- Show Date: 24/09/2022
- Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
- Judged by: Martyn J Rees Contact Judge
- Published Date: 28/07/2023
Great Yarmouth Gorleston & District Canine Society
Puppy (2, 1abs)
1ST Dunnett, Mrs L, Alcazar Excalibur: A very pleasing male of 6½ months of age, nicely balanced with good bone all through. Correct and typical breed head. Eyes correctly placed. Dentition correct, clean and complete. Very good clean neck. Well balanced throughout and without exaggeration. Deep chest, short-coupled. Moved very well at times when settled – both this young dog and his handler need to practice in order that his obvious qualities are not wasted. Best Puppy.
Special Yearling (4, 1abs)
1ST Collins, Mr D T & Mrs J A, Collholme Balthasar: A male of 20 months of age with pleasing overall outline. Good proportions, balanced, good bone and correct feet, good head with correct and complete dentition leading to muscular and slightly arched neck, good body, muscular hindquarters, moved well.
2ND Norbury & Adams, Mrs V, Mr M & Mr K, Heartbury Lord Asriel: A male of 23 months of age. Balanced and without exaggeration. Of pleasing overall type with good head, correct, clean and complete dentition, clean neck good shoulder, deep chest moderate hindquarters angulation. Moved well.
3RD Ram, Miss L, Jilony Brown Velvet
Limit (3, 1abs)
1ST Collins, Mr D T & Mrs J A, Collholme Angelique: A very impressive bitch of 20 moths of age. Well balanced all through. Excellent head with well defined stop and slight dish appearance when viewed in profile. Correct, clean and complete dentition. Well laid shoulder and return of upper arm. Correct length and spring of ribcage. Well made hindquarters, with good bone and feet. Very sound and accurate on the move. Reserve Best of Breed
2ND Thorpe & Bircham, Mr N, Mrs J, Miss S & Mr K, Wilchrmane Adagio At Braegorse: A male of nearly 3 years of age. Of pleasing overall type, with typical breed head. Dentition correct, clean and complete, Eyes correctly placed. Very good clean neck. Without exaggeration. Deep chest, but could be shorter in couplings for me. Moved soundly.
Open (3, 2abs)
1ST Norbury, Ganney & Adams, Mrs V, Miss S, Miss G & Mr K: A quality male of almost 3 years of age. Upstanding and striking male of excellent overall type, good typical head, correct, clean and complete dentition, well placed forehand assembly, deep chest with good width, strong muscular hindquarters. Moved and handled very well. Best of Breed.
Special Yearling (3, 1abs)
1ST Leigh, Miss R, Redic Sacremento: A bitch of 19 months of age. Clean head with correct and clean dentition. Strong neck into pleasing forehand assembly, good width and depth of brisket, muscular loin, good hindquarters. Moved well. Reserve Best of Breed.
2ND Adlem, Mrs S, Le Bluebell: A pleasing bitch of just 13 months of age. Good overall type, loin of optimum proportions for me, very feminine head and expression, correct, clean and complete dentition, did not do herself any favours on the move.
Limit (2, 1abs)
1ST Adlem, Mrs S, Le Bluebell
Open (3, 1abs)
1ST Stammer, Mr K G, Deena Ballettanzer At Lochpointer: A bitch of nearly 6 years of age. Pleasing head with correct, clean and complete dentition, strong neck, chest of good depth and width, muscular loin, moderate hindquarters, moved soundly. Best of Breed
2ND Leigh, Miss R, Redic Sacremento
Puppy (5, 4abs)
1ST Black, Mr I M & Mrs A, Bencoe Just In Time Del Avrain: A male of just over 6 months of age. Moved erratically at times. Pleasing head and eye. Dentition correct, clean and complete. Neck could have been cleaner, he was loaded over the shoulders, good width and depth of brisket, loin of optimum length for me, moderate hindquarters. Heavily coated dog. Best Puppy.
