- Show Date: 03/06/2023
- Show Type: Championship Show
- Judged by: Anthony Allen Contact Judge
- Published Date: 15/08/2023
Southern Counties Canine Association
Southern Counties Canine Association
Judge Anthony Allen
My thanks for the exhibitors for entering under me and to my stewards for keeping me on the straight and narrow, on this my first-time awarding CC’s in Pointers. I has some super dog to go over and I had to make some tough decisions, I suspect they may will change place over the coming year. I was pleased to hear the class winners greeted with applause. I thought there was a lovely atmosphere around the ring. Things did get a little warm towards mid-afternoon and thankfully we were able to get full use of the in-out tents to keep cool.
I hope that exhibitors didn’t feel rushed, but I was conscious that as my second breed of the day we were heading to a later than normal finish and with Friday night traffic, some exhibitors would be looking to get away. Pleased to see my BOB made the group
My Bitch Challenge Certificate and Best of Breed was Sh Ch Wilchrimane Frankel (ai) (Mrs & Miss A Siddle), I was thrilled to later watch her awarded Group 4. My Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate was awarded to second in open Sh Ch Tenshilling The Wanderer (Mrs J Webb). My Dog Challenge Certificate went to the winner of limit Twinhoe Vittorio (Mr C J Blair), I was told that this was his third. The Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate went to the winner of open dog Sh Ch Sharnphilly Boondoggle JW (Miss Oddie). For Best Puppy it was a tough decision between two exciting youngsters, with Wilchrimane Frankly M’dear (Mrs & Miss A Siddle) coming out on top. My Best Veteran was awarded to Sh Ch Tenshilling Home Alone JW ShCM (Mrs C J O'neill) and Best Junior to Tenshilling Jimmy Mack (Mrs J Webb). Best Special Beginners was Keepersfield Simone (Mrs Parkin) who was later awarded SBG3.
Minor Puppy Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
Some lovely puppies in this class to start the entry, I note the first two are littermates, I am sure they will be changing places many times in the shows to come.
1st Place Kanix Snapdragon at Fallowfield (Mrs C Lewis)
What a charming young man, lovely outline to him. Super head piece of good proportions and the right amount of work for his age, his expression is enhanced by a dark eye. He is well made, clean in neck and his shoulders are well placed. Sands on straight legs and neat feet, body of good proportions and developing well for his age. Super quarters, stifles well turned. Moved out in a calm and efficient manner. Promising youngster.
2nd Place Kanix Sourdough with Calaquendi (Miss. & Mrs A Hill)
Litter brother to the winner and out of a very similar mould but not quite as together at the moment. Another with a good head piece, clean in neck and a decent front assembly. Well-proportioned in body, good legs and feet. Quarters developing as they should, stifles well turned. Needs to settle on the move and when he does, he will give his brother a run for his month.
3rd Place Wilchrimane Let's Be Frank (Mrs C A Isherwood)
Puppy Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st Place Carofel Wings of Hope (Mrs A & Mrs L Matthews & Adams)
Smart youngster who already possesses a great deal of ring presence. Super head piece which is well proportioned and coming along well, dark eye and appealing expression. Clean in outline with the angulation you want at this age. He still needs to drop a little in forechest as one would expect. Sound and free action on the move to take the class, should have a bright future. Today my BPD, just pipped by the bitch in the challenge on a close decision, will have a bright future ahead of him, I am sure.
2nd Place Clamerkin Jubilee Fly Past for Corotine (Miss C & Mrs C & Mrs J & Mrs S Hazeltine & Razzell & Drake & Welch)
Black and white who presented a super shape on the stack. Pleasing head of good proportions, fine ears, and the right amount of work for his age. Clean through the neck and shoulder, a shade longer in loin, firm in topline and well on set tail. Balanced angles fore and aft. In hard condition and handled to advantage. He had a good profile action just not as together on the move as Wings of Hope today so stood second. Another very smart puppy who I am sure will just get better.
Junior Dog Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st Place Tenshilling Jimmy Mack (Mrs J Webb)
17 months and very appealing in head and expression, good work and dark expressive eyes. Fine ears which were well set. Super clean reach of neck fitting neatly into his shoulders. Well ribbed back and firm in loin, clean curvy underline. Tail well set and good finish to the croup. He moved well in profile and was more accurate than second on the up and down to take the class. Definitely one to watch for the future. Pipped his very smart litter sister to take Best Junior.
