• Show Date: 15/05/2022
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Paula Goodswen Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Northern Ireland Dalmatian Club

Northern Ireland Dalmatian Club

When I was invited to judge this breed club show two years ago I was truly honoured and excited. Unfortunately Covid made it necessary for it to be postponed so I was thrilled when the day finally came that I could travel over to Belfast from Liverpool to judge this wonderful breed. I’m so thankful to the Northern Ireland Dalmatian Club Committee for their invitation and to all the exhibitors who brought their beautiful Dalmatians for me to judge. 

Open Dog (3/3)

1, Small’s Alioth Moonlight Surprise Of Kilgharra. Handsome 5 year old liver spotted male. Nothing overdone about this boy, moderate throughout but with plenty of bone. Good head with broad flat skull, nice oval amber eye, ears well set and held, lovely kind expression and correct scissor bite. Nice length of neck into well laid shoulders and level topline onto a good tailset and carriage, both held nicely on the move. Correct front angulation with elbows held tight to his deep well filled chest. Plenty of heart and lung room and his ribs are well sprung and carried well back. Straight front legs down to nice cat-like feet. His rear balances his front with a good turn of stifle and well defined hocks to give an overall pleasing outline. Dense dark liver spotting on a white base. Nothing flashy about this boys movement, steady, rhythmic and economical exactly as it should be. Presented in good coat and body condition. Happy to award him Best Dog and Best In Show. 

2, Chance and Dodds’ Apache Dream Catching For Dotlun. Lovely 3 year old liver spotted male. Attractive head with a sweet expression, nice oval amber eye and correct scissor bite. Lovely length of neck which is nicely arched. Well laid shoulders and level topline onto a nice tailset which he holds on the move. Deep chest, elbows held tight to his body. Moderate angles front and rear gave a balanced outline in profile. Good round bone but still remains elegant throughout. Even dark liver spotting on a white base. Presented in good coat and body condition. Moved out well, just not as steady as 1 today. Happy to award him Reserve Best Dog. 

3, Gamble’s Corga Re Of Taylorstown At Mullabuoy

Puppy Bitch (1/1)

1, Chance and Dodds’ Dotlun Apache Inch Perfect. Beautiful 11 month old liver spotted bitch. Sweet head and expression, nice oval amber eye and her ears are held well to frame her lovely spotty face. Feminine throughout but still has plenty of substance. Fair length of neck into well laid shoulders and level topline, her tail is well set and held both standing and on the move. Balanced angles front and rear, nicely sprung pasterns tight cat-like feet all make a lovely outline. She’s well put together for such a youngster, deep chest with plenty of fill in front and well sprung ribs. Her movement was free flowing and economic with good reach and drive. Dark liver spots evenly distributed on a nice white coat, presented in great body condition. Happy to award her Best Bitch, Best Opposite Sex Reserve Best In Show and Best Puppy In Show. 

Junior Bitch (1/1)

1, Noble’s Ruebedu Ace Of Spades. Pretty 12 month old black spotted bitch with nice dark pigment. Lovely expression, dark oval eye and correct scissor bite. She has a broad flat skull with well set and held ears. Nicely arched neck into well laid shoulders, balanced angles front and rear with plenty of substance. Her ribs are well sprung and she carries her elbows tight to her chest. Straight front legs down to nice tight feet. An exuberant youngster who once settled moved out well, still just a little loose on the move, but has plenty of time to mature. Presented in great condition.

Novice Bitch (1/1)

Noble’s Ruebedu Ace Of Spades. (1st in Junior)

Graduate Bitch (2/1)

1, Gambles Moonlanding At Mullabuoy. Sweet 2 year old black spotted bitch built on a smaller frame but still has enough substance. Pretty head, ears well placed and held nicely to frame her soft expression. Good length of neck into well laid back shoulders, level topline which she held on the move. Moderate angles front and rear, straight front legs down to cat-like feet. Moved out well. Presented in good coat and body condition. 

Open Bitch (5/4)

1, Chance and Dodds’ Dotlun Maid Of Orleans. Pretty 3 year old liver spotted bitch, lovely feminine head with nice amber eye and intelligent expression, correct bite. Lovely distribution of nicely pigmented liver spots on a well muscled body. Good length of neck into well laid shoulders, level topline and strong loin, her tail is set and held nicely. Moderate angles front and rear, makes her balanced in outline, straight front legs into tight cat feet. Strides out well with nice economic movement. 

2, Noble’s Ruebedu Sheik Yerbouti Lovely 4 year old black spotted bitch. Nice head with good dark eye, correct bite and her ears are held nicely. Feminine throughout but with plenty of substance. Good length of neck to well laid shoulders, her moderate front and rear angles give a balanced outline. Deep chest and well sprung ribs. She has a nicely rounded rear with good muscle tone, bend of stifle and a well developed second thigh. She moved around the ring with purpose, using her construction to advantage. Just carrying a little extra weight today and dropped her topline during my final decision. 

Veteran Bitch (4/3)

1, Noble’s Shulune Celtic Snapdragon Of Ruebedu. Attractive 8 year old liver spotted bitch. Beautiful feminine head with lovely oval amber eye and she holds her ears nicely to give an attentive soft expression. Great length of neck, nicely laid shoulder and level topline which she holds well on the move. Correct length and return of her upper arm allows her good reach on the move. Nice bone throughout, her chest has good depth and is filled well, she has a nice spring of rib and is well bodied, her coat has dark liver spots on a nice white base. Straight front legs down to cat-like feet, her moderate angles front and rear allow her to move effortlessly around the ring. Not showing her age at all. Happy to award her Best Veteran Bitch and Best Veteran In Show. 

2, Kennedy’s Domdallino Dream. Sweet 8 year old black spotted bitch. Feminine head, well set and carried ears which she uses nicely to give a gentle expression. Correct scissor bite and good dark oval eye. Fair length of neck into well laid shoulder and level topline. Nicely balanced front and rear with good bone throughout. Straight front legs down to nice tight feet. Lovely dark pigmented spots which are well distributed on a nice white base. Moved well but not as free flowing as 1. 

Brace (4/3)

1, Noble’s Brace. Nicely balanced pair of bitches, one liver one black, moved beautifully in unison around the ring. 

2, Gamble’s Brace. Evenly matched black spotted dog and bitch, who moved well together but just lacked the unison of 1st. 

Judge: Mrs Paula Goodswen (Alphadal)