• Show Date: 28/07/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Anthony Allen Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 09/10/2023

Leeds City & District Canine Association

Breed: Retriever (Curly Coated)

Curly Coated Retrievers

Leeds 28/7/2023

Judge Anthony Allen

My thanks for the exhibitors for entering under me and to my stewards for keeping me on the straight and narrow, on this my first-time awarding CCs in Curly Coated Retrievers. I had some super dogs to go over and I had to make some tough decisions, I suspect they will change places over the coming year. I was pleased to hear the class winners greeted with applause. I thought there was a lovely atmosphere around the ring. My DCC and Best of Breed was awarded to Stephens, Sh Ch Brightmeadow Never Say Die JW Sh.CM. My Res Dog CC winner was Solomon’s Foxriever Mystic Marvel at Elkysar. For my Bitch CC I selected the open winner Mercer & Thomas, Tyneside's My Heart Will Go On To Stormacre (Imp), for my Res Bitch CC I choose the very exciting youngster, Stephens, Ravenho Up Town Girl for Brightmeadow. My Best Puppy was Inman’s Foxriever Silver Wing Among Keamarola and my Best Veteran was the ever beautiful Whitehead’s Sh Ch Kelsmere Kamana for Foxriever Sh.CM. My Best Special Beginner was Mckenzie’s, Ravenho Toulouse Latresco at Beddgelert.

Class 618 PD (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 1736 SUTTON, Mrs Ellen & WHITEHEAD, Mrs Denyse & WHITEH Foxriever Grey Ghost

Liver boy of ten and a half months, I liked his head and expression, correct wedge shape with a pleasing eye, should finish a handsome lad. Strong through the neck, leading on to well laid-back shoulders, good return of upper arm. Correct depth of chest and spring of rib for his age. Body of correct proportions with well-made quarters with a moderate bend of stifle. Good crisp coat. Moved out well once he settled.

Class 619 JD (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 1739 VALENTINE, Miss Fiona & VALENTINE, Mrs P Ravenho Tallow Tango At Pattonia

A smart youngster with a pleasing head and expression, correct shape with a good eye. Strong through the neck, leading on to well laid-back shoulders, good return of upper arm. Needs to drop into his front which he will do as he matures, chest and spring of rib right for his age. Body of correct proportions with well-made quarters with a moderate bend of stifle. Coat has a good curl and condition. Played up on the move at first but once he got going, I could see a good action, a promising youngster.

2nd: 1736 SUTTON, Mrs Ellen & WHITEHEAD, Mrs Denyse & WHITEH Foxriever Grey Ghost

3rd: 1719 GREEN, Me Graham Ravenho Comradai Cymro

Class 620 PGD (3 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 1718 DOOLEY, Mrs & Mr VC & KM Rowancurl Pullman Porter

Pleasing type, I preferred his overall size and balance to the second placed dog. He presented a clean outline. Head ok, well placed shoulders and strong neck. Stands on neat feet, I would like a little more bone. Needs to drop into his front but will do that as he matures. Good in body, topline level and quarters well developed for his age, excellent coat with tight curls. Needs to settle on the move to complete the picture.

2nd: 1735 SUTTON, Mrs Ellen Kelsmere Kaddington

Upstanding boy, masculine in head and expression. Strong through the neck, leading on to well-placed shoulders, good front construction, well off for bone. Good depth to chest, ribs well sprung. A tad long in loin and quarters a shade over done for my tastes. Moved with drive, good in profile but slightly untidy when he came towards me.

Class 621 LD (5 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 1733 STUBBS, Miss Jillian Brightmeadow Take Your Time at Densdale

A smart three-year-old dog with a lot to like about him, pulls into a super shape on the stack. Masculine in head and expression. Strong through the neck, leading on to well-placed shoulders, good front construction. Good depth to chest. Body of correct proportions with ribs well sprung. Firm in loin and quarters well made, in good coat with tight curl. Correct moderate bend of stifle. Took a while to settle into his stride but once he did, he showed a typical action.

2nd: 1722 HODSON, Mrs Helen Rowancurl Gentle Gaelor

Pleasing type, longer cast than the winner, he presented a clean outline. 21 months old and still needs a bit more fill which he will get as he matures. Head ok, well placed shoulders and strong neck. Stands on well boned legs and neat feet. Topline level and quarters well developed for his age. As with the winner, needs to tighten up on the move which he should do as he develops.

