• Show Date: 18/06/2023
  • Show Type: Championship Show
  • Judged by: Adam Ashby Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 09/08/2023

Border Union Agricultural Society

Breed: Tibetan Terrier


TIBETAN TERRIER Judge: Adam Ashby (Togepi)

Firstly, I would like to thank the officers and committee of Border Union Championship Dog Show for

inviting to judge at this well-run show, also for my stewards who did an excellent job of keeping the

running order of the ring flowing. And of course, a massive thank you to of all exhibitors who entered

their lovely dogs under me, I had a most enjoyable day judging. I did find the quality of dogs very

high and in some classes, it was a case of splitting hairs between the winners. It was a very hot day,

and some exhibitors and dogs did struggle in the heat, but I was very pleased with my placings.

MPD (2)

1. Davies WATERLEY HEART BREAKER, 7mths, White & Black, very handsome masculine boy, he was a

true showman, with correct scissor bite, good stop, with lovely dark eyes, good length of neck

flowing into well placed shoulders, good depth of chest for his age and nicely ribbed back, correct tail

set and nicely muscled throughout, lovely big feet and well down on pads, was a picture standing

very square, excellent coat for his age, very flashy and eye catching, he covered the ground well with

good reach and drive, well presented and handled to perfection. BPD & BP I’m sure he has a

promising career ahead of him.

2. Marley & Thirlwell’s MYRLEA OTIS REDDING, 6mths, Dark Sable, another quality boy with

masculine head, nice dark eyes, correct scissor bite, good stop, strong neck flowing into well placed

shoulders, good spring of rib, short loin and correct tail set, nicely muscled with such a beautiful coat

for his age, he was full of zest and full of character, was just a little unsettled on the move but soon

got his act together and covered the ground well with good reach and drive, well presented and

expertly handled.

PD (2)

1. Green’s VERONY LIVING LEGEND, 9mths, White & Black, handsome masculine boy, lovely dark

eyes, good stop, correct scissor bite, high set pendant ears, lovely neck flowing into well placed

shoulders, good depth of chest, nicely muscled throughout, well ribbed back with short loin and

correct tail set, lovely big feet, he had perfect movement once settled, keeping a level topline on the

move, very square in outline and well balanced throughout, expertly handled and moved to


2. Rudderham’s DEJARU MASQUERADE, 8mths, Black, masculine head, good stop, dark eyes, correct

scissor bite, nice pendant ears, lovely neck with well-placed shoulders, good depth of chest with

good spring of rib, excellent coat for age, nicely presented and once settled covered the ground well.

Keeping a level topline when moving around the ring.

JD (1)

1. Cooper & Purslow’s BHEEHIND CLOSED DOORS 15mths, Gold Sable, lovely dark eyes with good

stop and strong muzzle, giving that resolute expression so typical of the breed, correct scissor bite,

nicely muscled throughout, well ribbed back with short loin, correct tail set carried well over his back

when on the move, he had good reach and drive with an effortless gait, and moved around the ring

with such confidence, well presented and handled to perfection.

YD (1)

1. Thain’s GENTLE SWEET SHADOW, Black & White, 21mths, Black & White, dark eyes with good

stop, correct scissor bite, strong neck flowing into well placed shoulders, nicely ribbed back with

short loin, nicely muscled throughout, excellent coat, correct tail set, once settled moved around the

ring keeping a level topline on the move, well presented

ND (1)

1. Green’s Verony Living Legend (see PD)

GD (2)

1. Taylor’s LAYOLI SEA OF SECRETS AT BILLKENSTAR, Black, 4yo, dark eyes, good stop with correct

scissor bite, strong neck flowing into well placed shoulders, good spring of rib with short loin, good

tail set, nicely muscled throughout, lovely coat texture, well presented and covered the ground well

keeping a level topline on the move.