2nd Place Tenshilling Dock of The Bay (Mrs D Abbott)
Very similar to the winner in type and make and shape. He has a good headpiece, masculine without being overdone, kind expression and dark eyes, ears well set. Good reach of neck fitting neatly into his shoulders. Well ribbed back and firm in loin, clean curvy underline. Not the quarters of Jimmy Mac. He moved well in profile.
3rd Place Joneva Just Imagine (Miss G J & Mr N A Mennen & Sweeney)
Yearling Dog Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st Place Tenshilling Jimmy Mack (Mrs J Webb)
2nd Place Haramander Ace of Hearts (Mrs Sj Brough)
Very raw and still needing to get his act together on the move, which should come with age. Appealing head and expression. Good body proportions and in fit condition. He needs time to fill his frame and grow up.
3rd Place Joneva Just Imagine (Miss G J & Mr N A Mennen & Sweeney)
Novice Dog Entries: 6 Absentees: 0
1st Place Clamerkin Jubilee Fly Past for Corotine (Miss C & Mrs C & Mrs J & Mrs S Hazeltine & Razzell & Drake & Welch)
2nd Place Tenshilling Dock of The Bay (Mrs D Abbott)
3rd Place Kanix Sourdough with Calaquendi (Miss . & Mrs A Hill)
Graduate Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st Place Braithwaite Pole Position in Fallowfield (Mrs C Lewis)
14 months old and clean and balanced in outline, masculine head with good work and a gentle expression. Clean through the neck and shoulders, enough depth to forechest and ribs well back. Held topline throughout and has a good finish to the croup. Quarters developed. Needs to settle on the move.
2nd Place Harvestslade Light of Peace (Mrs D & Mr N Preece & Gilding)
This young man moved out really well and had a good action. He has good overall type and construction. Deep well ribbed in body with good angulation. Quarters well made for his age, with stifles well bent. For me not quite the balance of the winner.
3rd Place Hawkfield Wickham (Miss C Pratt)
Post Graduate Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st Place Sunhouse Banged to Rights (Mrs R M C & Miss R Martin)
Black and white who creates an eye-catching outline on the move. I thought he had a super headpiece, proportionate and a good finish to the foreface. Super front, clean in outline and balanced angles fore and aft. Good quarters, he was in hard muscular condition which showed on the move with a true and easy in action, really scored in profile. Pushed hard in the challenge.
2nd Place Hookwood Starman JW (Mrs S Welch)
Very appealing in head and expression, good work and dark expressive eyes. Fine ears which were well set. Good reach of neck fitting neatly into his shoulders. Well ribbed back and firm in loin, clean underline. Tail well set and good finish to the croup. He moved well but not quite the fluidity of the winner today.
3rd Place Lundgarth Wild Yarrow (Miss G J & Mr N A Mennen & Sweeney)
Limit Dog Entries: 8 Absentees: 1
1st Place Twinhoe Vittorio (Mr C J Blair)
I liked this Orange and White dog on my first pass, and he did not disappoint when I put my hands on him. Masculine in head without being overdone, he has a kind expression which is enhanced by a dark eye. Ears well set. Strong neck with a lovely crest. Super front assembly, shoulders are well placed, and he has the correct return of forearm. He stands on straight well boned legs and has neat feet. Body is well made, ribs well sprung, short coupled and a series of gentle curves that flow together. Excellent quarters with well turned stifles. He coved the ground with ease to take the class, in the challenge, he lifted his game and on the final run round he just commanded my attention. My pleasure to award him the CC, which I was told was his third, well deserved.
2nd Place Tenshilling It's My Party for Salmonmist JW OSW ShCEx (Ms S R Philo)
This chap was unlucky to meet the winner today on such form today, he presented a well-balanced shape on the stack. He has a typical head and expression; his head is well proportioned and has enough stop. Ears are well set and fine in texture. Good reach of neck and well-made front assembly. Ribs well sprung and back to a firm loin. Carrying the right amount of body and in good condition. Gentle curves throughout and standing on good legs and feet. Positive footfall on the out and back with an open side gait going around.
