• Show Date: 28/08/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Alison Scutcher Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 27/10/2023

Driffield Championship Dog Show

Breed: Good Citizen & Junior Stakes

Good Citizen Dog Scheme Stakes (34)

1st Edwards Kimbajak Miss Jazz Swinger JW - Labrador

Having given her her 3rd CC only a couple of weeks ago I hadn’t changed my mind. She is of the highest quality being of one piece from the top of her head to the tip of her tail. Such a beautiful head. Clean, strong and powerful neck, correct front assembly, good width & depth to chest with good spring of rib, strong level topline, short coupled, with good turn of stifle and well-developed quarters. Is losing her coat now but didn’t detract from her quality. Super on the move, with such free, easy ground coverage.

2nd Bradley’s Highforce All or Nothing JW - H/Viszla

This dog appealed for his overall quality & balance. Liked his lean head which was of correct proportions. Clean reach of neck into well laid shoulders. Good front, elbows tightly fitting and standing on straight legs. Good depth of chest and ribs well sprung. Well developed and well muscled hindquarters, moved out very well with a good action fore and aft together Another who had such free & easy ground coverage

3rd Davis & Rowe’s Rochevale Palm Reader – Labrador

Merriot Plastic Junior Stakes – Dog

1st Moss Ewtor Barking at the Moon – H W/H Vizsla

Was really taken with the quality of this young dog, he has a super head showing good eyebrows and beard with such a soft expression. Strong neck with well placed shoulders, well developed chest, level topline and well-developed quarters. Coat is a good wiry texture. Reall impressive when stacked, he presented such a balance outline and moved with such a free, powerful & easy stride.

2nd Thirlwell’s Ferndel Water Mark (AI) – WSS

Quality young male with a really lovely balanced head with good depth of muzzle, defined stop and low set ears. Lovely dark eyes & pigment. Liked his long neck and well made front assesmbly. Deep through brisket, well ribbed and holds a correct topline, well developed quarters. In super coat and condition and another who moved with a free, powerful & easy stride.

3rd Sheridan’s Lindridge Star Attraction – Cocker

Merriot Plastic Junior Stakes – Bitch

1st Rodgers Ambersun Passione of Odarla – G/Retriever

Thought this young lady had such a balanced outline, she flowed from head to tail, such a lovely head with good pigment, a kind gentle expression, good reach of neck, with good layback of shoulders and correct return of upper arm, good length of leg, deep through chest, strong level topline, short coupled with well developed hindquarters, super on the move with a sound level stride and correct tail carriage.

2nd Booth’s Lundgarth Jubilee – Pointer

Thought this bitch had such a pretty head of good proportions. Good reach of neck and well made throughout, Beautifully balanced and presents a lovely clean outline when stood. Needs to develop in confidence as gave her handler a bit of hard time but she really moved well with such an easy stride.

3rd Bacon’s Timbric Doris Day - Cocker