- Show Date: 05/02/2022
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Russell F Jones Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Gloucester & District Canine Society
GLOUCESTER & DISTRICT CANINE SOCIETY – Open Show Held on: Saturday 5th February 2022
Judge: Mr. Russell F. Jones (Quemerford)
I was pleased to be asked to judge this well-run show. I had a lovely entry and some really good dogs had to take lower places than would normally be. All exhibits were shown in good clean condition and all had good temperaments. I would like to thank the exhibitors for their sportsmanship whilst waiting to go in the ring. So once again thanks to all for attending.
BORDER COLLIE J D/B (3), 1. Miss A. Taylor, Darian End Game: A pleasing 11mth old black and white dog that is well up to size. He is of a pleasing type with a nice out-line. Moved out well using the ring to his advantage. Pleased to award him BP. 2. Kinton, Mr. D. & Mrs. K.A., Kinaway Dreams With Fire, (AI): A 9mth old black and white bitch that is a very pleasing and of good type with a good out-line. Just got a little spooked, being close to the open doors, just put her off a little. Still a very nice bitch. 3. Lee & Ratcliffe, Miss B. & Miss J., Arrodare Rebel With A Cause: A 15mth old black and white bitch that unfortunately let her self-down on the move. A bitch of a very pleasing type.
PG D/B (2), 1. Garland, Mrs. M., Tonkory Royale, Sh.CM: A 5yr old black and white mature dog that is of a pleasing type. He has a good out-line and he moved out well around the ring. 2. Lee & Ratcliffe, Miss B. & Miss J., Arrodare Rebel With A Cause: As above.
O D/B (5,3), 1. Lee & Ratcliffe, Miss B. & Miss J., Arrodare Royal Flush, JW: A 3.5yr old black and white bitch that is very feminine, well balanced and of excellent type. She moved out well around the ring and was very smooth on the move. I was pleased to award her BOB and later Pastoral Grp 3. Very well done. 2. Garland, Mrs. M., Tonkory Doyle, JW., Sh.CM, VW: A superb 10yr old black and white dog that is of a good type with a good out-line. He is a very pleasing dog, un-fortunately he did not move quite as smoothly around the ring today. That said he is still a credit to his owner.
COLLIE (Rough) PG D/B (1), 1. Lyall, Mrs. H., Santaloly’s Sky Amidalas: A 6yr old tri coloured bitch that is of an honest type, she has a good out-line and moved out well around the ring. Pleased to award her BOB.
WELSH CORGI (Pembroke) SY D/B (1), 1. Mrs. D. Woodey, Barawood Elegant Dancer, NBT: A pleasing 16mth old bitch that stood alone in this class, but never the less I was pleased to award her BOB. She is a very pleasing girl with a good out-line and of a good type. Moved around the ring well and kept her top-line on the move.
O D/B (5,3), 1. Mrs. W. Smith, Pemlodge Star Appeal: A 5yr old bitch that is of a very pleasing type. Just out performed by the youngster today. Still a very nice bitch and I liked her.
WELSH CORGI (Cardigan) O D/B (5,2), 1. Miss. J. Cooper, Haveback Beech Haven: A black and white dog that is just over 2yrs of age. It was very close between the 1st two in this class. This youngster just powered around the ring. He is of good type with a nice out-line. He has a good head and neck and level top-line and nice back-end. Pleased to award his BOB and later Past. Grp. 1. Many congratulations. 2. Williams and James, Miss B. & Mrs. J., Ch. Bwthyn Headliner, JW., Sh.CM, Sh.CEx: An 8yr old black and white dog of a great type with a good out-line. He is certainly worthy of his titles. Just pipped on movement today. But still very nice. 3. Mrs. L. Siviter, Faywaidd Spice: A 3yr old pleasing brindle bitch of good type with a nice out-line. Pity she came up against the 1st two in this class today. Still a very nice bitch. 4. Ms. M.M.A. Apperley, Wildcard Ace At Nanaimo: A 5yr old blue merle dog that was just out-performed by the others today. He is of a pleasing type with a nice out-line and good colouring.
AVNSC PASTORAL J D/B (14,7), 1. Mr. & Mrs. L.J. Betts, Pipadene Xtraa Hint Of Chili: An 8mth old Bearded Collie bitch. What a sweety she is, so well balanced for her age, her puppy coat is changing nicely. She moved out so well with her handler, never put a foot wrong. She is a lovely type with a super out-line. She demanded her placing and I was pleased to award her BP and Pastoral PG 1. Pleased to see her take BPIS under Judge Mr. Mike Vines. 2. Mr. G. & Mrs. D.A. Castle, Molyneux Sweet Dreams: An 11mth old OES puppy bitch that was just pipped by the class winner today. She is well grown for her age and has a good shape. Her coat is coming along nicely and she is of a good type. Moved out well around the ring. 3. Smee & Coleman, Miss M., Mrs. W. & Mr D., Schnaubern Centaurus Star: An 11mth old Hungarian Pumi dog that is well grown and a lovely shape. He is really striking and came up against some good competition. With a little more time when he is really settled could change places. I liked him. 4. Miss C. Wildman, Grizzlyblues Comet: A 15mth old Aust. Cattle Dog. This dog was at his first show today and he moved out well around the ring. He well deserved his placing. Hope dog and handler enjoyed their time at the show. 5. Mrs. K.J. Harrell, Beaukitas McCrory Park: Beauceron puppy bitch.
