• Show Date: 15/04/2022
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Rachael Stirzaker Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Edwinstowe & District Canine Society

Edwinstowe and District Canine Society

Please can I just take the time to thank each and every exhibitor for your entries and support. I was overwhelmed when I seen the entries. It was a wonderful day, everybody was in good spirit and supportive towards their fellow competitors. Next thanks must go to my wonderful stewards Mr Chris Godfrey and Miss Amelia Featonby you both did a wonderful job keeping the ring in order and to a timely manor, Thank you both very much. And finally to Edwinstowe Show Committee themselves for the invitation to judge. I thoroughly enjoyed my day and was lovely to be back out around the shows. I was made very welcome by the club but also by exhibitors I’ve not seen since before the pandemic. Thank you. Rachael Stirzaker Ameliachi

15th April 2022


Junior dog or bitch (3/3)

1st Thompson, lady Jane and Austin Mrs S. Skyvana Catch Me At Jhanakia

Beautiful young male of just 10 months old. Black and white in colour nicely marked , smooth and straight coat with a very nice outline presence. Handsome in head, slightly rounded with large ears beautifully fringed. Eyes dark and rounded with nice dark pigment. Good bite for a youngster. Nicely sloped neck down to a level back with tail arched over well feathered. Good in body with some spring of rib again for a young boy. Rear movement he pushed with drive keeping balance throughout. Nice, light and straight in leg with fine bone. He moved super around the ring showing free flowing action. BP

2nd Maskell, Mrs K and Waller, Miss M Kaskell Cracker Joke

Another handsome young man of 12 months old. Black and white colour nicely marked Good in coat texture. Nice in head, slight round between well flared large ears. Good stop with good bite. Nice Dark eyes. Level top line with good body length. Tail held up and over, well feathered. Nice depth in chest with straight legs showing good reach in front. Nicely feathered in rear good strength pushing with drive.

Post graduate dog or bitch (1/1)

1st Maskell, Mrs K and Waller, Miss M Lilnrose I’m In The Limelight With Kazkell

2 Year old red and while sable male beautiful outline with nice ring presented. Coat of good texture, nice markings and well feathered. Pleasing in head with well fringed ears used up throughout. Good bite with nice pigment. Lovely round eyes. Deep in chest with well laid shoulders Nicely sprung ribs in body with good length. Level topline held well. Tail nicely feathered held up and over. Rear action was was parallel and straight pushing from strong legs. RBOB

Open Dog or Bitch (3/5)

1st Stone, Mrs S And Isherwood, Mr T Tonkory Waiting In The Wings

This 18 month old red sable is Eye catchingly stunning the moment I saw her. Beautifully marked, showing off her long, silky flowing coat. Such a feminine head with sweet expression. Eyes nicely rounded set in a slightly rounded head. Ears large and flaring held up throughout with plentiful fringing. Nicely level in topline with good spring of rib. Tail held up and over proudly with good feathering. Gracefully straight, light movement. Strong in rear and straight in front fine bone all round. Feet of true hare like. Very happy to award her BOB

2nd Lees, Mrs Carol, Lafforf Golden Child Jw

Another super female of 3 years old. Red sable in colour. Due to a recent litter sadly her coat was not as plentiful today but still had lovely long silk coat texture. Such a feminine expression with wonderfully dark round eyes. Good in bite nice pigment all round. Slightly rounded in skull showing off her well fringed ears held up throughout. Lovely reach in neck with level topline flowing on to a super feathered tail held up and over throughout. Nice straight free flowing movement with good push from behind and gentle glide in front.


Junior Dog or Bitch (1/1)

1st Young, Mr and Mrs, Newpark Creme De La Creme

7 months old lovely young female. Cream and white in colour. Such a happy little girl enjoying her time in the ring. Nicely sized puppy, beautiful expression with large dark eyes set in a slight rounded skull. Ears placed slightly raised but dropped forward. Nice moderate length to neck leading to a level topline with a true rise over the loin. Tail set high on carried up and over with plenty long silky feathering. Good length to body with nice spring to ribs. Good rear angulation showing straight spring of step. In front nicely boned legs with straight movement well laid shoulders giving a true parallel movement. BP

Post Graduate Dog or Bitch (1/3)

1st Krzyszkowski, Mrs B. L Corrandulla Hello Dolly

Beautiful female of 2 ½ years, lovely ring presence nicely outlined on first view.

