and legs well boned. Ribs well sprung and makes a good shape. Moderately bent stifles and good muscle tone. Needs a bit more time but surely destined for the upper house.

2nd: 4355 WILLIAMS, Mrs Jennifer & WILLIAMS, Mr David Jo Crimicar Stand by Me For Bodlon

Beautiful headed bitch, and very stylish. She has the softest of expressions. Strong neck leading into well-placed shoulders with a decent return of upper arm. Standing on good legs and neat feet. Ribs and loin well proportioned. Strong quarters which were well muscled. She presented with a super clean outline. She just would not play ball on the move today which cost her the class. I think if she gets her head together in the ring, she will have a bright future ahead of her.

3rd: 4344 SHAWYER, Mr & Mrs Paul & Julie Menstonia Wish Come True

Class 2028 OB (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 4331 GRAHAM, Mr Tom Sh Ch Nyliram Telling Tales JW

A very elegant bitch who is totally feminine and was in full bloom today. Lovely head shape with the right amount of work to give a beautiful feminine expression. Super neck in to well set shoulders, good front angulation. Ribs well sprung and a muscular loin. Quarters have balanced angles and are well developed with stifles well bent. Came alive on the move with a fluid driving action off the rear. She stood out in the line-up and was completely at one with her handler. I was delighted to award her the Bitch CC.

2nd: 4348 SUTHERLAND, Mrs Jane & SUTHERLAND, Mr Craig Jacranella Serenade

Another very nice type of bitch who had style about her and belies her eight years. Her head is feminine with a pleasing expression, clean neck in to well-placed shoulders and a good return of upper arm, depth to chest. Would have liked a shade more length of leg to balance her out. Ribs well sprung and a firm loin. Quarters well made. Fluid on the move, she just needed a bit more enthusiasm in the final run round. Shown in super coat and condition.

3rd: 4345 SMITH, Mrs P A & OZANNE, L K Islanza Spring Into Action at Lyntonwold

Class 2029 VB (2 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 4336 JONES, Mrs S D Sh Ch Julita Rumours at Trosley

A topflight bitch who really appealed to me and I could easily see she was from the top drawer. Another with a beautiful head piece, strong neck into well set shoulders and a good front assembly. Good depth to brisket and ribs well sprung, loin firm. Well-made rear, stifles well bent, and hocks well let down. Good action on the move. Very close up for top honours. Delighted to award her RBCC and subsequently Best Veteran. A pleasure to judge, thank you for bringing her today.