Junior (3, 1abs)
1ST Kiddell, Miss A, Hameldowntor She Loves Me: I really did love this young bitch of nearly 13 months of age. Presented and shown beautifully. Extremely well balanced with a classical feminine head, requisite chiselling under the eyes and very best of expressions and dark eye. Correct, clean and complete dentition. Clean neck into very good forehand assembly with correct layback of shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm. Very good depth and width to chest with elbows on brisket, good length and spring of ribcage into strong loin. Very good hindquarters with moderate bend of stifle. Quality bone throughout and neatest feet and corresponding short nails. On the move she demonstrated good forward reach and drive from the rear and showed a good open side gait. Presented in excellent coat and condition.
2ND Black, Mr I M & Mrs A, Bencoe Just In Time Del Avrain
Post Graduate (4)
1ST Seamons & Beeson, Mr P D, Mrs J L & Mrs D, Messano Just Dance: Beautiful bitch of just 16 months of age, presented and shown very well – thank you. Very feminine but balanced head that is well chiselled with dark eyes. Super clean neck. She has excellent forehand construction, which she used on the move demonstrating good forward extension in side profile. Deep in brisket of good width and well ribbed with balanced body. Hindquarters both strong and muscular. Moved accurately both fore, aft and in side profile maintaining a level topline at all times and showing drive from her hindquarters. Excellent bone and feet with the shortest of nails. Reserve Best of Breed.
2ND King, Mrs, Pajula Little Miss Princess: A bitch of nearly 2½ years of age. A pleasing bitch with typical head and soft expression and dark eye. Dentition correct, clean and complete with scissor bite. Strong, clean neck. Correct shoulder placement and corresponding length of upper arm. Good depth of brisket. Slightly longer cast than I would ideally like. Well made moderate hindquarters. Excellent bone and feet with short nails. Moved well and soundly.
3RD Wheeldon & Hurry, Mr M & Miss K, Catnnels Greatest Dancer
Limit (3, 1abs)
1ST Simms-Stelling, Mrs P A, Penbridge Play Fast and Loose For Vincent: An extremely well balanced, upstanding male of 3 years of age who is symmetrical all through. Mouth is correct with full dentition. Masculine but balanced head that is well chiselled with dark eyes. He excels in forehand construction. Deep in brisket, which is also of good width and well ribbed with balanced and short-coupled body. Hindquarters that are both strong and muscular. Moved maintaining a level topline at all times. Stands square hock to heel with excellent bone and feet. Moved well but economically coping well with the ring surface. Presented in beautiful condition with full coat. My pleasure to award him Best of Breed and later Gundog Group 2.
2ND King, Mrs, Pajula Little Miss Princess
Open (4, 1abs)
1ST King, Mrs, Pajula Little Miss Princess
2ND Drew, Miss T L, Haworth Taittinger Fizz: A bitch of almost 2 years of age. Feminine bitch of pleasing overall type. Good head, which was feminine but correct and kind expression, dark eye, correct, clean and complete dentition, Strong neck into good forehand assembly, chest deep with good width, loin of optimum length, moderate bend of stifle good bone and feet with short nails. Moved soundly.
3RD Black, Mr I M & Mrs A, Gunhills Puss In Boots Del Avian
Veteran (3)
1ST Wheeldon & Hurry, Mr M & Miss K, Catnnels Crème De La Crème JW: A pleasing bitch in terms of outline and type and of just over 7 years of age. Feminine head and the softest of expressions. Good layback of shoulder. Strong loin and well muscled hindquarters. Completely out of coat. Moved well.
2ND Slack, Mrs S, Norlis Nordic Princess: A well presented and very well shown bitch of 7 years of age. Presented in super condition. Correct, clean and complete dentition, super head and expression, good length of neck into well placed shoulders and corresponding return of upper arm, deep chest, well made hindquarters, very good bone and feet with short nails, moved very well.
3RD Kiddell, Miss S, Siatham sadora Of Hameldowntor (TAN)
Limit (3, 1abs)
1ST Gledhill, Mr C & Mrs J, Greg De Les Tres Llacunes (IMP): A well presented and shown male of nearly 3 years of age. Elegant male both standing and on the move. Lovely head of correctly proportionate length, soft expression, ears set moderately low, correct and complete mouth, good lay of shoulder with corresponding return of upper arm, body balanced and proportionate, tight feet, on the move she showed a ground covering action. I later shortlisted this dog in a strong Gundog Group. Best of Breed
2ND Hoare & Woodbridge, Mrs E & Mrs C, Crackerjanne Cleo Laine: A bitch of 3 years of age. Of good proportions, lovely head and expression, good bone, well sprung ribs dentition correct, clean and complete, close straight coat. Moved well. Reserve Best of Breed.
