• Show Date: 03/04/2022
  • Show Type: Open/Limited/Sanction
  • Judged by: Karl Gawthorpe Contact Judge
  • Published Date: 28/07/2023

Birtley & District Canine Society

Birtley & District Canine Society

Open Show

Sunday 3rd April 2022

I would like to thank the officers and committee for inviting me to judge this lovely show, and to all the exhibitors for their entry and for accepting my decisions. It really made for a lovely day judging.

American Cocker Spaniel

Post Grad D/B 2 (2 abs)

Open D/B 2 (2 abs)

Flat-Coated Retriever

Post Grad D/B 2 (1 ab)

1st Moore’s Kenxtwen Dark Rumble – A black dog with a nice masculine head and expression, correct bite, good length of neck flowing into correct shoulder placement, nice deep chest, good brisket, good body showing gradual spring of rib, short loin, nice turn of stifle, correct tail, held well on the move, moved with drive.

Open D/B 3 (1 ab)

1st & BOB Wright’s Lacsar Tequila Mockingbird (IKC) – Black bitch with an excellent head and soft expression, correct bite, good strong length of neck flowing into correct shoulder placement, good angles both front and rear, good depth of chest and well-defined brisket, nice length of the back with short and square loin, correct tail placement and was held well on the move, this bitch moved around the ring with ease and power.

Irish Setter

Post Grad D/B 2

1st & BOB Dodds’ Bardonhill Any Dream Will Do – Dog with a good head and nice expression, correct bite, nice neck going into good shoulders, good depth of chest and ribs of enough spring of ribs, good topline and tail set, good turn of stifle moved well once settled.

2nd & BP Wheeldon & Begg’s Sumaric Stir It Up – 6-Month-old puppy enjoying his first show, lovely head and expression, good neck into correct shoulder placement, for the age he had enough chest depth and spring of rib, nice turn of stifle, his movement was that of a puppy which I’m sure will improve once he gets his act together.

Open D/B 0

Gordon Setter

Open D/B 0


Puppy D/B 2

1st & BP & Puppy Group 2 Lipton’s Starceylon License To Kill – 6-month-old Black & White male, with a great head and expression, with a lovely clean look, correct bite, the lovely muscular long neck just flowing into the correct shoulder placements, his forequarters were lovely and correct for his age, good depth of chest giving plenty of heart room, well-sprung ribs for his age, correct tuck up, good turn of stifle with well let down hocks, excellent feet, correct tail placement and held correct on the move, moved well for his age.

2nd Tyson’s Starceylon Skyfall – Litter sister to my winner Fawn & White female, with a lovely, sweet head and expression, good neck flowing into lovely shoulder placements, correct angles both front and rear, nice depth of chest, lovely well let down hocks, which she used on the move.

Junior D/B 4 (1 ab)

1st BOB & Group 2 Johnston & Wilson’s Danluke Drag On A Dime – Brindle bitch with the most feminine head and expression, correct bite, the excellent long muscular arched neck just flowing into the correct shoulder placement, great depth of chest giving plenty of heart room, good deep brisket, firm and well-muscled back, correct topline, lovely turn of stifle with well developed second thigh, correct feet, the correct tail placement and carriage standing and on the move. Well, let down hocks which she used to move effetely around the ring. I will certainly watch her showing career with interest.

2nd Tyson’s Starceylon She’s A Mover – Black & White bitch with a lovely feminine head and expression, good neck into correct shoulder placement, nice depth of chest and plenty of heart room, good angles both front and rear, correct topline and tail placement, moved with ease around the ring.

Post Grad D/B 3

1st Johnston & Wilson’s Danluke Drag On A Dime

2nd Lipton’s Shiny Sensations Don’t Panic – Light Brindle bitch with a sweet head and expression, correct angles both front and rear, good chest, and heart room, correct topline standing and on the move, good neck length and flowing lovely into shoulder placement, moved well

Open D/B 1

1st Lipton’s Shiny Sensations Two Kinds Of – Bridle dog with a masculine head and expression without being overdone in any way, excellent length of neck flowing nicely into well-placed shoulders, good depth of chest giving plenty of heart room, nice deep brisket and well-muscled back, good turn of stifle and well let down hocks that allowed him to move with ease around the ring, correct tail placement.

S/H Dachshund

Post Grad D/B 0

Open D/B 0

Min. S/H Dachshund

Post Grad D/B 2

1st BOB & Group 1 Mason’s Collidach Hot Springs At Teckeltown – Dark Brindle bitch of excellent breed type, the most feminine head and expression without being too fine, correct length of the head shape, correct eye shape and colour, correct bite, long muscular clean neck running gracefully into her correct shoulder placement, correct length and angles of her forequarters, muscular body, good prominent breast bone, plenty of heart and lung room, correct back end broad and strong, well-muscled thighs, correct feet moved with drive and free-flowing around the ring, always at one with her owner. One that should bring much pleasure in the show ring.

2nd Mason’s Teckeltown Lady In Red – Tan bitch with a feminine head and expression, good length of neck into well-placed shoulders, great body and topline, correct angles both front and rear, nice chest and heart room, moved with purpose around the ring, level topline and correct tail placement.