2. Thain’s Gentle Sweet Shadow (see YD)

PGD (3)

1.Cooper & Purslow’s AHGAINST ALL ODDS, 2yo, a very handsome masculine Black boy, lovely dark

eyes, good stop and lovely to see a correct reverse scissor bite, strong neck flowing into well placed

shoulders, good depth of chest, nicely ribbed back with short loin, correct high tail set, large feet,

moved around the ring with an effortless gait keeping a level topline on the move, he was a picture

standing, well presented and handled to perfection.

2. Sinclair’s ARAKI SHANASTRA 2yo, Black & White, handsome boy with lovely dark eyes, good stop,

correct scissor bite, strong neck flowing into well placed shoulders, adequate depth of chest, good

spring of rib with short loin, correct tail set, nicely muscled throughout, once settled covered the

ground well keeping a level topline on the move, well presented.

3. Thain’s Gentle Sweet Shadow

LD (6,1a)

1. Cross’s SILGAHRI QUIGLEYS QUEST, Black & White, 5yo, Wow!! he took my eye as soon as he

entered the ring, very handsome masculine boy with endearing dark eyes, good stop, correct scissor

bite giving such a lovely resolute expression, lovely neck flowing into well placed shoulders, good

depth of chest, nicely ribbed back with short loin, correct high tail set, nicely muscled throughout,

beautiful coat in excellent condition, lovely and square in outline and was a picture standing, he

moved around the ring with such style and with an effortless gait, keeping a level topline on the

move and carried his tail well, expertly presented and handled to perfection. DCC I believe this is his

2nd CC and I’m sure his crown is just around the corner.

2. Marley & Thirlwell’s MYRLEA RHUBARB MOON, Black & White, another quality masculine boy,

lovely dark eyes, good stop with correct scissor bite, strong neck flowing into well placed shoulders,

good depth of chest, nicely ribbed back with short loin, correct tail set, lovely rear angulation with

low set hocks, lovely coat in excellent condition, so square in outline when standing, he moved

around the ring with such confidence with good reach and a strong powerful drive, well presented

and expertly handled.


OD (5)

1. Sinclair’s ARAKI THE MIDAS TOUCH 3yo, Silver Sable & White, Wow! Another quality boy, he had

such confidence and didn’t disappoint, lovely dark eyes, good stop and correct scissor bite, strong

neck flowing into well placed shoulders, good spring of rib with short loin, correct tail set, nicely

muscled throughout, he had such a beautiful coat of correct texture, a credit to his owner, he moved

around the ring with such confidence and panache, keeping a level topline on the move, was such a

lovely picture standing very eye catching in outline, well presented and handled to perfection. RDCC

2. Davies WATERLEY VICEROY 2yo, Black & White, Another Quality boy with beautiful dark eyes, good

stop, correct scissor bite, lovely high set pendant ears all giving such a lovely resolute expression,

strong neck flowing into well placed shoulders, nicely ribbed back with short loin, correct tail set,

nicely muscled throughout, coat in excellent condition a credit to his owner, he had such confidence

standing and moving around the ring, very square in outline and was a picture standing, he covered

the ground well keeping a level topline on the move, well presented and expertly handled it was

splitting hairs between these two.

3. Cooper & Purslow’s ARAKI WHO DARES WINS

VD (No Entries)

MPB (2)

1. Stringer’s WATERLEY WATCHMAKER FOR INCALUX, 6mths, Black/White very feminine girl, she had

such a lovely character and so full of mischief and fun, just how I like young puppies to be at this age,

correct scissor bite with large dark eyes, good neck flowing into well placed shoulders, good depth of

chest for her age, nicely ribbed back with short loin, and good tail set, she moved out well in perfect

harmony with her owner, a little unsettled at first but she soon settled down and was a picture

standing. She is one to watch and I see her having a promising future ahead of her.

2. Pettit’s ROGSPA SUNBEAM, 7mths, Black/White, correct scissor another lovely feminine girl, and

again she was full of character, correct scissor bite, lovely dark eyes, adequate neck flowing into well

placed shoulders, she had a beautiful shiny coat, good spring of rib with short loin, correct tail set,

covered the ground well just a little unsettled on the move but she’s still a baby and I’m sure she will

settle at future shows and have a bright future.