1ST Sladden, Mr I, Khyannes Triton At Canemamans (IMP HUN) (Brague D’Auvergne): A male of nearly 4½ years of age. Presented and shown well. Very goodhead with strong muzzle and correct, clean and complete dentition, clean muscular neck into well placed shoulders and return of upper arm, deep chest well sprung ribs, moderate and muscular hindquarters, moved soundly.
1ST Slack, Mrs S, Bonapartist Snow Goose (Brittany): A stunning young bitch of just 16 months of age. Both shown, handled and presented in first class order. Extremely well balanced. Correct head dimensions, expressive eyes, correct, clean and complete dentition. Moderate length of neck leading into good forehand assembly. Chest deep and of good width, well ribbed back into short loin. Correct turn of stifle. Good bone and feet. Moved on brisk stride. Best AVNSC Gundog and later I awarded her a very worthy Gundog Group 3.
Puppy (14, 4abs)
1ST Jenkins & Warner, Mrs S L & Mr T E, Tickerncote Teach Me Tonight For Gerstenfield (German Wirehaired Pointer): Outstanding quality bitch of just over 9 months of age. Balanced all through. Presented and shown to perfection. Of excellent type with a balanced head that is proportionate to body. Correct, clean and complete dentition, very good forehand assembly with sloping shoulders, deep chest with elbows close to body, excellent bone, good quality harsh coat, tight feet with short nails, moved very well. Best AV Gundog Puppy and Puppy Gundog Group 1 and Best Puppy in Show Day 1 and Supreme Best Puppy in Show overall. Many congratulations.
2ND Davies, Mrs I, Mablehope Melrose Miss of Peacevale (Spaniel – Cocker): 10 month bitch, obviously immature but of very pleasing overall type. An extremely well balanced and beautifully presented bitch. Dentition, correct, clean and complete, good head with square muzzle, full eyes, moderate length of neck into well placed shoulders and adequate return of upper arm, well sprung ribs, short loin, good bend of stifle, presented a lovely picture, moved extremely well especially once settled.
3RD Howard, Mr L W & Mrs S M, Zoldmali U R Special (Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla)
Junior (16, 8abs)
1ST Boden, Mr D K & Mrs S L, Suelynda Kreme Della Kreme (Spaniel – Clumber): Upon referring back to my notes from a recent show where I Judged this breed, I note that I placed this glorious bitch highly – nothing has changed since then, she is quite simply beautiful. Correct head of correct medium length with clean eyes totally free from haw and heavy brows, correct, clean and complete dentition with strong jaw, clean ears that are correctly placed, powerful neck, adequate bone all through, strong forequarters, moderate body length, hocks low, stifle well bent and set straight, moved well, again, presented in fabulous condition. On the move she extended from her forehand assembly and showed excellent drive from the rear.
2ND Beasley, Mrs L A, Wansleydale Mayflower (English Setter): A stunning bitch of nearly 17 months of age. She stood out for me in this A V Class due to her class and quality. Very good overall type, well made all through, excellent head and expression, correct, clean and complete dentition, strong neck, well-placed shoulders, elbows on brisket, deep chest, in good coat moved well and soundly.
3RD Kidd, Mrs G, Laurellakes Dream Come True With Freestone (Spaniel – Cocker)
Veteran (10, 4abs)
1ST Parsons, Mrs D & Miss J, Braidmount Lady Of The Lake At Bransett (Irish Setter): A beautifully shown and presented bitch of just over 7 years of age. This Irish Setter has everything I would expect from the breed, racy but refined and balanced from head to toe. She had the most wonderful head and expression, not quite in her full coat but her overall quality won through. Super forehand assembly, moderately long neck, complete and correct mouth, stifle and hock joints well bent, small firm feet. I could not fault her on the move.
