• Show Date: 09/04/2022
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Wendy Pickup Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Wellingborough & District Canine Society

Wellingborough & DCA – 9th April 2022


PUPPY (6, 1abs)

1st Westaway’s Teisgol Keep On Going. BP.

Liked him as soon as he entered the ring. Lemon and white 9 month old male. Head with balanced properties, skull of medium breadth, loved his expression. Straight front, well boned, correct oval feet, well knit toes. Long and sloping shoulders to firm top line and impressive ribs. Strength to backend, used tail well, steady mover.

2nd Stilgoe’s Glenariff Mojito over Teisgol.

Black and white dog with flowing lines, balanced outline, good length of neck, well laid shoulders, very good bend of stifle. Strong and muscular loin, straight from behind and feels firm to the touch, nicely muscled all over. Pleasing head, well handled, has natural ring presence. I hope his front tightens as he matures.

3rd Booth’s Lundgarth Everest

JUNIOR (7, 3abs)

1st Stilgoe’s G Mojito over T.

Please critique for 2nd in P.

2nd Bannister’s Wilchrimane Trinket at Janeryl.

16 month old orange and white bitch, expertly handled, free stood and looked well doing so. Balanced body properties, rib cage with good length and depth, ribs well sprung. Straight legs from front and side, good bone. Well muscled all through, enjoyed watching her move, smooth paces, strength and drive from behind, her tail lashed from side to side.

3rd Harrison’s Millpoint Heart’s Desire

POST GRAD (8, 4abs)

1st Booth’s Sharnphilly Ginger Fizz at Lundgarth. RBOB.

Orange and white jacket, a series of curves, loved her eye and expression, her lovely temperament shone through which won her this class. Medium breadth of skull which was in proportion to muzzle, obvious occiput, well defined stop, soft nostrils and lips. Clean and muscular neck, well set into good lay back of shoulder. Straight front legs from all angles, oval bone and well cushioned feet. Balanced body properties, pleasing length, depth and spring to ribcage, short couplings, firm and well muscled hind quarters, definite lashing tail action when moving. Well handled.

2nd Oliver’s Olivesong Kiss Chase.

Black and white coat with obvious sheen, pleasing outline, balanced and symmetrical, stood straight from front and from behind. Strong oval bone, tight oval feet with arched toes. Shoulders long in blade and laid well back, correct length and depth to ribcage, ribs well sprung, well turned stifles, hocks well let down, well handled.

3rd Matthews Sonham Remember Me

LIMIT (4, 2abs)

1st Lowe’s Lowsmoor Crazy For You JW.

Orange and white short hard coat, quality dog showing strength and power, very well muscled all over. Pleasing masculine head with balanced properties to skull and muzzle, loved his kindly expression, slight depression under eyes. Clean neck with slight crest, good shoulders with blades long and sloping, excellent ribcage, good spring, length and depth, loin strong and slightly arched. Tight, well cushioned feet under legs with oval bone, movement straight and true, good reach and drive.

2nd Brooksmith’s Nightgold Pipkin.

Attractive bitch in liver and white coat. Good reach of neck, correct oval bone, good bend of stifle, loved her profile movement, I hope handler can gain more confidence, this bitch is worth the effort.

OPEN (6, 2abs)

Lots of quality in this class, some close decisions.

1st Oliver & Stilgoe’s Teisgol Love Is In The Air. BOB. G3. Looked good from all angles. Quality male in orange and white jacket, well muscled all through, this enabled him to reach and drive and to display his steady, effortless, ground covering movement, both in profile and coming and going. Loved his head, quality planes, kindly expression, good stop, strength to muzzle, nostrils wide and moist. Clean neck sprung from good lay back of shoulder, straight front legs with oval bone and tight, well padded feet. Forequarters flowed into body and hindquarters, everything fitting together well. Good depth through brisket, ideal width of chest, good spring of rib and ribcage reaching well back to short and strong couplings, loin with slight arch. Very well muscled hindquarters, excellent bend of stifle, wide across thighs, well let down hocks. Was a pleasure to watch him move round the ring with tail lashing from side to side.

2nd Allen’s Stoneygun Point At Me.

10 and a half years old and enjoying his day out. Black and white male, delightful demeanour, balanced outline, good length of neck and firm hind quarters, moved really well round the ring, straight and true coming and going. Proportionate head with medium breadth of skull, defined stop and slightly concave muzzle. Well laid back shoulders, straight legs, pleasing spring of rib, good length and depth of ribcage, short, strong loin, well handled.

3rd Harrison’s Millpoint Sound Wave JW


POST GRAD (1, 0abs)

1st Garget & Morriss’ Winterwell Eeh By Gum with Garvin. RBOB.

Very nice dog with straight legs and a firm body. Well muscled all through, was active and stylish on the move. Clean cut head in proportion to body, muscular neck with slight arch, adequate shoulder placement, good length of upper arms. Balanced body properties, neat backend with well bent stifles, well let down hocks and tight feet.

OPEN (1, 0abs)

1st Delaney’s Archerpoint Sea The Stars at Redmires. BOB. Supple skin

Neat and tidy bitch, with quality coat and pleasing head. Filled my eye for her balance and attractive proportions. Feminine head, soft expression from kind eye, slightly arched neck, sloping shoulders, short back, ideal ribcage, good tuck up. Well muscled hind quarters, correct turn of stifle, thighs strong and wide. Firm to the touch all over, supple skin, moved well and well handled.



1st Davey’s Labry Berry Pardy (imp Rus).

Solidly made bitch with the appearance of strength all through, good bone and round well padded feet. Happy disposition, wagged and was eager to please. Length and width of muzzle balanced beautifully with breadth of skull, obvious occiput, brows present, soft expression. Plenty of depth to ribcage, short strong loin, well developed hind quarters, hocks under point of buttock. True movement and well handled.


1st Eald Village Scandal JW. BOB.

Lovely showgirl, she put on a wonderful performance, it was a joy to watch her true and active movement with typical roll. Biddable, and always attentive to her sympathetic handler, she wagged the whole time she was in the ring. Lovely well balanced head with slight curve across skull, decided brows giving that characteristic expression so typical of the breed. Superb shoulders, long and sloping, good bone, large knees and hocks, short pasterns, ribs with good spring and deep all the way through, obvious strength to hindquarters, well muscled thighs, well padded feet with plenty of feathering. Beautifully presented coat which was a rich liver colour with gold. Very well handled.

2nd Hastings’ Ir Ch Bardings Bypolar Bear Ir Jun Ch, CW19, CJW19, JW. RBOB.

Attractive 4 year old male who was slightly heavier over the shoulders today than 1st. Enough width between front legs, big knuckles, round feet, deep through brisket, good spring of rib and ribs carried well back with plenty of depth to ribcage. Level body, short strong loin, power to hindquarters, pleasing width across thigh, good bend of stifle. Carried head fairly low when moving, strong neck with slight arch. Expertly handled.

Judge: Wendy Pickup