PG D/B (6,2), 1. Gwynne Mr. T.W. & Mrs. A.J., Rosnorske Royal Ametrine: A Samoyed bitch that is just over 2yrs of age that is of a pleasing type with a good out-line. She was shown in good coat and moved out well. 2. Mr. J. Pniewski, Cywl Borawska Zagroda Of Severnwolf: A 2yr old dog long coated GSD that was being shown for the 1st time. The handler requires some training and help, but his charge moved very well for a novice and deserved is placing. 3. Mrs. P.A. Griffiths, Chyanully’s Finest Hour at Whizzbomb: A Bearded Collie dog that was just over 2yrs of age that was sadly lacking in coat and needs to improve on the move. 4. Mr. & Mrs. Miller, Dychix Jimichu: A Bearded Collie 2yr old dog.
O D/B (14,4), 1. Smee & Coleman, Miss M., Mrs. W. & Mr D., Int. Ch/Ir. Ch. Balthazar Pumida Avec Schnaubern (Imp CZE): A 6yr old white Hungarian Pumi dog that is well up to size and is of excellent type with a good out-line. He was shown in good coat and in excellent condition. He moved around the ring with ease showing off his qualities. I was pleased to award him BOB and Pastoral Grp 2. Well done. 2. Mr. A. & Mrs. J. Wood, Pepperjay Bartholomew: A 3yr old Bearded Collie dog that is of a good type with a nice out-line. Shown in good coat and moved out well. 3. Miss C. Wildman, Grizzlyblues Comet: Aust. Cattle Dog as before. 4. Mrs. S. Allison, Sunny River Shannon: GSD bitch.
ANY VARIETY PASTORAL P D/B (5,3), 1. Miss A. Taylor, Darian End Game: As before. Border Collie. 2. Mrs. K.J. Harrell, Beaukitas McCrory Park: As before. Beauceron.
VETERAN D/B (9,2), 1. Williams and James, Miss B. & Mrs. J., Ch. Bwthyn Headliner, JW., Sh.CM, Sh.CEx: As before. Welsh Corgi (Cardigan). 2. Mrs. B. Edwards, Cseresznyeskerti-Casalfa, (Hung Imp): An 8yr old Hungarian Pumi dog that was not showing his age. He is of a very pleasing type with a good out-line. Moved very soundly around the ring. I liked him a lot, pity he came up against 1st today. 3. Mrs. L. Siviter, Rubegud Takin The Mick, Sh.CM: A 7yr old Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) dog moving well around the ring. He is of a nice type with nice colouring. 4. Miss. S.J. Deakin, Ch. Oldoak Kings Randsom At Darwillow: OES dog. 5. Mrs. W.D. Smith, Pemlodge Broadway Star Attraction: Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) bitch.
PASTORAL GROUP: 1. Miss. J. Cooper, Haveback Beech Haven: Welsh Corgi (Cardigan). As before. 2. Smee & Coleman, Miss M., Mrs. W. & Mr D., Int. Ch/Ir. Ch. Balthazar Pumida Avec Schnaubern (Imp CZE): As before. Hung. Pumi. 3. Lee & Ratcliffe, Miss B. & Miss J., Arrodare Royal Flush, JW: As before. Border Collie. 4. Strong & Clinton, Mr. M. & Mrs. J. & Miss. A., Ohanaway Having A Blast At Mackjama: A lovely 2yr old Swedish Vallhund male that I liked a lot. He is of a good type with a nice out-line and is maturing nicely. Moves well around the ring with ease holding his top-line.
PASTORAL PUPPY GROUP: 1. Mr. & Mrs. L.J. Betts, Pipadene Xtra Hint Of Chili: As before. Bearded Collie. BPIS. 2. Mr. C. & Mrs. K. Goodwin, Lisjovia White Lady Avec Montmusique: A Pyrenean Mountain Dog, A nice type of puppy bitch that is well grown for her age. She moved around the ring with ease. 3. Mrs. S. & Mr. P. Critchlow, Pavoskas Eloisa Eniko: A Finnish Lapphund dog puppy that is of a very pleasing type. Shown in a nice puppy coat. Moved well. 4. Haensel, D.G. & Y.L., Philhope Summer Time To Sherkarl: A pleasing sable and white Shetland Sheepdog bitch that just missed out on maturity to the others above. Still of a pleasing type and moved out well on the day.