PB (3)

1. Kemp’s ARAKI SPICE OF LIFE FOR YANLAN, 10mths, Gold Sable/White, beautiful dark eyes, good

stop, correct scissor bite, lovely neck flowing into well placed shoulders, good depth of chest for age,

well ribbed back with short loin, correct high tail set, lovely large feet, she has such an abundance of

coat for her age, and in excellent condition, she certainly oozed confidence, and covered the ground

well with an effortless gait, keeping a level topline one the move, gave a very pleasing square outline

when standing, well presented and expertly handled. BPB

2. Laffling’s DEJARU QUEEN OF THE NIGHT, 9mths, Tricolour, lovely dark eyes with adequate stop,

correct scissor bite, lovely neck flowing into well placed shoulders, good depth of chest, nicely ribbed

back with short loin, correct tail set, she covered the ground well, keeping a level topline on the

move, expertly handled and presented well, again looked such a picture standing.


JB (9)

1. Davies WATERLEY MIDNIGHT MARTINI, 16mths, Absolutely stunning, Black/White, in my notes I’ve

written WOW!!! And she didn’t disappoint, very feminine head with lovely dark eyes, good stop and

correct scissor bite giving a beautiful resolute expression, strong neck flowing into well placed

shoulders, good depth of chest, nicely ribbed back with short loin, correct tail set, nicely muscled

throughout, she moved around the ring with an effortless gait keeping a level topline on the move,

expertly handled to perfection, lovely and square in outline and was a picture standing. She was

considered for top honours.

2. Green’s VERONY DANISH ROMANCE, 15mths, Black/White, very feminine girl with beautiful dark

eyes, good stop, correct scissor bite, strong neck flowing into well placed shoulders, nicely ribbed

back with short loin, correct high tail set, nicely muscled throughout, she covered the ground well

with a good strong drive keeping a level topline on the move, well presented, and handled to


3. Cooper & Purslow’s BHEAUTIFUL DREAMER

YB (2,1a)

1. Wilson’s DJANKAY STARLIGHT FAIR, 19mths, Tricolour, another quality girl, Beautiful and elegant

with lovely dark eyes, correct scissor bite, good stop giving a beautiful resolute expression, lovely

neck flowing into well placed shoulders, nicely ribbed back with short loin, correct tail set, she was in

excellent coat of correct texture, she stood alone but certainly moved around the ring with such

confidence, keeping a level topline on the move and carrying her tail nicely over her back, square in

outline and was a picture standing, well presented and expertly handled.

NB (3,1a)

1. Cooper 7 Purslow’s Bheautiful Dreamer, 15mths, sable, I wrote WOW! In my notes a very feminine

girl, with endearing dark eyes, good stop, correct scissor bite giving a resolute expression, lovely neck

flowing into well placed shoulders, good depth of chest for age, nicely ribbed back with short loin,

correct high tail set, excellent coat of correct texture, well-muscled throughout, she had such

confidence in the ring, moving effortlessly with sound a sound gait and strong drive. she was so

lovely and square standing; she kept a level topline carrying her tail gaily across her back around the

ring. Well-presented and expertly handled to perfection.

2. Green’s Verony Danish Romance (see JB)

GB (6)

1. Conner & Keulers SUMANSHU CASINO ROYAL (IMP NLD) WOW! 2yo, Black/White, Another quality

girl with beautiful dark eyes, good stop with correct scissor bite, with a lovely resolute expression,

strong neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good depth of chest, good spring of rib with short loin,

correct tail set, nicely muscled throughout, well balanced front and rear, she was in an excellent

abundance of coat of correct texture, she took my eye when she entered the ring and again didn’t

disappoint, she sparkled from start to finish, moved around the ring with such passion and

confidence, covering the ground well keeping a level topline on the move, well presented and

expertly handled to perfection.