3rd: 1714 CLACK, Mr&Mrs Stephen & Elaine Bazzy inti anka at Molokain (Cze Imp)

Class 622 OD (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 1730 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J & M B Sh Ch Brightmeadow Never Say Die JW Sh.CM

I judged this chap as a youngster where he did well under me then, so was thrilled to see him back as the finished article at six years old. He is a super dog on the stack presenting the correct outline. Headpiece is good with that correct shape and a good eye colour. Strong through the neck into a correctly assembled front, shoulders well set with a good return of upper arm, good straight legs. Depth to his chest, ribs well sprung and back. Super well-muscled quarters, stifle moderately bent, and hocks well let down. He comes alive on the move with a super action, very fluid with a powerful gait. Today was his day and I was pleased to award him Dog CC and Best of Breed.

2nd: 1729 SOLOMON, Mrs Mary Elizabeth Anne & SOLOMON, Mr Kei Foxriever Mystic Marvel AT Elkysar

Three and half year-old boy who did well under me last time I judge the breed. He certainly has matured up in the intervening period and really is a quality young man now. Masculine in head and expression. Strong through the neck, leading on to well-placed shoulders, good front construction, good depth to chest. Body of correct proportions with ribs well sprung. Powerful in loin and quarters well made, in super coat with tight curl. Correct moderate bend of stifle. Moved with drive, good in profile, pleased to award him the RCC today. Unlucky to meet the winner but I am sure he will complete his title with ease.

3rd: 1737 TARELLI, Mr R M & Mrs W Hunters Pride Jurajska Gwiazda at Tarockwood (Imp

Class 624 SBD/B (6 Entries) Abs: 2

1st: 1724 MCKENZIE, Mrs J L Ravenho Toulouse Latresco at Beddgelert

A smart 13-month-old youngster with bags of potential. Black bitch with a lovely feminine head and expression. Good front on her, clean in neck into a decent shoulder placement. Stands on well boned legs and good feet. Enough depth of chest for her age. Body developing well with a decent rib. Quarters moderate as they should be, and she has a good tail set. Coat of good condition with tight curls. When she settled, she moved well and was placing her feet in the right place.

2nd: 1710 BUCHANAN, Ms Shirley Curlies on Wings Crossroad Glory

Another junior, 14 months old. This liver lady was giving a lot away in maturity and at the moment is rather raw. Good overall; shape with balanced angels front and rear. Needs a little more confidence. Moved out well to take this place. Her coat was in super condition with a lovely tight curl.

3rd: 1735 SUTTON, Mrs Ellen Kelsmere Kaddington

Class 625 PB (1 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 1723 INMAN, Miss Patricia Victoria & INMAN, Mrs Karola Foxriever Silver Wing Among Keamarola

A smart puppy of 11 months, I liked her overall shape and size. She has good overall construction. She stands on well boned legs and round tight feet. Her head is well developed for her age, good wedge shape and an appealing expression. In body she is developing well with ribs correctly sprung for her age and good length of loin. Quarters well made with moderately bent stifles. Coat in great condition, super tight curls. Moved out well and had the more fluid action to take Best Puppy – good luck with her!

Class 626 JB (7 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 1732 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J & M B Ravenho Up Town Girl for Brightmeadow

I really fell for this lovely 14-month-old bitch. I thought she had a beautiful head and expression which was enhanced by a lovely eye. Strong through the neck in to well set shoulders, good well boned legs, and neat feet. Good deep chest for her age, ribs well sprung and a firm loin, level topline. Well-made rear with good angulation, moderately bent stifles and hock well let down. Super coat on her with a tight curl. Moved out so well, so very close to top honours, she pushed all the way but for me just needs a little more finish that maturity will bring. Delighted to award her the Reserve CC. I am sure she will have a bright future ahead of her.

2nd: 1728 MOSKOWITZ, Mrs Andrea Louise Ravenho Mochara Cadeaux

Litter sister to the winner and I see the fourth from the litter to do well today – that is some achievement from one litter! Another typy lady, preferred the head of the winner and she didn’t quite match her sisters footfall when moving. She is well made with a good head piece, strong through the neck, well off for bone and stands on good feet. Body of good proportions, slightly longer through the loin than her sister. Quarters developing well. Good angles front and rear and moved out with a good action, just needs a shade more drive.

