• Show Date: 14/08/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Anthony Allen Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 30/10/2023

Bournemouth Canine Association

Breed: Bracco Italiano

Bournemouth Canine Association


Judge: Anthony Allen

Bracco Italiano

My thanks for the exhibitors for entering under me and to my stewards for keeping me on the straight and narrow, My Best Bitch and Best of Breed was Critchley’s Sh Ch Braccorion's Never Say Never JW, Res Best Bitch and Best Puppy was Owlspoint Toil N Trouble. My Best Dog was Bell and Maddox’s Sh Ch Owlspoint Master Of Trouble Sh.CM ShCEx VW and my Res Best Dog Sladden’s Valcor The Confessor At Canemamans JW. My Best Special Beginner was Dubois’ Withamfriary Veni Vidi Vici.

SBD/B (2 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 3487 DUBOIS, Mrs Helen Withamfriary Veni Vidi Vici

A tidy bitch who is of good size and well balanced. Her head is feminine, pleasing expression, divergent planes. Good length of neck into well laid shoulders, stands on well boned legs. Body well made of good overall proportions, ribs well sprung. Hindquarters are well angulated. Moved out well with a good stride, just not quite the enthusiasm in the later class. My Best Special Beginner and later SB Group 4 congratulations!

PD/B (2 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 3483 BELL, Miss Amanda & MADDOX, Miss Nicola Owlspoint Toil N Trouble

I really liked this young lady, she has bags of potential. She has a feminine head with good planes, good eye to give her a feminine expression. She is strong in neck, has a good front assembly and ribs showing good spring for her age. Good topline, quarters well made with well bent stifles. Moved out really well for her age. Delighted to award her Reserve Best Bitch and Best Puppy.

Class 1681 JD/B (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 3494 STEEL, Miss Rachael Louise & STEEL, Miss Patricia Braccorion's Xpelliarmus to Juhua

A balanced dog of good overall make and shape, his head is masculine with a typical expression, good planes and well-set ears. Decent front assembly on him and stands on good well boned legs. Body developing well for his age, good through the ribs and short loin. Quarters well developed with a good bend of stifle. On the move he was sound and had a good action.

PGD/B (4 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 3482 BELL, Miss Amanda & MADDOX, Miss Nicola Whitgun Renegade Master at Owlspoint JW

A young man of 18 months, at that in-between stage at the moment but has all the essentials and should finish well. I liked his overall shape and balance. His head is well proportioned, with a good eye. Neck short and strong, shoulders well set, stands on well boned legs and tight oval feet. Well made in body, needs to fill his frame which he will do as he matures. Decent quarters on him. Moved out well to take the class.

2nd: 3493 STEEL, Miss Rachael Louise & STEEL, Miss Patricia Sazmallin Beijing Boy to Juhua

This four-year-old chestnut dog was very typy. I liked his headpiece, it is masculine, well shaped with divergent planes and well placed ears. Decent front assembly on him, good depth of forechest and spring of rib. Quarters well made and a good bend of stifle. Good in profile but not as tidy on the move as the winner today in front action.

3rd: 3487 DUBOIS, Mrs Helen Withamfriary Veni Vidi Vici

OD (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 3480 BELL, Miss Amanda & MADDOX, Miss Nicola Sh Ch Owlspoint Master of Trouble Sh.CM ShCEx VW

One I have judged before and who has done well under me as a youngster. Today he is the fully mature dog and has really fulfilled that early promise. Now rising seven years old. He has a masculine head and expression, well-shaped with divergent planes enhanced by a correctly shaped oval eye and a good depth in flew. Short, strong neck into shoulder that are well laid back, stands on good straight legs with oval bone, tight well arched feet. Ribs well sprung and loin wide. Super hind quarters, with a good bend of stifle. Good elastic skin. Super on the move, true powerful action. My Best Dog, just unlucky to meet the on-form bitch today.

2nd: 3492 Sladden, Mr Ian Valcor the Confessor at Canemamans JW

Another smart dog, still young and hadn’t quite got the finish of the winner that maturity brings, nor was he as accurate on the move today. He is an upstanding chap with a good outline. Head is masculine with divergent planes and a kind eye, to give a masculine expression. Neck short in to well set shoulder, stands on good legs with oval bone. Well made in body, decent spring of rib and well developed hindquarters with well bent stifles. Unlucky to meet the winner today - Reserve Best Dog.

3rd: 3481 BELL, Miss Amanda & Maddox, Miss Nicola Tolriver Enzo at Owlspoint

OB (2 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 3486 CRITCHLEY, Mrs M J Sh Ch Braccorion's Never Say Never JW

I have judged this lady a few times over the last few year and she has just got better and better and now is absolutely on form. She has a super headpiece, lean with divergent planes, super dark eyes and has a lovely feminine expressions. Super front angulation, shoulders well laid back and stands on good straight legs with correct bone. Her chest is broad and has good depth, ribs well sprung. Quarters well developed, stifles well bent. Today she excelled on the move driving from her hindquarters and showing that typical fast trot. I have never seen her go so well. Today she was my Best Bitch and Best of Breed.