2. King’s KARAMYST LOVE ACTUALLY JW 2yo,Black/White, Another quality girl with lovely dark

expressive eyes, good stop, correct scissor bite, slender neck flowing into well placed shoulders, good

depth of chest, well sprung ribs with short loin, correct tail set, nicely muscled throughout, in

beautiful coat a credit to her owner, she moved around the ring with such confidence and style,

keeping a level topline on the move, expertly handled and well presented.


PGB (2)

1. Rudderham’s KHYIBRANG SPANISH EYES WITH DEJARU, 19mths, Black/White, Beautiful feminine

girl, lovely dark expressive eyes, correct scissor bite, strong neck flowing into well placed shoulders,

good spring of rib with short loin, nicely muscled throughout, in excellent coat for her age of correct

texture, correct tail set, she moved around the ring with an effortless gait, covering the ground well,

was a lovely picture standing, well presented and handled to perfection.

2. Metcalfe’s PIPPALATA OVERTIME MAGIC, 2yo, Black/White, another beautiful feminine girl, with

endearing dark eyes, correct scissor bite, slender neck flowing into well placed shoulders, nicely

ribbed back with short loin, nicely muscled throughout, correct high tail set, another with an

abundance of coat in excellent condition, she covered the ground well with a strong reach and drive,

well presented and expertly handled.

LB (7,1a)

1. Cross & Neum’s SILGARHI TAKE A CHANCE ON ME, WOW! Absolutely stunning girl! 4yo Gold Sable,

beautiful dark eyes, good stop, correct scissor bite, she has such a beautiful coat in great condition a

credit to her owner, nicely muscled throughout, good rear angulation, she covered the ground well

with such confidence moving around the ring with an effortless gait, keeping a level topline on the

move, she had a lovely outline when standing, presented well and handled to perfection, considered

for top honours!

2. Andrew-Tempest’s MIKUDI CLEOPATRA, 4 yo Gold Sable, Another quality girl, lovely dark

expressive eyes, good stop, correct scissor bite, slender neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good

depth of chest, nicely ribbed back with short loin, nicely muscled throughout, , correct tail set carried

nicely over her back, good rear angulation with low set hocks, she has an abundance of coat in

excellent condition a credit to her owner, well presented and expertly handled.


OB (5,1a)

1. Green’s VERONY THE USUAL SUSPECT, 6yo Black/White Absolutely stunning feminine girl, beautiful

dark eyes, good stop, correct scissor bite, lovely slender neck flowing into well laid shoulders, good

depth of chest, nicely ribbed back, correct high tail set, good rear angulation with low set hocks,

lovely big feet well down on pads, she took my eyes as soon as she entered the ring, she oozed

confidence and didn’t disappoint, she moved around the ring with such style, and precise

movement holding a level topline on the move, she had such a lovely and square outline standing,

well presented and handled to perfection. BCC & BOB I was so pleased to see her shortlisted in the

Utility Group, I believe this was her 2nd CC, I’m sure her crown will not be far away.

2. Marley & Thirlwell CH MYRLEA MARTHA REEVES, 3yo Black/White, Another Quality feminine girl,

lovely dark eyes, good stop, correct scissor bite, strong neck flowing into well laid shoulders, she had

such confidence right from the start, moved around the ring with such flair and with an effortless

gait, keeping a level topline on the move, well presented and handled to perfection, again it was

splitting hairs between these two lovely girls. RBCC


VB (2)


girl for her age, Gold Sable, beautiful dark eyes, good stop, correct scissor bite, strong neck flowing

into well placed shoulders, good depth of chest, well ribbed back with short loin, correct tail set,

muscular throughout, she has such an abundance of coat for her age a credit to her owner for

keeping her coat in great condition, she moved around the ring with such confidence and

determination, with good strong drive from both back and front, well presented and expertly

handled to perfection. BV

2. Armstrong’s LYNCES LOVE OF MY LIFE AT TIZZYCHARM, 7yo, Black/White, lovely dark eyes, correct

scissor bite, good depth of chest, nicely ribbed back with short loin, correct tail set, in lovely coat for

her age, nicely muscled, well presented and covered the ground well moving freely around the ring.

Judge: Adam Ashby (Togepi)