3rd: 1713 CLACK, Mr & Mrs Stephen & Elaine Molokain Hocus Pocus

Class 627 PGB (5 Entries) Abs: 2

1st: 1742 WHITEHEAD, Mrs Denyse Jane & WHITEHEAD, Mr Andrew Gypsy's Soul First Lady for Foxriever (IMP EST)

Another that I have judged before as a youngster and please to see her today fulfilling that early promise. A lovely black with a feminine head and expression and a kind eye. Well-made front with a good lay back of shoulder. Standing on good legs and super feet. Well-proportioned in the body, with a level topline. Coat in good condition with a good curl. Did enough on the move and once she settled, she had a good action. With a bit of maturity, I am sure she will have a bright future ahead of her.

2nd: 1721 HAYES, Miss V J & CHATTWOOD, Miss Caron & WALTON, Gorchest's Pendlecurl's Rising Star at Pepperiever

At first glance I thought this lady would win the class, she is very smart in outline and has good balance and proportion. However she looked rather immature against the winner and needs some more fill in, which will happen as she matures. She is a compact bitch with a feminine head and expression, strong in neck, needs to drop into her front. Ribs well sprung and well-made quarters with moderately bent stifles, well-muscled. She has a decent action on the move, just needs that bit of finish to complete the picture.

3rd: 1727 MOSKOWITZ, Mrs Andrea Louise Brightmeadow Moondance

Class 628 LB (3 Entries) Abs: 1

1st: 1709 BUCHANAN, Ms Shirley Fleetpaw First Lady

This lady is a pretty live bitch, I preferred her head and expression to the second place. She is feminine, her head is wedge shaped. Strong through the neck into well laid shoulders, enough depth of chest and bone. Good through the body, enough spring of rib, firm in loin and quarters well made. Shown in super condition, well-muscled, coat good with tight curls. Needs a bit more umph on the move to complete the picture.

2nd: 1727 MOSKOWITZ, Mrs Andrea Louise Brightmeadow Moondance

Liver bitch who has good overall shape with good angles front and rear. For my tastes I would like a little bit more of her all through. Head is of good overall shape, neck is strong, her shoulders are well laid. Quarters are well made, and stifles moderately bent. Had good action on the move with enough drive.

Class 629 OB (6 Entries) Abs: 2

1st: 1725 MERCER, Miss C & THOMAS, Miss LA Tyneside's My Heart Will Go on To Stormacre (Imp)

Super type of bitch with a lovely feminine head and expression, enhanced by a kind eye. Strong through the neck in to well set shoulders. Good depth to chest and ribs well sprung. Standing on good legs and feet. Good through the body with a firm topline. In great coat and condition. Strong hindquarters. Super true mover with good footfall. In the challenge she had the most super outline and was the finished article, she just commanded my attention. Delighted to award her the BCC, her second I understand, good luck with the third, I am sure it won’t be far away.

2nd: 1731 STEPHENS, Mr & Mrs J & M B Brightmeadow Who's That Girl

Liver bitch with a pretty head and expression which was enhanced by a lovely eye. Strong through the neck in to decent shoulders, good well boned legs, and neat feet. Good deep chest on her, ribs well sprung and a firm loin, level topline. Well-made rear with good angulation, moderately bent stifles and hock well let down. Super coat on her with a tight curl. Moved out well, not as tidy as the winner as she came towards me.

3rd: 1717 CUMMINGS, Mrs Jean Molokain Enchanted One

Class 630 VB (3 Entries) Abs: 0

1st: 1741 WHITEHEAD, Mrs Denyse Jane & WHITEHEAD, Mr Andrew Sh Ch Kelsmere Kamana for Foxriever Sh.CM.

This nine-year-old lady won BOB under me some six years ago, so I was thrilled to see her walk into the ring today carrying the title that she very much deserved. A grand lady she is a super black bitch. I loved her head piece, correct wedge shape and a lovely melting expression. Good eye shape and colour. Well-made front assembly with strong neck in to correctly set shoulders. Super straight front and well boned legs and correct feet. Quarters well developed. Stifles well bent. In super coat with a tight curl. Scored on movement with a super profile action and fore and aft. Pushed hard in the challenge.

2nd: 1715 CLACK, Mr & Mrs Stephen & Elaine Molokain Ilusia

Out of a very different mould to the winner, smart on the stack but just didn’t want to move today despite her talented handler’s best efforts. She presents a good outline, I liked her head and expression, which I thought was very typical. Strong in neck into a well assembled front, shoulders well laid, plenty of depth of chest and standing on well boned legs. Her ribs are well sprung and she has a firm loin, just a shade too much covering. Well-made quarters, stifles moderately bent. She was in super coat with tight curls.

3rd: 1709 BUCHANAN, Ms Shirley Fleetpaw First Lady