3rd Place Wilchrimane Two for Tea (Mrs M S Pattie)
Open Dog Entries: 6 Absentees: 2
1st Place Sh Ch Sharnphilly Boondoggle JW (Miss Oddie)
Well known chap who I have liked since he was a youngster. A Black and white who presents a super clean outline, masculine without being overdone. Pleasing in head and expression, defined stop, slight dish to the foreface. Fine ears which were set on well. Strong neck, well placed shoulders, and super front. Pasterns slightly sloping and neat feet. Good depth and strong through the loin. Powerful quarters and good muscle tone. Had good carriage on the move with an open side gait. Going into the challenge I thought he would be my winner, but he just flagged on the final run off and the limit dog lifted his game, so today had to be content with the RCC.
2nd Place Fydal Caprio at Salmonmist JW ShCM OSW ShCEx (Ms S R Philo)
One who did well under me as a youngster and was pleased to see him here as the finished article. I liked his head and expression, not over done in any way, enhanced by a kind eye and fine ears. Good neck into shoulders which are well laid back. Stands on straight, well boned legs. Well made in body with ribs well sprung. Well made in quarters with a good bend of stifle. I really like his type but today Boondongle edged it on movement, where he was more accurate.
3rd Place Sh Ch Joneva Born to Thrill (Master S J Layton)
Special Beginners Dog Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st Place Joneva Just Imagine (Miss G J & Mr N A Mennen & Sweeney)
Lots to like about this dog, he is 16 months and still needs to fill his frame out, but well balanced. I like his head piece, he has a good masculine expression with a good dark eye. Balanced angles front and rear. Good topline and tail set. He held his shape well on the move and had a good profile action.
2nd Place Lundgarth Wild Yarrow (Miss G J & Mr N A Mennen & Sweeney)
I liked her overall type and balance, but he was not totally happy in the ring today which cost him the class. He has a pleasing head, with a kind expression. Good front assembly, well made in body into good quarters. Had a good action on the move, just not quite that of the winner.
3rd Place Hawkfield Wickham (Miss C Pratt)
Veteran Dog Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st Place Sh Ch Tenshilling Home Alone JW ShCM (Mrs C J O'neill)
Super chap of 8½ years, presented a super shape on the stack. Well-proportioned masculine head with a super eye and expression. Good neck which fitted smoothly into shoulders. Depth to forechest and ribs well back to a firm loin. Firm in topline, short tail which was set on well. Stands on good legs and feet. Fore and aft he had accurate footfall, in the challenge in profile he got a little excited and tended to pick up a little in front which cost him higher honours. A smart boy, delighted to make him Best Veteran, thank you for bringing him.
Good Citizen Dog Scheme Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st Place Hawkfield Scandalous (Mrs N Klaiber)
I loved the head on this orange and white lady, she has fine ears and super finish to her foreface and a dark eye which gave her a beautiful expression. Clean in neck, decent angles front and rear. Well made in body with ribs well spring. Quarters well made. Scored in this class with her flowing movement.
2nd Place Droveborough's Mocha Mayhem (Mrs L J Barham)
Another typy bitch who has a pleasing head and expressions would like a slightly darker eye. Clean in neck, decent front assembly. Stands on well boned legs and neat feet. Well made in body, good through the rib and loin and well-made quarters. Not quite the flowing action of the winner on the move today.
3rd Place Prosperity Girl Scout (Miss T Cardiff)
Special Beginners Bitch Entries: 5 Absentees: 1
1st Place Keepersfield Simone (Mrs Parkin)
Lots to like about this 16 month old black and white lady, who was shown to advantage by her handler. Lovely head piece on her, good through the neck. Well made in body, well sprung in ribs, firm in loin and held her topline throughout. Used her well made quarters to advantage on the move, scoring in profile action. My Best Special Beginner and thrilled to hear she later took SBG3 – congratulations!
2nd Place Sharnphilly Gingerbread (Mrs N Klaiber)
Another smart lady, scored in head and expression. Balanced angles front and rear, standing on well boned legs and good feet. Body of good proportions. Good in quarters, stifles well bent. Did enough on the move just needed a little more confidence to complete the picture.
