• Show Date: 11/03/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: ANNA ALBRIGO Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023


Breed: Portuguese Podengo

First of all I would like to thank the Crufts Committee for the huge honour of judging this year at Cruft's.                                            On the Day 3, I have had the pleasure of judging this lovely and ancient Portuguese breed : the Portuguese Podengo.

I really had a remarkable entry of 34 very high quality podengos, which have done honor to this well-loved breed.

I was pleasantly moved by the affection that the exhibitors have for their little hounds and the perfect harmony that the dogs have with their handlers.

At the final results the son (BOB) and his mother (BB & BEST VETERAN) are proclaimed winners, two subjects of great class, protagonists in the ring with great presence and distinction.

VETERAN DOG   ( 3 entries, 0 abs.)

1st – BRUNDLEDEAN CISCO - 11 yrs old in excellent general condition. Fully in type, correct body proportions. Typical head of good type, lovely eyes shape and breed expression, quite correct ears. Good neck, correct topline and croup with good tail set. Correct front and rear angulations, he moves with good drive. Excellent coat quality. Today he's Reserve Best Dog.

2nd – ARRANBOURNE FAUSTINO – smooth coated 8 yrs dog, in good general condition. Just slightly too long in body to have perfect body proportions. Excellent head and breed expression, quite correct ears set, good reach of neck, the topline is not well stretched out and relaxed, correct and well balanced front and rear angulations. In movement a little high stepping in front, correct on the rear. Good coat quality.

PUPPY DOG ( 2 entries, 0 abs.)

1st – PLUSHCOURT COSMIC ENERGY - 11 mth old. Correct body proportions, nice typical head with good eye shape, correct ears set and lovely breed expression. Correct neck and topline. Correct and well balanced front and rear angulations, smooth and typical  movement full in temperament.

2nd - PLUSHCOURT BECLEVER - 9 mth. Too long in body proportions, head of good type, lovely eyes, excellent ears. Good neck and topline. Correct front and rear angulations. He must improve the temperament.

POST GRADUATE DOG ( 3 entries, 1 abs.)

1st – PLUSHCOURT COUNT OF CHAOS - Almost 3 yrs old. Good type, correct body proportions, excellent head shape, lovely eyes and expression, quite correct ears set. Good reach of neck, correct topline, croup and tail set, well balanced front and rear angulations, correct and typical in movement.

2nd – PLUSHCOURT BEAR WITNESS - 20 mth old. Good body proportions, excellent typical head, lovely eyes and breed expression, correct ears set and carriage. Good topline, but too sloping croup with to low tail carriage also in movement. Excellent coat quality.

OPEN DOG ( 4 entries, 1 abs.)

1st – MORIALTA FERREIRA - 6 yrs old excellent type dog. Perfect size, correct in body proportions, very nice well typical head, lovely eyes shape and breed expression, correct ears set, excellent carriage. Good reach of neck, correct topline and croup with good tail set and carriage. Correct and well balanced front and rear angulations, smooth and typical in movement. Excellent coat quality with super wire texture. He fills the ring with his personality. Pleased to award him the Best Dog & BOB, certainly a great example of the breed to show in the main ring today.

2nd – Ch. STAR MOUNTAIN UR HOOKED - 3 yrs old. Correct in body proportions. Typical head with excellent eyes and ears. Good neck, quite correct topline. He moves with good drive. Not as harsh in wire coat as the ideal texture should be.

VETERAN BITCH ( 2 entries, 0 abs.)

1st – ODISSEIA DE VIAMONTE AT MORIALTA - Almost 9 yrs old lady of great type. Perfect and harmonious body proportions. Lovely feminine head, excellent eyes shape and charming breed expression, correct ears set and carriage. Good neck, strong and firm topline, excellent tail set and carriage, good front and rear angulations, smooth and well balanced movement. Excellent coat quality. She imposes herself in the ring with great presence. Pleased to award her the Best Bitch & Best Veteran.

2nd – PEROLA VAN DE HIENDERHEUVEL AT STORMWITCH - 9 yrs old bitch of excellent type. Correct body proportions, excellent feminine head, lovely eyes, well set ears, only slightly short. Quite correct topline, good movement and general condition. Excellent coat quality.

PUPPY BITCH ( 3 entries, 2 abs.)

1st – PLUSHCOURT CONSTELLATION - 11 mth old puppy of excellent type. Correct body proportions, feminine head full in type, excellent eyes and ears, typical breed expression. Good reach of neck, firm topline. Correct front and rear angulations, correct and typical in movement, excellent coat quality, lovely temperament. She's the Best Puppy of today.

JUNIOR BITCH ( 3 entries, 0 abs.)

1st – PLUSHCOURT BEFUDDLED - 12 mth very nice young bitch with good body proportions. Nice feminine head excellent eyes shape and typical breed expression, correct ears set and carriage. Good neck, correct strong topline. She moves with some difficulty due to not being well trained in the ring. Excellent coat quality.

2nd - PLUSHCOURT TOPAZ - 16 mth old. Too big in size, but with good body proportions, head of good type, but not so feminine, correct eyes and ears. Firm topline, not so correct the tail carriage. Good quality of coat.

POST GRADUATE BITCH ( 7 entries, 1 abs.)

1st – STORMWITCH GIVENCHY - 2 & ½ yrs nice bitch. Correct in body proportions. Nice feminine head with correct eyes shape and breed expression, correct ears set and carriage. Good neck, quite correct topline, correct tail set, well balanced in front and rear angulations, smooth and typical movement. Good quality of coat. She's Reserve Best Bitch today.

2nd - PLUSHCOURT GLORIANA AT BELFALAS - 21 mth nice smooth coated bitch with correct body proportions. Head of good type, correct eyes, quite correct ears set and carriage. Good neck, topline and tail set, correct front and rear angulations with smooth and typical movement.

OPEN BITCH ( 6 entries, 0 abs.)

1st - PLUSHCOURT GUESSING - 2 yrs old. Only slightly big in size, but with perfect body proportions, quite feminine the head with lovely eyes shape, correct ears set and carriage. Strong topline, correct croup and tail set, very well balanced front and rear angulations, typical in movement. Excellent coat quality.

2nd - MORIALTA SESMARIAS - 3 yrs old. Just a little short in body proportions, feminine head, excellent eyes and ears. Topline not so well stretched out and relaxed, correct croup and tail set and carriage. Basically quite correct in movement, but not perfect in front in standing. Good quality of coat.

GOOD CITIZEN DOG SCHEME BITCH ( 1 entries, 0 abs.)

1st - Ch. STORMWITCH CARROUSEL TULPE - 9 yrs old nice bitch with correct body proportions, quite feminine head with lovely eyes shape, fairly good ears, Quite correct topline, good front and rear angulations, typical in movement. Good coat quality.