Black and white in colour with long, soft and silky coat. Feminine head with large dark eyes Good pigment. Nice stop and muzzle with a good scissor bite. Nicely deep in chest strong in shoulder well sprung ribs on a slightly longer body, level in back with rise over the loin, tail beld up and over with nice long fine hair plumed over. Good bone and angulation to the rear as she pushed with neat parallel movement. In front straight with good bone and small but strong tight feet pushing with spring every step. Very pleased to award her BOB

Open Dog or Bitch (4/4)

1st Thackery, Mrs M.A Tiggafield All That Jazz

4 Years old cream and white female Beautiful gentle expression with dark eyes Good pigment, feminine head nicely placed ears slightly raised and dropped forward. Nice length to neck sloping down a level topline , true rise over the loin area with her tail set high held over with profuse plumage of long silky hair. Good strong rear pushing with drive. Straight in front with nice spring in her step.RBOB

2nd Young, Mr and Mrs. Newark Pretty Boy Floyd

Cream and white sable male of 6 years old. Mature guy but still in lovely condition. Nice outline, good broad head, eyes showing lovely expression, slightly lighter in colour. Ears set level slight raise facing forward and dropped. Lovely reach of neck flowing down level back on a slightly raised loin area and tail carriage set high and up and over well plumed with long silky hair. Good in body with nice length and good spring of rib. Good bone and angulation to the rear, nicely straight and good bone to the front. Sound in movement coming and going.


Puppy Dog or Bitch (4/6)

1st Smith, Mrs S Suescres Kiss Of Love

Beautiful eye catching Young male of 9 months old. Orange sable in colour mature boy very attentive to handler. Lovely outline on first view. Pretty in head, slightly flat with small, erect ears placed not to high nor to low. Slight oval eye, bright and full of cheekiness with good pigment to rims, nose and lips. Good scissor bite for a young dog. Short in neck, level in top line nicely compact in body well rounded. Tail set high, carried over the back with profusely straight hair carried flat. RBOB and BP

2ND Berrington, Mrs Tina, Altina’s Silver Surfer

Cream 6 months old male, lovely happy boy enjoying his day. Nice shape and outline on first view. Lovely in head, still a baby so plenty time to mature up. Nice Dark eyes with sparkle, Good bite for his age. Ears placed well used them throughout. Short but not stuffy in neck with good level top line to back. Tail set high on with good coat covering held over back. Typical puppy body but filling out nicely. Very light on his feet with good movement fore and aft. Straight brisk action.

Junior Dog or Bitch (0/2)

Post Graduate Dog or Bitch (0/1)

Open Dog or Bitch (1/4)

1st Slough, Mrs, G. Special Edition Of Persimoone (imp) Jw

Stunningly handsome male of 4 years old. True pomeranian smile as soon as entered the ring. Orange in colour with nice harsh outer coat. Lovely condition and outline. Attractive head nicely shaped eyes with good ear placement. Scissor bite with good dark pigment all round. Short in neck well muscled. Compact in body nicely barrelled with good spring of rib. Straight in topline with high set tail carried over throughout, profuse tail long straight and flat. Nice in rear with good angulation for drive. Strong, fine bone to the front. Straight free action break movement. A super looking male and deserving of BOB

Longcoat Chihuahua

Puppy Dog or Bitch (3/3)

1st Webber, Mrs, Sharon Serpentis Lexi Grey

Happy sweet little girl, 11 months old feminine in head, well feathered ears set nicely on domed skull. Beautiful dark eyes, nice pigment, good stop and muzzle. Good bite for age, lovely reach of neck sloping down to a nicely level topline, continuing on to a well feathered tail held up proudly as she moved round the ring. Good in body lovely coat of dark sable colour. Moved well for a young pup straight front brisk action and good rear drive. Pleased to award her BP.