3rd Place Droveborough's Mocha Mayhem (Mrs L J Barham)
Minor Puppy Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st Place Wilchrimane Frankly M’dear (Mrs & Miss A Siddle)
This orange and white young lady is beautiful. At just 6½ months she has an exquisite head and expression, fine ears and super finish to her foreface. She just flows with a balanced and curvy outline, strength with femininity and an air of class about her, even more special in one so young. She is put together very well, and this shows in her movement, on the move she was a delight to watch on the move. Will watch her career with interest. Best Puppy Bitch and Best Puppy in Breed and in the challenge, she really pushed hard for top honours.
2nd Place Millpoint Golden Pippin (Ms A Brooksmith)
Another very appealing young lady with bags of potential. Feminine head and expression. Clean neck leading to a good front assembly. Correct in body proportions with a good finish to the croup and well set on tail. Quarters developing well. Needs to find her feet on the move, once she does, I am sure she will have a good future ahead of her.
3rd Place Freebreeze Pixar at Prosperity (Miss T Cardiff)
Puppy Bitch Entries: 5 Absentees: 1
1st Place Clamerkin Jubilee Surprise at Hookwood (Mrs S & Mrs J & Miss C Welch & Drake & Hazeltine)
A lot to like about this Black and white, she is showing good balance, clean in outline and plenty of substance without being overdone. She has a feminine and well-proportioned head with dark eye and gentle expression. Clean through the neck and shoulder, firm topline and good tailset. Angulation is as one would want at this age, and she is bodying up well. On the move she had an accurate footfall and good carriage, with the handler moving her at the right pace, just needs to tighten in front.
2nd Place Lundgarth Jubilee (Mrs S E Booth)
I love this bitch on the stack but despite her handlers best efforts she was not going to play ball today. She presents a symmetrical appearance. Feminine head and expression. Fine ears which were well set. Scores in reach of neck and well-set shoulders, a straight front. Ribs well back and firm in loin. Quarters developing well and in good condition. Once she got into her stride on the run round, I could see a good action. Once she gets her head together, she will have a bright future.
3rd Place Millpoint Golden Pippin (Ms A Brooksmith)
Junior Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st Place Tenshilling to Sir with Love JW (Mrs C J O'neill)
A lot to like about this 17-month-old orange and white young lady, today she was shown and handled to total advantage. Super shape an outline on her, head is feminine with good finish to her foreface. Well made front, shoulders well set and the right amount of return of forearm. Stands on well boned legs and tight oval feet. Made well in body, held her topline throughout and excellent quarters. Moved out really well to take the class. Good luck with her.
2nd Place Kananaskis Black Bryony (Mrs C L Roberts)
This 15 month old black and white is at the in between stage at the moment, she has a good outline but still needs to fill out at little. Head is feminine, good angles front and rear. Needs to settle on the move which she will do as she learns her job.
Yearling Bitch Entries: 5 Absentees: 2
1st Place Lundgarth Everest JW (Mrs S E Booth)
Stood she presented the most super outline and took my attention as I looked round the ring, A really pretty head on this bitch, dark eyes and a soft expression. Long neck into well set shoulder with a good return, stands on good legs and feet. Body of super proportions, robs well springs and firm loin, holding her topline throughout. Quarters well made with stifles well turned. A tad unsettled being handled. On the move once she got into her stride she moved out with that smooth action. Once she gets her confidence she will have a bright future.
2nd Place Hookwood Gene Genie (Mrs R & Mrs S Quinn & Welch)
This black and white lady was really giving her handler a hard time on both the stack and on the move today. She has a good overall shape and outline; head is pleasing with a mischievous expression. Good angles front and rear, just need to get a bit more coordinated on the move which she will do with practice.