Open D/B 2

1st Mason’s Teckeltown You’re The One JW – Black & Tan bitch with a lovely feminine head and expression, lovely length of neck flowing easily into well-placed shoulders, good depth of chest and correct prominent breast bone, lovely level firm topline which she held well on the move, great angles both front and rear, moved with ease around the ring.

2nd Mason’s Teckeltown Masterpiece JW – Tan dog with a masculine head and expression, strong firm neck flowing into correct shoulders, nice chest, good level strong topline, nice angles front and rear, moved with drive.

L/H Dachshund

Post Grad D/B 0

Open D/B 1

1st & BOB Lumley’s Dagastren Martha My Dear – Red bitch with a great head and expression, good length of neck flowing nicely into well-placed shoulders, correct angles both front and rear, correct body shape and excellent strong breastbone, strong and short loin, strong hindquarters which she used to move with ease around the ring, correct topline and tail set which was held correctly on the move.

Min. L/H Dachshund

Post Grad D/B 2

1st Drady’s Tolberg Black Adder At Indiko – Black & Tan dog with a masculine head and expression, correct bite, strong neck flowing nicely into well-placed shoulders, well-muscled body with a strong short loin, correct breast bone, plenty of heart and lung room, great angles both front and rear, which allowed him to move around the ring with drive, strong topline and correct tail placement which was kept well on the move.

2nd Mason’s Crownlake’s Queen Bee JW – Black & Tan bitch with a feminine head and expression, correct neck going into well-placed shoulders, good chest and breastbone, nice heart and lung room, nice topline and tail set, which was held well when she moved around the ring.

Open D/B 2

1st & BOB Mason’s Tolberg Beez Kneez At Teckletown – Tan bitch with an excellent feminine head and expression, good length of neck flowing nicely into correct shoulder placements, good firm back and correct loin, lovely prominent breastbone, ribs extended well back with a good length of sternum, correct rear angles, great muscular rump, correct feet, topline and tail set kept well when she moved with drive around the ring.

2nd Drady’s Tolberg Cream Surprise At Indiko – Cream/Fawn bitch, sweet feminine head and expression, lovely neck and flowing well into correct shoulders, good firm back and correct loin, great angles both front and rear, moved with drive around the ring, she was giving her handler some grief today.

Min W/H Dachshund

Open D/B 0


Open D/B 3 (3 abs)


Post Grad D/B 1 (1 ab)

Open D/B 1

1st & BOB Pocklington-Hall’s Macall Bushman – Dog with a masculine head and expression, free from frowns or wrinkles, well-defined stop, correct eye colour and shape, lovely ears hanging closely to his cheeks, strong neck and slightly arched, lovely angles both front and rear, firm-level topline and good depth of chest, well-sprung ribs and with powerful loin, correct tail placement and correctly carried on the move, moved with drive around the ring.


Open D/B 3

1st BOB & Group 4 Constantine’s Ormanstar Cosmo At Kaleginy – Dark blue-grey dog, with a masculine head and expression but correct for the breed, lovely dark eyes just giving that melting expression, very strong neck with a lovely reach without throatiness, his neck flowed into the correct shoulder placement, good deep chest with plenty of heart room, loin well arched and drooping to tail, correct angles both front and rear, correct tail and tail placement and was carried correctly on the move and when stood. Moved easily around the ring with a long stride, correct coat and texture.

2nd Constantine’s Cotherstone Serenade At Kaleginy – This bitch was shown by a young handler and they were always as a one and it was great to see that we still have young handlers willing to show dogs. This bitch had a lovely feminine head and expression, a lovely length of neck flowing into correct shoulder placement, great angles both front and rear, good depth of chest and heart room, a correct tail placement which was held well when she moved with ease around the ring.

3rd Pounder’s Packway New York New York

Irish Wolfhound

Open D/B 1

1st BOB BP & Puppy Group 3 Morris’s Hydebeck Golden Gift – Fawn dog of 8 months of age, great head and expression, correct eye colour and lovely ear shape, very strong muscular long neck without dewlap or loose skin, good shoulder placements, good breadth of chest, nice depth of chest, loins arched and belly well drawn up, good turn of stifle and well muscled second thigh, correct tail placement and was carried correctly on the move, he moved with ease around the ring.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Post Grad D/B 1 (1 ab)

Open D/B 3 (1 ab)

1st & BOB Hall’s Matsushona Fire Opal Of Cynami – Upstanding strong muscular red wheaten dog, with a mature masculine head without being overdone in any way, free from wrinkles when repose, well-defined stop, correct eye colour and shape harmonizing with coat colour, correct bite, strong long neck, going nicely into correct place shoulder placement, lovely deep chest, moderate spring of ribs, well-muscled back end, good turn of stifle, correct tail placement and carried correctly when he moved around the ring with ease, correct coat with a clearly defined ridge.

2nd Scanion’s Kinabula’s All About The Bass JW – strong muscular bitch with the most feminine head and expression, lovely neck flowing nicely into good shoulders, nice depth of chest and correct spring of ribs, well developed rear end, good turn of stifle, moved well and carried tail correctly.