2nd Hill, Mr and Mrs L E and L A Jahnehmahs Little Bear With Becanna

Handsome male of just 8 months old, beautiful coat of Fawn colour, nicely feathered. Still a baby but nicely made head. Ears placed well on domed skull and well fringed, nice dark eyes large and rounded. Good bite for age. Arched in neck continuing down a level back with a nicely plumed tail. Good in body structure nice spring to ribs, well covered coat. Nice in rear movement good in front stride action. Sadly he was a little unsure of the ring today and didn’t get to see his full potential.

Junior dog or bitch (6/6)

1St Heap/Palmer, Maciendas Gaia

17 month old female, fawn In colour beautifully coated and soft. Attractive head, feminine features with lovely soft expression. Large dark rounded eyes, good stop and muzzle, scissor bite. Nice in neck, level top line, high set tail nicely feathered held up throughout her time in the ring. Good in body with spring to ribs. Straight in rear movement nice angulation for good push. Straight and fine in front with good reach and stride out. Super attentive to her handler throughout and enjoyed herself.

2nd Holland-Smith, Mrs Susan Kirdanchi La Sylphide

Another lovely female of good size and structure. 14 months old and fawn In colour. Coat clean and soft texture. Feminine head with sweet expression. Large dark eyes, nice pigment. Ears placed well and nicely feathered. Good muzzle with scissor bite. Slightly arched neck flowing down to a level top line. Tail carried up and over throughout. Good in body structure nicely sprung in rib. Well feathered in rear with good angular bone for good movement . Straight and stride in front. She flowed around the ring.

Post Graduate Dog or Bitch (11/14)

1st Holland-Smith Mrs Susan Chihohit Favorite Only You At Kirdanchi

Striking cream boy of 17 months old. Very masculine appearance on first view. Attentive to handler throughout. True male expression dark eyes, large flaring ears placed well on a domed head. Good in stop and muzzle housing a nice scissor bite. Nice arch to neck of good length. Level in back with well feathered tail set high carried up and over throughout. Good in rear movement with push and straight swift action in front. Lovely coat covering a good body. Pleased to award him RBOB

2Nd Wills, Mrs P.A Dorenty Chewi Veeton

Another cracking lad of beautiful attributes. Very close for 1st place and I’m sure can easily switch placings. 3 and ½ years old male again with beautiful outline. Very attentive to handler. Beautiful in head piece, flaring ears placed well on a domed head. Large dark rounded eyes, scissor bite. Nicely arched in neck flowing down a level topline, tail held up and over well furnished. Nicely coated of Fawn colour, straight fine boned in front, muscled up and parallel on the move using good brisk movement.

Open Dog or Bitch (8/11)

1st Entwistle, Miss D, Dorentys Heidi Hi

Wow wow wow stunning, pretty, confident bitch from the moment she came in the ring. 2 years old of Fawn colour. Dainty in outline but true breed type viewed. Super feminine head, large flaring ears set well, large round dark eyes, good dentition, nice length to neck flowing down a level top line, tail carried up and over well covered with plume. Straight brisk movement with super stride out in front, fine bone but good muscle in rear giving nice parallel true movement. Lovely coat condition and well feathered. Very pleased to award this girl BOB

2nd Heap/Palmer, Chirouxe Cracklin Rosie Maciendas

Another wonderful female of 3 years old. Red sable and white in colour very eye catching. Super attentive to her handler. Very happy and enjoyed her time in the ring. Lovely outline when first viewed, beautiful head piece, feminine and pretty expression. Nice large round dark eyes, ears set well on domed skull with nice fringing. Scissor bite in mouth, good stop. Slight arch to neck leading down to a level back, nice up and over tail held well throughout, good in feathering of plumage. Nice spring to ribs, good body length. Straight in front movement, good rear drive from behind. Nicely parallel in movement coming and going.

