• Show Date: 05/08/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Alison Scutcher Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 14/10/2023

Paignton & District Fanciers' Association

Breed: Retriever (Labrador)

Paignton Saturday 5 August 2023

Labrador Retrievers

Thank you to all the exhibitors who made the journey to Paignton. A favourite show of mine to visit so I was extra thrilled to have the opportunity to judge here. I was delighted with the quality I had the privilege to judge.

Points to note – we are starting to see an increase in the breed of dogs with the hind legs extended too far back. It may look flashy, but it is incorrect. If you draw a line from the ground upwards, the line should pass through the hock and fall in line with the point of buttock. Similarly, a line from the front foot should pass through the withers. This is what I feel gives the correct outline and balance to the dog and is what I was looking for.

Special Beginners Dog

1st Kennett’s Magnavalleys Over the Moon

Thought this dog had such a lovely head. Good width and breadth to skull with good length of muzzle. Good eye shape and colour giving a kind and gentle expression. He had a strong neck set cleanly into well placed shoulders, strong level topline finished with a good tail set. He still needs to develop through the middle but is a young dog and has time to fill his frame. He had good bone & feet, well developed quarters and in good coat and super condition. Moved round the ring with ease.

2nd Moody’s Trendlewood Ebony and Ivory

An old-fashioned sort of dog in some ways, much stronger in head than I prefer with excess width to back skull and slightly shorter muzzle. He had a good eye shape and colour and did have a kind expression but overall, the head was just a bit too much for my taste. Good reach of neck, well placed shoulders, tended to stand with a slightly roached topline and falls away at the croup which just affected his overall outline today. He had well developed and muscled quarters and lovely bone and feet. Moved ok but not just the balance of the winner.

Minor Puppy Dog

1st Tulloch’s Binnaig Bonnach for Tullochmohr

Ordinarily I may have found this young man a fraction heavy for what I would prefer. He is a quality puppy, however, lovely head of good proportion, good eye colour which gave a typical kind, biddable expression. Super reach of neck, correct front assembly, firm enough in topline, super well-developed quarters for his age which really powered him round the ring. I like the fact he has the scope to develop further and look forward to seeing him as he develops and matures. Best Puppy Dog

Puppy Dog

1st Tulloch’s Binnaig Bonnach for Tullochmohr – as MPD

2nd Harvey-Major Just the Joker in Linjor

In many ways very similar comments apply to this quality young puppy, he also had a lovely masculine head with a kind a gentle expression. He had a super reach of neck, well placed shoulders, strong level topline, well-developed quarters and in super coat and condition. Of equal merit in many ways, I just felt he lacked the drive of the winner on this occasion.

Junior Dog

1st Galiano Ettore Friend Dei Due Mari

A completely new dog to me but impressed for his overall quality and balance. He scored overall, for me, in leg length to body ratio. He had a lovely head of correct proportions, lovely eye colour, masculine without being course and a kind biddable expression which just exuded that happy Labrador temperament. He had a lovely clean reach of neck with well-placed shoulders, strong level, topline, good spring of rib, short loin, well developed quarters with good bone and lovely feet. When he went round the ring, he had a such free, easy stride. Happy to award him the RCC.

2nd Kennett’s Magnavalleys Over the Moon – as Spec Beginners

3rd Farrar Henissy Truffle Trifle

Yearling Dog

1st Galiano Ettore Friend Dei Due Mari – as Junior

2nd Braddon’s Trendlewood One More Time

Another quality male here, lovely head of good proportions, masculine with a kind and gentle expression, good reach of neck into well placed shoulders, excellent spring of rib, short loin, in good coat and condition. Standing he was balanced but just felt he didn’t quite have the reach on the move as the winner.

3rd Farrar Henissy Truffle Trifle

Post Graduate Dog

1st Fitz-Hugh’s Llanstinan Hero

Now here was one of those unassuming dogs that could easily be overlooked. The more I looked at him, the more he appealed to me for type and overall balance. His head was perhaps not completely to my taste, but it was in proportion, with good eye colour and a kind expression. He had a good reach of neck, well placed shoulders and a good return of upper arm, strong topline, good spring of ribs, short coupled, well developed, and muscled rear quarters. A dog who I considered all of one piece. He moved sensibly with an easy stride to win the class.

2nd Mills & Rota’s Rodstar Rocks Zero Bully at Lembas

A very eye-catching upstanding dog who had the most beautiful typical head and kind, gentle expression. Strong neck leading into a strong level topline, he didn’t quite have the front to match his well-developed quarters which just spoilt the picture for me but nevertheless he impressed for type and soundness on the move.

