- Show Date: 01/06/2022
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Stephen Bardwell Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Reading & District Kennel Association
1 Mewse’s Krimshar Amethyst B Pretty baby with square head soft eyes and small well placed ears, hopefully she will develop a little more chin as she matures. Square outline to body with broad rib cage and fair top-line with low set tail. Balanced anglulation gave her a good profile on the move and nice action coming towards. BP Res BOB
2 Hamlin’s Devotoblaze Hope’s Miracle B Lots to like with warm expressive eyes, nicely proportioned head and well placed ears, which she still needs to grow into. Smart outline overall with pleasing neck and tail set. Moved well both ways and going round.
1 Hamlin’s Devotoblaze Hope’s Miracle B
1 Hamlin’s Rosparquier Small Talk for DevotoblazeShCM D Square head, with soft eyes, ears nicely placed on corners and very alert expression. Strong build with good bone and rib cage, pleasing neck and angulation, giving good action coming and going and impressive profile going round. BOB
2 Guy’s Wynele Trooping the Colour D Neat, well proportioned head with nice nose pad and gentle expressive eyes. Quite nice in rib cage and bone, good square outline standing but not matching the impressive outline of 1st going round. Quite strong on the move coming and going.
1 Edens Steyndal Diamond White at Dalens B Baby with promising balance to head & warm expressive eyes. Pleasing proportions to her outline with clean neck, good depth to rib, firm top line and well set tail. Nice bone and feet and well balanced in angulation giving her a relaxed, efficient action on the move. BP
2 Wilson’s Decoda’s Trick or Treat for Travier D Good strength to muzzle and balance to head. Lovely outline with good proportions to body, well set tail and good neck. Good bone and feet. Balanced angles but not yet holding himself together well on the move
3 Howard’s Decoda Crackerjack D
1 Saunders & David’s Dallydyl Honey Trap B Alert, gentle expression with nice width to skull and well proportioned muzzle. Good neck and tail set, and balanced angulation giving her a lovely profile going round on the move and she was quite accurate coming and going.
2 Bolt’s Fakenham Fontanella B A little narrower in head than 1st but nice kind expression. Quite nice in rib withgood top-line and tail set. Balanced on the move but not the reach of the winner. Quite accurate gait coming and going.
Post Grad.
1 England & Edens Dalens Queen of the Seas at Silverspot B Very feminine, gentle expression, out going personality, with pleasing balance of head features Clean neck and well proportioned body and outline with goodangles giving excellent profile going round on the move, whilst a little proud of her tail BOB
2. Wilson Decodas Pecious Praline for Travier D Very masculine, with strong head and very alert expression, Nice neck and top-line and fair tail set. Pleasing bone and feet. Rather a handful on the move but capable.
3 Steventon’s Kystuno Jasappel B
1 England’s Dalens Bethany Char at Silverspot B Gentle expression with good width of skull and parallel plains to head and muzzle. Lovely neck with good withers and top-line, good angulation, and nice rib cage. Moved very well coming and going with a pleasing outline going round. Res BOB
2 Pace’s Delcatori Morganite Rosa Del Brondelvcede BFeminine expression, a little narrow in muzzle but gentle expressive eye . Nice top-line, tail set and rib cage giving a neat outline. Not matching the winner for movement today.
3 Steventon’s Missus Tuppenny B
French Bulldog
1 Ellis’s Eastonite Amaze B Pleasing head with good, well placed ears, nice eyes square muzzle and alert warm expression. Good outline with good top and under lines, strong bone and large rib cage. Positive and relaxed on the move. BP
2 Berriman’s Rozeldogue Bing Bing B A real baby who needs to grow on, strong ears, nice eyes with sweet expression, needs to broarden in under jaw. Fair bone for her size. Moved quite well when she gained in confidence.
1 Morrison’s Xandene All That’s Magic D Good square head with pleasing width of muzzle, firm well-set earsand good nose pad. Nice shape to eyes, which could be darker. Compact outline with strong neck, big rib cage good roach back. Good bone and well made hindquarters. Free and powerful on the move. BOB
2 Brooks and Cairns Corursus Become the One JW DSquare head with good shape and carriage to his ears and pleasing expression. Not quite as compact as 1st at present but pleasing overall shape with good top line and rib cage. Made a typical profile going round on the move.
3 Hartfield’s Warson Huggy Bear D
Post Grad
1 Morrison’s Xandene It’s a Kind of Magic D Square head with good expression, pleasing width of muzzle. Nice spring to rib and quite square from the front, good roach to top-line and nice tail. Moved away strongly but could be straighter coming towards.
1 Cole’s Xandene Black Magic for Myntie D Good width and depth to head, gentle expressive eye, good lower jaw and ears. Nice neck and roach to top-line, low set tail and good substance but could be a little more compact. Moved soundly with powerful gait Res BOB
2 Timms & Henderson’s Chelmbull Stary Seas for OlijahB Good ears and eyes but too much over nose wrinkle spoilt her expression for me. Compact body with good rib cage and bone, but not the shapely top-line of the winner. Free and stylish on the move.
3 Timms and Hendersons Eastonite Moana JW
Japanese Spitz
1 Prout’s Kessaku Mamma Mia B Lovely puppy with sweet expression from well set ears and well shaped eyes, which could be a shade darker. Nice rib cage and top-line with good width to loin and well carried tail. Light and accurate on the move and good coat. BP Res BOB
2 Fraser’s Tawvale Lola B Very much a baby, pleasing head and ears and oval dark eyes. Nice proportions to body outline but still needs-to drop in rig cage. Unsettled on the move but nice outline
1 Smith’s Kessaku Bobbon D Wedge shaped head with good ear set and masculine expression. Well-proportioned outline and fair depth and width to rib,strong top-line and nice neck. Coat a little flat today and he could have held himself together better on the move.
Post Grad
1 Fraser’s Tawvale Genki B Lovely head and expression with pleasing oval dark eyes, well carried neat ears and small nose. Pleasing arch to neck and well proportioned outline with good coat. Typical light action on the move.She was pushed very hard in the challenge but she just had the edge in outline and slightly darker eye. BOB
Lhasa Apso
1 Clutterbuck & Cain’s Kutani Hamilton D Impressive puppy with lots of style. Lovely head with nicely shaped top skull, well proportioned muzzle and expressive eyes.Excellent neck and top-line and well proportioned outline. Good hart shape to ribs pleasing fore and hind quarters and well carried tail. Very impressive profile on the move.
2 Clutterbuck & Jackson’s Kutani Kuriosity B Sister to the winner and much the same applies. She had the edge moving coming and going but not quite as good in tail carriage.
3 Parvataneni’s Domensa Perfect Dream B
Post Grad
1 Scales Zentarr Geoffrey D Pleasing head with good ear and eye, and masculine expression. Good head carriage top-line and shape to rib cage, strong bone and good quality coat. Nice style in profile on the move and went away well. Res BOB
1 Clutterbuck & Cain’s CH Kutani Showoff B Quality bitch with well proportioned head nice muzzle and expressive eye. Firm top-line with well carried tail and pleasing head carriage along with quality, well presentedcoat. Very free on the move, going away well and showing an impressive profile going round. BOB
Stephen Bardwell