2ND Elkin, Miss M L, Tollelkin Water Dancer (Retriever – Nova Scotia Duck Tolling): A 7 year old bitch of very good type for the this breed. Extremely well made and balanced all through, without coarseness. Presented a good clean and typical outline. Excellent head and expression with well set ears and flat cheeks, eye of correct colour and shape, dentition correct, clean and complete. She has an excellent forehand assembly and corresponding construction. Deep chest of good width, well ribbed back into strong loin. Muscular hindquarter assembly with moderate bend of stifle. Tight feet with short nails. Moved extremely well.
3RD Jenkins, Mrs S L, CH Kimmax Koming Home At Gerstenfield ShCM (German Wirehaired Pointer)
Group 1: Elkin, Miss M L, Tollelkin Caife Americano SGWC (Retriever – Nova Scotia Duck Tolling): Presented an absolute picture of perfection today for me. Balanced and free from exaggeration. Excellent head and expression with lovely eye. Ears correctly held and set. Correct, clean and complete dentition. The strongest of necks into excellent forehand assembly. Very good width and depth of brisket. Well sprung ribs with strong loin. Very good and unexaggerated hindquarters with good width of second thigh and moderately bent stifle. Quality bone all through and excellent feet with the shortest of nails. Moved accurately in all profiles and planes maintaining topline at all times. A worthy winner of the Gundog Group.
Group 2: Simms-Stelling, Mrs P A, Penbridge Play Fast and Loose For Vincent (Retriever, Golden)
Group 3: Slack, Mrs S, Bonapartist Snow Goose (Brittany)
Group 4: Glendinning, Ms F, Plaiglen Coffdrop (Spaniel – Cocker): A beautiful bitch of 23 months of age. Extremely well balanced, dentition, correct, clean and complete, good head with square muzzle, full eyes, moderate length of neck into very well placed shoulders and corresponding return of upper arm, well sprung ribs, short loin, good bend of stifle, presented a lovely picture. Tight neat feet with short nails. Moved very well, accurate fore and aft and demonstrating a lovely sidegate.
Group 1: Jenkins & Warner, Mrs S L & Mr T E, Tickerncote Teach Me Tonight For Gerstenfield (German Wirehaired Pointer)
Group 2: Porter-Manning & Porter, Mrs A R & Mr G, Roughshoot Quintessential (Hungarian Vizsla): A bitch of just 10 months of age. She is balanced but now needs to fill her frame. Balanced head with well developed nostrils, correct eye shape and colour, correct, clean and complete dentition, correct forehand assembly, medium bone throughout, ribs well sprung, showing correct slight tuck-up to body, moderately angulated hindquarters, short coat, tight feet. Moved extremely well and soundly with a lively trot.
Group 3: Ridsdill, Mr G, Sharnyx Reyn Fall (English Setter): A bitch of 7 months of age still very raw, presented a very good clean profile when standing, pleasing feminine head and expression, dentition correct, clean and complete, neck of moderate length, good forehand assembly, well ribbed back, strong hindquarters. On the move I found her fore and hind movement not quite in harmony – she is still very young.
Group 4: Cooper, Mr W & Mrs S, Hazean Donetsk To Deifstock (IKC) (Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla): A bitch of just 7 months of age, very well balanced with an excellent head, moderately broad and lively expression. Correct, clean and complete dentition, clean well muscled neck, well placed shoulder with corresponding return of upper arm, elbows close to body, deep chest, level back, strong hindquarters with moderate angulation. Harsh close fitting coat, moved very well.
1ST Boden, Mr D K & Mrs S L, Suelynda Kreme Della Kreme (Spaniel – Clumber)
1ST Monghan, Mr P M & Mrs H D, Tweedsmuir She’s So Sheek (Spaniel – Clumber): An extremely well presented young bitch. Feminine yet strong and fit with excellent bone all through, correct outline and of medium size, feminine yet correct clean head, clean ears with eyes that were fairly large and brown in colour, scissor bite with correct clean and complete dentition, short slightly arched neck into very well placed shoulders and corresponding return of upper, short compact body, strong hindquarters with moderate bend of stifle, very good close silky coat with feathering on legs and chest, moved extremely in an effortless manner and showing accuracy both fore and aft.
Martyn J Rees (Judge)