3rd Evans Chyanhal Pentewan at Pudleigh

Limit Dog

1st Bell’s Westerulston John

Old fashioned type of dog with an unexaggerated quality about him that is all Labrador. He has a lovely head, good length, and breadth to skull with good length of muzzle. A gentle, kind expression showing a typical Labrador temperament. Everything him about him is in the right place, good reach of neck, well placed shoulders, good return of upper arm, good spring of rib, short coupled with well-developed quarters. He was in super coat and condition. He moved well in the class but just felt he was a bit flat in the challenge on the final go round which cost him on this occasion. 

2nd Ayres Hannabee to Hull N Back with Musubi

Impressive dog who was slightly longer cast the winner, he also has a lovely typical head with a kind a gentle expression. Lovely reach and neck, well placed shoulders, strong level topline with good tailset. Well developed quarters and another who moved out very well. In super coat and condition and pushed the winner hard.

3rd Perkins Carromer Teguila by Keeninspires

Open Dog

1st Johnson’s Sh Ch Cremino Calabrese

If there was ever an example of balance and type this dog, for me, would be it. He is really on top of his game at the moment. A dog of the highest quality, he is strongly built yet agile and is of one piece from the top of his head to the tip of his tail. He has a lovely masculine head, of correct proportions with an intelligent & biddable expression. Clean, strong and powerful neck, correct front assembly, good width & depth to chest with good sping of rib, strong level topline, short coupled, with well developed quarters. In super coat and condition. Super on the move too, with such free, easy ground coverage. Well deserved CC & BOB

2nd Harvey-Major’s Floki the Jester in Linjor JW

A lovely sound honest dog, I remember thinking as a youngster he was too much but it goes to show that we should allow dogs time to develop and finish as he is anything but that now. A quality dog, with a lovely head and kind expression, lovely reach of neck, correct front assembly, good width & depth to chest with good spring od rib, strong level topline with well developed quarters. In good condition and a really good moving dog. I still feel his best is yet to come.

3rd Stewart’s Streamanda Aramis

Veteran Dog

1st Tooth’s Sandylands Over the Moon to Ludalor JW

Absolutely everything in the right place with this dog, what you see is what you get; an unexaggerated quality, sound, honest good moving Labrador. Yes, for me I would prefer a fraction more muzzle to balance his head, but it is still a head that pleases me; masculine, yet with a soft, kind a biddable expression. He has a clean strong neck, correct front assembly, strong level topline, good spring of rib, short coupled with well-developed and muscled quarters. In super coat & condition. An excellent moving dog but felt he could have been moved at a slightly faster pace today. Best Veteran in Breed

2nd Jeffery’s Lembas Swings Both Ways at Mibridge

A lovely dog, with plenty of character about him. Lovely head with kind & intelligent expression, good reach of neck, well placed shoulders, level topline, well-developed quarters. Moved well.

Special Beginners Bitch

1st Findjan’s Magnavalley’s Moon Light Rossacre

What a pretty picture this girl was when stood, not a big girl but completely balanced and in proportion. Pretty head of good proportions with kind, gentle expression, and a willingness to please about her. Good reach of neck, well placed shoulders, good return of upper arm, level topline, good spring of rib, well developed quarters. In lovely coat and condition and moved well. Best Special Beginners in Breed

2nd Baron’s Landebec Crazy in Love

Lovely type of yellow, she had a lovely head, feminine and of correct proportions, lovely eye colour and an intelligent expression. Good reach of neck, strong topline, good spring of rib, well developed quarters. Liked her overall type and balance just felt she was a bit flat on the move today.

Minor Puppy Bitch

1st Wallace’s Dreammake for Tiaja (Imp)

I particularly liked this young bitch for her balance; she had good leg length to body ratio and was just right for weight. Very pretty head, with good width and breadth to skull, good length of muzzle, lovely pigment and such a lovely kind and gentle expression, she has a good reach of neck, well-made but handler needs to watch she doesn’t over handle and fuss as it can give a tendency to ruin her outline and make her look stuffy in neck which is she isn’t. Lovely topline, good spring of rib, well developed quarters, moved very well. Her clean outline appealed to me, pleased to award her Best Puppy

2nd Campbell’s Binnaig Buppsala

Different type to the winner and not as forward but has a raw quality that appeals. Very pretty head with kind & gentle expression, good reach of neck, well angulated front, firm topline, well-developed quarters. Moved out really well in profile but just needs to tighten up on the rear.

3rd Gloyn’s Sun Going Down over Thorncross

Puppy Bitch

1st Wallace’s Dreammake for Tiaja (Imp) – as MPB

2nd Trevail’s Menadue Should be Dancing

A more compact young lady but lots to like, pretty head with kind & gentle expression, good reach of neck, well placed shoulders, level topline, good spring of rib, well developed quarters. In good coat & condition and sound on the move.