Smoothcoat Chihuahua

Puppy Dog or Bitch (5/6)

1st Murray, Mrs F Davixity Galore

Beautiful young bitch, 10 months old. Dainty girl but full of “look at me attitude” cream in colour with good dark pigment. Feminine head nicely domed, ears set well and used throughout. Most beautiful eyes, rounded and bright. Good stop and muzzle with scissor bite. Level topline with tail carried up and over proudly. Nicely sprung in rib with clean smooth coat. Moved well from the rear with good drive and straight swift action in front. Awarded BP

2Nd Ginger, Ms J. Parkinson, Mr D, Copymear War Paint For Jodeschi

Another dainty girl of good ring presence. Red in colour of nice coat, 11 months old and fairly confident. Lovely outline, nice head, domed with ears placed well and used throughout. Lovely clear, dark rounded eyes, good in scissor bite. Nice reach to neck sloping down a level topline flowing on to a well held up and over tail. Good in body with spring to rib, rear drive pushing from nicely muscled legs but fine boned in structure front good reach and light on her feet as she she stride out.

Junior Dog or Bitch (5/5)

1st Taylor, Ms L Arkoschi Diamond in the ruff

Such a feminine girl with true breed presence. 16 months old bitch, Blue fawn In colour lovely soft coat condition. Nicely sized girl with good fine bone all round. Beautiful head, pretty expression with lovely large rounded eyes lighter in colour to match pigment. Good ear placement and she used them throughout. Nice smooth neck flowing down to her level top line following on to her tail, set high up and over. Good in body condition nice spring to ribs, good depth to her chest, moved soundly coming and going. Challenged for BOB with which she took RBOB.

2Nd Hunt, Mrs S Moltobello I’m Hot Your Not

Another lovely exhibit 15 month old male. Blue fawn In colour with lovely coat condition. Very handsome head piece ears set well and used, eyes large dark and rounded, very cheeky expression. Good in muzzle and scissor bite. Good depth to chest with well laid shoulders. Fine but strong in front. Good in body condition holding a level top line, sickle tail held up throughout, nice in rear movement moving light but good drive.

Post Graduate (6/6)

1st Hunt, Mrs S Moltobello Bootylicious

Beautiful eye catching Young female, 13 months old and fawn In colour. Overall a very pretty, neat, dainty outline. Feminine head piece with most beautiful dark rounded eyes. Good ear placement and used throughout. Muzzle of good length housing a nice scissor bite. Nicely arched in neck smoothly flowing down to a level back. Tail held up and over throughout very good brisk action in front with straight legs nice reach in front movement. Rear moved with drive and push. Very happy to award him BOB

2Nd Entwistle, Miss D Dorenty’s Daisy Chain

Another equally quality exhibit. Beautiful outline on first viewing. Very soft expression with lovely sparkling rounded dark eyes. Good in stop with muzzle and scissor bite. 8Head is feminine but alert. Nice arched neck sloping down her level back, Tail held up and over throughout, very happy young bitch of just 2 years old. Good body condition of fawn colouration brisk action and light in front, good rear drive pushing well from behind.

Open Dog or Bitch (7/8)

1st super attentive 3 year old black and tan male. Lovely outline on first viewin, Masculine appearance with a look at me attitude. Very attentive to handler. Nice head with well placed ears. Good eyes dark and rounded. Cheeky expression, good muzzle housing a nicely scissor bite. Neck arched slightly, level top line and he held his tail throughout. Nice strong in rear good angulation. Fine in front but straight. Moved out well with drive.

2Nd Ginger Ms an Mr Parkinson Davixcity Bright One For Jodeschi

Another beautiful young bitch. Fawn and White colour with nice clean markings. Nice in head with large expressive dark eyes. Good in ear placement and used them. Nice length to neck, level top line, proudly held tail up and over. Good in body condition, well sprung ribs. Nice in rear, good bone Nice angulation. Straight in front but with fine bone. Moved very well striding out in front and pushing from behind. Rachael Stirzaker Ameliachi