3rd Place Droveborough's Royal Flush (Mrs P D Wynne-Evans)
Novice Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st Place Clamerkin Jubilee Surprise at Hookwood (Mrs S & Mrs J & Miss C Welch & Drake & Hazeltine)
2nd Place Sharnphilly Gingerbread (Mrs N Klaiber)
3rd Place Hookwood Gene Genie (Mrs R & Mrs S Quinn & Welch)
Graduate Bitch Entries: 8 Absentees: 2
1st Place Hawkfield Scandalous (Mrs N Klaiber)
2nd Place Keepersfield Simone (Mrs Parkin)
3rd Place Dondaig Love Me Tender at Nosam (Mrs S Mason)
Post Graduate Bitch Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st Place Sunhouse Partners in Crime (Mrs R M C & Miss R Martin)
I really liked this 2-year-old bitch, I thought her very smart. She has a feminine and well-proportioned head with dark eye and gentle expression. Clean through the neck and shoulder, in which she really scored in the class. Standing on good well boned legs and feet. Body well made, firm topline, well-developed quarters and hocks well let down. Tail set on well. Move with drive and had a good action to take the class, just went a bit flat in the challenge which was a shame.
2nd Place Hawkfield Merry with Oramiss (Mrs L Clinton)
Another who scored in outline. Well balanced in head with good ear set, long neck into a well-set front. Good angulation on both front and rear. Body proportions are good with well spring ribs and firm through the loin. Quarters well made with a good bend of stifle. Not as accurate as the winner in front action today which cost her the class.
3rd Place Keepersfield Simone (Mrs Parkin)
Limit Bitch Entries: 6 Absentees: 2
1st Place Wilchrimane Charisma (Mrs & Miss A Siddle)
A smart lady who is certainly named well. I liked her head piece; she has a feminine expression with a good finish to her foreface. For me she had the best outline in the class and just flowed in a series of graceful curves. Good front assembly, stands on straight legs and neat feet. She is well made in body, of good proportions, well sprung ribs and firm loin. Held her topline throughout, stifles well bent and good finish to her croup. Scored in movement over the second today with a free-flowing action. Close up in the challenge for top honours.
2nd Place Sharnphilly Toggi with Hookwood JW (Mrs S, Misses L & C Welch, Maber & Hazeltine)
This 5 years old lady was very good type. She presented a balanced outline on the stack. Her head piece is well proportioned with well defined stop, clean reach of neck into well made front. Body made well with a decent spring of rib and firm in loin. Quarters well made with stifles well turned. Scored in movement, held her shape well but not quite as tidy behind as the winner.
3rd Place Wilchrimane Frankly Darlin (Miss, Mrs & Mrs Siddle, Siddle & Medeiros)
Open Bitch Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st Place Sh Ch Wilchrimane Frankel (ai) (Mrs & Miss A Siddle)
I have admired this bitch since I first saw her as a puppy and was delighted to have the chance to go over her. She has a beautifully moulded head with the right amount of stop, good finish to the fore face and a soft expression. She presents a very balanced picture, gentle curves, correct amount of substance and bone with an air of elegance about her. She is made very well with good angulation both ends, well bodied with ribs well back and a firm loin. Her topline was firm and a good tail set. Fine ears and tight skin. She moved with an accurate footfall and covers the ground well. She was on form today and I was please to be able to award her the BCC and later BOB. Later thrilled to watch her take Group 4, Congratulations.
2nd Place Sh Ch Tenshilling The Wanderer (Mrs J Webb)
Beautiful head on this lady with good stop and finish to the foreface. Fine ears which were well set. Long and strong neck leading to well-placed shoulders. Good depth to her forechest and ribs well back. Firm in topline and a well set on tail. Curvy throughout. Developed quarters which she used well on the move. Lovely profile action just not as tidy in front as Frankel. Not quite the confidence of the winner, but in the challenge she lifted her game, and I could not ignore her, today my RCC winner.
3rd Place Tyremy Samaroli at Lambleaze Sgwc (Mr N A & Mrs C A Sherwood)
Veteran Bitch Entries: 5 Absentees: 3
1st Place Kenwardgold Minnie Me VW (Mrs L J Barham)
Appealing Liver and White lady who presented a typical and balanced outline. Lovely feminine head with dark eye and soft expression and well-set fine ears. Clean through the neck and shoulder, good depth to her forechest and standing on straight legs. Well bodied with a good finish to the croup. Moderate bend of stifle and well let down hocks. Moved true with an accurate footfall.
2nd Place Prosperity Girl Scout (Miss T Cardiff)
Another grand lady, she has a very appealing head piece, good through the neck and shoulders, would like a tad more return of forearm. Stands on well boned legs. Ribs well sprung and well-made quarters. Moved out well with a good action.