3rd Summerley’’s Demadon Diamond Doin Fine

Junior Bitch

1st Braddon’s Trendlewood Tiger Lily

Appealed for her overall quality & balance. She has a lovely feminine head, good pigment and a kind & gentle expression, excels in reach of neck and correct front construction, super topline, good spring of rib, well developed quarters. Standing she has such a clean outline which could not be ignored, and she was super on the move with good reach & drive.

2nd Bidin’s Anudedis Leia Organa

Thought the was another bitch who had the loveliest of heads, good reach of neck but slightly heavy of her front which just spoilt her overall balance. Well placed shoulders, good spring of rib, strong level topline, well-developed quarters, not quite in her best coat but enough of correct texture, moved out well but appealed for her overall type.

3rd Findjan’s Magnavalley’s Moon Light Rossacre

Yearling Bitch

1st Findjan’s Magnavalley’s Moon Light Rossacre – as Spec Beginners

2nd Bidin’s Anuedis Nomi Sunrider

Beautiful feminine head of correct proportion. Lovely eye colour with kind expression, good reach of neck, well placed shoulders, good length to upper arm, strong level topline, well-developed quarters. Would prefer slightly more length of leg to give her balance and she also tended to stand with her back legs to far back which made her look long. Moved with drive.

3rd Farrar’s Henissy Treacle Tart

Post Graduate Bitch

1st Shirton’s Woolman Carefree

Quality bitch; Particularly liked her leg length to body ratio & presented a lovely clean and balanced outline. Very pretty feminine head, with good width and breadth to skull, good length of muzzle, lovely pigment and such a lovely kind and biddable expression, lovely reach of neck set cleanly into well placed shoulders. Lovely topline, good spring of rib, well developed quarters, moved very well.

2nd Mills Jaybec Winter Wispa JW

Another quality bitch who presented a lovely outline. Found her head a bit stronger than I would prefer but it was still feminine and of good proportions. Lovely reach of neck, well placed shoulders, good return of upper arm, level topline, with good depth and spring of rib, short coupled, well-developed quarters, short hocks, moved out well with good reach and drive.

3rd Casey & Jayes Berlan First in Line at Sandylands

Limit Bitch – Three beautiful bitches headed this class – all deserving of their titles.

1st Edwards Kimbajak Miss Jazz Swinger JW

A beautiful bitch and another that typified balance and type. She is of the highest quality being of one piece from the top of her head to the tip of her tail. Such a beautiful head, of correct proportions with an intelligent & biddable expression. Clean, strong and powerful neck, correct front assembly, good width & depth to chest with good spring of rib, strong level topline, short coupled, with good turn of stifle and well-developed quarters. In super coat and condition. Super on the move too, with such free, easy ground coverage. On the final look round, she just looked a complete picture, and I could not deny her the CC.

2nd Minchella’s Abbeystead Psion of Haslorhill

Judged this bitch as a minor puppy – loved her then and still do. I just loved her outline, super quality classic black with my kind of head, so pretty and feminine, lovely length of muzzle and correct head proportions. Such a super clean neck and topline, good spring of rib, good leg to body ratio, lovely bone and feet, well-made throughout just felt she looked a fraction light on her back end when compared to the winner. Moved really well.

3rd Percival’s Wynfaul Dancing Flame JW

Open Bitch

1st Casey & Jayes Sh Ch Lapema Masquerade at Sandylands

Lovely to have the opportunity to judge this beautiful bitch and she was another that typified balance and type I was looking for. Outstanding quality and being of one piece from the top of her head to the tip of her tail. Such a beautiful feminine head, of correct proportions with an intelligent & biddable expression. Clean, strong and powerful neck, correct front assembly, good width & depth to chest with good spring of rib, strong level topline, short coupled, with well-developed quarters. In super condition. She excells on the move too with good reach & drive. RCC

2nd Kleinans & Hopkinson Rocheby Hazelberry

A new one to me but she held her own in this lovely open class. A quality bitch from any angle; she was well made and presented a clean balanced outline. Loved her head which was feminine with a kind and gentle expression, lovely reach of neck and cleanly set into well placed shoulders, strong in topline, good spring of rib, well developed quarters, in super coat and condition and another who moved out well.

3rd Stafford’s Am Ch Belquest Conclusion Paparazzi (Imp)

Veteran Bitch

1st Pattison’s Pattilands Shining Star

Really fitted my ideal for type and outline, feminine and balanced, pretty head and expression, good reach of neck, well placed shoulders, at times she could slacken in topline, but she focussed enough on the final look round to win this lovely class. She was in super coat & condition and moved really well.

2nd Lally’s Sh Ch Trewinnard Pimlico

A quality bitch who also had a pretty head & expression, correctly made, good reach reach of neck, level topline, good spring of rib, well developed quarters. Lacked some enthusiasm on the move today I felt.

3rd Bell’s Westerulston Nola