Open D/B 2 (2 abs)


Open D/B 3 (1 ab)

1st BOB, BP, Group 3, Puppy Group 1 Casentieri’s Zvezdny Alliance Genie In A Bottle (IMP UKR) – Brindle and White bitch that took my eye as soon as she walked in the ring with that look at me presence, she had the most appealing head and expression, the correct amount of wrinkles when alert, lovely dark eyes and correct shape, good length of neck, well crested with a graceful curve accentuating her crest, well laid back shoulders, short level back with well-sprung ribs, well defined rear end, hocks well let down, correct tail, tightly curled, moved with swift long swing stride, correct coat.

2nd Casentieri’s RUS CH Mascote Itapuca Of Alchez (IMP BRA) – Brindle and White stunning dog, but sadly was always looking for his dad who was handling the winner, smashing head and expression, lovely neck, well laid back shoulders, short level back, well sprung ribs, good rear end, well let down hocks, correct tail, moved well.

Basset Hound

Open D/B 0


Puppy D/B 0

Open D/B 2

1st & BAVNSC Clark’s Magida Sabiih Al Sahra At Thiefside (IMP) (Sloughi) – lovely head with all the correct features to give her the correct head for the breed, correct eye colour and shape giving her a lovely feminine expression, moderately long neck with a good arch, showing fine pleats under the throat, correct shoulder placement, well-ribbed back with a nice tuck up, short loin, correct topline, strong hindquarters, moderate angulation, moved well around the ring.

2nd Pocklington-Hall’s Merlin Do Casal Dos Choupos (IMP POR) (Basset Fauve De Bretagne) – this chap certainly gave his handler some problems in the ring, think he needed time to settle before coming straight into the ring, lovely masculine head and expression, good firm neck flowing into correct shoulder placement, well-rounded ribs, strong loin, correct level topline, strong and muscular back end, good turn of stifle, well let down hocks, moved well once settled with drive around the ring.

AV Hound Import Breed Register

Open D/B 2

1st Best Import & Best Puppy Import Middleton’s Serenade Des Vallees Longeronnaises Avec Caeslestibleu (Basset Bleu De Gascogne) – correct wedge-shaped head with a defined occipital point, correct eye colour and shape giving this bitch a sweet feminine expression, long arched neck with just the right amount of dewlaps showing, strongly boned legs, deep chest, well-rounded ribs, long strong back, and correct, strong rear end, correct tail placement and carried correctly on the move.

2nd Middleton’s Schumann Des Vallees Longeronnaises Avec Caestibleu (Basset Bleu De Gascogne) – Sadly this lovely boy was looking for his mum all the time which didn’t help the handler or him, but it’s hard when there is only one class and you want to show off your dogs, this dog had a masculine head and expression without being overdone, lovely neck into correct shoulders, lovely angles both front and rear, strong topline, correct tail set carried well on the move.

AV Hound

Puppy D/B 2

1st Casentieri’s Zvezdny Alliance Genie In A Bottle (IMP UKR) (Basenji)

2nd Morris’s Hydebeck Golden Gift (Irish Wolfhound)

Post Grad D/B 6 (4 abs)

1st Drady’s Tolberg Black Adder At Indiko (Min Longhaired Dachshund)

2nd Lashley’s Forestbrook Joh Snow (Afghan Hound) – Lovely dog with a nice head and expression, good length of neck into well-placed shoulders, nice depth of chest, correct topline, good turn of stifle, with a good second thigh, moved well once settled with the owner.

Open D/B 4 (2 abs)

1st Scanion’s Kinabula’s All About The Bass JW (Rhodesian Ridgeback)

2nd Drady’s Tolberg Cream Surprise At Indiko (Min Longhaired Dachshund)

Veteran D/B 3 (1 ab)

1st Best Veteran Hall’s Kenquince Pisonia of Cynami SHCM (Rhodesian Ridgeback) – lovely bitch with a sweet feminine head and expression, strong neck flowing into correct shoulder placement, nice depth of chest, correct topline and ridge, good turn of stifle, moved well with drive.

2nd Pocklington-Hall’s Macall Bushman (Beagle)

Hound Group

1st Mason’s Collidach Hot Springs At Teckeltown (Min Smooth Haired Dachshund)

2nd Johnston & Wilson’s Danluke Drag On A Dime (Whippet)

3rd Casentieri’s Zvezdny Alliance Genie In A Bottle (IMP UKR) (Basenji)

4th Constantine’s Ormanstar Cosmo At Kaleginy (Deerhound)

Hound Puppy Group

1st Casentieri’s Zvezdny Alliance Genie In A Bottle (IMP UKR) (Basenji)

2nd Lipton’s Starceylon License To Kill (Whippet)

3rd Morris’s Hydebeck Golden Gift (Irish Wolfhound)

4th Middleton’s Serenade Des Vallees Longeronnaises Avec Caeslestibleu (Basset Bleu De Gascogne)

Judge Karl Gawthorpe